244 research outputs found

    La alternativa deber/deber de + infinitivo en el siglo XVI. Factores condicionantes en un fenómeno de variación sintáctica a partir de un corpus epistolar

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    Este estudio parte de la sorprendente falta de atención concedida por la lingüística hispánica a la explicación de un antiguo fenómeno de variación sintáctica: la alternancia entre perífrasis modales deber/deber de + infinitivo, durante siglos asociada a una oposición rígida entre valores epistémicos y deónticos procedente de la tradición normativa. Aunque algunos trabajos recientes han mostrado su interés por la distribución actual de ambas perífrasis en diferentes comunidades hispánicas, se conoce poco sobre esta variación en el pasado. Este artículo pretende cubrir este vacío mediante un análisis sistemático del contexto variable que rodea a esta variable sintáctica, basándose para ello en los principios y métodos de la lingüística variacionista, aplicados a un extenso corpus de textos epistolares escritos en el siglo XVI, muchos de ellos de carácter privado. Los datos de esta investigación señalan la influencia positiva no solo de ciertos contextos lingüísticos (pasado simple, modalidad epistémica, contextos de intensificación, enunciados negativos) y estilísticos (cartas privadas y relación cercana entre los interlocutores) en la variación, sino también la existencia de algunas interacciones relevantes entre esos factores. En síntesis, los resultados del estudio muestran la importante influencia de diferentes elementos de modalización –y no solo la tradicional dicotomía deóntico-epistémico– en el perfil variacionista de estas perífrasis modales en el español clásico.This study arises from the surprising lack of attention given by the Spanish linguistics to explain an old fact of syntactic variation: the alternation between modal periphrasis deber/deber de + infinitive, for several centuries associated to a rigid opposition between epistemic and deontic values in the normative tradition. Although certain studies have focused recently on the current distribution of both periphrasis in different Hispanic communities, very little is known about this variation in the past. This research aims to address this gap through systematic and comprehensive analysis of this variable context, based on the principles and methods of linguistic variationism applied to a large corpus of epistolary texts written in the sixteenth century, many of them of private nature. Actually, the results of the study highlight the positive influence not only of certain linguistic (past simple, epistemic modality, intensified statements, negative sentences) and stylistic contexts (private letters and close relationship between the interlocutors), but even more decisive, the interactions between these factors. The results of the study show the important influence of different structural and non structural elements of modalization –and not only the traditional deontic-epistemic dichotomy- in the variationist profile of these modal periphrasis in classical Spanish

    Qué tengo que/de hazer?": variación y cambio lingüístico en el seno de las perífrasis de infinitivo a partir de textos escritos de impronta oral en el español clásico

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    Based on a corpus of communicative immediacy texts from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, written by Spaniards of different social background, in this study we carry out a variationist research in order to analyze the envelope of variation which lies behind the alternation between two infinitive modal periphrases in classical Spanish: tener de and tener que + infinitive. The results show how this morphosyntactic variation, far from being a case of free variation, as sometimes has been maintained, is determined by several factors. Among them some of a linguistic nature stand out (aktionsart, person, time, modality sense, sentential modality), although several regularities in the distribution of data also point out towards the potential influence of some stylistic and dialectal constraints. Moreover, the analysis of the diachronic axis allows us to observe the existence of a relevant change in progress, not only in the gradual replacement of tener de by tener que, but also in the explanatory relevance of certain constraints. Thus, some of the linguistic contexts most frequent in the corpus, such as the present tense, the affirmative sentences and the 3rd person, progressively abandon their association with the more traditional variant (tener de) in favor of tener que as time goes by. This helps to understand how, at the end of the classical period, tener que has already overtaken its old competitor, in a process which will be completed in the centuries to come, leaving tener de to some restricted dialectal uses in modern Spanish

    Estabilidad y dinamismo en las actitudes lingüísticas de una comunidad bilingüe española (Els Ports, Castellón)

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    El estudio de las actitudes lingüísticas en la comarca de Els Ports (Castellón) por medio de la técnica del matched-guise revela que el valenciano1 y el español conviven aún hoy en una situación diglósica, en la que la variedad propia recibe valores instrumentales inferiores al español. Con todo, el análisis de ciertos factores sociales (edad, sexo y estrato social) nos lleva a confirmar un mayor dinamismo respecto a esta situación y unas actitudes más favorables hacia el valenciano en determinados subgrupos de la muestra, especialmente en lo que respecta a esos valores instrumentales. Como ya habíamos detectado anteriormente por medio de otras técnicas directas como el cuestionario sociolingüístico (González Martínez 2010), este estudio confirma que las actitudes hacia la variedad vernácula son siempre mejores entre las mujeres y, sobre todo, entre los jóvenes que en cualquier otro sector de la comunida

