35 research outputs found

    Compromís social dels ciutadans

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    Una investigació realitzada en forma d'enquesta al llarg de 2011 a una mostra de 3.000 persones de la població espanyola major de 18 anys i resident a llars amb telèfon ha analitzat la implicació social d'aquesta població arribant a la conclusió que el 36% dels espanyols esta compromés socialment. Els resultats obtinguts formen part de la tesi doctoral de Sergi Blancafort, investigador de la Fundació Josep Laporte i membre del Grup de Recerca sobre Globalització, Educació i Polítiques Socials (GEPS), del Departament de Sociologia de la UAB.Una investigación, realizada en forma de encuesta a lo largo de 2011 a una muestra de 3.000 personas de la población española mayor de 18 años y residente en hogares con teléfono, ha analizado la implicación social de esta población llegando a la conclusión de que el 36% de los españoles está comprometido socialmente. Los resultados obtenidos forman parte de la Tesis doctoral de Sergi Blancafort, investigador de la Fundación Josep Laporte y miembro del Grupo de Investigación sobre Globalización, Educación y Políticas Sociales (GEPS), del Departamento de Sociología de la UAB.This study conducted as a survey in 2011 to a sample of 3,000 people of the Spanish population over 18 years old and living in households with telephones, has analyzed the social engagement of this population and concluded that 36% of Spanish people is socially engaged. This results are part of Sergi Blancafort's doctoral thesis, researcher at the Josep Laporte Foundation (UAB) and member of the Research Group on Globalization, Education and Social Policy (GEPS), at the Department of Sociology at the UAB

    Promoting social capital, self-management and health literacy in older adults through a group-based intervention delivered in low-income urban areas : results of the randomized trial AEQUALIS

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    Altres ajuts: Recercaixa (2014ACUP00207)Background: Evidence is scarce on how to promote health and decrease cumulative inequalities for disadvantaged older people. Downstream complex interventions focusing on intermediate factors (self-management, health literacy and social capital) may have the potential to mitigate the inequitable impacts of social determinants in health. The aim of the AEQUALIS study was to assess the effectiveness of a group-based intervention to improve self-perceived health as indicator of health inequality. Methods: Pragmatic randomised clinical trial addressed to older adults (≥ 60 years) living in urban disadvantaged areas with low self-perceived health. The intervention was delivered in primary care settings and community assets between 2015 and 2017 and consisted in 12 weekly sessions. The primary outcome was self-perceived health assessed in two ways: with the first item of the SF-12 questionnaire, and with the EQ-5D visual analog scale. Secondary outcomes were health-related quality of life, social capital, self-management, mental health and use of health services. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, post intervention and follow-up at 9 months after the end of the intervention. Results: 390 people were allocated to the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG) and 194 participants and 164 were included in the data analysis, respectively. Self perceived health as primary outcome assessed with SF-12-1 was not specifically affected by the intervention, but with the EQ-5D visual analog scale showed a significant increase at one-year follow-up only in the IG (MD=4.80, 95%CI [1.09, 8.52]). IG group improved health literacy in terms of a better understanding of medical information (− 0.62 [− 1.10, − 0.13]). The mental component of SF-12 improved (3.77 [1.82, 5.73]), and depressive symptoms decreased at post-intervention (− 1.26 [− 1.90, − 0.63]), and at follow-up (− 0.95 [− 1.62, − 0.27]). The use of antidepressants increased in CG at the follow-up (1.59 [0.33, 2.86]), while it remained stable in the IG. Conclusions: This study indicates that a group intervention with a strong social component, conducted in primary health care and community assets, shows promising effects on mental health and can be used as a strategy for health promotion among older adults in urban disadvantaged areas. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02733523. Registered 11 April 2016 - Retrospectively registere

    Exploring Vision-Related Quality of Life : A Qualitative Study Comparing Patients' Experience of Cataract Surgery with a Standard Monofocal IOL and an Enhanced Monofocal IOL

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    To explore quality of life related with intermediate vision of patients before and after cataract surgery, and to make patients' experience available for the design of future scales that assess visual function related with intermediate distance. A qualitative research methodology based on thematic content analysis was used to explore vision-related quality of life based on the experiences of patients with cataract. Patients were recruited at the Service of Ophthalmology of the Hospital de Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain). Data were collected through nineteen semi-structured interviews conducted with patients diagnosed with cataract and implanted with a standard aspheric monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) (Tecnis ® ZA9003) (n = 6), an enhanced monofocal IOL (Tecnis ® Eyhance ICB000) (n = 6), and patients from the waiting list (n = 7). The data analysis consisted in coding, aggregation, and theme development of the transcribed audios. Patients on waiting lists reported difficulty and insecurity in performing daily and meaningful tasks related to near visual ranges (eg: threading a needle, reading price tags), intermediate (eg: using a computer or dialling numbers on a smartphone), and distant (eg: recognizing faces, walking on uneven surfaces). Patients after surgery with the standard IOL reported improvement in performing activities mainly in the distant visual range, but also the need for a better communication with clinical staff to adjust their own expectations on the results of the surgery. Finally, patients implanted with the enhanced IOL reported satisfaction and improved visual function in performing daily activities, especially those related to the intermediate visual range. Our exploratory study found that patients after cataract surgery with the enhanced IOL reported a better performance in activities that require the intermediate vision. These results will inform the development of scales to assess vision-related quality of life in the intermediate visual range prioritizing outcomes according to patients' daily and meaningful activities

