12 research outputs found

    The opportunistic path. The construction of the Lliga Regionalista's strategic model and its applications between 1914 and 1919

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    RESUMEN La Lliga Regionalista de Cataluña surgió en 1901 con el objetivo de encontrar una vía pragmática de avanzar hacia las reivindicaciones que se venían formulando desde el catalanismo durante las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y que habían sido condensadas en las “Bases de Manresa” de 1892. Para ello, el partido se definió, desde un primer momento, como una organización posibilista, que adaptaría sus prioridades a las condiciones objetivas del momento político. El pragmatismo de la Lliga se traduce en un extremo oportunismo, que lleva al partido a tejer alianzas temporales en todas las direcciones del espectro político y a embarcarse en proyectos de muy diverso tipo orientados hacia objetivos a corto plazo. En este trabajo se estudiarán las raíces del catalanismo pragmático que define a la Lliga Regionalista y la forma en que ésta afronta el periodo comprendido entre 1914 y 1919, un momento crucial de la crisis de la Restauración por el impacto que la Primera Guerra Mundial tiene sobre una España neutralABSTRACT The Regionalist League of Catalonia appeared in 1901 with the aim of finding a pragmatic way of advancing towards the demands that had been formulated by catalanism during the last decades of the XIX century, condensed in the “Basis for a Catalan Regional Constitution” written in 1892. To that end, the party was defined, since the very beginning, as a possibilistic organization, that would adapt its priorities to the objective conditions of the political momentum. The pragmatism of the League leads the party to an extremely opportunistic dynamic, forming temporary alliances in every direction of the political spectrum and embarking in very diverse projects oriented towards short-term objectives. The purpose of this study is to analyze the roots of the pragmatic catalanism that defines the Regionalist League and the way it faces the period between 1914 y 1919, a crucial moment of the Spanish Restoration Regime crisis because of the impact that First World War has on a neutral SpainGrado en Histori

    Valentí Almirall and Francisco Pi y Margall. Agreements and disagreements

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    RESUMEN: Valentí Almirall y Francisco Pi y Margall pueden ser considerados como los dos autores más influyentes del federalismo pactista español y, sin embargo, nunca se ha realizado un trabajo dedicado específicamente al estudio comparado ni de sus propuestas teóricas, ni de sus trayectorias políticas. Hasta el momento, la mayoría de los trabajos que han prestado atención a las relaciones entre ambos autores se han centrado en su ruptura política y en el catalanismo de Almirall como principal factor diferencial. Tan solo Jorge Cagiao ha abordado con minuciosidad las diferencias teóricas entre el federalismo pimargaliano y el almiraliano, aunque la comparación entre el pensamiento de Pi y el de Almirall no es el único objetivo de su obra1. En este estudio se tratará de poner la comparación en el centro, intentando resolver pormenorizadamente qué elementos distancian su pensamiento y qué relación se puede encontrar entre esos elementos y sus diferentes trayectorias políticas. ¿Es el catalanismo el verdadero factor distanciador o existen otros factores con mayor peso? ¿Permiten sus obras explicar sus distintas carreras políticas o deben buscarse explicaciones en el marco estratégico desde el que operaron como políticos?ABSTRACT: Valentí Almirall and Francisco Pi y Margall can be considered as the two most influential authors of spanish pactist federalism and yet, there has never been done an essay specifically focused neither to the comparative study of their theoretical proposals, neither to their political careers. So far, most of the studies that have paid attention to the relations between both authors have been focused on their political breakup and to the almiralian catalanism as the main differentiating factor. Only Jorge Cagiao has approached the theoretical differences between pimargalian and almiralian federalism in detail. However, the comparison between the thought of Pi and Almirall wasn’t the only aim of his work2. In this study comparison will be the central element, trying to resolve in detail what elements distance their thoughts and what relation can be found between those elements and their different political careers. Is catalanism the true spacer element or are there other factors with more importance in the distancing between both authors? Can their theoretical works explain their very diferent political careers or do we have to look for explanations on the strategic framework from where they operated as politicians?Máster en Historia Contemporáne

    The Mediating Role of Impulsivity in the Relationship Between Suicidal Behavior and Early Traumatic Experiences in Depressed Subjects

