11 research outputs found

    The covid-19 learning crisis as a challenge and an opportunity for schools: An evidence review and conceptual synthesis of research-based tools for sustainable change

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    This paper advances our understanding of how schools can become change agents capable of transforming local practice to address the challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. It presents a novel application of cultural-historical activity theory to reinterpret evidence on widespread learning loss and increasing educational inequities resulting from the pandemic, and to identify scalable transformative learning opportunities through reframing the crisis as a double stimulation. By reviewing evidence of the emerging educational landscape, we first develop a picture of the new ‘problem space’ upon which schools must act. We develop a problem space map to serve as the first stimulus to articulate local challenges. Integrating this problem space with research on professional change, we identify conceptual tools to capture learning gaps and implement pedagogic interventions at scale, in order to enhance schools’ agency in directly addressing the crisis. These tools can act as the second stimulus, enabling educators to address local challenges. We conclude by discussing the Covid-19 educational crisis as a unique stimulus for professional learning and outline the potential for durable shifts in educational thinking and practice beyond the pandemic. We argue that this unprecedented historic disruption can be harnessed as a transformative professional learning opportunity. In particular, we consider how research on professional change offers local, scalable interventions and tools that can support educators in preventing the new insights from ‘slipping away’ post-pandemic. Utilising the notions of boundaries and tool-mediated professional change, we examine the ways in which this disruption generates opportunities to envision alternative futures for equitable learning in school.Author 1: The epiSTEMe project [grant number RES-179-25-0003, PI Prof. K. Ruthven] The TEACh project [ES/M005445/1, PI Prof. P. Rose] ESRC Impact Acceleration Grant, University of Cambridge [PI Dr. R. Hofmann] Cambridge University Health Partners Commonwealth Education Trust (PI. Prof. S. Hennessy) Authors 2-8: (2) Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, PhD scholarship (3) Economic and Social Research Council PhD scholarship [ES/P000738/1] (4) Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Cambridge Trust, PhD scholarship (5) Economic and Social Research Council [ES/P000738/1] and MRC Epidemiology Unit PhD scholarship (6) Yayasan Khazanah, Cambridge Trust, PhD scholarship (7) Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, UK [TCF180902] PhD scholarship (8) The LEGO Foundatio

    Iodine status during child development and hearing ability - a systematic review

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    Iodine, through the thyroid hormones, is required for the development of the auditory cortex and cochlea (the sensory organ for hearing). Deafness is a well-documented feature of endemic cretinism resulting from severe iodine deficiency. However, the range of effects of suboptimal iodine intake during auditory development on the hearing ability of children is less clear. We therefore aimed to systematically review the evidence for the association between iodine exposure (i.e., intake/status/supplementation) during development (i.e., pregnancy and/or childhood) and hearing outcomes in children. We searched PubMed and Embase and identified 330 studies, of which 13 were included in this review. Only three of the 13 studies were of low risk of bias or of good quality, this therefore limited our ability to draw firm conclusions. Nine of the studies (69%) were in children (one RCT, two non-RCT interventions and six cross-sectional studies) and four (31%) were in pregnant women (one RCT, one cohort study and two case reports). The RCT of iodine supplementation in mildly iodine-deficient pregnant women found no effect on offspring hearing thresholds. However, hearing was a secondary outcome of the trial and not all women were from an iodine-deficient area. Iodine supplementation of severely iodine-deficient children (in both non-RCT interventions) resulted in improved hearing thresholds. Five of six cross-sectional studies (83%) found that higher iodine status in children was associated with better hearing. The current evidence base for the association between iodine status and hearing outcomes is limited and further good-quality research on this topic is needed

    La Relación Entre la Motivación Docente y Variables de la Organización: Revisión de la Literatura

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    Abstract Teacher motivation plays a central role in education because ofitsimpacton student motivation. Previous reviews of teacher motivation have focused on individual variables and psychopathology indicators. However, it is also important to understand the effect of organizational variableson teacher motivationbecause these highlightthe contextthat the teacher is a part of(i.e.,the school). The literature review in this paper analysed studies related to teacher motivation and a pre-defined group of organizational variablesthat werepublished between 1990 and 2014 in several electronic databases.The study found that organizational culture was the most studied variable associated with teacher motivationand most studies in this area were published between 2010 and 2014.Further,there was a prevalence of quantitative studies. This paper concludes with the theoreticaland practical implications of the results,as well assuggestions for future research directions

    W kierunku liberalizacji pomiarów w transporcie lotniczym

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    The paper discusses bilateral Air Service Agreements (ASAs), their origin and history, detailed description of the first bilateral agreement ever between United States of America and United Kingdom named Bermuda I, that was agreed in 1946. Paper also explains principles and content of the bilateral agreements, the role of liberalization of Air Service Agreements within overall liberalization wave in air transport industry. Comparison of liberal ASAs and protection ist ones is made in the paper and special attention is given to measurement of ASAs ́ liberalization degree.Artykuł rozważa dwustronność Porozumień o Usługach Lotniczych (ASAs), ich pochodzenie oraz historię, szczegółowy zapis pierwszej umowy dwustronnej pomiędzy Stanami Zjednoczonymi a Zjednoczonym Królestwem nazwanej Bermudy I, zawartej w 1946 roku. Artykuł wyjaśnia również zasady oraz istotę umów dwustronnych, rolę liberalizacji Umów o Usługach Lotniczych w ramach ogólnej fali liberalizacji w sektorze transportu lotniczego. Przedstawiono również porównanie liberalnych ASAs oraz protekcjonistycznych. Specjalną uwagę skupia się na pomiarze stopnia liberalizacji ASAs

