47 research outputs found

    Un Análisis Biogeografico de la Composición y Distribución de la Avifauna de Santa Fe, Argentina

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    Understanding the biogeographical patterns, in the space and time, is a key issue to identify priority areas in order to develop biodiversity conservation strategies. Distribution data are often used to prioritize areas for conservation (e.g., IBAs, Hotspots) without questioning their quality and representativeness. We studied the composition, completeness of the inventory and distribution of species of birds in Santa Fe using own data (88,192 records) and records from the literature (101,458) and scientific collections (517), analizing the lack of data distribution and taxonomic assignment errors. In order to assess the adequate spatial scale to prioritize conservation areas, we compared the estimated richness (by means of a nonparametric estimators from point counts) with the total richness recorded using own, published and museum records, using celds of 0,25°, 0,5 °, and 1°. We compared current and historical data in order to detect extinguished species at the regional level (EE) according to IUCN criteria. We estimated the completeness of the Santa Fe inventory by species accumulation curves. Of the 448 species listed in Santa Fe, 431 comprising the provincial bird checklist, while 17 were excluded. The estimated richness was higher that detected richness in 0,25° lat?long cells, begin adequated 0,5°?1° lat?long cells to priorities conservation analyses. We detected four EE in Santa Fe, all global or national threatened species. The species accumulation curves estimated between 438?460 (Exponential) and 450?490 (Clench), showing that some new taxa should be recorded. We identified several problems in data distribution and taxonomic errors that can lead to bias in the detection of priority conservation areas, highlighting the need to assess the quality of data and design appropriate programs for monitoring temporal and spatial scales.Fil: Fandiño, Blas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Giraudo, Alejandro Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; Argentin

    La incorporación de EsSalud como organismo público descentralizado y su afectación al derecho de negociación colectiva

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    La Negociación Colectiva en el Sistema de Seguridad Social se ha vuelto ineficaz, y se ha desnaturalizado por la intervención del Estado al incorporar al SEGURO SOCIAL DE SALUD (ESSALUD) como una ORGANISMO PÚBLICO DESCENTRALIZADO o Empresa del Estado, siendo sujeto a la fiscalización y aprobación de su presupuesto por parte del FONDO NACIONAL DE FINANCIAMIENTO DE LA ACTIVIDAD EMPRESARIAL DEL ESTADO, perjudicando su autonomía económica, administrativa, financiera y presupuestal, establecida en la misma Ley N° 27056 Ley de creación de la Seguridad Social, siendo que las aportaciones del Estado como empresa es de alrededor del 18% del total del presupuesto de ESSALUD. En lo referente a la Negociación Colectiva, queda claramente establecido que ESSALUD no tiene el poder de ejecución en esta materia, demostrado en todas las normas de austeridad dictadas por el Estado desde el año 2011, como el Decreto Supremo N° 379-2017-EF que, en su artículo 4 punto 1. “En el procedimiento de negociación colectiva, ESSALUD tiene la obligación de negociar de buena fe, mas no de llegar a un acuerdo”. (…). Punto 6. 2° párrafo “Dicho informe deberá ser presentado a la autoridad de la entidad que los designo, quien a su vez deberá remitir una copia a FONAFE, para su conocimiento.Collective Bargaining in the Social Security System has become ineffective, and has been distorted by the intervention of the State when incorporating the SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE (ESSALUD) as a DECENTRALIZED PUBLIC ORGANISM or State Company, being subject to inspection and approval of its budget by the NATIONAL FUND FOR FINANCING THE BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF THE STATE, damaging its economic, administrative, financial and budgetary autonomy, established in the same Law No. 27056 Law of creation of Social Security, being that the contributions of the State as a company it is around 18% of the total ESSALUD budget. Regarding Collective Bargaining, it is clearly established that ESSALUD does not have the power of execution in this matter, demonstrated in all the austerity regulations issued by the State since 2011, such as Supreme Decree No. 379-2017-EF that, in its article 4 point 1. “In the collective bargaining procedure, ESSALUD has the obligation to negotiate in good faith, but not to reach an agreement”. (…). Point 6. 2nd paragraph “Said report must be presented to the authority of the entity that appointed them, who in turn must send a copy to FONAFE, for its knowledge.Tesi

    Pelli Tower in Sevilla: a new concept in the building architecture

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.Pelli Tower is being built in the City of Sevilla. A new concept of building Architecture is born. Singularities are being described in the article: structural typology, materials, loads considered in the calculations (seism and wind tunnel Test), and construction methods used in the execution. A list of the main quantities used in the Pelli Tower is included to emphasize the importance of the execution

    Should we use meshes or solid tube shelters when planting in Mediterranean semiarid environments?

