186 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Einstrahlungsintensität, Stickstoffangebot, Düngungsverfahren und Hornkieselapplikation auf den Nitrat-, Ascorbinsäure- und Glucosinolatgehalt bei Salatrauke (Eruca sativa)

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    Effects of nitrogen supply (high / low), fertilizer type (biodynamic / organic / mineral) and application of the biodynamic horn silica preparation on nitrate, ascorbic acid and glucosinolate contents of rocket (Eruca sativa L.) were studied under conditions of full sunlight (100% photosynthetically active radiation PAR) and shading (55% PAR). Nitrate contents increased in response to shading and under conditions of full sunlight also in response to high nitrogen supply and mineral fertilization. Ascorbic acid contents were significantly higher with low nitrogen supply, biodynamic and organic fertilization, horn silica application and under conditions of low nitrogen supply with full sunlight. Glucosinolate contents were significantly increased by low nitrogen supply, full sunlight (in combination with biodynamic fertilization) as well as biodynamic and organic fertilization (under conditions of full sunlight)

    A Bayesian analysis of the effect of selection for growth rate on growth curves in rabbits

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    Gompertz growth curves were fitted to the data of 137 rabbits from control (C) and selected (S) lines. The animals came from a synthetic rabbit line selected for an increased growth rate. The embryos from generations 3 and 4 were frozen and thawed to be contemporary of rabbits born in generation 10. Group C was the offspring of generations 3 and 4, and group S was the contemporary offspring of generation 10. The animals were weighed individually twice a week during the first four weeks of life, and once a week thereafter, until 20 weeks of age. Subsequently, the males were weighed weekly until 40 weeks of age. The random samples of the posterior distributions of the growth curve parameters were drawn by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. As a consequence of selection, the selected animals were heavier than the C animals throughout the entire growth curve. Adult body weight, estimated as a parameter of the Gompertz curve, was 7% higher in the selected line. The other parameters of the Gompertz curve were scarcely affected by selection. When selected and control growth curves are represented in a metabolic scale, all differences disappear

    El concurso de acreedores. Una mención especial a los aspectos laborales.

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    A través del presente trabajo, analizo las repercusiones que tiene la declaración del concurso de acreedores en las personas directamente relacionadas con la empresa insolvente, en particular en los trabajadores. Fin último que desgloso en los siguientes objetivos específicos: Estudiar el procedimiento concursal, analizando las distintas fases. Además de conocer la situación de insolvencia que puede motivar la apertura del concurso de acreedores. Analizar los efectos que produce el auto de declaración de concurso, en particular los que afectan a las relaciones laborales. Estudiar el tratamiento de los créditos laborales. Para llevar a cabo el siguiente trabajo de investigación, he realizado un análisis exhaustivo de la Ley Concursal 22/2003, de 9 de julio, principalmente de los artículos implicados y relacionados con el tema a desarrollar. Como consecuencia de la remisión de ciertos artículos de la Ley Concursal a otras normas, se hace necesario el análisis de Leyes como la Ley 36/2011, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social, y Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1995, de 24 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores. Además, he tenido en consideración la jurisprudencia, consultando sentencias que me han ayudado a profundizar y perfilar aspectos no comprendidos en las Leyes. Y por último he consultado manuales, monografías, capítulos de libro y artículos científicos, que me han ayudado a desgranar el contenido normativo, accediendo así a interpretaciones y distintos puntos de vista acerca del tema. En base a las Leyes, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina he realizado un estudio crítico relativo a la materia, haciendo especial hincapié en los trabajadores, que ha dado lugar a una serie de conclusiones expuestas al final del trabajo.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    The eect of selection for growth rate on carcass composition and meat characteristics of rabbits

