111 research outputs found

    Effects of the CPAP Treatment on the NON-REM Sleep Microstructures in Patients with Severe Apnea-Hypoapnea Syndrome

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    Sleep quality is affected in patients with sleep apnea- hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) with nocturnal and diurnal consequences. Most of these patients who are treated with positive airway pressure (CPAP) return to normal sleep patterns. We could consider good sleepers those patients who present more sleep spindles in stage II, and slower wave sleep as a good sign of better sleep quality. The objective in this research study was to compare the microstructure of stage II using the number of spindles and the increase of slow wave sleep before and after CPAP night titration. We developed a wavelet filter using a spline cubic function from a wavelet mother, which was appropriate to be used over electroencephalographic signal. By means of this filter in a multi-resolution mode, the spindles were detected from the increase of the IV band power; the sampling rate of the device determined the filter characteristics. The staging of polysomnographic studies was made by an expert according AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) and then processed by the filter to get the index of sleep spindles before-and-after CPAP during stage II as well as the relationship between fast and slow powers from the EEG signal. An increase in the power of the slow waves vs. fast activity was observed in all the cases as a feature of better sleep. The neuroprotective effect described in previous research works regarding the density of the sleep spindles seems to be detected in patients improving their sleep quality after the correction of the apnea-hypopnea syndrome using CPAP.Fil: Smurra, Marcela. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Enrique Tornú; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Susana Alicia Ana. Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Eguiguren, Veronica. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Enrique Tornú; ArgentinaFil: Di Risio, Cecilia Diana. Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Circadian rhythm of VEGF expression in the liver of hepatectomized-tumor-bearing adult and young mice

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    We analyzed VEGF expression in regenerating liver (after partial hepatectomy) of tumor-bearing adult and young mice, throughout one complete circadian cycle. The animals were sacrificed every 4 h, from 26 to 46 h post-hepatectomy. Liver samples were processed for immunohistochemistry. The results showed circadian variation of VEGF expression in hepatectomized mice (control group) and hepatectomized-tumor-bearing mice. The maximum value of VEGF expression was found at 16:00/30 h of day/hour post-hepatectomy (HD/HPH) in tumor-bearing young mice, and at 20:00/34 HD/HPH in the controls. In adult mice the maximum values of VEGF expression were at 16:00/30 HD/HPH in tumor-bearing mice, and at 08:00/46 HD/ HPH in the controls. Young tumor-bearing mice showed significantly higher mean values than the controls. In conclusion, the presence of the tumor in the animals induces modifications in the intensity and the temporal distribution of the circadian curves of VEGF expression.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Circadian rhythm of VEGF expression in the liver of hepatectomized-tumor-bearing adult and young mice

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    We analyzed VEGF expression in regenerating liver (after partial hepatectomy) of tumor-bearing adult and young mice, throughout one complete circadian cycle. The animals were sacrificed every 4 h, from 26 to 46 h post-hepatectomy. Liver samples were processed for immunohistochemistry. The results showed circadian variation of VEGF expression in hepatectomized mice (control group) and hepatectomized-tumor-bearing mice. The maximum value of VEGF expression was found at 16:00/30 h of day/hour post-hepatectomy (HD/HPH) in tumor-bearing young mice, and at 20:00/34 HD/HPH in the controls. In adult mice the maximum values of VEGF expression were at 16:00/30 HD/HPH in tumor-bearing mice, and at 08:00/46 HD/ HPH in the controls. Young tumor-bearing mice showed significantly higher mean values than the controls. In conclusion, the presence of the tumor in the animals induces modifications in the intensity and the temporal distribution of the circadian curves of VEGF expression.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Evaluation of angiogenesis with the expression of VEGF and CD34 in human non-small cell lung cancer

