526 research outputs found

    The Phubbing Scale (PS-8) in the Portuguese population: psychometric properties

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    Phubbing is defined as ignoring other individuals by using a mobile phone during a face-to-face conversation. The Phubbing Scale (PS) was developed to assess this practice. In this study, we analyze the psychometric properties of the 8-item version of the PS (PS-8) in the Portuguese population, providing validity evidence based on internal structure and on relationships with other variables, and examining item properties, reliability, and measurement invariance across gender. Participants were 391 Portuguese adults (132 men, 259 women) who completed a battery of questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices for the two-factor structure (communication disturbance and phone obsession), which was invariant across gender. Item homogeneity and reliability of factor scores (McDonald’s omega) were satisfactory. Validity evidence based on relationships with other variables was provided by positive associations with time spent on the Internet on weekdays and at the weekend, time spent on social networking sites, number of social networks used, Internet addiction, problematic mobile phone use, Facebook intrusion, fear of missing out, and depression. These associations show the addictive component of phubbing and its relationship with mental health. The PS-8 is a short and easy-to-administer scale with adequate psychometric properties for measuring phubbing in the Portuguese population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Robustness of Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Split-Plot Designs with Binary Data.

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    This paper examined the robustness of the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). The GLMM estimates fixed and random effects, and it is especially useful when the dependent variable is binary. It is also useful when the dependent variable involves repeated measures, since it can model correlation. The present study used Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the empirical Type I error rates of GLMMs in split-plot designs. The variables manipulated were sample size, group size, number of repeat-ed measures, and correlation between repeated measures. Extreme condi-tions were also considered, including small samples, unbalanced groups, and different correlation in each group (pairing between group size and correlation between repeated measures). For balanced groups, the results showed that the group effect was robust under all conditions, while for unbalanced groups the effect tended to be conservative with positive pair-ing and liberal with negative pairing. Regarding time and interaction ef-fects, the results showed, for both balanced and unbalanced groups, that: (a) The test was robust with low correlation (.2), but conservative for me-dium values of correlation (.4 and .6), and (b) the test tended to be con-servative for positive and negative pairing, especially the latter.Our work was funded by the grants PSI2016-78737-P and PID2020-113191GB-I00 (AEI/FEDER, UE) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Psychometric properties of the perceived stress scale (pss-10) with breast cancer patients

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    Breast cancer diagnosisis one of the most difficult events that a woman canexperienceduring her life and it usually produceshigh levels of stress. Globalmeasuresof perceivedstress are useful for screeningand for comparingstresslevels between cancer patients and other clinical and nonclinicalpopulations.Onesuch instrumentthat is widely used is the PerceivedStress Scale (pss‐10), but itspsychometricpropertieshave scarcely been analysed with breast cancer patients.Theaimofthisstudywastoprovidevalidityevidenceregardingtheuseofthe10‐itemversionofthepss‐10 asatoolformeasuringperceivedstressinthiscontext.Participantswere 215 Spanish breast cancer patients who completedthe PSS‐10andthe DASS‐21,a measureofaffective distress(depression,anxiety,andstress).The internal structureof the PSS‐10 was examinedthrough confirmatoryfactoranalysis (CFA), and the reliabilityof test scores was estimatedusing McDonald'somegacoefficient.Validityevidencebasedonrelationshipswithothervariableswasalsoobtainedusingcorrelationanalysis.TheCFAsupportedacorrelatedtwo‐factorstructure:perceivedhelplessness(sixnegativelywordeditems)andperceivedself‐efficacy (four positivelyworded items). Reliabilitycoefficientsfor scores on thesetwofactorswere0.87and0.73,respectively.Scoresonaffectivedistress(DASS‐21)werestronglyandpositivelycorrelatedwithperceivedhelplessnessandmoderatelyand negativelycorrelatedwith perceivedself‐efficacy.The PSS‐10 is an adequatetool for measuringperceivedstress in the breast cancer context and it may beusefulfor identifyingwomenat riskofpsychologicalmaladjustment.Fundingfor open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    Enhancement of immune maturation in suckling rats by leptin and adiponectin supplementation

