267 research outputs found

    Efeitos da densidade de população de plantas na cultura de couve-flor (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis)

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    An experiment was carried out to study the effects of the following population densities cauliflowers (plants per ha): 20,833 (0.60 m x 0.80 m), 25,641 (0.60 m x 0.65 m), ....37.037 (0.60 m x 0.45 m) , 55.555 (.0.60 m x 0.30 m), and 111,111 (0,60 m x 0,15 m) ; variety Snow ball. It was concluded that the effects of plant population density are greater on curd quality (weight and size) than on production per ha. The best plant population density to produce cauliflowers curd for Brazil market is from 20,000 to 25,000 plants/ha while for mini-curd is above 55,000 plants/ha.O experimento foi instalado na área experimental do Setor de Horticultura da ESALQ. (Piracicaba, SP), em um Latossol Roxo série "Luiz de Queiroz", em março de 1977, considerando as seguintes densidades de população: 20.833 plantas/ha (0,60 m x 0,80m), .. 25.641 plantas/ha (0,60 m x 0,65 m), 37.037 plantas/ha (..0.,60 m x 0,45 ml, 55.550 plantas/ha (,06Q m x 0,30 ,) e 111.111 plantas/ ha (0,60 m x 0,15 m). A partir dos resultados obtidos e para as condições do experimento concluiu-se que a densidade de população sobre a produção de couve-flor afeta mais a qualidade da cabeça (peso e tamanho), enquanto que o rendimento por área é pouco afetado. Para as condições do nosso mercado, a densidade ótima deve estar entre 20.000 a 25.000 plantas por ha e para a produção de mini-couve-flor mais de 55.000 plantas por ha, paraocultivar Bola de Neve

    Ogni Pensiero Vola: the embodied psyche in Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life

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    The Tree of Lifetouches on embodiment of the soul in an early sequence covering courtship, marriage and the first pregnancy of a young couple. In a delicate formal scene, Mrs O'Brien, nearing full term, treads gently along a river's edge summoning infant souls luminous in white linen. She opens a minute book of life to one of them, preparing his entry through the iron gates that open on embodied life. Presently, the infant soul rises up from his underwater home beyond the reach of conscious awareness: Mrs O'Brien gives birth to her first son, Jack. This is the boy who will eventually become a middle-aged man in crisis. Ravaged then by grief for his long-dead younger brother and his own inability to live at peace with his family or himself, his memories, visions and reflections accumulate in a way that makes him a suffering Hermes for the early twenty-first century. The initiating episode of the infant's birth complements the embodied and affective experiences of those in the audience who accept the film's sensual invitation to steep themselves in the immense scale of its gorgeous sounds and images. They then discover on the pulse that, more than the history of one Texan family, it attempts nothing less than the necessary re-creation of the godhead for the early twenty-first century. Contrary to the rigid medieval dogmas of so many orthodox religions,The Tree of Lifeassures us not of a changeless eternity but rather the sacred and ceaseless metamorphosis of numinous energy

    Pharmacological evidence for the stimulation of NADPH oxidase by P2X7 receptors in mouse submandibular glands

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    ATP in the 100 μM-1 mM concentration range provoked a calcium-independent increase of the oxidation of dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF) by mouse submandibular cells. 3′-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl adenosine 5′-triphosphate (BzATP), a P2X7 agonist, but not a muscarinic or an adrenergic agonist, reproduced the effect of ATP. The inhibition of phospholipase C by U73122 or the potentiation of P2X4 receptor activation with ivermectin did not modify the response to ATP. ATP did not increase the oxidation of DCFH in cells isolated from submandibular glands of P2X7 knockout mice or in cells pretreated with a P2X7 antagonist. The inhibition of protein kinase C or of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) or of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase blocked the oxidation of DCFH without affecting the increase of the intracellular concentration of calcium or the uptake of ethidium bromide in response to extracellular ATP. From these results it is concluded that the activation of the P2X7 receptors from submandibular glands triggers an intracellular signalling cascade involving protein kinase C and MAP kinase leading to the stimulation of NADPH oxidase and the subsequent generation of reactive oxygen species

    Multidisciplinary investigations of the diets of two post-medieval populations from London using stable isotopes and microdebris analysis

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    This paper presents the first multi-tissue study of diet in post-medieval London using both the stable light isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen and analysis of microdebris in dental calculus. Dietary intake was explored over short and long timescales. Bulk bone collagen was analysed from humans from the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy (QCS) (n = 66) and the St Barnabas/St Mary Abbots (SB) (n = 25). Incremental dentine analysis was performed on the second molar of individual QCS1123 to explore childhood dietary intake. Bulk hair samples (n = 4) were sampled from adults from QCS, and dental calculus was analysed from four other individuals using microscopy. In addition, bone collagen from a total of 46 animals from QCS (n = 11) and the additional site of Prescot Street (n = 35) was analysed, providing the first animal dietary baseline for post-medieval London. Overall, isotopic results suggest a largely C3-based terrestrial diet for both populations, with the exception of QCS1123 who exhibited values consistent with the consumption of C4 food sources throughout childhood and adulthood. The differences exhibited in δ15Ncoll across both populations likely reflect variations in diet due to social class and occupation, with individuals from SB likely representing wealthier individuals consuming larger quantities of animal and marine fish protein. Microdebris analysis results were limited but indicate the consumption of domestic cereals. This paper demonstrates the utility of a multidisciplinary approach to investigate diet across long and short timescales to further our understanding of variations in social status and mobility