118 research outputs found

    Assessing Surgical Task Load and Performance: A Comparison of Simulation and Maritime Operation

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/milmed/usz297This study examined the effects of simulated and actual vessel motion at high seas on task load and surgical performance. Methods: This project was performed in phases. Phase I was a feasibility study. Phase II utilized a motion base simulator to replicate vessel motion. Phase III was conducted aboard the U.S. Naval Ship Brunswick. After performing surgical tasks on a surgical simulation mannequin, participants completed the Surgical Task Load Index (TLX) designed to collect workload data. Simulated surgeries were evaluated by subject matter experts. Results: TLX scores were higher in Phase III than Phase II, particularly at higher sea states. Surgical performance was not significantly different between Phase II (84%) and Phase III (89%). Simulated motions were comparable in both phases. Conclusions: Simulated motion was not associated with a significant difference in surgical performance or deck motion, suggesting that this simulator replicates the conditions experienced during surgery at sea on the U.S. Naval Ship Brunswick. However, Surgical TLX scores were dramatically different between the two phases, suggesting increased workload at sea, which may be the result of time at sea, the stress of travel, or other factors. Surgical performance was not affected by sea state in either phase.Bureau of Medicine USN; OPNAV N-81 Assessments Division, Medical Analysis Branch; Navy Advanced Medical Development; Naval Surface Warfare Center, PC.Phase I of this study was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Phase II was sponsored by the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) N-81 Assessments Division, Medical Analysis Branch (N813). Phase III was sponsored by the OPNAV N-81 (N813) and Navy Advanced Medical Development (AMD).Bureau of Medicine USN; OPNAV N-81 Assessments Division, Medical Analysis Branch; Navy Advanced Medical Development; Naval Surface Warfare Center, PC.Phase I of this study was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Phase II was sponsored by the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) N-81 Assessments Division, Medical Analysis Branch (N813). Phase III was sponsored by the OPNAV N-81 (N813) and Navy Advanced Medical Development (AMD)

    Movements of hatchery-reared lingcod released on rocky reefs in Puget Sound

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    Abstract Fourteen sub-adult hatchery-reared lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) were released onto reefs in South Puget Sound, Washington, USA to evaluate their movement behavior. Acoustic telemetry revealed variation in movement among individuals that was related to body size. Larger lingcod tended to leave the release reef sooner than smaller lingcod. Four lingcod left the reefs less than 10 days after release, while three lingcod left between one and 4 months after release. Seven lingcod remained at the release reefs for the entire 5-month study, though they did make apparent short-term (< 24 h duration) excursions away from the reefs. Data suggest that the frequency and duration of excursions increase with age and size in both wild and hatchery lingcod. Movement data from these hatchery lingcod and previously published studies on wild lingcod are compared

    Ultrafast Excited State Relaxation of a Metalloporphyrin Revealed by Femtosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    Photoexcited Nickel­(II) tetramesitylporphyrin (NiTMP), like many open-shell metalloporphyrins, relaxes rapidly through multiple electronic states following an initial porphyrin-based excitation, some involving metal centered electronic configuration changes that could be harnessed catalytically before excited state relaxation. While a NiTMP excited state present at 100 ps was previously identified by X-ray transient absorption (XTA) spectroscopy at a synchrotron source as a relaxed (d,d) state, the lowest energy excited state (<i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i>, <b>2007</b>, <i>129</i>, 9616 and <i>Chem. Sci.</i>, <b>2010</b>, <i>1</i>, 642), structural dynamics before thermalization were not resolved due to the ∼100 ps duration of the available X-ray probe pulse. Using the femtosecond (fs) X-ray pulses of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the Ni center electronic configuration from the initial excited state to the relaxed (d,d) state has been obtained via ultrafast Ni K-edge XANES (X-ray absorption near edge structure) on a time scale from hundreds of femtoseconds to 100 ps. This enabled the identification of a short-lived Ni­(I) species aided by time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) methods. Computed electronic and nuclear structure for critical excited electronic states in the relaxation pathway characterize the dependence of the complex’s geometry on the electron occupation of the 3d orbitals. Calculated XANES transitions for these excited states assign a short-lived transient signal to the spectroscopic signature of the Ni­(I) species, resulting from intramolecular charge transfer on a time scale that has eluded previous synchrotron studies. These combined results enable us to examine the excited state structural dynamics of NiTMP prior to thermal relaxation and to capture intermediates of potential photocatalytic significance