    The excited-state structure, vibrations, lifetimes, and nonradiative dynamics of jet-cooled 1-methylcytosine

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    We have investigated the S0 → S1 UV vibronic spectrum and time-resolved S1 state dynamics of jet-cooled amino-keto 1-methylcytosine (1MCyt) using two-color resonant two-photon ionization, UV/UV holeburning and depletion spectroscopies, as well as nanosecond and picosecond timeresolved pump/delayed ionization measurements. The experimental study is complemented with spin-component-scaled second-order coupled-cluster and multistate complete active space second order perturbation ab initio calculations. Above the weak electronic origin of 1MCyt at 31 852 cm−1 about 20 intense vibronic bands are observed. These are interpreted as methyl group torsional transitions coupled to out-of-plane ring vibrations, in agreement with the methyl group rotation and out-of-plane distortions upon 1ππ∗ excitation predicted by the calculations. The methyl torsion and ν′1 (butterfly) vibrations are strongly coupled, in the S1 state. The S0 → S1 vibronic spectrum breaks off at a vibrational excess energy Eexc ∼ 500 cm−1, indicating that a barrier in front of the ethylene-type S1 S0 conical intersection is exceeded, which is calculated to lie at Eexc = 366 cm−1. The S1 S0 internal conversion rate constant increases from kIC = 2 · 109 s−1 near the S1(v = 0) level to 1 · 1011 s−1 at Eexc = 516 cm−1. The 1ππ∗ state of 1MCyt also relaxes into the lower-lying triplet T1 (3ππ∗) state by intersystem crossing (ISC); the calculated spin-orbit coupling (SOC) value is 2.4 cm−1. The ISC rate constant is 10–100 times lower than kIC; it increases from kISC = 2 · 108 s−1 near S1(v = 0) to kISC = 2 · 109 s−1 at Eexc = 516 cm−1. The T1 state energy is determined from the onset of the time-delayed photoionization efficiency curve as 25 600 ± 500 cm−1. The T2 (3nπ∗) state lies >1500 cm−1 above S1(v = 0), so S1 T2 ISC cannot occur, despite the large SOC parameter of 10.6 cm−1. An upper limit to the adiabatic ionization energy of 1MCyt is determined as 8.41 ± 0.02 eV. Compared to cytosine, methyl substitution at N1 lowers the adiabatic ionization energy by ≥0.32 eV and leads to a much higher density of vibronic bands in the S0 → S1 spectrum. The effect of methylation on the radiationless decay to S0 and ISC to T1 is small, as shown by the similar break-off of the spectrum and the similar computed mechanismsThis research has been supported by the Schweiz. Nationalfonds (Grant Nos. 121993 and 132540), the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) from Catalonia (Spain) (Grant No. 2014SGR1202), the Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (MINECO) from Spain (Grant No. CTQ2015-69363-P), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21303007

    The excited-state structure, vibrations, lifetimes, and nonradiative dynamics of jet-cooled 1-methylcytosine

