1,146 research outputs found

    Influencia de la carrera a pie sobre el hábito tabáquico

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    ObjetivoInvestigar si la carrera a pie influye sobre el hábito tabáquico.DiseñoEstudio de casos y controles, con emparejamiento 1:1. Observación longitudinal retrospectiva.EmplazamientoAtención primaria. Ciudad de Toledo.ParticipantesCasos: 48 corredores voluntarios sanos de 47 ± 7,8 años de edad. Controles: 48 sujetos sanos, emparejados por sexo y año de nacimiento, elegidos al azar entre la población adscrita al medico investigador.Mediciones principalesHábito tabáquico y gramos semanales de alcohol mediante cuestionario, peso, talla, presión arterial y frecuencia cardíaca de reposo. Se obtuvieron las odds ratio (OR) de las proporciones de sujetos que fumaban o habían fumado alguna vez, de los que seguían fumando y de las probabilidades de abandono del tabaco de cada grupo.ResultadosLa OR de la proporción de sujetos que fumaban o habían fumado entre los grupos de corredores (54,2%) y controles (70,9%) era de 0,486 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 0,205-1,149; χ2=2,8; p=0,093). La OR para continuación del hábito entre los grupos de corredores (8,4%) y controles (41,7%) era de 0,127 (IC del 95%, 0,035-0,456; χ2=14,0; p=0,0002). En el grupo de corredores había abandonado el tabaco el 45,8% y en el de controles, el 31,2% (OR=7,85; IC del 95%, 1,89-32,52; χ2=11,8; p=0,0007). El 50% de los corredores que fumaban lo había dejado desde que comenzó a correr y el 76,9% de éstos lo había dejado justo en el momento de comenzar a correr.ConclusionesHay una asociación negativa entre carrera a pie y tabaco. Si un fumador decide comenzar a correr regularmente, tiene muchas probabilidades de dejar de fumar y mantenerse así.ObjectiveTo investigate whether running influences smoking habits.DesignStudy of cases and controls, with 1:1 pairing. Retrospective longitudinal observational study.SettingPrimary care City of Toledo, Spain.ParticipantsCases: 48 healthy volunteer runners of 47±7.8 years of age. Controls: 48 healthy subjects, paired by gender and year of birth, chosen at random from the medical list assigned to the medical researcher.Principal measurementsSmoking habits and alcohol consumption in grams per week using a questionnaire, weight, height, blood pressure, and heart rate at rest. The odds ratio (OR) was obtained on the proportion of subjects who smoked or smoked at some time, those who continued smoking and the probabilities of giving up tobacco in each group.ResultsThe OR of the proportion of subjects who smoked or had smoked between the groups of runners (54.2%) and controls (70.9%) was 0.486 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.205-1.149; χ2=2.8; P=.093). The OR for continuing the habit between groups of runners (8.4%) and controls (41.7%) was 0.127 (95% CI, 0.035-0.456; χ2=14.0; P=.0002). In the group of runners, 45.8% had stopped smoking, as well as 31.2% of the controls (OR=7.85; 95% CI, 1.89-32.52; χ2=11.8; P=.0007); 50% of the runners who smoked had given it up since starting to run and 76.9% of these had given it up just at the time of starting to run.ConclusionsThere is a negative association between running and tobacco. If a smoker decides to run regularly he/she has high probabilities of giving up smoking and continue to do so

    Labor regulation of Artificial Intelligence

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    [ES] El uso en el entorno laboral de la inteligencia artificial y los algoritmos es cada día más frecuente, lo que implica una transformación de los actuales empleos. Esta proliferación del uso de la tecnología va a suponer un cambio que abarcará a todas las profesiones e implicará tanto la desaparición de muchos trabajos, como la creación de otros nuevos, y aunque trae consigo numerosas ventajas de eficiencia y productividad es necesario que las personas trabajadoras tengan derecho a recibir una explicación lógica y comprensible de cómo se usan sus datos en materia de contratación, evaluación del rendimiento, control de productividad, determinación de horarios, despido, etc… así como del riesgo de discriminación derivado de su uso. Estas tecnologías afectan cada vez más a algunos derechos fundamentales de las personas trabajadoras, como son: la privacidad, la protección de datos personales, la igualdad y no discriminación, y la seguridad y salud laboral. Es por esto, por lo que es muy importante que se haga hincapié en el respeto a los derechos y valores fundamentales, lo que supone un importante reto para la legislación laboral, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, y también para los gobiernos, a través de las políticas públicas, las empresas y los sindicatos.[EN] The increasing use of artificial intelligence and algorithms in work environments implies that jobs undergo considerable transformations. The proliferation in the use of technology will affect all professions and will lead to both the disappearance of many jobs and the creation of new ones. Although new technologies do possess the advantage of contributing to leaner production, it is essential that workers should have the right to be given a logical explanation about and a clear insight into how personal information concerning hiring, performance assessment, productivity control, working hours and termination, etc. will be treated as well as the risk of discrimination that may arise from its use. New technologies are increasingly affecting some fundamental rights of workers such as the protection of privacy and personal information, equality, non-discrimination and labour safety and health. That is why it is extremely important to emphasize that fundamental rights and values should be respected, which constitutes a big challenge for national and international labour legislations, as well as for governments through public policies, companies and trade unions