    Zrównoważony rozwój, zarządzanie wiedzą z punktu widzenia interesariuszy

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    The concept of sustainable development is widely used in public discussions. Unfortunately, it is often misinterpreted and reduced only to issues related to environmental protection. The article presents an attempt to assess the current state of knowledge of particular groups of stakeholders, as well as to evaluate the activities to identify, disseminate and use knowledge to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholders. Knowledge management in the aspect of sustainable development should be treated as an element of building a competitive advantage in the region. Surveys carried out among students and graduates of universities, employees and entrepreneurs as well as public administration indicated a problem in the area of knowledge in the field of sustainable development. Obtained results indicate a misinterpretation and very selective perception of issues related to sustainable development, often identified only with pro-ecological activity.Pojęcie zrównoważonego rozwoju jest powszechnie używane w publicznej dyskusji. Niestety niejednokrotnie jest mylnie interpretowane i sprowadzane jedynie do zagadnień związanych z ochroną środowiska. W artykule przedstawiono próbę oceny aktualnego stanu wiedzy poszczególnych grup interesariuszy, a także oceny działań służących identyfikacji, upowszechnianiu i wykorzystania wiedzy dla podniesienia sprawności i efektywności interesariuszy. Zarządzanie wiedzą w aspekcie zrównoważonego rozwoju należy traktować jako element budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej w regionie. Przeprowadzone badania ankietowe, wśród studentów i absolwentów uczelni wyższych, pracowników oraz przedsiębiorców, a także administracji publicznej wskazały na problem w obszarze wiedzy w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na błędną interpretację i bardzo selektywne postrzeganie zagadnień związanych z równoważonym rozwojem, często utożsamianym jedynie z działalnością pro-ekologiczną

    Engineering production education in e-learning example in Poland

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    It can be observed that the modern world which is subjected to a variety of changes, in particular socio-economic and civilizational ones, known commonly as the so called information revolution creates the need for intense search for new, more effective educational models. All the changes are linked to the formation of network society, information society and knowledge-based economy, which are termed differently in science. The paper discusses research conducted among 698 students of Czestochowa University of Technology and Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland. The aim of the following work is to indicate main problem areas and provide solutions to them

    Elastyczność i zmienność motywowania pracowników i menedżerów na Słowacji i w Polsce

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    Paper deals with the motivation and motivating the individuals. It focuses on the investigation of flexibility which is the basis of effective influencing motivation and results in exploring various aspects of managing and motivating people, i.e. gender, age, education, and work experience. The methodological part is devoted to the presenting the most important results of questioning conducted in Polish and Slovak organisations that examined the motivation and process of managing the individuals’ motivation. The opinions of 1,946 Slovak and 1,736 Polish respondents show the motivation differs significantly according to the most studied aspects. Results confirm the need to pay attention to the sufficiently flexible and differentiated way of managing and motivating employees and managers.Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy motywacji i motywowania jednostek. Skupia się on na badaniu elastyczności, która jest podstawą skutecznie wpływającej motywacji i skutkuje badaniem różnych aspektów zarządzania i motywowania ludzi, tj. płeć, wiek, wykształcenie i doświadczenie zawodowe. Część metodologiczna poświęcona jest prezentacji najważniejszych wyników badań prowadzonych w polskich i słowackich organizacjach, dotyczących motywacji i procesu zarządzania motywacją osób. Opinie 1.946 słowackich i 1.736 polskich respondentów pokazują, że motywacja różni się znacznie w zależności od najczęściej badanych aspektów. Wyniki potwierdzają potrzebę zwrócenia uwagi na wystarczająco elastyczny i zróżnicowany sposób zarządzania i motywowania pracowników i menedżerów

    Alternative splicing of Cav1.2 channel exons in smooth muscle cells of resistance-size arteries generates currents with unique electrophysiological properties

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    Voltage-dependent calcium (Ca2+, CaV1.2) channels are the primary Ca2+ entry pathway in smooth muscle cells of resistance-size (myogenic) arteries, but their molecular identity remains unclear. Here we identified and quantified CaV1.2 α1-subunit splice variation in myocytes of rat resistance-size (100–200 μm diameter) cerebral arteries. Full-length clones containing either exon 1b or the recently identified exon 1c exhibited additional primary splice variation at exons 9*, 21/22, 31/32, and ± 33. Real-time PCR confirmed the findings from full-length clones and indicated that the major CaV1.2 variant contained exons 1c, 8, 21, and 32+33, with ∼57% containing 9*. Exon 9* was more prevalent in clones containing 1c (72%) than in those containing 1b (33%), suggesting exon-selective combinatorial splicing. To examine the functional significance of this splicing profile, membrane currents produced by each of the four exon 1b/c/ ± 9* variants were characterized following transfection in HEK293 cells. Exon 1c and 9* caused similar hyperpolarizing shifts in both current-voltage relationships and voltage-dependent activation of currents. Furthermore, exon 9* induced a hyperpolarizing shift only in the voltage-dependent activation of channels containing exon 1b, but not in those containing exon 1c. In contrast, exon 1b, 1c, or +9* did not alter voltage-dependent inactivation. In summary, we have identified the CaV1.2 α1-subunit splice variant population that is expressed in myocytes of resistance-size arteries and the unique electrophysiological properties of recombinant channels formed by exon 1 and 9* variation. The predominance of exon 1c and 9* in smooth muscle cell CaV1.2 channels causes a hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage sensitivity of currents toward the physiological arterial voltage range