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    Abstract The eect of selection for growth rate on carcass composition and meat quality was assessed by comparing two groups of rabbits belonging to dierent generations of a selection experiment. A Bayesian approach was used. Embryos belonging to generations 3 and 4 of selection were frozen and thawed to be contemporary of animals from generation 10. A control group (C), formed from ospring of these embryos, was contemporary to ospring of generations 10 and 11 of selection, chosen at random, which constituted the selected group (S). One hundred and thirty-one contemporary rabbits were slaughtered at approximately the Spanish commercial live weight of 2 kg. Carcasses were dissected and measured according to the norms of the World Rabbit Scienti®c Association. An animal model including eects of genetic group (C, S) and sex, and slaughter weight as a covariate was used. S animals had a higher development of liver, kidneys and of a set of organs consisting of the thymus, trachea, oesophagus, lung and heart, relative to C. For dissectible fat, S animals had less than C: À0.31 g for scapular fat, À1.62 g for perirenal fat and À2.03 g for inguinal fat. S had a lower content (À0.39%) of dissectible fat percentage in the``Reference'' carcass, indicating a lower degree of maturity at slaughter. The meat to bone ratio was not aected by selection, but the meat and bone contents of the hind leg were 3.25 and 0.71 g higher, respectively, in the C group. Selected animals had a lower water holding capacity in the raw meat (À2.10%), a higher water holding capacity in the cooked meat (2.17%), a higher cooking loss (3.31%) and a lower fat percentage in the meat of a hind leg (À0.37%). Females had more fat than males: 0.26 g for scapular fat, 1.02 g for perirenal fat, 1.10 g for inguinal fat, and 0.24% for total dissectible fat percentage of the``Reference'' carcass.

    Dado de hueso cargado. Ilegalidad y aceptación social

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    Los juegos de azar han acompañado a la humanidad desde épocas muy tempranas, y los dados no han sido la excepción. En este artículo hablaremos del hallazgo hecho en una exploración arqueológica, de un dado de hueso, ilegalmente cargado; y también revisaremos un poco de historia sobre las prohibiciones de los juegos de azar. Posteriormente, juntando experimentación y matemáticas, fabricaremos un nuevo dado de hueso cargado, y mediante la probabilidad descubriremos qué sucede al usarlo

    Comportamiento de líneas de Cucumis metuliferus, Citrullus lanatus var. citroides y C. colocynthis frente a Meloidogyne spp. como potenciales portainjertos de melón, pepino y sandía

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    La resistencia vegetal para el control de Meloidogyne es efectiva y económicamente rentable, pero su uso continuado puede seleccionar poblaciones virulentas, como se ha citado en tomate y pimiento. En cucurbitáceas existe germoplasma resistente que podría utilizarse como patrón en rotación con solanáceas para mejorar el control del nematodo y la durabilidad de los genes implicados. Se llevaron a cabo una serie de ensayos para identificar resistencia a M. incognita y M. javanica en dos líneas de Cucumis metuliferusPostprint (published version

    Improving the WFD purposes by the incorporation of ecotoxicity tests

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    Trabajo presentado en la 4th SCARCE International Conference (Towards a better understanding of the links between stressors, hazard assessment and ecosystem services under water scarcity), celebrada en Cádiz el 25 y 26 de noviembre de 2013.The approval of the European Water Framework Dir ective (WFD) supposed a big step regarding aquatic ecosystems protection. According to this Directive, assessment of ecological status is based on three quality elements: biological, physicoc hemical and hydromorphological, but ecotoxicological status is still not included. Some studies have observed that biol ogical status is not always in coherence with physicochemical status, maybe due to the adaptati on mechanisms of aquatic organisms under chronic chemical exposure. In these situations, ecotoxicity t ests could be useful to obtain a better characterisation of these specific ecosystems. The general aim of this work is to add a battery of ecotoxicity tests to the current analyses defined by WFD in order to obtain a better ecological characteriza tion of freshwater systems. The specific aims of this work are: (1) to compare the effectiveness and viability of differen t ecotoxicity tests performed with freshwater sediments (directly and with pore water) ta king as target organisms different aquatic species, and (2) to evaluate the relationship between stream pollutants concentrations (organic pollutants and metals), biological and hydromorphological status and sediments ecotoxicity. For this purpose, thirteen sampling sites within the Ebro river watershed were selected. Data about priority pollutants in water, sediment and fish as well as biological and hydromor phological status of each sampling point will be achieved. Moreover, in each sampling reach, composite samples of sediment were collected by using a Van Veen grab. Sediment samples were stored at 4ºC prior to the ecotoxicity analysesThe ecotoxicity of pore water was evaluated by different bioassays ( Vibrio fischeri, Pseudokirshneriella subcapitata and Daphnia magna ) while the ecotoxicity of wh ole sediment was evaluated in Vibrio fischeri, Nitzschia palea and Chironomus riparius In addition, the concentration of total heavy metals and metal bioavailability was calculated by a sequential extraction according to the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) method. To distinguish the potentially toxic fraction associated to heavy metals burden of sediments, an analysis of acid-volatile sulphide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) was performed. Complementary sediment variables as humi dity, porosity, percentages of fines (<63 μm) organic carbon and organic matter were determined. This study expect to demonstrate that the integr ation of chemical, biological and ecotoxicological analyses could be crucial to unde rstand the hazard of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, especially, in freshwater sediments. Future research in this area is needed in order to obtain more data and be able to establish a tree decision of freshwater analyses ev aluation. The poster will present the methodology purposed for this study as well as the first prelim inary results obtained from ecotoxicity tests.Authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its financial support through the project SCARCE (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065Peer Reviewe

