12 research outputs found
Influence Of Psychomotricity On Attention Of Children With ADHD
Naše studie se zabývá vlivem intervenčního programu, který zahrnuje vybrané psychomotorické aktivity, na pozornost dětí mladšího školního věku s ADHD. Cílem práce je ověřit vliv intervenčního programu na pozornost dětí mladšího školního věku s ADHD. Jedná se o kvantitativně-kvalitativní případovou studii. Jako metodu sběru dat jsme použili Test pozornosti d2, Číselný čtverec, pozorování a interview. Pracovali jsme se 4 dětmi ve věku 9 až 10 let s ADHD. Testovali jsme změnu v koncentraci a rozsahu pozornosti před a po aplikaci intervenčního programu. Intervenční program byl zařazen do běžných hodin tělesné výchovy na základní škole u dvou čtvrtých tříd. Zjistili jsme, že v koncentraci i rozsahu pozornosti došlo u dětí s ADHD k výraznému zlepšení.This work deals with the influence of an intervention program, which includes psychomotor activities to assess the attention level of the younger school-aged children with ADHD. The aim of the work is to validate the impact of the intervention program to the attention level of the younger school-aged children with ADHD. We used the quantitative-qualitative case study. We used the methods of data collection Test of Attention d2, Test of Attention “Numerical Square”, interviews and observation. We worked with 4 children aged of 9 to 10 years with ADHD from 2 different classes of primary school. We tested the change in concentration and extent of attention before and after application of the intervention program. We found out that concentration and extent of attention were significantly improved for each child
Change Of Current Mental Conditions Caused By Aqua Aerobic Exercise And Their Impact On Subjective Well-Being Among University Students With Disability
V našem výzkumném šetření jsme se zaměřili na problematiku zjišťování aktuálních psychických stavů, zejména subjektivní spokojenosti u studentek MZLU s disabilitou, které navštěvovaly pravidelnou výuku tělesné výchovy ve formě aqua aerobiku. Při pohybu ve vodě je jedinec vystaven působení řady vlivů. Příjemný pocit člověka při pobytu ve vodě záleží na tom, jak se jeho organizmus vyrovná s působením teploty vody a s hydrostatickým tlakem. Výzkum byl prováděn po dobu jednoho semestru ve formě dotazníkového šetření, rozhorů a pozorování. Zjistili jsme, že studentky s disability (zraková a sluchová) vykazují vyšší skóre kladných odpovědí v pozitivním působení vody na jejich subjektivní pohodu, cítí se zdravěji a při pohybu ve vodě se cítí svobodnější. Po ukončení výuky posuzovaly kladně vliv vody a pravidelného cvičení na úzkostné stavy a na vyšší kvalitu života. Otázkou může být, do jaké míry jsou tyto stavy způsobeny pouze cvičením. Mohou je ovlivňovat i jiné faktory, např. prostředí, ve kterém lekce probíhaly, osobnost cvičitele, ale i dobrá spolupráce ve skupině.In our research we focused on the issues of detecting actual mental states, especially the subjective satisfaction of the Mendel University students with disability who attended regular classes of physical education in the form of aqua aerobics. While moving in water the individual is exposed to a number of factors. The pleasant feeling of a person that stays in the water depends on how his body copes with the effects of water temperature and hydrostatic pressure. The research was carried out over a period of one semester in the form of a questionnaire survey, interviews and observations. We found out that students with a disability (visual and auditory) show higher scores of positive responses in the positive effect of water on their subjective well-being, feel healthier and moving in the water feels uninhibited. After the data was processed, we evaluated the influence of water and regular exercise on anxiety and higher quality of life. The question may be to what extent these states are only caused by exercise. The states may be influenced by other factors such as the environment in which lessons were held, celebrity trainer, but also a good cooperation within the group
The Influence of Personality and Cognitive Aspects on Creativity in Dance in Adolescents
Cílem práce je ověřit vliv tance na kreativitu u vybrané skupiny adolescentů tancujících a adolescentů netancujících. Pro studii byl sestaven výběr adolescentů tanečníků z folklórního souboru a výběr adolescentů netanečníků, u kterých jsme provedli Brace test a test pohybové kreativity. Prostřednictvím osobnostní ankety byla získána personální data o testovaných probandech. Za použití statistických metod jsme porovnali získaná data z testů. V Brace testu vykazovala experimentální skupina lepší výsledky pouze na hladině věcné významnosti, v testu pohybové kreativity nebyly také nalezeny statisticky významné rozdíly, byla prokázána pouze věcná významnost. Z výsledků vyplývá, že vhodně vedená výuka tělesné výchovy na střední škole přispívá k všestrannému pohybovému rozvoji adolescentů.The purpose of this research is to confirm the influence of dance on creativity of two chosen groups of adolescents – dancers and nondancers. For this study a selection of adolescent dancers from a folklore ensemble and adolescent nondancers were utilised. They were tested with Brace tests and Creativity movement tests. By means of personality enquiry personal data from the tested groups was accumulated. Using statistical methods, the data was compared. In the Brace Test the experimental group showed a higher score for the substantive significance level, whereas in the test of physical creativity no statistically significant differences were found. Only the substantive significance has been proved. The results indicate that a suitable physical education system at a secondary school contributes to an all-round development in adolescents
Regulation Of Pre-Start Conditions In Track Cycling
In the present contribution, we focused on the research of the proportion of dynamics related to subjectiveexperience and the states of personality before and after the sport performance in the competitionwith the top athletes in track cycling. To improve the performance for individu al athletes, we usedindividual regulatory means, then we determined the changes in pre-start state and the changes insubjective experience and their proportion in current performance. To investigate the proportion ofdynamics of subjective personality states, we used standardized SUPSO questionnaires and the SPAROquestionnaire; for the purpose of investigation, we used only the questionnaire components relatedto the psychological characteristics of the top athlete’s personality that may influence the sport performance(Mikšík, 2004). Selected values of subjective experience from the SUPSO questionnaire werecompared with the selected values from the SPARO questionnaire in six track cycling sprinters. Afterthat, we co-operated with the coaches to implement individually regulatory means aimed at improvingthe pre-start state of the athletes and, subsequently, we investigated their subjective emotionsafter the performance and at the same time also their placement in the competition. We found that,in some components of dynamic subjective emotions of track cyclists, there are statistically significantdifferences between individuals, especially in the area of psychological lability versus stability, andpsychological disturbances that, in some cases, turned into depression. These subjective emotions adversely affected the performance of individuals. This article analyses the results of the selected athlete (keirin discipline) in detail to highlight the need for psychological training in top sport. The research investigation revealed that the current psychological state of sprinter in track cycling, if not properlyregulated, indicates that the selected testee is subjected to more psychological pressures before thestart. In the zone of lability versus stability, the effective capacity of testee’s brain is also changed.Therefore, the athlete is often mistaken in tactics during the competition, which is reflected not onlyin his performance but also in his placement in the competition.In this paper, we focused on the research of the proportion of dynamics related to subjective experiences and the states of personality before and after sport performance and competition with top athletes in track cycling. To improve the performance for individual athletes, we used individual regulatory means, then we determined the changes in pre-start state and the changes in subjective experience and their proportion in current performance. To investigate the proportion of dynamics of subjective personality states, we used standardized SUPSO questionnaires and the SPARO questionnaire; for the purpose of investigation, we used only the questionnaire components related to the psychological characteristics of the top athlete’s personality that may influence the sport performance (Mikšík, 2004). Selected values of subjective experience from the SUPSO questionnaire were compared with the selected values from the SPARO questionnaire in six track cycling sprinters. After, we co-operated with coaches to implement individually regulatory means aimed at improving the pre-start state of the athletes and, subsequently, we investigated their subjective emotions after the performance and at the same time also their placement in the competition. We found that, in some components of dynamic subjective emotions of track cyclists, there are statistically significant differences between individuals, especially in the area of psychological lability versus stability, and psychological disturbances that, in some cases, turned into depression. These subjective emotions adversely affected the performance of individuals. This article analyses the results of the selected athlete (keirin discipline) in detail to highlight the need for psychological training in top sport. The research investigation revealed that the current psychological state of sprinters in track cycling, if not properly regulated, indicates that the selected subject is exposed to more psychological pressures before the start. In the zone of lability versus stability, the effective capacity of subject’s brain was also changed. Therefore, the athlete is often mistaken when using tactics during the competition, which is reflected not only in his performance but also in his placement in the competition
Analysis Of Changes Of Mental State Caused By Psychological Stress During Match In Football Referees
A rank correlation between component of anxious expectations and fears before the match and component of depression after the match in the personality of football referees was statistically proven in the past. We presume that there is a possibility that this relationship is in fact qualified by the temperament of referees. We evaluated subjective psychological experiences and states of 26 football referees through standardized questionnaire SUPSO. The questionnaire had been always administrated twice: directly before the match and immediately after its finish. Using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient, we searched for a causal link among the values of the component of anxious expectations and fears before the match, the values of the component of depression after the match, and the referee’s temperament. Results suggest that the direct bond between the two components stay significant even after exclusion of the influence of referee’s temperament.A rank correlation between component of anxious expectations and fears before a match and the component of depression after the match in the personality of football referees was statistically proven in the past. We presume that there is a possibility that this relationship is in fact qualified by the temperament of referees. We evaluated subjective psychological experiences and states of 26 football referees through a standardised questionnaire, SUPSO. The questionnaire was administrated twice: directly before the match and immediately after the game. Using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient, we searched for a causal link among the values of the component of anxious expectations and fears before the match, the values of the component of depression after the match, and the referee’s temperament. Results suggested that the direct bond between the two components remained significant even after exclusion of the influence of referee’s temperament
Spolupráce Fakulty sportovních studií v Evropském sociálním fondu
Nejmladší fakultě Masarykovy univerzity je právě pět let. Po vrcholícím období konstituování jednotlivých studijních oborů začíná také etapu užší spolupráce s Fakultou tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci a to na projektu operačního programu "Rozvoj lidských zdrojů". Projekt je zaměřen na restrukturaci oboru a inovaci curricul studijního oboru rekreologie. Obsahuje analýzu současných curricul studijního oboru a strategii podpory pohybové aktivity, která je zaměřena na propojení teoretických východisek s praktickými přístupy. V prvním roce projektu bylo provedeno výzkumné šetření na vybraných evropských univerzitách s obdobným zaměřením, byly vybrány cílové skupiny studentů, kteří hodnotili studijní obor a jeho realizaci na jednotlivých univerzitách v České republice. V současné době probíhá analýza výsledků a plán pro inovaci v konkrétních studijních předmětech a studijních oporách
Aplikované a netradiční hry na vysokých školách v České republice
V boji proti sedavému způsobu života vznikají nové nabídky pohybových aktivit a netradičních her, kterými se snaží ve společnosti motivovat větší množství lidí k aktivnímu trávení volného času a rozšířit nabídku pohybových aktivit pro osoby se specifickými potřebami. V rámci tohoto příspěvku byl proveden průzkum nabídky předmětů aplikovaných a netradičních her, pohybových aktivit a psychomotorických aktivit na 9 univerzitách, 9 veřejných vysokých školách (VŠ) v České republice pedagogického a sportovního či tělovýchovného směru. Hlavním cílem tohoto příspěvku je provést průzkum nabídky předmětu netradiční hry (NH) na VŠ. Z novelizace vysokoškolského i školského zákona vyplývá potřeba nabídnout studentům se specifickými potřebami na VŠ vhodné pohybové aktivity a také připravit budoucí pedagogy tělesné výchovy na inkluzivní vzdělávání žáků se specifickými vzdělávacími potřebami. Proto jsme si
za dílčí cíl vytkli prozkoumat nabídky předmětů aplikovaných her (AH) a psychomotoriky.
Nabídka netradičních her na zkoumaných univerzitách i VŠ je uspokojivá, i když se zde jen zřídkakdy objevila inovace předmětu NH. Nabídka AH nebo aplikované tělesné výchovy (ATV) se na některých pedagogických fakultách neobjevila vůbec v porovnání s fakultami zaměřenými na tělesnou výchovu (TV) a sport, kde se téměř u všech forma aplikovaných her či ATV vyučuje.To battle sedentary life style, new proposals of movement activities and non-traditional games are being created which is a society´s way of motivating more people to spend their free time actively and expanding the supply of movement activities for people with special needs. In this article, a survey of the applied and non-traditional games courses, movement activities and psychomotor skills has been carried out at 9 universities, 9 public colleges of pedagogical and sport or physical education (PE) focus in the Czech republic. The main aim of this article is to carry out the survey of non-traditional (NTG) games course supply at universities. Due to university and also school law novelization the necessity to supply special needs students with appropriate movement activities at universities arises, as well as the necessity to prepare future PE pedagogues for inclusive special needs students education. Therefore, we have appointed a partial aim to examine the applied games (AG) and psychomotor skills courses offer.
The supply of NTG at universities and colleges we examined is satisfactory, even though newer NTGs appeared only sporadically. The supply of AG or applied PE has not appeared at some pedagogical faculties at all in comparison with sports and PE faculties, where some form of applied games or PE is being taught almost at all faculties
Physical activity of pubescent in the Czech Republic and other EU States
The paper deals with analyses of sports activities in pubescent (12 – 15 years old) pupils in the Czech Republic and some EU countries. The aim of the study is to analyse, to verify and to identify the status quo of children’s interest in locomotive activities at basic schools and their attitude to these activities including determinants that shape the attitude. The study is done with help of kinatropological research. We chose a method based on questionnaire survey and following analyses and syntheses of gained data. We expected that over 50% of pupils do regularly some sport activity. After the evaluation of the results our expectation was proved true because 93% of children from the chosen EU states do some sports regularly. O artigo trata de análises de atividades esportivas em alunos púberes (12 a 15 anos) na República Tcheca e em alguns países da UE. O objetivo do estudo é analisar, verificar e identificar o status quo do interesse das crianças em atividades de locomotivas nas escolas básicas e sua atitude em relação a essas atividades, incluindo determinantes que moldam a atitude. O estudo é feito com a ajuda de pesquisa kinatropológica. Escolhemos um método baseado em levantamento de questionário e após análises e sínteses de dados obtidos. Esperávamos que mais de 50% dos alunos fizessem regularmente alguma atividade esportiva. Após a avaliação dos resultados, a nossa expectativa foi comprovada porque 93% das crianças dos estados da UE escolhidos fazem alguns esportes regularmente.
View of Qigong and his position in Shaolin Kung Fu in terms of training in the EU, respectively, Czech Republic
The aim of the paper is to explain the specific structure of training (not only in the Czech Republic), its characteristics and its principles. It will also be useful to include some new, hitherto carefully hidden - also to point out and highlight some as-yet unpublished inside information about some specific training concepts of this martial art. An integral part of this training is to develop the internal energy called Qigong and some specific techniques within the different levels of performance in Kung Fu. Qigong is an effective part of alternative and natural medicine (and not only) in Shaolin Kung Fu and contribution highlights the need for the necessary representation of Qigong in Shaolin Kung Fu. Part of the contribution is also an aspect of the philosophy of martial arts Shaolin Kung Fu and its relationship to other martial arts. RESUMOO objetivo do artigo é explicar a estrutura específica de treinamento (não apenas na República Tcheca), suas características e seus princípios. Também será útil incluir alguns novos, até então cuidadosamente escondidos - também para destacar algumas informações ainda não publicadas sobre alguns conceitos específicos de treinamento dessa arte marcial. Uma parte integrante deste treinamento é desenvolver a energia interna chamada Qigong e algumas técnicas específicas dentro dos diferentes níveis de desempenho no Kung Fu. O Qigong é uma parte efetiva da medicina alternativa e natural (e não apenas) no Shaolin Kung Fu e a contribuição destaca a necessidade da representação necessária do Qigong no Shaolin Kung Fu. Parte da contribuição é também um aspecto da filosofia das artes marciais Shaolin Kung Fu e sua relação com outras artes marciais.O objetivo do artigo é explicar a estrutura específica de treinamento (não apenas na República Tcheca), suas características e seus princípios. Também será útil incluir alguns novos, até então cuidadosamente escondidos - também para destacar algumas informações ainda não publicadas sobre alguns conceitos específicos de treinamento dessa arte marcial. Uma parte integrante deste treinamento é desenvolver a energia interna chamada Qigong e algumas técnicas específicas dentro dos diferentes níveis de desempenho no Kung Fu. O Qigong é uma parte efetiva da medicina alternativa e natural (e não apenas) no Shaolin Kung Fu e a contribuição destaca a necessidade da representação necessária do Qigong no Shaolin Kung Fu. Parte da contribuição é também um aspecto da filosofia das artes marciais Shaolin Kung Fu e sua relação com outras artes marciais. ABSTRACTThe aim of the paper is to explain the specific structure of training (not only in the Czech Republic), its characteristics and its principles. It will also be useful to include some new, hitherto carefully hidden - also to point out and highlight some as-yet unpublished inside information about some specific training concepts of this martial art. An integral part of this training is to develop the internal energy called Qigong and some specific techniques within the different levels of performance in Kung Fu. Qigong is an effective part of alternative and natural medicine (and not only) in Shaolin Kung Fu and contribution highlights the need for the necessary representation of Qigong in Shaolin Kung Fu. Part of the contribution is also an aspect of the philosophy of martial arts Shaolin Kung Fu and its relationship to other martial arts