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    We have investigated the S0 → S1 UV vibronic spectrum and time-resolved S1 state dynamics of jet-cooled amino-keto 1-methylcytosine (1MCyt) using two-color resonant two-photon ionization, UV/UV holeburning and depletion spectroscopies, as well as nanosecond and picosecond timeresolved pump/delayed ionization measurements. The experimental study is complemented with spin-component-scaled second-order coupled-cluster and multistate complete active space second order perturbation ab initio calculations. Above the weak electronic origin of 1MCyt at 31 852 cm−1 about 20 intense vibronic bands are observed. These are interpreted as methyl group torsional transitions coupled to out-of-plane ring vibrations, in agreement with the methyl group rotation and out-of-plane distortions upon 1ππ∗ excitation predicted by the calculations. The methyl torsion and ν′1 (butterfly) vibrations are strongly coupled, in the S1 state. The S0 → S1 vibronic spectrum breaks off at a vibrational excess energy Eexc ∼ 500 cm−1, indicating that a barrier in front of the ethylene-type S1 S0 conical intersection is exceeded, which is calculated to lie at Eexc = 366 cm−1. The S1 S0 internal conversion rate constant increases from kIC = 2 · 109 s−1 near the S1(v = 0) level to 1 · 1011 s−1 at Eexc = 516 cm−1. The 1ππ∗ state of 1MCyt also relaxes into the lower-lying triplet T1 (3ππ∗) state by intersystem crossing (ISC); the calculated spin-orbit coupling (SOC) value is 2.4 cm−1. The ISC rate constant is 10–100 times lower than kIC; it increases from kISC = 2 · 108 s−1 near S1(v = 0) to kISC = 2 · 109 s−1 at Eexc = 516 cm−1. The T1 state energy is determined from the onset of the time-delayed photoionization efficiency curve as 25 600 ± 500 cm−1. The T2 (3nπ∗) state lies >1500 cm−1 above S1(v = 0), so S1 T2 ISC cannot occur, despite the large SOC parameter of 10.6 cm−1. An upper limit to the adiabatic ionization energy of 1MCyt is determined as 8.41 ± 0.02 eV. Compared to cytosine, methyl substitution at N1 lowers the adiabatic ionization energy by ≥0.32 eV and leads to a much higher density of vibronic bands in the S0 → S1 spectrum. The effect of methylation on the radiationless decay to S0 and ISC to T1 is small, as shown by the similar break-off of the spectrum and the similar computed mechanismsThis research has been supported by the Schweiz. Nationalfonds (Grant Nos. 121993 and 132540), the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) from Catalonia (Spain) (Grant No. 2014SGR1202), the Ministerio de Economía y Competividad (MINECO) from Spain (Grant No. CTQ2015-69363-P), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21303007

    The effectiveness and complexity of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Evidence suggests that sedentary behaviour (SB) is associated with poor health outcomes. SB at any age may have significant consequences for health and well-being and interventions targeting SB are accumulating. Therefore, the need to review the effects of multicomponent, complex interventions that incorporate effective strategies to reduce SB are essential. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted investigating the impact of interventions targeting SB across the lifespan. Six databases were searched and two review authors independently screened studies for eligibility, completed data extraction and assessed the risk of bias and complexity of each of the included studies. Results: A total of 77 adult studies (n=62, RCTs) and 84 studies (n=62, RCTs) in children were included. The findings demonstrated that interventions in adults when compared to active controls resulted in non-significant reductions in SB, although when compared to inactive controls significant reductions were found in both the short (MD -56.86; 95%CI -74.10, -39.63; n=4632; I2 83%) and medium-to-long term (MD -20.14; 95%CI -34.13, -6.16; n=4537; I2 65%). The findings demonstrated that interventions in children when compared to active controls may lead to relevant reductions in daily sedentary time in the short-term (MD -59.90; 95%CI -102.16, -17.65; n=267; I2 86%), while interventions in children when compared to inactive controls may lead to relevant reductions in the short-term (MD -25.86; 95%CI -40.77, -10.96; n=9480; I2 98%) and medium-to-long term (MD -14.02; 95%CI -19.49, -8.55; n=41,138; I2 98%). The assessment of complexity suggested that interventions may need to be suitably complex to address the challenges of a complex behaviour such as SB, but demonstrated that a higher complexity score is not necessarily associated with better outcomes in terms of sustained long-term changes. Conclusions: Interventions targeting reductions in SB have been shown to be successful, especially environmental interventions in both children and adults. More needs to be known about how best to optimise intervention effects. Future intervention studies should apply more rigorous methods to improve research quality, considering larger sample sizes, randomised controlled designs and valid and reliable measures of SB

    Patients' Perspective of Medication Adherence in Chronic Conditions : A Qualitative Study

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    About 50% of patients do not take their long-term therapy for chronic conditions as prescribed. Many studies have centered on patients' adherence to a specific treatment or single conditions, but few have taken all chronic conditions into consideration from a patient's perspective. This study aims to explore factors that impact on drug compliance and to identify strategies to improve this from the perspective of patients with at least one chronic condition. Patients were recruited by healthcare professionals from a hospital pharmacy, four community pharmacies, patient associations, and a primary care center in Barcelona. Five focus groups were conducted (N = 36). Conversations were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim to allow qualitative analysis. Study subjects were aged 39-90 years (mean 65 years) and the mean number of comorbidities per patient was 2.3 (range 1-7). The main modifiers of therapeutic conduct were: patients' health beliefs, patient-prescriber relationships, and patients' motivation and perception of illness control. Study participants wanted greater participation in decision-making concerning their health and increased education about their illness and medication. They also wanted individualized healthcare that took their preferences and personal and emotional issues into account. Our results highlight how the patient-prescriber's relationship and factors such as health beliefs, motivation and perception of illness control impact on medication adherence in chronic patients. Future interventions to optimize adherence to treatment should focus on shared decision-making and more extensive health education

