99 research outputs found

    Creative Proactive-Concluding Theory of Motivating

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    The article deals with necessity to change the understanding of human resource philosophy to the new philosophy: philosophy of human potential. In these intentions, it is very important to motivate human potential in the organisations. But, in the area of motivating, situation within the organisations isn't sufficient. Thereto the article gives an introductive presentation of a new theory of motivating: creative proactive-concluding theory of motivating. The theory leads the managers to utilize an individual approach to their employees and use perceptiveness to the needs and expectations of the employees and organisational environment. The model of theory contains a demand to harmonize existing motivational programs with new original motivational elements. It is based upon the trust between the manager and employee. The model also reflects the need to create differenced motivational programs for each employee and manager


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    The article analyses by mixed research methods the attitude regarding the purchase of bio and organic food for the population of the Generation Y in Czech and Slovak Republic. The collection of primary data was obtained in the form of a questionnaire survey carried out in the year 2014 and then repeatedly in the year 2019. Both phases of questionnaires were distributed electronically among respondents, university students, ranged from 16 to 35 years in Czech and Slovak Republic. The research questions related to the reasons why respondents purchase or do not purchase organic food and what criteria are motivational for choosing organic food products. In data processing was used statistical software Statistics. Methods applied to the data were statistical hypothesis testing and regression modelling. The key factors have been identified with the software influenced the respondent\u27s decision to buy bio-and organics products in 2019. The research findings prove that visual appearance and brand doesnt play the decision key role for generation Y customers, as they put the main emphasis on the quality and availability of the bio-product

    Flow properties of coolants for metal cutting

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    Boli merané tokové vlastnosti dvoch typov procesných a čistých chladiacich kvapalín (A a B), používaných pri obrábaní kovov. Z procesu boli odobraté štyri kvapaliny vždy po mesiaci používania. Všetky kvapaliny boli merané pri teplote 25 °C o obsahu olejovej emulzie 4 %. Tokové krivky čistých kvapalín boli naviac merané pri teplote 30, 35, 40, 45 a 50 °C o koncentrácií 2, 4, 6 a 8 %. Reologické meranie bolo prevedené na geometrii sústredných valcov. Pre procesnú kvapalinu A bola meraná mikrobiálna aktivita a bol zisťovaný obsah aditív (termogravimetricky). Obe procesné kvapaliny vykazovali ne-Newtonovske správanie. Viskozita kvapalín mierne rástla so šmykovou rýchlosťou (10–100 s-1) a mierou znečistenia. I keď znečistenie bolo percentuálne približne rovnaké, zmena viskozity sa u oboch typov kvapalín líšila. U čistých kvapalín viskozita rástla s rastúcou koncentráciou a klesala s rastúcou teplotou, výnimkou však bola kvapalina A, ktorá v závislosti na teplote vykazovala jednak šmykové zriedenie, šmykové spevnenie, aj Newtonovské chovanie a to u koncentrácie 6 a 8 %. Merania preukázali, že miera znečistenia procesných kvapalín nemá zásadný vplyv na viskozitu a tokové vlastnosti, má však vplyv na účinnosť chladiacej kvapaliny. Znečistenie spôsobuje zriedenie, môže dochádzať aj k čiastočnému rozkladu olejovej zložky ale predovšetkým sa výrazne zvyšuje mikrobiálna aktivita, spôsobujúca kožné problémy obsluhy. Odporučiť možno špecifický kontrolný test pre prítomnosť baktérií.The flow properties of two types of operating and clean coolants (A and B) were measured, both used in metalworking. Four samples of both operating liquids were sampled from the process monthly (from the beginning to the end of its use). All liquids were measured at 25 °C with an oil emulsion content of 4%. In addition, flow curves of pure cooling emulsions with concentration of coolant 2, 4, 6 and 8% were measured at 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 °C. Rheological measurement was performed at geometry of concentric cylinders. Microbial activity and content of additives (Thermogravimetry) was determined in operating liquid A. Both operating liquids exhibited non-Newtonian behavior. Viscosity increased with the shear rate (10–100 s-1) and impurity level. Although the amount of impurity was approximately the same in both liquids, viscosity varied. For pure liquids, the viscosity increased with increasing concentration and decreased with increasing temperature, except for liquid A with concentration of coolants 6 and 8%, which, depending on the temperature, exhibited both shear thinning, shear thickening and Newtonian behavior. The results shown that impurity level of operating liquids has only minor effect on viscosity and flow properties, but it had an effect on cooling effect. Impurities diluted operating liquids, partial decomposition of the oil component may occur, but in particular, microbial activity causes skin problems of staff. Recommended is to introduce a specific control test for the presence of bacteria.