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    Tree shelters in Mediterranean environments have a two-sided effect. They not only protect seedlings from browsing but also ameliorate microclimatic conditions, improving post-planting survival and growth. However, the ecophysiological basis of these effects are poorly understood. A factorial experiment combining light transmissivity and shelter type (solid tube vs. mesh wall) was carried out to assess the impact of contrasting microclimatic characteristics on seedling performance and physiological stress levels of shelters in two Mediterranean shrubland species (Quercus coccifera and Rhamnus lycioides) planted in a semiarid site. Even though seedlings in solid tube shelters experienced higher temperature and were slightly more photoinhibited, they had higher predawn water potential and, in general, better survival and growth than in mesh wall shelters. However, these effects were species-specific, with Rh. lycioides more favoured by solid wall shelters than Q. coccifera. However, root growth cannot explain these interactions between species and shelter type on seedling survival. Since light transmission had a marginal effect compared with wall type, we proposed that the observed effects and interaction with species are not dependent on light intensity or temperature but on other microclimatic differences like air velocity or light quality and distribution. Further studies should assess the importance of these factors on post-planting growth and physiological stress levels, which can be critical for matching the correct tree shelters type for each species in plantations in semiarid environments

    Grado de aceptabilidad de Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.) en infusión en una bebida de manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.)

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    Fue evaluado el efecto del tiempo de infusión y concentración de Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.) (1-4 minutos y 1-3 g/300mL respectivamente) sobre el grado de aceptabilidad en una bebida caliente de manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla L). Como diseño experimental se utilizó la Metodología de Superficie de Respuesta con un Diseño Compuesto Central Rotacional (DCCR) a través de 11 ensayos. Hojas de Stevia, fueron secadas en estufa a 40°C por 24 horas, posteriormente sometidas a molienda manual, envasadas en diversas proporciones en las bolsitas filtrantes y sometidas en infusión por diferentes tiempos en una bebida de manzanilla. La evaluación del grado de aceptabilidad, se realizó mediante un panel sensorial de 40 panelistas escogidas al azar. Se encontró que el grado de aceptabilidad, presento un modelo matemático de segundo orden, estadísticamente significativo (p<0.05). Los resultados  obtenidos mostraron que, para obtener una mayor aceptabilidad de Stevia en una bebida de manzanilla, los rangos óptimos en cuanto al de tiempo de infusión y concentración son de 120-160 segundos a 1.8-2.2 g/300 mL respectivamente

    Ca 2+-CaM Dependent Inactivation of RyR2 Underlies Ca 2+ Alternans in Intact Heart

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    Rationale: Ca2+ alternans plays an essential role in cardiac alternans that can lead to ventricular fibrillation, but the mechanism underlying Ca2+ alternans remains undefined. Increasing evidence suggests that Ca2+ alternans results from alternations in the inactivation of cardiac RyR2 (ryanodine receptor 2). However, what inactivates RyR2 and how RyR2 inactivation leads to Ca2+ alternans are unknown. Objective: To determine the role of CaM (calmodulin) on Ca2+ alternans in intact working mouse hearts. Methods and results: We used an in vivo local gene delivery approach to alter CaM function by directly injecting adenoviruses expressing CaM-wild type, a loss-of-function CaM mutation, CaM (1-4), and a gain-of-function mutation, CaM-M37Q, into the anterior wall of the left ventricle of RyR2 wild type or mutant mouse hearts. We monitored Ca2+ transients in ventricular myocytes near the adenovirus-injection sites in Langendorff-perfused intact working hearts using confocal Ca2+ imaging. We found that CaM-wild type and CaM-M37Q promoted Ca2+ alternans and prolonged Ca2+ transient recovery in intact RyR2 wild type and mutant hearts, whereas CaM (1-4) exerted opposite effects. Altered CaM function also affected the recovery from inactivation of the L-type Ca2+ current but had no significant impact on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content. Furthermore, we developed a novel numerical myocyte model of Ca2+ alternans that incorporates Ca2+-CaM-dependent regulation of RyR2 and the L-type Ca2+ channel. Remarkably, the new model recapitulates the impact on Ca2+ alternans of altered CaM and RyR2 functions under 9 different experimental conditions. Our simulations reveal that diastolic cytosolic Ca2+ elevation as a result of rapid pacing triggers Ca2+-CaM dependent inactivation of RyR2. The resultant RyR2 inactivation diminishes sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release, which, in turn, reduces diastolic cytosolic Ca2+, leading to alternations in diastolic cytosolic Ca2+, RyR2 inactivation, and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release (ie, Ca2+ alternans). Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that inactivation of RyR2 by Ca2+-CaM is a major determinant of Ca2+ alternans, making Ca2+-CaM dependent regulation of RyR2 an important therapeutic target for cardiac alternans.This work was supported by research grants from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (G-19-0026444), the Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair in Cardiovascular Research (END611955), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to S.R.W. Chen (PJT-155940), the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities SAF2017-88019-C3-1R, 2R, and 3R (to L. Hove-Madsen, R. Benitez, and B. Echebarria), Marato-TV3 20152030 (to L. Hove-Madsen) and 20151110 (to B. Echebarria), and Generalitat de Catalunya SGR2017-1769 (to L. Hove-Madsen).Peer reviewe

