2,147 research outputs found

    Taller de geofísica : geomagnetisme

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    El magnetisme i en particular el camp magnètic de la Terra s'ensenya als alumnes des de la primària fins al batxillerat en diferents moments i amb un aprofundiment progressiu. Aquest article pretén complementar l'estudi del camp magnètic al batxillerat amb una acti-vitat pràctica sobre una tempesta magnètica enregistrada a l'Observatori de l'Ebre. El treball consta d'una introducció als conceptes bàsics que permeten comprendre el camp geomagnètic, les tempestes magnètiques i l'enregistrament que se'n fa en un ob-servatori magnètic. L'objectiu final serà donar una mesura de l'activitat magnètica. La re-solució d'un qüestionari ajudarà a reforçar aquests conceptes i facilitarà la mesura dels índexs d'activitat magnètica

    Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop

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    [EN] Most of the small towns in the inner area of Spain have problems with the loss of population, low economic development, and unemployment. This is a widespread phenomenon in many areas, such as the Valencia region, where significant differences exist between the periphery coastal zone and the interior. Some of these towns have natural resources like highlands, rivers, and vegetation as significant tourist attractions. Vocational education programs are oriented to increase the employment of the residents while keeping the characteristics of its population and its territory in the different municipalities. Sot de Chera, located in the region of the Serranía (70 km from Valencia), is one of these municipalities. This paper presents the educational experience using one of these programs and workshops for the recovery of an area of outstanding landscape and environmental value. During the last decade, some efforts have been made to combine these natural resources with other activities to increase the area¿s population and economic activity. The case presented uses a combination of teaching methodologies and practical training connected with the daily life and activities of the people in the town. It has also involved all the inhabitants, including their different opinions and participation. The results obtained during the training and occupational project demonstrate the great potential of these interventions. These types of activities and programs have become a substantial improvement for the sustainable development of these areas.This project was carried out thanks to the funding received from the Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación (SERVEF), with the project Taller de Empleo restauración paisajística del Rio Sot 2014 (ETCOTE file FOTAE 2014/47/46), with the collaboration of the Sot de Chera Town hall. The authors thank the staff of SERVEF and the Sot de Chera town hall for providing the support and resources needed to carry out the activities.López-Mateu, V.; Pellicer, TM.; Blanch Vanacloig, J. (2022). Sustainable rural development through vocational education: Sot River landscape restoration workshop. IATED. 9951-9959. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.24009951995

    Gamma rays from microquasars Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3

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    Gamma-ray observations of microquasars at high and very-high energies can provide valuable information of the acceleration processes inside the jets, the jet-environment interaction and the disk-jet coupling. Two high-mass microquasars have been deeply studied to shed light on these aspects: Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3. Both systems display the canonical hard and soft X-ray spectral states of black hole transients, where the radiation is dominated by non-thermal emission from the corona and jets and by thermal emission from the disk, respectively. Here, we report on the detection of Cygnus X-1 above 60 MeV using 7.5 yr of Pass8 Fermi-LAT data, correlated with the hard X-ray state. A hint of orbital flux modulation was also found, as the source is only detected in phases around the compact object superior conjunction. We conclude that the high-energy gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-1 is most likely associated with jets and its detection allow us to constrain the production site. Moreover, we include in the discussion the final results of a MAGIC long-term campaign on Cygnus X-1 that reaches almost 100 hr of observations at different X-ray states. On the other hand, during summer 2016, Cygnus X-3 underwent a flaring activity period in radio and high-energy gamma rays, similar to the one that led to its detection in the high-energy regime in 2009. MAGIC performed comprehensive follow-up observations for a total of about 70 hr. We discuss our results in a multi-wavelength context.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea (arXiv:1708.05153