9 research outputs found

    La gesti贸n de Fondos de Inversi贸n en Activos de Renta Fija

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    [ES]En el presente trabajo analizamos la evoluci贸n de la inversi贸n colectiva en Estados Unidos y Gran Breta帽a, pa铆ses que son el inicio de la misma, y su posterior nacimiento y desarrollo en Espa帽a, para centrarnos exclusivamente en los Fondos de Inversi贸n de Renta Fija. En la segunda parte, estudiamos la gesti贸n de carteras de renta fija y su posible aplicaci贸n a la gesti贸n de carteras de Fondos de Inversi贸n, incorporando las posibilidades que ofrecen los productos financieros derivados. Finalizamos el trabajo con un an谩lisis emp铆rico sobre el comportamiento de los FIM de Renta Fija en Espa帽a, con el objeto de contrastar c贸mo es realmente la gesti贸n de Fondos en nuestro pa铆s.[EN]This thesis studies the development of colective investment in the United States and Great Britain, the countries where this kind of investment began, and the evolution of colective investment in Spain, focusing on fixed income mutual funds . The second part is devoted to the analysis of fixed income portfolio strategies and their possible applications to fixed income mutual funds management, using derivatives products like swaps, futures and options. Finally, an empirical study about the performance of fixed income mutual funds in Spain is presented

    Growth of the Spanish Multinational in Latin America during the 1990s

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    During the 1990s, Spain changed from a net recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) to one of the most important investors in Latin America. Fieldwork in this article identifies trends and directions of Spanish acquisitions, with an emphasis on the 1990 to 2001 period. An overview of the emergence of the Spanish MNC is followed by statistical analysis of their competitive (i.e. ownership) advantage as measured by the relative strength of market size, wage differentials and cultural affinity. This analysis helped in explaining the link between strategic decisions of the Spanish MNCs and their choice of geography and industrial sector. Empirical analysis finds Spanish MNCs responded to privatisation opportunities and to gain access to specific foreign markets rather than to an attempt to create global export platforms.Latin America; FDI; Spanish MNC; Dunning

    Growth of the Spanish Multinational in Latin America during the 1990s

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    During the 1990s, Spain changed from a net recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) to one of the most important investors in Latin America. Fieldwork in this article identifies trends and directions of Spanish acquisitions, with an emphasis on the 1990 to 2001 period. An overview of the emergence of the Spanish MNC is followed by statistical analysis of their competitive (i.e. ownership) advantage as measured by the relative strength of market size, wage differentials and cultural affinity. This analysis helped in explaining the link between strategic decisions of the Spanish MNCs and their choice of geography and industrial sector. Empirical analysis finds Spanish MNCs responded to privatisation opportunities and to gain access to specific foreign markets rather than to an attempt to create global export platforms

    Growth of the Spanish Multinational in Latin America during the 1990s

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    During the 1990s, Spain changed from a net recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) to one of the most important investors in Latin America. Fieldwork in this article identifies trends and directions of Spanish acquisitions, with an emphasis on the 1990 to 2001 period. An overview of the emergence of the Spanish MNC is followed by statistical analysis of their competitive (i.e. ownership) advantage as measured by the relative strength of market size, wage differentials and cultural affinity. This analysis helped in explaining the link between strategic decisions of the Spanish MNCs and their choice of geography and industrial sector. Empirical analysis finds Spanish MNCs responded to privatisation opportunities and to gain access to specific foreign markets rather than to an attempt to create global export platforms

    Finantza-erakundeen kudeaketa

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    Oro har finantza-erakunde baten kudeaketa ikuspegi praktiko batetik ezagutu nahi duen edozeinentzat erabilgarria da lan hau. Hain zuzen ere, graduko eta postgraduko finantza-arloko irakasleei, sektore honetako profesionalei eta, baita banku-eragiketak hobetu ulertu nahi dituzten inbertsiogile partikularrei ere zuzentzen da.Lan horrek ikasleek banku-eragiketak ezagutzea du helburu, baina ez finantza-erakunde baten bezero moduan, baizik eta entitatearen kudeaketaren aldetik, egungo finantza-merkatuen errealitatea kontuan izanda. Lan hori irakurri ondoren irakurleak azken bolada honetan suertatu diren gertaera ekonomikoak hobeto ulertuko ditu: subprime hipotekak, gobernuak esku hartu dituen erakundeak, kreditu-arriskuaren kudeaketak dituen arazoak, finantza-erakundeen likidezia eta kaudimen arazoak, etab. Irakurleak banku-erakundeen emaitzen kudeaketa egoki baten garrantzia ulertuko duLiburu honek UPV/EHUko Euskara eta Eleaniztasuneko Errektoreordetzaren dirulaguntza jaso d

    La gesti贸n de fondos de inversi贸n en activos de renta fija

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    [ES]En el presente trabajo analizamos la evoluci贸n de la inversi贸n colectiva en Estados Unidos y Gran Breta帽a, pa铆ses que son el inicio de la misma, y su posterior nacimiento y desarrollo en Espa帽a, para centrarnos exclusivamente en los Fondos de Inversi贸n de Renta Fija. En la segunda parte, estudiamos la gesti贸n de carteras de renta fija y su posible aplicaci贸n a la gesti贸n de carteras de Fondos de Inversi贸n, incorporando las posibilidades que ofrecen los productos financieros derivados. Finalizamos el trabajo con un an谩lisis emp铆rico sobre el comportamiento de los FIM de Renta Fija en Espa帽a, con el objeto de contrastar c贸mo es realmente la gesti贸n de Fondos en nuestro pa铆s.[EN]This thesis studies the development of colective investment in the United States and Great Britain, the countries where this kind of investment began, and the evolution of colective investment in Spain, focusing on fixed income mutual funds . The second part is devoted to the analysis of fixed income portfolio strategies and their possible applications to fixed income mutual funds management, using derivatives products like swaps, futures and options. Finally, an empirical study about the performance of fixed income mutual funds in Spain is presented

    Finantza-erakundeen kudeaketa

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    Oro har finantza-erakunde baten kudeaketa ikuspegi praktiko batetik ezagutu nahi duen edozeinentzat erabilgarria da lan hau. Hain zuzen ere, graduko eta postgraduko finantza-arloko irakasleei, sektore honetako profesionalei eta, baita banku-eragiketak hobetu ulertu nahi dituzten inbertsiogile partikularrei ere zuzentzen da.Lan horrek ikasleek banku-eragiketak ezagutzea du helburu, baina ez finantza-erakunde baten bezero moduan, baizik eta entitatearen kudeaketaren aldetik, egungo finantza-merkatuen errealitatea kontuan izanda. Lan hori irakurri ondoren irakurleak azken bolada honetan suertatu diren gertaera ekonomikoak hobeto ulertuko ditu: subprime hipotekak, gobernuak esku hartu dituen erakundeak, kreditu-arriskuaren kudeaketak dituen arazoak, finantza-erakundeen likidezia eta kaudimen arazoak, etab. Irakurleak banku-erakundeen emaitzen kudeaketa egoki baten garrantzia ulertuko duLiburu honek UPV/EHUko Euskara eta Eleaniztasuneko Errektoreordetzaren dirulaguntza jaso d