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Interna como creación de valor: hipocresía y realidad

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    Este trabajo trata sobre la responsabilidad aplicada al mundo de las empresas. Más concretamente, acerca de una parte de la misma, la vertiente interna de la denominada Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. En el contexto actual de crisis económica en el que nos encontramos, la mayoría de las empresas se plantean continuamente la reducción de sus plantillas como único paliativo para combatirla. Esto ha llevado a la sociedad a reclamar un mayor interés de las empresas por las cuestiones vinculadas con la RSC. Todo ello, partiendo de la base de una relación de compromiso entre la empresa y los trabajadores, unidos por un interés común y una relación de respeto, solidaridad, confianza y compromiso entre la empresa y este grupo de interés tan importante, como son los propios trabajadores. Respecto a la parte práctica hemos querido abordar, a modo de denuncia, el problema que se plantea en la sociedad con empresas que afirman ser socialmente responsables y, en cambio, realizan prácticas no éticas con sus trabajadores

    Characterization and classification of Spanish paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) by liquid chromatography coupled to electrochemical detection with screen-printed carbon-based nanomaterials electrodes

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    Screen-printed electrodes based on graphite, carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, and graphene were tested as amperometric detectors for the determination of polyphenols by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chromatographic performance as well as the obtained sensitivity, detection and quantification limits suggest that carbon nanofibers modified screen-printed electrode (SPCE-CNF) is the amperometric sensor that provides the best analytical performance. Upon this confirmation, chromatographic data obtained using SPCE-CNF were exploited by means of linear discriminant analysis to successfully characterize and classify 96 Spanish paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) samples with protected designation of origin: from La Vera (including sweet, bittersweet and spicy types) and from Murcia (including sweet and spicy types)

    Effect of molasses application alone or combined with trichoderma asperellum T-34 on Meloidogyne spp. management and soil microbial activity in organic production systems

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    The effect of molasses alone or combined with Trichoderma asperellum T34 Biocontrol® was assessed on Meloidogyne reproduction, disease severity, and density and activity of soil microor- ganisms in pot and field experiments. Firstly, molasses application at 1 mL m−2 was assessed in four different textured soils. Secondly, molasses application at 5, 10, 20, and 40 mL m−2, alone or combined with T34, was assessed in pot and field experiments at 10 mL m−2 in two different textured soils. The application of 1 mL m−2 of molasses was effective in reducing nematode reproduction in the loam textured soil but not in sandy clay loam, sandy loam, or clay loam textured soils. Increasing molasses dosage reduced the tomato dry shoot and fresh root weights, producing phytotoxicity at 40 mL m−2. The disease severity and nematode reproduction were reduced between 23% and 65% and 49% and 99%, respectivelyThe authors thank Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural for supporting the projects to encourage applied research on organic agri-food production (53 05004 2016 and 53 05010 2017). The authors also thank the farmers J. Montmany, F. Berenguer, J. Olivella, J. Magrans, and J. M. Mas for their support in conducting the experimentPostprint (published version
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