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    The aim of the paper is to recognise the relationship among Gross Premiums Written and Average Gross Nominal Wage (Average Wage) in the Czech Republic. The literature review has characterised insurance market in the Czech Republic. Based on the secondary data of Czech Insurance Association, Czech Statistical Office and Czech National Bank has been created PESTEL analysis, determined the rate of influence of the factors influencing the insurance brokers, evaluated by scale from 1 to 5. The secondary data for regression analysis has been obtained from annual reports of CNB and CSO in period 1996 to 2015. The method of regression analysis has tested the relationship among average gross nominal wage as one of the macroeconomic factor and the “premiums written “which is used for measurement of the overall insurance market level in the Czech Republic. The model was verified through the economic, statistical and econometric verification. The statistical data has been elaborated in software Gretl. Part discussion and conclusion have been focused to the comparison of obtained results and reaction recommendation on upcoming predicted situations on the market

    Driver State Monitoring

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    Vedieť šoférovať auto je v dnešnom svete považované za dôležité, či dokonca nutné. Avšak, s pribúdajúcou premávkou je nevyhnutné, že sa stanú nehody, ktoré môžu mať aj fatálne následky.  Množstvo informácií, ktoré musí vodič vedieť spracovať sa neustále zvyšuje a s tým aj stresové situácie, počas ktorých vodič nemusí vedieť racionálne uvažovať.  Táto práca sa zameriava na nájdenie techník a postupov ako implementovať monitor, ktorý by predikoval level stresu vodiča počas jazdy, aby sa predišlo takýmto nehodám.V práci boli implementované dva typy modelov - osobný a všeobecný. Oba využívali fyziologické dáta spolu s kinematickými, ktoré boli nahrané počas jazdy. Oba modely boli schopé predpovedať úroveň stresu s vysokou pravdepodobnosťou.Driving is considered an important, or even necessary skill in today's world. However, with so much traffic, it is inevitable that accidents occur that might have fatal consequences. The amount of information the driver is suppose to process could lead to stress situations, during which he or she is unable to take rational decisions. This thesis aims to find the most suitable technologies and methodologies to implement a driver's state monitor, that could predict driver stress level to mitigate the possibility of such accidents. The thesis proposes personal and average monitors to assess driver's stress levels by the means of physiological and kinematics data collected during a drive. Both monitors proved to have high predicting power.

    Factors Influencing the Implementation of the CSR Concept in the Czech Republic

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    There is an increase of the companies’ engagement in the concept of social responsibility in the Czech Republic. However, the engagement is still at a lower level when compared to other countries of Western Europe. The use and knowledge of the CSR concept in the companies in the Czech Republic was the subject of the research realized at the end of 2013 and in the first half of 2014. This paper deals with the question which factors influence the engagement of enterprises in the CSR in the Czech Republic. The statistical testing proved that the company size and the form of ownership have a significant influence on the company’s engagement in the CSR activities. P-value is always < 0.001, Pearson coefficient is in the interval of 0.35 – 0.37 and Cramer coefficient is in the interval of 0.37–0.39. The dependence between the category of economic activity and the region of the headquarters was not proved as significant; p-value only < 0.05


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    The Generation Y, grown in the age of economic prosperity, preferring work – life balance instead of high level of remuneration, is not only the first global generation, but also the first generation widely accessing to the information and communication technologies has entered current labor market. The paper focuses to the specification and characteristic of Czech and French generation Y in workplace, compares and determines the similarity or dissimilarity of young workers in their demands, values and expectations about the workplace and labor market. The research questions prove hypothesis of the generation Y satisfaction with working conditions and sufficiency of job opportunities in in their country. The research based on the primary source data was carried on questionnaire survey of 170 secondary and tertiary schools graduates, age between 18 and 30 years, nationality of Czech Republic and France. The research was carried throughout the years 2013 and 2014. Data from the questionnaires were processed by the statistical method of contingency tables for comparison of two distinct target groups and chi-square test. Findings were dedicated to the recommendation of diversity management methods implementation in the sphere of human resource management

