351 research outputs found

    The role of animals in sustainable land use : can a plant-based diet benefit both animals and land use?

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    Introduction: Agroecology and sustainability are both concepts that aim to find solutions towards a healthy planet. This thesis is based on two pillars with a plant-based diet as the connection between them. The two pillars are 1) the missing animal perspective and 2) a more resource efficient land use. The first pillar is invisible but also actively neglected to be a part of the sustainable development, whereas land use and diet, are identified as important aspects in the discussion about and acting towards our human common future. Aim: Investigate how the perspectives of animals in the agriculture are described in the context of sustainable land use if a transition to a plant-based diet would occur and how much arable land a plant-based diet demand. Methods: This study contains two methods. The first is a qualitative method: a focus group discussion (FGD) with people having knowledge and experience of nature conservation. The second method used is a quantitative method focusing on land use and diet: calculation of land use for a plant-based diet from a weekly menu. Results of the qualitative method: The industrial agriculture was described as disconnected from the society and unethical towards the animals. It was agreed on, with one exception, that in an ideal world meat eating is substantially reduced and animals are treated well. A scenario without eating animal derived products was described as unrealistic because we need animals for the many benefits we get from them. Another perspective that was mentioned in the FGD was trying to show how all animals want to live and that we should be conscious of how we separate animals for different purposes. Results of the quantitative method: The amount of arable land needed for the plant-based menu is 1790 m2 per person for a year, including food losses and waste. A few changes in the menu could reduce land use to 1230 m2. Discussion and conclusion: There will be excessive arable land that can be used for other purposes than for food and for a food production based on more gentle methods that also includes the cultivation of ley. It also shows that land use can be reduced with only a few changes of the raw product. However, potential solutions to a more sustainable food system can be lost depending on what perspective we have on the environment and how we value it

    Ethnic Artists and the Appropriation of Fashion: Embroidery and Identity in the Colca Valley, Peru

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    When I\u27m in Arequipa and I see a lady in embroidered clothes, I always greet her; she\u27s from my land, she\u27s my compatriot. . . . [When I teach embroidery] no matter how much one teaches, the motifs don\u27t come out the same. If there are twenty embroiderers, twenty different motifs come out although they have the same name. It\u27s like, even if you\u27re my brother, we\u27re not the same. These comments by embroidery artist Leonardo Mejfa neatly express the character of Colca Valley ethnic clothes: simultaneously shared and individual. Similar appearance is important in recognizing a compatriot, but an artist\u27s style of executing the complex embroidered designs distinguishes his/her work. Contemporary textile production in the Colca Valley, a highland region of southern Peru, occurs mostly in small workshops, where I center my study. There, men and women embroider and tailor ornate clothes on treadle sewing machines. About 150 artisans provide garments for about 8,000 female consumers (total valley population is about 20,000). This article draws on surveys that I conducted with 110 artisans and vendors, during two years of fieldwork. Textiles are important emblems of ethnic identity, as is commonly observed. However, I want to move beyond seeing emblems as superficial symbols, and to analyze ethnicity as a concept, as a relation of power among social groups with profoundly different resources. The rural, Quechua-speaking Colca Valley peoples are often considered Indians by outsiders, but they do not identify themselves as such. Indio in Peru is a powerful epithet that accentuates class difference and disguises it in racial terms. The social and economic roles that Colca Valley men and women play in Peruvian society have changed considerably in this century, and increasingly so in this generation. Ethnic artists have been crucial in mediating change, by producing ethnic clothes. Through observing everyday and festival garments, discussing aesthetics with women who wear those garments, and analyzing the artisan surveys, I realized how important color and materials had become. In these domains, ethnic artists appropriate national and international tastes according to local cultural preferences, which in tum help to develop and maintain discrete ethnic identities

    Transformative Prospects: Textile Structure and the Social Organization of Pre-Columbian and Colonial Andean Production

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    The pre-Columbian Andean material culture record is especially crucial for trying to understand social organization because Andean societies apparently did not employ what Europeans recognized as “writing.” The evidence contained in the objects themselves thus bears a larger burden in helping scholars analyze how social life was structured to enable a huge volume of cultural production. For pre-Columbian textiles in particular, the analysis of embroidered figures and their relationship to the ground fabric on which they were positioned has played crucial roles. In effective and original ways, Anne Paul used the evidence in textile objects, especially from the Paracas culture, to further our understanding of social organization as well as aesthetic choices. In this paper, I discuss how several aspects of her analytical approach can be applied to Inka and colonial period textiles, especially those that combine woven structures and techniques (notably, tapestry) with embroidery

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) an Important Evidenced Based Practice for Social Work Practice

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    Social work practitioners must utilize evidenced-based practices to assist their clients with various mental health, substance use, and other phases of life issues.“During the past 10 to 15 years, there has been an increased focus in the behavioral health community on delivering what is known as Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)”(Surface, 2009, para. 1). While there is no one size fit all evidenced based practice that will help all clients, most social workers are looking for an effective evidenced-based practice that will allow them to assist a large number of clients with various life experiences and concerns. This paper will discuss the benefits and effectiveness of utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in social work practice