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    Leptin and adiponectin, adipokines present in breast milk, have shown immunomodulatory properties. The current study aimed to ascertain whether a nutritional supplementation with leptin or adiponectin in neonatal rats was able to infuence the maturation of the systemic immune response in early life. To achieve this, suckling Wistar rats were supplemented with either leptin (0.7μg/kg/day) or adiponectin (35μg/kg/day) during the whole suckling period. Plasmatic immunoglobulins were quantifed, and spleen lymphocyte composition and their ability to proliferate and release cytokines were evaluated during (day 14) and at the end (day 21) of the suckling period. Rats fed with either adipokine showed higher plasma IgM and IgG1 concentrations and adiponectin supplementation also increased IgG2a at both studied days (P<0.05). With regard to the lymphocyte composition, both adipokine supplementations increased T cell proportion and both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets after two weeks of supplementation (P<0.05). Moreover, only leptin administration increased NK and NKT cell proportions at the end of the suckling period. Finally, both adipokines infuenced the cytokine secretion pattern by splenocytes. In conclusion, these results suggest that leptin and adiponectin play a role in the maturation of the systemic immune response during the suckling period

    Indicadors de salut perinatal a Catalunya - 2022

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    Salut perinatal; Estadístiques; CatalunyaPerinatal care; Statistics; CataloniaSalud perinatal; Estadísticas; CataluñaLes dades que es presenten en aquest document provenen del monitoratge de salut perinatal que es realitza sistemàticament mitjançant el registre de nadons de la Subdirecció General de Vigilància i Resposta a Emergències de Salut Pública de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya. Aquest registre es nodreix, des del 1993, del Programa de detecció precoç neonatal de metabolopaties congènites.The data presented in this document comes from perinatal health monitoring that is systematically carried out by registering newborns of the Public Health Agency's Emergency Surveillance and Response Subdirectorate for Public Health. This record is nourished, since 1993, from the Early Childbirth Screening Program for Congenital MetabolopathiesLos datos que se presentan en este documento provienen de la monitorización de salud perinatal que se realiza sistemáticamente mediante el registro de bebés de la Subdirección General de Vigilancia y Respuesta a Emergencias de Salud Pública de la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña. Este registro se nutre, desde 1993, del Programa de detección precoz neonatal de metabolopatías congénita

    Relative telomere length impact on mortality of COVID-19: Sex differences

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    Increasing age is associated with severity and higher mortality of COVID-19. Telomere shortening is associated with higher risk of infections and may be used to identify those patients who are more likely to die. We evaluated the association between relative telomere length (RTL) and COVID-19 mortality. RTL was measured in patients hospitalized because of COVID-19. We used Kaplan-Meier method to analyze survival probabilities, and Cox regression to investigate the association between RTL and mortality (30 and 90 days). Six hundred and eight patients were included in the analysis (mean age =72.5 years, 41.1% women, and 53.8% Caucasic). During the study period, 75 people died from COVID-19 and 533 survived. Lower RTL was associated with a higher risk of death in women either at 30 (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] (aHR) = 3.33; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.05-10.00; p = 0.040) and at 90 days (aHR = 3.57; 95%CI = 1.23-11.11; p = 0.019). Lower RTL was associated with a higher risk of dying of COVID-19 in women. This finding suggests that RTL has an essential role in the prognosis of this subset of the population.This study was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; grant number COV20/1144 [MPY224/20] to AFR/MAJS) and Fundación Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (FUAX) – Santander (1.013.005). MAJS is Miguel Servet researcher supported and funded by ISCIII (grant number: CP17CIII/00007). The study was also supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) en Enfermedades Infecciosas (CB21/13/00044). We also acknowledge the Spanish Coalition to Unlock Research on Host Genetics on COVID‐19 (SCOURGE).S

