12 research outputs found
Plan de negocios para la creación de un spa de belleza y acondicionamiento físico, de temática familiar y campestre, en el municipio de Rionegro
This document presents the business plan for the launch of the Sara Villa spa, a spa designed for families, and so that they can have a space for relaxation, beauty and health in a country setting. The objective of this document is to outline the different facets of the business plan for the creation of the spa and to show whether the business idea is viable and profitable.
The business idea is presented as an alternative solution to different needs identified not only in women but also in men today, which are the care and health of the skin, hair, physical appearance and body well-being in general. , given that people are currently faced with situations of a lot of work, family, and social stress.
Spa Sara Villa seeks to position itself through makeup, hairstyle, aesthetic and relaxation treatments, accompanied by the use of natural elements for hair and skin care and the most current technologies in these procedures.
The spa will be located in an area of high recognition in the municipality of Rionegro and that has the arrival of clients for weddings, fifteen years, and other special dates and that also has a beautiful country space accompanied by a natural lake, forests and a great natural beauty, conducive to relaxation spaces that clients seek and to share with the family.
The results of the market study support that the creation of a place with such conditions in eastern Antioquia would be viable.Rionegro, Antioqui
A global model of the response of tropical and sub-tropical forest biodiversity to anthropogenic pressures
Habitat loss and degradation, driven largely by agricultural expansion and intensification, present the greatest immediate threat to biodiversity. Tropical forests harbour among the highest levels of terrestrial species diversity and are likely to experience rapid land-use change in the coming decades. Synthetic analyses of observed responses of species are useful for quantifying how land use affects biodiversity and for predicting outcomes under land-use scenarios. Previous applications of this approach have typically focused on individual taxonomic groups, analysing the average response of the whole community to changes in land use. Here, we incorporate quantitative remotely sensed data about habitats in, to our knowledge, the first worldwide synthetic analysis of how individual species in four major taxonomic groups—invertebrates, ‘herptiles’ (reptiles and amphibians), mammals and birds—respond to multiple human pressures in tropical and sub-tropical forests. We show significant independent impacts of land use, human vegetation offtake, forest cover and human population density on both occurrence and abundance of species, highlighting the value of analysing multiple explanatory variables simultaneously. Responses differ among the four groups considered, and—within birds and mammals—between habitat specialists and habitat generalists and between narrow-ranged and wide-ranged species
Market window analysis for selected vegetables for Southern New Mexico
Research report containing the results of a study to determine and analyze wholesale market window opportunities for vegetabels grown in New Mexico
Konur reyna við Waits : lög Tom Waits í útgáfu kvenna
Í gegnum tíðina hefur Tom Waits verið vinsæll vegna innihaldsríkra texta og ljúfra laga. Hann þykir flinkur að draga upp mynd samfélagslegi og hversdagsleika meðaljónsins. Margt tónlistafólk hefur reynt við lög hans, bæði konur og karlar. Áhugavert er að bera saman útgáfur Waits og ábreiður (e. covers) kvenna á lögum hans, reyna að greina hvar munurinn liggur, hvað virkar og hvað ekki. Hér á eftir verður flutningur nokkurra kvenna á lögum hans skoðaður með það að markmiði að komast að það er sem lætur útgáfurnar ganga upp.
Undirbúningur fyrir skrif þessarar ritgerðar fólst meðal annars í að hlusta á lög Waits í hans flutningi, og síðan á útgáfur kvennanna til samanburðar, til þess að skoða hvernig þær hafa farið að í tilliti til texta, forms og flutnings. Notast var við sænsku tónlistarveituna Spotify til að nálgast bæði flutning Waits og kvennanna, en þar er að finna öll lögin sem hlustað var á. Einnig las ritgerðarsmiður ýmsar blaðagreinar og skoðaði plötugagnrýnir.
Það virðist sem konur þurfi að færa sig burt frá upprunalegum útgáfum laga Waits og skapa nýjan hljóðheim til þess að gera þær að sínum. Útgáfur kvenna á lögum Waits virðast virka best ef þær syngja á ljúfari og angurværari máta, þó með leikrænum hætti.For years Tom Waits has been well-known for brilliant lyrics and sweet melodies, he is thought to be good at putting the stories of the average Joe into words. Many, both men and women, have tried to perform his songs. In the following women ‘s covers of Tom Waits songs will be analyzed. The women ‘s version will be compared to Waits ‘, what works and what does not. In preparation the writer listened to Waits’ versions, the women ‘s versions, and compared the songs and tried to analyze how the women perform the song. In preparation the essay writer listened to Waits perform his own songs, then the writer listened to the female versions in comparison, what they do to the lyrics, the whole performance and the arrangements. The digital music service Spotify was used, music critiques and newspaper articles were read. It seems clear that women have to go into different direction than Waits when singing his songs and create a new world of sounds. They need to sing in a softer, more melancholy manner than Waits yet with the same theatrical demeanor as him
Disponibilidad a pagar por la proteccion del recurso agua en dos comunidades del municipio de Moroceli, El Paraiso, Honduras
67 p.Uno de los problemas más relevantes que involucra a las comunidades El Suyate y Las Champas es la falta de protección en las zonas de recarga de la microcuenca del Río Neteapa, del cual ambas comunidades son beneficiaras. Actualmente la comunidad Las Champas se ve afectada por el mal estado de las líneas de conducción y la reducción de la capacidad de las fuentes de agua para abastecer las necesidades de la población durante el verano. Es por esto que el presente trabajo pretende medir la disponibilidad a pagar en términos monetarios por parte los habitantes de la comunidad El Suyate para la protección de la microcuenca y la disponibilidad a pagar de la comunidad Las Champas por un mejor servicio de agua y para garantizar el recurso por más tiempo. La encuesta aplicada permitió caracterizar las poblaciones y plantear un escenario de acuerdo a la situación que enfrenta cada comunidad siguiendo una metodología de valoración contingente
Submission to inform Chile Declaration and Action Plan in the context of the Cartagena +40 multi-stakeholder pledge
Women in Refugee Law (WiRL)'s submission regarding the particular challenges that women refugees face in the Latin America and Caribbean region aims to inform the Cartagena +40 process and next ten-year action plan.WiRL’s submission identified two key areas for States to consider in their discussions about the Chile Declaration and Action Plan: gender-sensitivity in the asylum application process and recognising refugees women’s wider support needs. This will contribute to strengthening the fairness, efficiency and integrity of national asylum systems, thereby subsequently promoting social inclusion and integration, and enhancing the lives and livelihoods of displaced women