    Efecto de la variedad de maíz (Zea mays) y del tratamiento térmico sobre la aceptabilidad general color y firmeza del tamal en conserva

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    Se evaluó el efecto de la variedad de maíz y del efecto de tratamiento térmico sobre la aceptabilidad general, color y firmeza instrumental del tamal en conserva. Se evaluaron dos variedades de maíz (blanco y amarillo) y tres tratamiento térmicos (117 ºC x 55 min, 117 ºC x 65 min y 117 ºC x 75 min) a un valor de muerte térmica (F 0 ) que superó el requerido para asegurar la esterilidad comercial. La firmeza del tamal se evaluó con el texturómetro Instron 3342. El análisis de varianza mostró que la variedad de maíz y tiempo de tratamiento térmico no produjeron diferencia significativa (p>0.05) sobre esta variable paramétrica. Para las variables no paramétricas se usó la prueba de Kruskal Wallis, donde para la evaluación de aceptabilidad general se utilizó una escala hedónica de 9 puntos, donde se determinó la existencia de diferencias significativas (p<0.05), demostrándose que el tratamiento V 2 T 3 (maíz amarillo, 117 ºC x 75 min) presentó la calificación más alta con rango promedio de 127.37 y valor de moda estadística de 8 (me agrada mucho). Para la evaluación de color se utilizó una escala hedónica de 5 puntos, donde se determinó la existencia de diferencias significativas (p<0.05), demostrándose que el tratamiento V 2 T 3 (maíz amarillo, 117 ºC x 75 min) presentó la mayor calificación con rango promedio de126.03 y valor de moda estadística de 4 (me agrada poco). La prueba de Mann-Whitney para aceptabilidad general y color, determinó que el mejor tratamiento V 2 T 3 (maíz amarillo, 117 ºC x 75 min) fue estadísticamente diferente a los demás. Este fue el mejor tratamiento en esta investigación, considerando valores deseables de las variables dependientes estudiadas.The effect of maize variety and the effect of heat treatment on the general acceptability, instrumental firmness and color of canned tamale were evaluated. Two varieties of maize (white and yellow) and three thermal treatment (117 °C x 55 min, 65 min x 117 °C and 117 °C x 75 min) were evaluated to a value of thermal death that it overcame the required to ensure commercial sterility. Tamale firmness was evaluated with Instron universal texturometer. The analysis of variance shows that the variety of maize, the time of thermic treatment and the variety-time interaction, do not present significant difference (p> 0.05) on this variable parametric. For the variables nonparametric Kruskal Wallis test was used, where, for the general acceptability evaluation hedonic 9-point scale, where the existence of significant differences (p <0.05), showing that the V 2 T 3 treatment (yellow maize, 117 °C x 75 min) had the highest general acceptability range with an average range of 127.37 and a statistics mode value of 8 (I like a lot). For color’s evaluation was used to hedonic 5-point scale, where it was determinate the existence of significant differences (p<0.05), from this manner I am showing that the V 2 T 3 treatment (yellow maize, 117 °C x 75 min) had the highest rating color range of 126.03 and statistics mode value of 4 (I like little). The Mann-Whitney test for general acceptability and color determined that the best V 2 T 3 treatment (yellow maize, 117 °C x 75 min) was statistically different from the other treatments. This treatment (yellow maize, 117 °C x 75 min) was the best treatment in this investigation, considering desirable values from the studied dependent variables.Tesi