    String Measure Applied to String Self-Organizing Maps and Networks of Evolutionary Processors

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    * Supported by projects CCG08-UAM TIC-4425-2009 and TEC2007-68065-C03-02This paper shows some ideas about how to incorporate a string learning stage in self-organizing algorithms. T. Kohonen and P. Somervuo have shown that self-organizing maps (SOM) are not restricted to numerical data. This paper proposes a symbolic measure that is used to implement a string self-organizing map based on SOM algorithm. Such measure between two strings is a new string. Computation over strings is performed using a priority relationship among symbols; in this case, symbolic measure is able to generate new symbols. A complementary operation is defined in order to apply such measure to DNA strands. Finally, an algorithm is proposed in order to be able to implement a string self-organizing map


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    En el presente artículo se analizan los resultados de un estudio de sociolingüística histórica en el que se examina un mismo fenómeno de variación (la alternancia allí / allá) en dos momentos clave de la historia del español: los periodos iniciales del español clásico (siglo xvi) y moderno (siglo xviii), respectivamente. A partir de un corpus compuesto íntegramente por correspondencia privada y el empleo de una metodología comparativa en el análisis de la variación, los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que, pese al incremento significativo en los usos de allí durante el siglo xviii, los condicionantes internos que regulan la variación continúan siendo básicamente similares a los que regían dos siglos atrás. Con todo, un examen atento de diversas magnitudes cuantitativas muestra un debilitamiento importante en la mayoría de esas restricciones estructurales. Aun así, los cambios principales tienen lugar en el eje socioestilístico, como revela la preferencia por las nuevas formas en alza entre las élites sociales y en la comunicación más formal. Por el contrario, las clases populares continúan más apegadas a la forma tradicional (allá), en especial en contextos migratorios como la América de habla hispana

    Unraveling the COVID-19 hospitalization dynamics in Spain using Bayesian inference

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    Background: One of the main challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic is to make sense of available, but often heterogeneous and noisy data. This contribution presents a data-driven methodology that allows exploring the hospitalization dynamics of COVID-19, exemplified with a study of 17 autonomous regions in Spain from summer 2020 to summer 2021. Methods: We use data on new daily cases and hospitalizations reported by the Spanish Ministry of Health to implement a Bayesian inference method that allows making short-term predictions of bed occupancy of COVID-19 patients in each of the autonomous regions of the country. Results: We show how to use the temporal series for the number of daily admissions and discharges from hospital to reproduce the hospitalization dynamics of COVID-19 patients. For the case-study of the region of Aragon, we estimate that the probability of being admitted to hospital care upon infection is 0.090 [0.086-0.094], (95% C.I.), with the distribution governing hospital admission yielding a median interval of 3.5 days and an IQR of 7 days. Likewise, the distribution on the length of stay produces estimates of 12 days for the median and 10 days for the IQR. A comparison between model parameters for the regions analyzed allows to detect differences and changes in policies of the health authorities. Conclusions: We observe important regional differences, signaling that to properly compare very different populations, it is paramount to acknowledge all the diversity in terms of culture, socio-economic status, and resource availability. To better understand the impact of this pandemic, much more data, disaggregated and properly annotated, should be made available

    Escritura, oralidad y variación nuevos datos sobre la alternancia allí/allá a la luz de un corpus epistolar del siglo XVI

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    This corpus-based research uses a set of 895 private letters written by almost seven hundred different individuals to analyse the variation between the Spanish adverbs allí and allá in the sixteenth century. The figures found in this study are quite different from those of previous research. Whereas some researchers have highlighted the common prevalence of allí, our data reveal a greater prominence of the form allá in this period, which was found to be more frequent in every single context taken into account in the analysis. This study considers the differences in the textual framework as a probable cause of these important quantitative divergences. At the same time, the paper uses tools from historical sociolinguistics to examine the incidence of the variable context in the selection of the adverbial forms. Our results confirm the influence of some constraints previously highlighted in the literature, but contradict others. Moreover, even the former need to be reinterpreted in variationist terms, and never as an expression of differences in the linguistic system

    Structural weakening and social change: the evolution of the demonstrative adverbs «allí» and «allá» in old Spanish (16th-18th centuries)