    Influência da pandemia no consumo de aplicativos de relacionamento

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    O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi entender como foi a experiência de consumo de aplicativos de relacionamento durante a quarentena derivada da pandemia do coronavírus. Entrevistamos usuários desses aplicativos que iniciaram ou voltaram a utilizar os aplicativos de relacionamento nesse momento onde a interação social física era impossível, e fizemos uma correlação entre a experiência desses usuários com a teoria de experiência de consumo extraordinária que fala sobre o consumo de bens e serviços a um nível mais pessoal que o simples fato de compra e satisfação, explorando então a subjetividade e emoções provindas desse tipo de experiência, conseguimos identificar aspectos na visão dos usuários que o uso desses aplicativos no momento da quarentena podem tê-los vivenciar uma experiência de consumo extraordinária

    Tabagismo: educação em saúde e estratégias de intervenção sobre um problema de saúde pública

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    O tabagismo é um problema de saúde pública que atinge todas as nações gerando impacto econômico, social e cultural sobre os povos. Constitui-se a principal causa de morte evitável sendo tema de diversos tratados, convenções e políticas de saúde. Contudo, todas essas ações são em vão se não houver uma educação em saúde e uma assistência continuada a estes pacientes. Estudos comportamentais já mostraram que a manifestação de desejo, o incentivo de profissionais de saúde e o uso de uma equipe multidisciplinar são de grande importância para que o indivíduo abandone o tabaco e devem ser usados estes recursos sempre que possíveis. Foi a partir dessa visão, associada à percepção do número de co-morbidades, e de pacientes tabagistas que freqüentavam a unidade de saúde no Povoado de Oloana, município de Hidrolândia que se decidiu iniciar ações em prol da cessação do tabagismo. A proposta foi de formar uma equipe multiprofissional composta por agentes de saúde, técnico de enfermagem, enfermeiro, secretária e médica para juntos atuarem nesta questão. Este grupo recebeu o nome de “Equipe Vida sem Tabaco” e teve como proposta recrutar o maior número de pacientes tabagistas possíveis no povoado que manifestassem o interesse em parar de fumar, através da captação realizada pelas agentes de saúde, utilizando questionamento no momento do acolhimento na unidade e da investigação durante as consultas para formarem o grupo "Vida sem Tabaco". Por meio deste grupo os pacientes receberam apoio, orientação, informações e prescrições de medicamentos para os auxiliarem a cessarem o uso do tabaco. No total 30 pacientes foram selecionados. Foram realizadas rodas de conversas, palestras sobre o tema, escuta das queixas, consultas em prol do objetivo proposto. No total, 7 pacientes pararam de fumar, 18 reduziram a quantidade de tabaco consumida em cerca de 50%, 2 abandonaram o grupo e 3 ainda não pararam porém, ainda manifestam o desejo e se mantém no grupo em fase de contemplação

    Estudio de caso: evaluación de proyecto de inversión para la instalación de una planta AXION ENERGY AGRO en la ciudad de Río Cuarto y área de influencia. Período 2017-2025

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    EL presente trabajo se titula: “ESTUDIO DE CASO – EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTO DE INVERSION PARA LA INSTALACIÓN DE UNA PLANTA AXION ENERGY AGRO EN LA CIUDAD DE RÍO CUARTO Y ÁREA DE INFLUENCIA- PERIODO 2017-2025”. La utilidad de analizar la factibilidad económica de instalar una planta Axion Energy Agro en la ciudad de Río Cuarto y área de influencia surge a partir de la necesidad de determinar si se trata de un emprendimiento rentable para La Barranca S.R.L. Esta empresa es una PyME (Pequeña y mediana empresa) que nace en el año 1998 como una empresa familiar dedicada a la comercialización mayorista y minorista de combustibles en la Ciudad Río Cuarto. Los antecedentes de la temática surgen a partir de un proyecto presentado por La Barranca S.R.L., en el año 2015, a YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales S.A) para determinar la factibilidad de la asignación de un “YPF Directo” en La Carlota, Localidad cabecera del Departamento Juárez Celman. En este Proyecto puro se analiza la factibilidad económica de llevar a cabo una inversión destinada a la instalación de una planta distribuidora de gas oíl y lubricantes bajo la marca “Axion Energy Agro” para la comercialización al agro y otras empresas en un radio de 80 km de Río Cuarto. Se evaluará el periodo 2017 -2025, dado que la firma del contrato, en caso de prosperar la inversión y la aceptación por parte de Axion Energy Argentina S.A del Proyecto, es por el término de ocho años. Este estudio ha sido impulsado por la necesidad de responder al Directorio de La Barranca S.R.L, sobre la conveniencia de llevar a cabo dicho proyecto. El análisis y correlación de la información se realiza a través del programa Excel para elaboración de gráficos y tablas para su posterior interpretación, con el propósito de arribar a conclusiones finales. En el presente proyecto no se analizan fuentes de financiamiento, solo se analiza el proyecto puro, debido a que se considera que al ser un proyecto de una empresa en marcha, el análisis del financiamiento para el proyecto debería involucrar un análisis de la estructura de endeudamiento actual de dicha pyme y recomendaciones integrales sobre los modos de financiamiento del proyecto.Fil: Blenda, David Oscar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencias de la Administración; Argentin