    Portraying the nature of corruption: Using an explorative case-study design

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    What is the nature of corruption in Western democracies? To answer this research question, the authors study 10 Dutch corruption cases in depth, looking at confidential criminal files. The cases allow them to sketch a general profile of a corruption case. The authors offer nine propositions to portray the nature of corruption. They conclude that corruption usually takes place within enduring relationships, that the process of becoming corrupt can be characterized as a slippery slope, and that important motives for corruption, aside from material gain, include friendship or love, status, and the desire to impress others. The explorative multiple case study methodology helps to expand our understanding of the way in which officials become corrupt. © 2008 The American Society for Public Administration

    Complex Interactions between GSK3 and aPKC in Drosophila Embryonic Epithelial Morphogenesis

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    Generally, epithelial cells must organize in three dimensions to form functional tissue sheets. Here we investigate one such sheet, the Drosophila embryonic epidermis, and the morphogenetic processes organizing cells within it. We report that epidermal morphogenesis requires the proper distribution of the apical polarity determinant aPKC. Specifically, we find roles for the kinases GSK3 and aPKC in cellular alignment, asymmetric protein distribution, and adhesion during the development of this polarized tissue. Finally, we propose a model explaining how regulation of aPKC protein levels can reorganize both adhesion and the cytoskeleton

    Host Immune Transcriptional Profiles Reflect the Variability in Clinical Disease Manifestations in Patients with Staphylococcus aureus Infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus infections are associated with diverse clinical manifestations leading to significant morbidity and mortality. To define the role of the host response in the clinical manifestations of the disease, we characterized whole blood transcriptional profiles of children hospitalized with community-acquired S. aureus infection and phenotyped the bacterial strains isolated. The overall transcriptional response to S. aureus infection was characterized by over-expression of innate immunity and hematopoiesis related genes and under-expression of genes related to adaptive immunity. We assessed individual profiles using modular fingerprints combined with the molecular distance to health (MDTH), a numerical score of transcriptional perturbation as compared to healthy controls. We observed significant heterogeneity in the host signatures and MDTH, as they were influenced by the type of clinical presentation, the extent of bacterial dissemination, and time of blood sampling in the course of the infection, but not by the bacterial isolate. System analysis approaches provide a new understanding of disease pathogenesis and the relation/interaction between host response and clinical disease manifestations

    A Conserved Developmental Patterning Network Produces Quantitatively Different Output in Multiple Species of Drosophila

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    Differences in the level, timing, or location of gene expression can contribute to alternative phenotypes at the molecular and organismal level. Understanding the origins of expression differences is complicated by the fact that organismal morphology and gene regulatory networks could potentially vary even between closely related species. To assess the scope of such changes, we used high-resolution imaging methods to measure mRNA expression in blastoderm embryos of Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila pseudoobscura and assembled these data into cellular resolution atlases, where expression levels for 13 genes in the segmentation network are averaged into species-specific, cellular resolution morphological frameworks. We demonstrate that the blastoderm embryos of these species differ in their morphology in terms of size, shape, and number of nuclei. We present an approach to compare cellular gene expression patterns between species, while accounting for varying embryo morphology, and apply it to our data and an equivalent dataset for Drosophila melanogaster. Our analysis reveals that all individual genes differ quantitatively in their spatio-temporal expression patterns between these species, primarily in terms of their relative position and dynamics. Despite many small quantitative differences, cellular gene expression profiles for the whole set of genes examined are largely similar. This suggests that cell types at this stage of development are conserved, though they can differ in their relative position by up to 3–4 cell widths and in their relative proportion between species by as much as 5-fold. Quantitative differences in the dynamics and relative level of a subset of genes between corresponding cell types may reflect altered regulatory functions between species. Our results emphasize that transcriptional networks can diverge over short evolutionary timescales and that even small changes can lead to distinct output in terms of the placement and number of equivalent cells

    2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease

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    The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review was conducted as the document was compiled through December 2008. Repeated literature searches were performed by the guideline development staff and writing committee members as new issues were considered. New clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals and articles through December 2011 were also reviewed and incorporated when relevant. Furthermore, because of the extended development time period for this guideline, peer review comments indicated that the sections focused on imaging technologies required additional updating, which occurred during 2011. Therefore, the evidence review for the imaging sections includes published literature through December 2011