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    Angiogenesis is an essential process in the progression of malignant tumors and the most potent angiogenic factor is the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). On the other hand, the CD34 is an endothelial antigen that has been used to highlight the microvasculature vessel density (MVD) as a direct marker of the degree of neoangiogenesis. In the present study we report the VEGF expression and its relationship with MVD, measured by CD34, in two lineages of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL): low differentiated adenocarcinomas and epidermoid carcinomas, in order to consider the possibility of using the correlation between both antibodies as a prognostic factor. Tumor sections were stained by immunohistochemistry for CD34 and VEGF. The results showed that the mean value of VEGF for adenocarcinoma was significantly higher than the one for epidermoid carcinoma (p < 0.001). However, the mean of MVD did not show significant differences between both types of tumors. The conventional factors taken into consideration (age over 60, sex, and presence of lymph nodes) was not significantly related to the angiogenic factors examined. In conclusion, we could affirm that CD34 is a better prognostic marker of neoangiogenesis in NSCLC, because both types of tumors have the same clinical prognosis, and so we expected the same behaviour from both markers.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Evaluation of angiogenesis with the expression of VEGF and CD34 in human non-small cell lung cancer

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    Angiogenesis is an essential process in the progression of malignant tumors and the most potent angiogenic factor is the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). On the other hand, the CD34 is an endothelial antigen that has been used to highlight the microvasculature vessel density (MVD) as a direct marker of the degree of neoangiogenesis. In the present study we report the VEGF expression and its relationship with MVD, measured by CD34, in two lineages of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCL): low differentiated adenocarcinomas and epidermoid carcinomas, in order to consider the possibility of using the correlation between both antibodies as a prognostic factor. Tumor sections were stained by immunohistochemistry for CD34 and VEGF. The results showed that the mean value of VEGF for adenocarcinoma was significantly higher than the one for epidermoid carcinoma (p < 0.001). However, the mean of MVD did not show significant differences between both types of tumors. The conventional factors taken into consideration (age over 60, sex, and presence of lymph nodes) was not significantly related to the angiogenic factors examined. In conclusion, we could affirm that CD34 is a better prognostic marker of neoangiogenesis in NSCLC, because both types of tumors have the same clinical prognosis, and so we expected the same behaviour from both markers.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Enseñanza integrada: opinión de los alumnos de primer año de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UNLP

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    Los alumnos de primer año del ciclo lectivo 2011, cursaron durante el mes de agosto, a modo de prueba piloto el “Módulo de Integración”. Durante tres semanas se abordaron los contenidos de Anatomía, Histología y Embriología del aparato respiratorio y cardiovascular.Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (FCM


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    Objetivos: Destacar o tipo de lideran&ccedil;a que favore&ccedil;a o bom relacionamento na equipe e identificar a comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o ideal para um relacionamento interpessoal sadio entre membros da equipe de enfermagem. M&eacute;todo: Este estudo trata-se de uma revis&atilde;o bibliogr&aacute;fica de abordagem qualitativa, onde se utilizou como fonte a Biblioteca Virtual de Sa&uacute;de (BVS). A coleta de dados foi realizada no per&iacute;odo janeiro a mar&ccedil;o de 2011, sendo selecionados 6 artigos para an&aacute;lise, os quais foram extra&iacute;dos nas bases de dados da BDENF, LILACS e SciELO. Ap&oacute;s an&aacute;lise das produ&ccedil;&otilde;es, emergiram duas categorias: 1). Lideran&ccedil;a: fator fundamental para um bom gerenciamento; 2). Relacionamento interpessoal: medidas para um ambiente sadio. Resultados: Evidenciou-se a necessidade de o enfermeiro n&atilde;o atuar somente nas atividades burocr&aacute;ticas da institui&ccedil;&atilde;o, mas principalmente participar do trabalho da sua equipe, dando maior aten&ccedil;&atilde;o no que se refere a comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o e ao relacionamento dos componentes da mesma. Conclus&atilde;o: Concluiu-se que o comportamento dos l&iacute;deres, afeta de forma direta a atitude dos seus liderados, portanto, as estrat&eacute;gias de gerenciamento s&atilde;o fundamentais para o bom desenvolvimento da equipe, e um relacionamento que tem como princ&iacute;pio a boa comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o, possibilita melhores condi&ccedil;&otilde;es no ambiente de trabalho