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    En el presente artículo se analizan los resultados de un estudio de sociolingüística histórica en el que se examina un mismo fenómeno de variación (la alternancia allí / allá) en dos momentos clave de la historia del español: los periodos iniciales del español clásico (siglo xvi) y moderno (siglo xviii), respectivamente. A partir de un corpus compuesto íntegramente por correspondencia privada y el empleo de una metodología comparativa en el análisis de la variación, los resultados del estudio ponen de manifiesto que, pese al incremento significativo en los usos de allí durante el siglo xviii, los condicionantes internos que regulan la variación continúan siendo básicamente similares a los que regían dos siglos atrás. Con todo, un examen atento de diversas magnitudes cuantitativas muestra un debilitamiento importante en la mayoría de esas restricciones estructurales. Aun así, los cambios principales tienen lugar en el eje socioestilístico, como revela la preferencia por las nuevas formas en alza entre las élites sociales y en la comunicación más formal. Por el contrario, las clases populares continúan más apegadas a la forma tradicional (allá), en especial en contextos migratorios como la América de habla hispana.The present study discus the main results of a historical sociolinguistic study that examines the same phenomenon of variation (alli / alla) in two key periods of Spanish history: Golden Age Spanish (16(th) century) and the first period of modern Spanish (18th century). Based on a corpus composed entirely of private correspondence, and the use of a comparative methodology, the results show that, despite the significant increase in the uses of alli in the second period, the internal constraints that govern the variation continue to be basically the same. However, a careful examination of several quantitative magnitudes shows a significant weakening in most of these structural constraints. Even so, the main changes are taking place in the socio-stylistic level, as revealed by the preference for the new forms among the socio-cultural elites and the more formal contexts. On the contrary, popular classes show to be more attached to the traditional form (alla), especially in migratory contexts such as the Hispano-American speech communities

    Characterisation and In Vitro Evaluation of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Seed Gum as a Potential Prebiotic in Growing Rabbit Nutrition

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    [EN] A fenugreek seed gum, extracted fromTrigonella foenum-graecumseeds and rich in galactomannan, was chemically and physically characterised and its prebiotic potential for young rabbits was evaluated in vitro, both as pure fenugreek seed gum and when included up to 20 g/kg in rabbit diets rich in soluble and insoluble fibre. Fenugreek seed gum was resistant to pepsin and pancreatin digestion but was totally fermented by rabbit caecal bacteria. Fenugreek seed gum linear inclusion up to 20 g/kg in diets rich in soluble fibre has led to a reduction in the solubility of some nutrients during in vitro enzymatic phase and an increase in the fermented fraction. Fenugreek seed gum satisfies two essential conditions of a prebiotic: resistance to enzymatic digestion and being totally fermented by caecal bacteria. Some components of soluble fibre appear to have prebiotic effects that can contribute to improving digestive health in post-weaning rabbits. In this work, a fenugreek seed gum (FGS), extracted fromTrigonella foenum-graecumseeds and rich in galactomannan, was characterised. Both the pure FSG and ten substrates obtained by the inclusion of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg of FSG in diets rich in soluble (SF) and insoluble (IF) fibre were evaluated in vitro to determine FSG prebiotic potential for rabbit diets. FSG was rich in total sugars (630 g/kg dry matter), consisting entirely of galactose and mannose in a 1:1 ratio, and a moderate protein content (223 g/kg dry matter). Pure FSG was affected very little by in vitro digestion, as only 145 g/kg of the FSG was dissolved during the enzymatic phase. However, the linear inclusion of FSG up to 20 g/kg in growing rabbit feeds has led to a reduction in the solubility of some nutrients during in vitro enzymatic phase, especially in SF diets. Pure FSG not digested during the enzymatic phase almost completely disappeared during the in vitro fermentation phase, 984 g/kg of this indigestible fraction. However, although linear inclusion of FSG up to 20 g/kg in SF diets increased the fermented fraction, no relevant changes in the fermentation profile were observed. In conclusion, FSG satisfies two essential conditions of the prebiotic effect, showing resistance to in vitro enzymatic digestion and being totally fermented in vitro by caecal bacteria, although in vivo studies will be necessary to determine its prebiotic potential.This study is supported by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (AGL2017-85162-C2-1R), the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Project 20180290; Spain), and the Higher School of Agriculture of Mateur of the Carthage University (Tunisia Republic). The grant for Jihed Zemzmi from the Carthage University is also gratefully acknowledged.Zemzmi, J.; Ródenas Martínez, L.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Najar, T.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2020). Characterisation and In Vitro Evaluation of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Seed Gum as a Potential Prebiotic in Growing Rabbit Nutrition. Animals. 10(6):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10061041S115106Rosell J.M., de la Fuente L.F., Badiola J.I., Fernández de Luco D., Casal J., & Saco M. (2010). Study of urgent visits to commercial rabbit farms in Spain and Portugal during 1997-2007. World Rabbit Science, 17(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2009.652Gidenne, T., Arveux, P., & Madec, O. (2001). The effect of the quality of dietary lignocellulose on digestion, zootechnical performance and health of the growing rabbit. Animal Science, 73(1), 97-104. doi:10.1017/s1357729800058094Carabaño R., Villamide M.J., García J., Nicodemus N., Llorente A., Chamorro S., & Menoyo D. (2010). 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