    Norovirus epidemiology in community and health care settings and association with patient age, denmark

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    Norovirus (NoV) is a major cause of gastroenteritis. NoV genotype II.4 (GII.4) is the predominant genotype in health care settings but the reason for this finding is unknown. Stool samples containing isolates with a known NoV genotype from 2,109 patients in Denmark (patients consulting a general practitioner or outpatient clinic, inpatients, and patients from foodborne outbreaks) were used to determine genotype distribution in relation to age and setting. NoV GII.4 was more prevalent among inpatients than among patients in community settings or those who became infected during foodborne outbreaks. In community and health care settings, we found an association between infection with GII.4 and increasing age. Norovirus GII.4 predominated in patients ≥ 60 years of age and in health care settings. A larger proportion of children than adults were infected with NoV GII.3 or GII.P21. Susceptibility to NoV infection might depend on patient age and infecting NoV genotype. Cohort studies are warranted to test this hypothesis


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    Akreditasi puskesmas dilakukan dengan tujuan dalam peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan bagi puskesmas. Sehingga dengan demikian, dapat memberikan kepuasan kepada pasien yang menerima pelayanan kesehatan. Kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dapat dinilai dari beberapa dimensi yaitu reliabilitas, responsif, jaminan mutu yang baik, empati, dan bukti secara langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien pada puskesmas dengan status akreditasi dasar dan madya di Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian survei analitik menggunakan desain studi cross sectional. Waktu penelitian sudah dilaksanakan selama bulan Februari-Desember pada tahun 2020. Sementara itu, penelitian ini diadakan pada dua tempat yaitu Puskesmas Ranomuut (akreditasi dasar) dan Puskesmas Wawonasa (akreditasi madya) di Kota Manado. Untuk sampel penelitiannya, diambil beberapa pasien yang berkunjung ke puskesmas dengan jumlah 100 responden untuk setiap puskesmas sehingga total sampel yang sudah diteliti adalah sebanyak 200responden. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Untuk analisis yang dipakai yaitu uji Mann Whitney U Test dengan a=0,05. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasiltingkat kepuasan pasien Puskesmas Ranomuut (akreditasi dasar) merasa puas dengan jumlah 63 responden dan kurang puas sebanyak 37 responden. Sedangkan tingkat kepuasan pasien Puskesmas Wawonasa (akreditasi madya) merasa puas berjumlah 55 responden dan kurang puas sebanyak 45 responden. Sesuai dengan hasil uji statistic Mann Whitney U Test diperoleh nilai p=0,000 maka dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien pada puskesmas dengan status akreditasi dasar dan madya di Kota Manado. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dibutuhkan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan secara menyeluruh sehingga dapat memenuhi tingkat kepuasan pasien yang lebih baik lagi untuk selanjutnya.Kata kunci : Akreditasi, Kepuasan pasienABSTRACTHealth center accreditationis aimed to improve the quality of health services in health centers, so that the quality of better health services can provide satisfaction for patients or communities who receive health services. The quality of health services can be assessed from reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. To find out the differences between the accreditation status of the health center and the level of patient satisfaction at Ranomuut Health Center and Wawonasa Health Center in Manado City. The type of this research is quantitative research with analytical survey research method using a cross sectional approach, which was conducted in February-December 2020 in two puskesmas namely Ranomuut Health Center and Wawonasa Health Center in Manado City. The study sample was taken from patients who visited the health center with the number of each sample per health center 100 respondents so that the number of respondents in this study as many as 200 respondents were taken by purposive sampling. The analysis used was the Mann Whitney U Test with α = 0.05. This study obtained the results of the patient satisfaction level of Ranomuut Health Center (basic accreditation) was satisfied with the number of 63 respondents and less satisfied as many as 37 respondents. While the level of patient satisfaction WawonasaHealth Center (intermediate accreditation) was satisfied numbered 55 respondents and less satisfied as many as 45 respondents. Then based on the Mann Whitney U Test the value of p = 0,000, so it is stated that the two variables are related. There is differences between the level of patient satisfaction and accreditation status of the health center in Manado City. There needs to be an increase in services for the two puskesmas, namely the Ranomuut Health Center (basic accreditation) and the Wawonasa Health Center (intermediate accreditation) which are not only limited to health services but as well as the timeliness and speed of serving patients at registration counters, medical records and poly so that patients do not wait too long and patients can feel more satisfied with the services obtained.Keywords: Accreditation, Patient satisfactio