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    Background: Depressed patients with early traumatic experiences may represent a clinically and biologically distinct subtype, with worse clinical outcomes and greater risk of suicide. Since early traumatic experiences alter development of systems that regulate the stress response, increasing sensitivity to stress and mood disorders later in life, certain personality features may influence coping strategies, putting individuals with depression and a history of early traumatic experiences at greater risk of suicidal behavior.Objective: To determine whether impulsivity mediates the relationship between early traumatic experiences and suicidal behavior in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD).Methods: The total sample consists of 190 patients [mean age (SD) = 53.71 (10.37); females: 66.3%], with current MDD (DSM-5 criteria). The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF), the List of Threatening Experiences (LTE), and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 (BIS-11) were used to assess childhood and adulthood adverse life events and impulsivity, respectively. We developed mediation models by bootstrap sampling methods.Results: Eighty-one (42.6%) patients had a history of previous suicide attempts (SA). CTQ-SF-Total and BIS-11-Total scores were significantly higher in MDD patients with previous SA. Correlation analyses revealed significant correlations between the CTQ-SF-Total and BIS-11-Total, CTQ-SF-Total and HDRS-Total, and BIS-11-Total and HDRS-Total scores. Regression models found that CTQ-SF-Total, BIS-11-Total, and HDRS-Total scores were associated with SA. Mediation analyses further revealed the association between CTQ-SF-Total and SA was mediated by the indirect effect of the BIS-11-Total score (b = 0.007, 95% CI = 0.001, 0.015), after statistically controlling for sex, the HDRS-Total, and the LTE-Total.Discussion: Data suggest that impulsivity could mediate the influence of childhood trauma on suicidal behavior. This will help understand the role of risk factors in suicidal behavior and aid in the development of prevention interventions focused on modifiable mediators when risk factors are non-modifiable.2020-2

    Validation of a European Spanish-version of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) in patients with schizophrenia

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    International audienceNegative symptoms can be grouped into five domains: apathy/avolition, anhedonia, asociality, alogia, and affective flattening. There are few validate self-rated measures that assess these five dimensions. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) in Spanish patients with schizophrenia.Los síntomas negativos pueden agruparse en 5 dominios: apatía/abulia, anhedonia, conductas asociales, afasia y aplanamiento afectivo. Existen pocas medidas validadas autocalificadas que evalúen estas 5 dimensiones. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue validar la herramienta Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS, Autoevaluación de síntomas negativos) en pacientes españoles esquizofrénicos.Material y métodos. Estudio transversal de validación en 104 pacientes esquizofrénicos externos, evaluados utilizando la versión española de las escalas siguientes: Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms (CAINS), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression Scale for Schizophrenia (CGI-SCH), Personal and Social Performance (PSP), Motivation and Pleasure Scale-Self-Report (MAP-SR), 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) y la SNS.Resultados Respecto a la fiabilidad, la consistencia interna (α de Cronbach) fue de 0,915. En cuanto a validez convergente, el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre las puntuaciones totales de MAP-SR y SNS fue de 0,660 (p < 0,001). Para PANSS-N, la correlación fue de 0,437 (p < 0,005) y de 0,478 (p < 0,005) con CAINS-Total. Respecto a la validez divergente, el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre las puntuaciones SNS y PSP fue de r = –0,372 (p ≤ 0,001) y con las puntuaciones de SF-36 Physical and Mental Summary Component fueron de r = −0,213 (p = 0,066) y r = −0,144 (p = 0,219), respectivamente. En la validez discriminante, las puntuaciones totales de SNS fueron diferentes desde un punto de vista estadístico significativo, conforme a la gravedad de la sintomatología negativa calificada por la escala negativa CGI-SCH (p < 0,001).Conclusión. SNS es un instrumento fiable y válido para autocalificar los 5 dominios de los síntomas negativos en pacientes esquizofrénicos y parece adecuado para utilizarlo en la práctica clínica diaria como medida complementaria a la evaluación realizada por el clínico

    Sex-dependent grades of haematopoietic modulation in patients with major depressive episodes are associated with suicide attempts

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    International audienceSuicide is the leading cause of non-natural death worldwide, and major depressive disorder (MDD) is the mood disorder with the highest prevalence among individuals with suicidal behaviour (SB). The role of inflammation and immunomodulation in mood disorders has raised interest in recent years, as inflammation biomarkers have been reported to be increased in mood disorder patients, suggesting a role of inflammation in their pathogenesis. The influence of inflammation on the haematopoietic production is well known; however, a comprehensive study of the haematopoietic production in patients with major depressive episodes (MDE) is lacking. We examined global haematopoietic parameters from complete blood counts (CBC) of patients with MDE, in search of prognostic patterns. MDE patients presented differences in several CBC parameters, differences that were clearly pronounced and/or significant in concurrence with suicide attempts (SA). Red and white blood cell lineage parameters were affected, suggesting general haematopoietic modulation or imbalance. We observed distinct haematological parameter changes in women versus men, with men presenting milder alterations than women. Interestingly, we found that the List of Threatening Experiences (LTE) score, but not the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), was associated with the haematopoietic alterations observed exclusively in women and, more importantly, served as a parameter to stratify female MDE patients based on concurrence or non-concurrence with SA. In conclusion, grades of haematopoietic modulation in MDE patients are associated with absence or presence of SA. Haematopoietic manifestations differ between men and women and, in the latter, are markedly influenced by late, and not early, traumatic events