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    Objetivos: Destacar o tipo de liderança que favoreça o bom relacionamento na equipe e identificar a comunicação ideal para um relacionamento interpessoal sadio entre membros da equipe de enfermagem. Método: Este estudo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica de abordagem qualitativa, onde se utilizou como fonte a Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS). A coleta de dados foi realizada no período janeiro a março de 2011, sendo selecionados 6 artigos para análise, os quais foram extraídos nas bases de dados da BDENF, LILACS e SciELO. Após análise das produções, emergiram duas categorias: 1). Liderança: fator fundamental para um bom gerenciamento; 2). Relacionamento interpessoal: medidas para um ambiente sadio. Resultados: Evidenciou-se a necessidade de o enfermeiro não atuar somente nas atividades burocráticas da instituição, mas principalmente participar do trabalho da sua equipe, dando maior atenção no que se refere a comunicação e ao relacionamento dos componentes da mesma. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que o comportamento dos líderes, afeta de forma direta a atitude dos seus liderados, portanto, as estratégias de gerenciamento são fundamentais para o bom desenvolvimento da equipe, e um relacionamento que tem como princípio a boa comunicação, possibilita melhores condições no ambiente de trabalho

    3C.co Comunicación, Capitalismo y Crítica en la Colombia Digital

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    El presente libro comprende una producción Académica que integra los aportes derivados de diferentes reflexiones, estudios e investigaciones sobre el rol que tiene el campo de la Comunicación Social y Medios Digitales, como escenario de formación especializada, investigación, innovación y apropiación social del conocimiento aplicado al análisis de la “Economía Política de la Información”. En este tópico de estudio, se indaga acerca de las relaciones económicas presentes en los medios digitales: Apps, nuevos medios y más media, redes sociales, y emprendimientos tecnológicos, a partir de investigaciones que se han enfocado en el análisis del impacto socio económico que ejercen estos medios dentro del entorno naciona

    Defects in memory B-cell and plasma cell subsets expressing different immunoglobulin-subclasses in patients with CVID and immunoglobulin subclass deficiencies

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    Background: Predominantly antibody deficiencies (PADs) are the most prevalent primary immunodeficiencies, but their B-cell defects and underlying genetic alterations remain largely unknown. Objective: We investigated patients with PADs for the distribution of 41 blood B-cell and plasma cell (PC) subsets, including subsets defined by expression of distinct immunoglobulin heavy chain subclasses. Methods: Blood samples from 139 patients with PADs, 61 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), 68 patients with selective IgA deficiency (IgAdef), 10 patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency, and 223 age matched control subjects were studied by using flow cytometry with EuroFlow immunoglobulin isotype staining. Patients were classified according to their B-cell and PC immune profile, and the obtained patient clusters were correlated with clinical manifestations of PADs. Results: Decreased counts of blood PCs, memory B cells (MB Cs), or both expressing distinct IgA and IgG subclasses were identified in all patients with PADs. In patients with IgAdef, B-cell defects were mainly restricted to surface membrane (sm)IgA(+) PCs and MBCs, with 2 clear subgroups showing strongly decreased numbers of smIgA(+) PCs with mild versus severe smIgA(+) MBC defects and higher frequencies of nonrespiratory tract infections, autoimmunity, and affected family members. Patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency and those with CVID showed defects in both smIgA(+) and smIgG(+) MBCs and PCs. Reduced numbers of switched PCs were systematically found in patients with CVID (absent in 98%), with 6 different defective MBC (and clinical) profiles: (1) profound decrease in MBC numbers; (2) defective CD27(+) MBCs with almost normal IgG(3)(+) MBCs; (3) absence of switched MBCs; and (4) presence of both unswitched and switched MBCs without and; (5) with IgG(2)(+) MBCs; and (6) with IgA(1)(+) MBCs. Conclusion: Distinct PAD defective B-cell patterns were identified that are associated with unique clinical profiles