    Leptin and adiponectin supplementation modifies mesenteric lymph node lymphocyte composition and functionality in suckling rats

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    At birth, when immune responses are insufficient, there begins the development of the defence capability against pathogens. Leptin and adiponectin, adipokines that are present in breast milk, have been shown to play a role in the regulation of immune responses. We report here, for the first time, the influence of in vivo adipokine supplementation on the intestinal immune system in early life. Suckling Wistar rats were daily supplemented with leptin (0·7 μg/kg per d, n 36) or adiponectin (35 μg/kg per d, n 36) during the suckling period. The lymphocyte composition,proliferation and cytokine secretion from mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes (on days 14 and 21), as well as intestinal IgA and IgM concentration (day 21), were evaluated. At day 14, leptin supplementation significantly increased the TCRαβ+ cell proportion in mesenteric lymph nodes, in particular owing to an increase in the TCRαβ+ CD8+ cell population. Moreover, the leptin or adiponectin supplementation promoted the early development CD8+ cells, with adiponectin being the only adipokine capable of enhancing the lymphoproliferative ability at the end of the suckling period. Although leptin decreased intestinal IgA concentration, it had a trophic effect on the intestine in early life. Supplementation of both adipokines modulated the cytokine profile during (day 14) and at the end (day 21) of the suckling period. These results suggest that leptin and adiponectin during suckling play a role in the development of mucosal immunity in early life

    Leptin and adiponectin variations in rat’s milk and plasma throughout the lactation period

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster núm. 1

    Modulation of the Systemic Immune Response in Suckling Rats by Breast Milk TGF-β2, EGF and FGF21 Supplementation

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    Breast milk is a rich fluid containing bioactive compounds such as specific growth factors (GF) that contribute to maturation of the immune system in early life. The aim of this study was to determine whether transforming growth factor- 2 (TGF- 2), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), compounds present in breast milk, could promote systemic immune maturation. For this purpose, newborn Wistar rats were daily supplemented with these GF by oral gavage during the suckling period (21 days of life). At day 14 and 21 of life, plasma for immunoglobulin (Ig) quantification was obtained and spleen lymphocytes were isolated, immunophenotyped and cultured to evaluate their ability to proliferate and release cytokines. The main result was obtained at day 14, when supplementation with EGF increased B cell proportion to reach levels observed at day 21. At the end of the suckling period, all GF increased the plasma levels of IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes, FGF21 balanced the Th1/Th2 cytokine response and both EGF and FGF21 modified splenic lymphocyte composition. These results suggested that the studied milk bioactive factors, mainly EGF and FGF21, may have modulatory roles in the systemic immune responses in early life, although their physiological roles remain to be established

    Rat Milk and Plasma Immunological Profile throughout Lactation

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    The composition of bioactive factors with immune activity in human breast milk is widely studied. However, the knowledge on rat milk immune factors during the whole lactation period is still scarce. This study aimed to analyze rat breast milk's immunoglobulin (Ig) content and some critical adipokines and growth factors throughout the lactation period, and to assess relationships with corresponding plasma levels. During lactation, milk concentration of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2 and -β3 showed a punctual increase in the first week, whereas adiponectin and leptin remained stable. In the second period of lactation (d14-21), despite the increase in the milk epidermal growth factor (EGF), a decrease in fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) was detected at day 21. Milk IgA concentration had a progressive increase during lactation, while no significant changes were found in IgM and IgG. Regarding plasma levels, a decrease in all studied adipokines was observed in the second period of lactation, with the exception of IgA and TGF-β1, which reached their highest values at the end of the study. A positive correlation in IgM, IgG, and adipokine concentration was detected between milk and plasma compartments. In summary, the changes in the pattern of these bioactive compounds in rat milk and plasma and their relationships during lactation are established