    Una nueva prestación social : el ingreso mínimo vital = A new benefit : minimun living income

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    En plena desescalada de la pandemia de COVID-19, el BOE número 154, de 1 de junio, publica el Real Decreto-Ley 20/2020 por el que se establece el Ingreso Mínimo Vital. Constituye una nueva prestación de gran importancia social, cuyo fin es contribuir a eliminar la situación de vulnerabilidad que genera tanto la pobreza como la exclusión social, ya sea por la falta de ingresos o por la escasez de los mismos, lo que supone un hito en la lucha contra la pobreza en el país. A largo de este año desde su implantación, se han realizado seis modificaciones al Real Decreto Ley, haciéndose evidente la necesidad de mejorar la norma en diversos aspectos, para que el Ingreso Mínimo Vital no deje a nadie atrás, especialmente a las personas más vulnerables, garantizándoles con este ingreso unos niveles de seguridad material que les permita poder llevar a cabo su proyecto de vida con dignidad y libertad

    Propuesta de un marco conceptual para el análisis comparativo de las redes de distribución de dos supermercados online = Proposal of a conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of the distribution networks of two online supermarkets

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    In this article the network configuration for fulfillment and distribution of online orders of two British retailers is analyzed and compared. For this purpose, it is proposed a conceptual framework that consists of the key following aspects: network configuration, transportation management and location of demand. As a result is not obvious to determine the ideal centralization degree in each case. Finally, it is suggested the future development of an analytic tool that helps to choose the most appropriate model

    Infective Endocarditis in Aortic Valve Disease

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    Although infective endocarditis is a rare disease, its incidence has increased over the last years and, despite improved diagnosis and treatment, it has a poor prognosis. The left side is compromised in most cases and underlying valvular heart disease is present in a substantial proportion of cases. We review the incidence, main clinical features and indications for surgery in left-sided native valve infective endocarditis, focusing on the aortic valve

    Circulant singular spectrum analysis: a new automated procedure for signal extraction

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    Sometimes, it is of interest to single out the fluctuations associated to a given frequency. We propose a new variant of SSA, Circulant SSA (CiSSA), that allows to extract the signal associated to any frequency specified beforehand. This is a novelty when compared with other SSA procedures that need to iden- tify ex-post the frequencies associated to the extracted signals. We prove that CiSSA is asymptotically equivalent to these alternative procedures although with the advantage of avoiding the need of the subse- quent frequency identification. We check its good performance and compare it to alternative SSA methods through several simulations for linear and nonlinear time series. We also prove its validity in the nonsta- tionary case. We apply CiSSA in two different fields to show how it works with real data and find that it behaves successfully in both applications. Finally, we compare the performance of CiSSA with other state of the art techniques used for nonlinear and nonstationary signals with amplitude and frequency varying in time.MINECO/FEDE

    Circulant Singular Spectrum Analysis to monitor the state of the economy in real time.

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    Real-time monitoring of the economy is based on activity indicators that show regular patterns such as trends, seasonality and business cycles. However, parametric and non-parametric methods for signal extraction produce revisions at the end of the sample, and the arrival of new data makes it difficult to assess the state of the economy. In this paper, we compare two signal extraction procedures: Circulant Singular Spectral Analysis, CiSSA, a non-parametric technique in which we can extract components associated with desired frequencies, and a parametric method based on ARIMA modelling. Through a set of simulations, we show that the magnitude of the revisions produced by CiSSA converges to zero quicker, and it is smaller than that of the alternative procedure.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Women's Ecofeminist Spirituality: Origins and Applications to Psychotherapy

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    The aim of this paper is to theoretically explore the origins and possible psychotherapeutic applications of some neo-pagan, neo-shamanic, or psycho-spiritual women's movements that are currently spreading in Western countries. In spite of their great diversity, they are all encompassed within the term “ecofeminist spirituality.” This article analyzes their ideological, historical, and cultural origins, placing special emphasis on their psychotherapeutic role and describing the main tools and fields of application

    El petróleo, historia y refino

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    Los objetivos de este proyecto es el estudio de los usos del petróleo a lo largo de la historia y la evolución del proceso de refino según las necesidades

    Social Entrepreneurship in Sheltered Employment Centres: A Case Study of Business Success

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    Sheltered Employment centres (CEEs) are part of the social economy companies, based on the primacy of people over capital, social benefits and solidarity. Its aim is to carry out productive work and they are a means of integration of the greatest possible number of disabled people. There is a growing interest in this type of business because its number has increased considerably. The objective of this chapter is to give academic visibility to CEEs due to its great contribution to the social corporate responsibility and to encourage the so-called social entrepreneurship. The reasons for creating social firms are analysed and the characteristics that can contribute to the success of this type of companies are studied. Using the case study methodology, a CEE is analysed in depth showing the main features of social economy business by means of a specific case and the key variables that has conducted to its success