    A multi-domain group-based intervention to promote physical activity, healthy nutrition and psychological wellbeing in older people with losses in intrinsic capacity: AMICOPE development study

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    The World Health Organization has developed the Integrated Care of Older People (ICOPE) strategy, a program based on the measurement of intrinsic capacity (IC) as 'the composite of all physical and mental attributes on which an individual can draw'. Multicomponent interventions appear to be the most effective approach to enhance IC and to prevent frailty and disability since adapted physical activity is the preventive intervention that has shown the most evidence in the treatment of frailty and risk of falls. Our paper describes the development of a multi-domain group-based intervention addressed to older people living in the community, aimed at improving and/or maintaining intrinsic capacity by means of promoting physical activity, healthy nutrition, and psychological wellbeing in older people. The process of intervention development is described following the Guidance for reporting intervention development studies in health research (GUIDED). The result of this study is the AMICOPE intervention (Aptitude Multi-domain group-based intervention to improve and/or maintain IC in Older PEople) built upon the ICOPE framework and described following the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) guidelines. The intervention consists of 12 face-to-face sessions held weekly for 2.5 h over three months and facilitated by a pair of health and social care professionals. This study represents the first stage of the UK Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating a complex intervention. The next step should be carrying out a feasibility study for the AMICOPE intervention and, at a later stage, assessing the effectiveness in a randomized controlled trial.This research was funded by the program POCTEFA (European Union) in the context of the APTITUDE project, reference EFA232/16. Nicolás Martínez-Velilla received funding from La Caixa Foundation (ID 100010434), under agreement LCF/PR/PR15/51100006

    Older Adults’ Experiences of a Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Intervention: A Nested Qualitative Study in the SITLESS Multi-Country Randomised Clinical Trial

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    Background: The SITLESS programme comprises exercise referral schemes and self-management strategies and has been evaluated in a trial in Denmark, Spain, Germany and Northern Ireland. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the implementation and contextual aspects of the intervention in relation to the mechanisms of impact and to explore the perceived effects. Methods: Qualitative methodologies were nested in the SITLESS trial including 71 individual interviews and 12 focus groups targeting intervention and control group participants from postintervention to 18-month follow-up in all intervention sites based on a semi-structured topic guide. Results: Overarching themes were identified under the framework categories of context, implementation, mechanisms of impact and perceived effects. The findings highlight the perceived barriers and facilitators to older adults’ engagement in exercise referral schemes. Social interaction and enjoyment through the group-based programmes are key components to promote adherence and encourage the maintenance of targeted behaviours through peer support and connectedness. Exit strategies and signposting to relevant classes and facilities enabled the maintenance of positive lifestyle behaviours. Conclusions: When designing and implementing interventions, key components enhancing social interaction, enjoyment and continuity should be in place in order to successfully promote sustained behaviour change

    Exercise referral schemes enhanced by self-management strategies to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity among community-dwelling older adults from four European countries: protocol for the process evaluation of the SITLESS randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: SITLESS is a randomised controlled trial determining whether exercise referral schemes can be enhanced by self-management strategies to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in the long term, in community-dwelling older citizens. The intervention is complex and requires a process evaluation to understand how implementation, causal mechanisms and context shape outcomes. The specific aims are to assess fidelity and reach of the implementation, understand the contextual aspects of each intervention site, evaluate the mechanisms of impact, and explore perceived effects. Methods and analysis: Following the Medical Research Council guidance on complex interventions, a combination of qualitative and quantitative procedures is applied, including observational checklists and attendance registries, standardised scales (ie, Marcus’s Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Physical Activity Self-Regulation Scale and the Lubben Social Network Scale) at baseline, postintervention and follow-up assessments, semistructured questionnaires gathering contextual characteristics, and participant observations of the sessions. Semistructured interviews and focus groups with the participants and trainers are conducted at postintervention and during the follow-up to explore their experiences. Outcomes from the standardised scales are analysed as moderators within the impact evaluation. Descriptive results on context and perceived effects complement results on impact. The qualitative and quantitative findings will help to refine the logic model to finally support the interpretation of the results on the effectiveness of the intervention. Ethics and dissemination: The study design was approved by the respective Ethical Committee of Ramon Llull University, Southern Denmark, Northern Ireland and Ulm University. Participation is voluntary, and all participants are asked to sign informed consent before starting the study. A dissemination plan operationalises how to achieve a social impact by reaching academic and non-academic stakeholders. A data management plan describes the specific data sets and regulates its deposition and curation. All publications will be open access