20 research outputs found

    Noiseless Linear Amplification and Quantum Channels

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    The employ of a noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) has been proven as a useful tool for mitigating imperfections in quantum channels. Its analysis is usually conducted within specific frameworks, for which the set of input states for a given protocol is fixed. Here we obtain a more general description by showing that a noisy and lossy Gaussian channel followed by a NLA has a general description in terms of effective channels. This has the advantage of offering a simpler mathematical description, best suitable for mixed states, both Gaussian and non-Gaussian. We investigate the main properties of this effective system, and illustrate its potential by applying it to loss compensation and reduction of phase uncertainty.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Qubit-Programmable Operations on Quantum Light Fields

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    Engineering quantum operations is one of the main abilities we need for developing quantum technologies and designing new fundamental tests. Here we propose a scheme for realising a controlled operation acting on a travelling quantum field, whose functioning is determined by an input qubit. This study introduces new concepts and methods in the interface of continuous- and discrete-variable quantum optical systems.Comment: Comments welcom

    Intrication de champs quantiques mesoscopiques pour les communications quantiques

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    Cette thèse s inscrit dans le cadre de l information quantique avec des variables continues, en utilisant des états quantiques du champ électromagnétique. En combinant les outils propres aux variables discrètes, ou la lumière est décrite en termes de photons, avec les outils des variables continues, où la lumière est décrite en termes de quadratures, nous pouvons étudier théoriquement et produire expérimentalement des états non-classiques, ainsi que des protocoles élémentaires d information quantique. Ainsi, nous avons produit expérimentalement un état chat de Schrödinger , superposition quantique de deux états lumineux quasi-classiques, sur lequel nous avons appliqué une porte quantique introduisant une phase dans la superposition. Nous avons ensuite analysé la qualité de cette porte en utilisant un modèle simple de notre expérience. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux corrélations quantiques, mesurées par la discorde quantique, pour une classe d états particulièrement importants en information quantique. Nous avons quantifié la précision de nos mesures en les comparant aux bornes de Cramér-Rao classique et quantique. Enfin, nous avons étudié théoriquement l utilisation d un amplificateur quantique non-déterministe en cryptographie quantique. Cet amplificateur possède la propriété de pouvoir amplifier des états quantiques sans en amplifier le bruit quantique associé. Ainsi, nous avons montré qu il permet une amélioration de la distance maximale de transmission d une clé secrète, ainsi qu une amélioration de la résistance au bruit introduit par le canal quantique.This thesis is concerned with different aspects of quantum information with the continuous variables of quantum states of light. Through the combination of the continuous and discrete descriptions, where the light is either described in terms of quadratures or photons, non-classical quantum states and elementary quantum information protocols have been theoretically studied and experimentally implemented. We have experimentally implemented a quantum superposition of two quasi-classical states of light, a Schrödinger cat state , which was used to feed a quantum phase gate. We have analysed the quality of this implementation by using a simple model of the experiment. We have then studied quantum correlations, as captured by the quantum discord, for an important class of states in quantum information. We have compared the precision of our measurements by using the classical and quantum Cramér-Rao bounds. Finally, we have theoretically studied the use of a non-deterministic quantum amplifier in quantum cryptography. This amplifier has the property to amplify quantum states without amplifying their quantum noise. Using this property, we have shown that it is possible to increase the maximum distance of transmission of a secret key, as well as the tolerance to the noise added by the quantum channel.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Homodyne estimation of Gaussian quantum discord

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    We address the experimental estimation of Gaussian quantum discord for two-mode squeezed thermal state, and demonstrate a measurement scheme based on a pair of homodyne detectors assisted by Bayesian analysis which provides nearly optimal estimation for small value of discord. Besides, though homodyne detection is not optimal for Gaussian discord, the noise ratio to the ultimate quantum limit, as dictacted by the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, is limited to about 10 dB.Comment: 5+3 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Non-Gaussianity of quantum states: an experimental test on single-photon added coherent states

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    Non Gaussian states and processes are useful resources in quantum information with continuous variables. An experimentally accessible criterion has been proposed to measure the degree of non Gaussianity of quantum states, based on the conditional entropy of the state with a Gaussian reference. Here we adopt such criterion to characterise an important class of non classical states, single-photon added coherent states. Our studies demonstrate the reliability and sensitivity of this measure, and use it to quantify how detrimental is the role of experimental imperfections in our realisation

    Improving the maximum transmission distance of continuous-variable quantum key distribution using a noiseless amplifier

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    We show that the maximum transmission distance of continuous-variable quantum key distribution in presence of a Gaussian noisy lossy channel can be arbitrarily increased using a linear noiseless amplifier. We explicitly consider a protocol using amplitude and phase modulated coherent states with reverse reconciliation. We find that a noiseless amplifier with amplitude gain g can increase the maximum admissible losses by a factor 1/g^2.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Heralded processes on continuous-variable spaces as quantum maps

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    Conditional evolution is crucial for generating non-Gaussian resources for quantum information tasks in the continuous variable scenario. However, tools are lacking for a convenient representation of heralded process in terms of quantum maps for continuous variable states, in the same way as Wigner functions are able to give a compact description of the quantum state. Here we propose and study such a representation, based on the introduction of a suitable transfer function to describe the action of a quantum operation on the Wigner function. We also reconstruct the maps of two relevant examples of conditional process, that is, noiseless amplification and photon addition, by combining experimental data and a detailed physical model. This analysis allows to fully characterize the effect of experimental imperfections in their implementations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Minor change