315 research outputs found

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra

    Amplification of small molecule-inducible gene expression via tuning of intracellular receptor densities

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    Ligand-responsive transcription factors in prokaryotes found simple small molecule-inducible gene expression systems. These have been extensively used for regulated protein production and associated biosynthesis of fine chemicals. However, the promoter and protein engineering approaches traditionally used often pose significant restrictions to predictably and rapidly tune the expression profiles of inducible expression systems. Here, we present a new unified and rational tuning method to amplify the sensitivity and dynamic ranges of versatile small molecule-inducible expression systems. We employ a systematic variation of the concentration of intracellular receptors for transcriptional control. We show that a low density of the repressor receptor (e.g. TetR and ArsR) in the cell can significantly increase the sensitivity and dynamic range, whereas a high activator receptor (e.g. LuxR) density achieves the same outcome. The intracellular concentration of receptors can be tuned in both discrete and continuous modes by adjusting the strength of their cognate driving promoters. We exemplified this approach in several synthetic receptor-mediated sensing circuits, including a tunable cell-based arsenic sensor. The approach offers a new paradigm to predictably tune and amplify ligand-responsive gene expression with potential applications in synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology

    Metabolic engineering of an acid-tolerant yeast strain Pichia kudriavzevii for itaconic acid production

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    Itaconic acid (IA), or 2-methylenesuccinic acid, has a broad spectrum of applications in the biopolymer industry owing to the presence of one vinyl bond and two acid groups in the structure. Its polymerization can follow a similar mechanism as acrylic acid but additional functionality can be incorporated into the extra beta acid group. Currently, the bio-based production of IA in industry relies on the fermentation of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus terreus. However, the difficulties associated with the fermentation undertaken by filamentous fungi together with the pathogenic potential of A. terreus pose a serious challenge for industrial-scale production. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in developing alternative production hosts for fermentation processes that are more homogenous in the production of organic acids. Pichia kudriavzevii is a non-conventional yeast with high acid tolerance to organic acids at low pH, which is a highly desirable trait by easing downstream processing. We introduced cis-aconitic acid decarboxylase gene (cad) from A. terreus (designated At_cad) into this yeast and established the initial titer of IA at 135 ± 5 mg/L. Subsequent overexpression of a native mitochondrial tricarboxylate transporter (herein designated Pk_mttA) presumably delivered cis-aconitate efficiently to the cytosol and doubled the IA production. By introducing the newly invented CRISPR-Cas9 system into P. kudriavzevii, we successfully knocked out both copies of the gene encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD), aiming to increase the availability of cis-aconitate. The resulting P. kudriavzevii strain, devoid of ICD and overexpressing Pk_mttA and At_cad on its genome produced IA at 505 ± 17.7 mg/L in shake flasks, and 1232 ± 64 mg/L in fed-batch fermentation. Because the usage of an acid-tolerant species does not require pH adjustment during fermentation, this work demonstrates the great potential of engineering P. kudriavzevii as an industrial chassis for the production of organic acid

    Using synthetic biological parts and microbioreactors to explore the protein expression characteristics of Escherichia coli

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    Synthetic biology has developed numerous parts for the precise control of protein expression. However, relatively little is known about the burden these place on a host, or their reliability under varying environmental conditions. To address this, we made use of synthetic transcriptional and translational elements to create a combinatorial library of constructs that modulated expression strength of a green fluorescent protein. Combining this library with a microbioreactor platform, we were able to perform a detailed large-scale assessment of transient expression and growth characteristics of two <i>Escherichia coli</i> strains across several temperatures. This revealed significant differences in the robustness of both strains to differing types of protein expression, and a complex response of transcriptional and translational elements to differing temperatures. This study supports the development of reliable synthetic biological systems capable of working across different hosts and environmental contexts. Plasmids developed during this work have been made publicly available to act as a reference set for future research

    Linking Yeast Gcn5p Catalytic Function and Gene Regulation Using a Quantitative, Graded Dominant Mutant Approach

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    Establishing causative links between protein functional domains and global gene regulation is critical for advancements in genetics, biotechnology, disease treatment, and systems biology. This task is challenging for multifunctional proteins when relying on traditional approaches such as gene deletions since they remove all domains simultaneously. Here, we describe a novel approach to extract quantitative, causative links by modulating the expression of a dominant mutant allele to create a function-specific competitive inhibition. Using the yeast histone acetyltransferase Gcn5p as a case study, we demonstrate the utility of this approach and (1) find evidence that Gcn5p is more involved in cell-wide gene repression, instead of the accepted gene activation associated with HATs, (2) identify previously unknown gene targets and interactions for Gcn5p-based acetylation, (3) quantify the strength of some Gcn5p-DNA associations, (4) demonstrate that this approach can be used to correctly identify canonical chromatin modifications, (5) establish the role of acetyltransferase activity on synthetic lethal interactions, and (6) identify new functional classes of genes regulated by Gcn5p acetyltransferase activity—all six of these major conclusions were unattainable by using standard gene knockout studies alone. We recommend that a graded dominant mutant approach be utilized in conjunction with a traditional knockout to study multifunctional proteins and generate higher-resolution data that more accurately probes protein domain function and influence

    Industrial systems biology and its impact on synthetic biology of yeast cell factories

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    Engineering industrial cell factories to effectively yield a desired product while dealing with industrially relevant stresses is usually the most challenging step in the development of industrial production of chemicals using microbial fermentation processes. Using synthetic biology tools, microbial cell factories such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be engineered to express synthetic pathways for the production of fuels, biopharmaceuticals, fragrances, and food flavors. However, directing fluxes through these synthetic pathways towards the desired product can be demanding due to complex regulation or poor gene expression. Systems biology, which applies computational tools and mathematical modeling to understand complex biological networks, can be used to guide synthetic biology design. Here, we present our perspective on how systems biology can impact synthetic biology towards the goal of developing improved yeast cell factories. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc