10,857 research outputs found

    Satellite Power System (SPS) mapping of exclusion areas for rectenna sites

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    The areas of the United States that were not available as potential sites for receiving antennas that are an integral part of the Satellite Power System concept are presented. Thirty-six variables with the potential to exclude the rectenna were mapped and coded in a computer. Some of these variables exclude a rectenna from locating within the area of its spatial influence, and other variables potentially exclude the rectenna. These maps of variables were assembled from existing data and were mapped on a grid system

    Spin and Orbital Splitting in Ferromagnetic Contacted Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Devices

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    We observed the coulomb blockade phenomena in ferromagnetic contacting single wall semiconducting carbon nanotube devices. No obvious Coulomb peaks shift was observed with existing only the Zeeman splitting at 4K. Combining with other effects, the ferromagnetic leads prevent the orbital spin states splitting with magnetic field up to 2 Tesla at 4K. With increasing magnetic field further, both positive or negative coulomb peaks shift slopes are observed associating with clockwise and anticlockwise orbital state splitting. The strongly suppressed/enhanced of the conductance has been observed associating with the magnetic field induced orbital states splitting/converging

    Unexpected phase locking of magnetic fluctuations in the multi-k magnet USb

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    The spin waves in the multi-k antiferromagnet USb soften and become quasielastic well below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN. This occurs without a magnetic or structural transition. It has been suggested that this change is in fact due to dephasing of the different multi-k components: a switch from 3-k to 1-k behavior. In this work, we use inelastic neutron scattering with tridirectional polarization analysis to probe the quasielastic magnetic excitations and reveal that the 3-k structure does not dephase. More surprisingly, the paramagnetic correlations also maintain the same clear phase correlations well above TN (up to at least 1.4TN)

    A classical statistical model for distributions of escape events in swept-bias Josephson junctions

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    We have developed a model for experiments in which the bias current applied to a Josephson junction is slowly increased from zero until the junction switches from its superconducting zero-voltage state, and the bias value at which this occurs is recorded. Repetition of such measurements yields experimentally determined probability distributions for the bias current at the moment of escape. Our model provides an explanation for available data on the temperature dependence of these escape peaks. When applied microwaves are included we observe an additional peak in the escape distributions and demonstrate that this peak matches experimental observations. The results suggest that experimentally observed switching distributions, with and without applied microwaves, can be understood within classical mechanics and may not exhibit phenomena that demand an exclusively quantum mechanical interpretation.Comment: Eight pages, eight figure

    Habitat conversion and global avian biodiversity loss

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    The magnitude of the impacts of human activities on global biodiversity has been documented at several organizational levels. However, although there have been numerous studies of the effects of local-scale changes in land use (e.g. logging) on the abundance of groups of organisms, broader continental or global-scale analyses addressing the same basic issues remain largely wanting. None the less, changing patterns of land use, associated with the appropriation of increasing proportions of net primary productivity by the human population, seem likely not simply to have reduced the diversity of life, but also to have reduced the carrying capacity of the environment in terms of the numbers of other organisms that it can sustain. Here, we estimate the size of the existing global breeding bird population, and then make a first approximation as to how much this has been modified as a consequence of land-use changes wrought by human activities. Summing numbers across different land-use classes gives a best current estimate of a global population of less than 100 billion breeding bird individuals. Applying the same methodology to estimates of original land-use distributions suggests that conservatively this may represent a loss of between a fifth and a quarter of pre-agricultural bird numbers. This loss is shared across a range of temperate and tropical land-use types

    A Case Study Exploring the Perceived and Actual Person-Environment Fit of Teacher Aspirants in Agricultural Education

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    This study assessed the factors that led students who did not participate in secondary agricultural education programs to the agricultural education teaching major. Findings indicated that these participants were motivated to pursue an agricultural education degree because of their passion for agriculture and youth, and affinity for people and the job. Parents and friends were their biggest influences in pursuing a degree in agricultural education. Their greatest perceived strengths were content knowledge in agriculture, leadership skills, and ability to persevere; their greatest perceived limitation was lack of experience in a secondary agricultural education program. Unfortunately, none of the students secured employment as agriculture teachers. Because these findings are more subjective and personal (P) in nature, future research should investigate more objective measures of the demands from teachers in the workforce (i.e., environment-E)

    High magnetic field studies of the Vortex Lattice structure in YBa2Cu3O7

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    We report on small angle neutron scattering measurements of the vortex lattice in twin-free YBa2Cu3O7, extending the previously investigated maximum field of 11~T up to 16.7~T with the field applied parallel to the c axis. This is the first microscopic study of vortex matter in this region of the superconducting phase. We find the high field VL displays a rhombic structure, with a field-dependent coordination that passes through a square configuration, and which does not lock-in to a field-independent structure. The VL pinning reduces with increasing temperature, but is seen to affect the VL correlation length even above the irreversibility temperature of the lattice structure. At high field and temperature we observe a melting transition, which appears to be first order, with no detectable signal from a vortex liquid above the transition

    No Evidence for Orbital Loop Currents in Charge Ordered YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} from Polarized Neutron Diffraction

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    It has been proposed that the pseudogap state of underdoped cuprate superconductors may be due to a transition to a phase which has circulating currents within each unit cell. Here, we use polarized neutron diffraction to search for the corresponding orbital moments in two samples of underdoped YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} with doping levels p=0.104p=0.104 and 0.123. In contrast to some other reports using polarized neutrons, but in agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance and muon spin rotation measurements, we find no evidence for the appearance of magnetic order below 300 K. Thus, our experiment suggests that such order is not an intrinsic property of high-quality cuprate superconductor single crystals. Our results provide an upper bound for a possible orbital loop moment which depends on the pattern of currents within the unit cell. For example, for the CC-θII\theta_{II} pattern proposed by Varma, we find that the ordered moment per current loop is less than 0.013 μB\mu_B for p=0.104p=0.104.Comment: Comments in arXiv:1710.08173v1 fully addresse
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