    Postoje a znalosti o očkování proti HPV I

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    POSTOJE A ZNALOSTI O OČKOVANÍ PROTI HPV Autor: Dominika Blašková Vedúci: PharmDr. Eva Zimčíková, Ph.D. ÚVOD Ľudský papilomavírus (HPV) patrí medzi DNA vírusy. Je príčinou vzniku benígnych i malígnych ochorení mužov i žien ako sú papilomatóza hrtanu, genitálne bradavice, orofaryngeálny karcinóm, rakovina krčka maternice, rakovina penisu, rakovina anusu. Vírusu HPV je možné predchádzať vhodnými preventívnymi opatreniami. Základnou preventívnou metódou je očkovanie proti HPV. Okrem očkovania je potrebné podstupovať pravidelný skríning, ktorým je možné včas odhaliť prednádorové zmeny. CIELE Cieľom teoretickej časti diplomovej práce bolo zhrnúť poznatky o HPV víruse, o ochoreniach, ktoré spôsobuje a o očkovaní, vďaka ktorému je možné týmto ochoreniam predchádzať. Prvým cieľom praktickej časti bolo zistiť informovanosť dievčat i chlapcov o HPV a ochoreniach, ktoré HPV spôsobuje. Druhým cieľom bolo zistiť názor na očkovanie proti HPV a mieru preočkovanosti proti HPV u mladých ľudí na Slovensku. METODIKA V diplomovej práci bola použitá metóda kvantitatívneho výskumu vo forme dotazníkového šetrenia. Respondentmi boli študenti vo vekovom rozmedzí 15 - 20 rokov na dvoch stredných školách v meste Svidník na Slovensku. Pre spracovanie dát bola použitá deskriptívna štatistika. Rozdiely v postojoch a názoroch...ATTITUDES AND KNOWLEDGE OF HPV INFECTION AND VACCINATION Author: Dominika Blašková Supervisor: PharmDr. Eva Zimčíková, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus. The virus causes benign and malignant diseases of men and women such as laryngeal papillomatosis, genital warts, oropharyngeal carcinoma, cervical cancer, penile cancer and anus cancer. HPV can be prevented by appropriate precautionary measures. The main preventative method is vaccination against HPV. Besides vaccination, regular screening is necessary to detect premalignant changes on time. AIMS The aim of the theoretical part of the diploma thesis was to summarize the information about HPV, the diseases caused by human papillomavirus and vaccination against HPV, the main preventive measure. The primary aim of the practical part was to find out the level of HPV awareness among girls and boys and diseases caused by HPV. The secondary aim of the practical part was to find out opinions on HPV vaccination and determine the rate of vaccination against HPV among young people in Slovakia. METHODS The method of quantitative research taken in the form of a questionnaire was used in the diploma thesis. The survey was realized at two secondary schools in Svidník, Slovakia. The age range of respondents was 15-20 years. The data...Katedra sociální a klinické farmacieDepartment of Social and Clinical PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Relation locus of control on prevalence of depresivity by infertil person

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce se věnuje tématu neplodnosti a její léčby. Teoretická i empirická část chce postihnout ženské aspekty spojené s touto oblastí. Teoretická část poskytuje přehled klíčových informací důležitých pro orientaci v předkládané problematice. Zabýváme se vymezením pojmů, popisem příčin neplodnosti z hlediska psychologického i fyziologického, procesem léčby neplodnosti a s ní spojenými aspekty. Zaměřujeme se na depresivitu v souvislosti s neplodností a její léčbou a dále na typ locus of control ve vztahu k prožívané míře depresivity. V empirické části je naším cílem popsat míru depresivity, zjistit typ locus of control u dvou námi získaných souborů žen a postihnout možné souvislosti. Výběrový soubor je tvořen 58 ženami, které se v současné době léčí pro neplodnost a kontrolní soubor je složen z 58 zdravých žen. Sběr dat proběhl za pomoci těchto metod - Beckův inventář depresivity (BDI-II), Rotterovo Internalita-externalita škály a anamnestického dotazníku. Na podkladě získaných dat jsme objevili jistá specifika v míře depresivity a typu locus of control u těchto souborů žen.This master thesis deals with infertility and its treatment. Both in the theoretical and empirical part, it focuses on the female aspects of the issue. The theoretical part summarizes an overview of key information important to understand the presented problems. We define the terms, describe the psychological and physiological causes of infertility, the process of treatment of infertility and aspects thereof. We focus on the depression rate related to infertility and its treatment, furthermore, we deal with type locus of control related to the experienced rate of depression. Our aim in the empirical part is to describe the depression rate, type of locus of control within the two samples of women acquired by us and capture the possible connections. The sample is made of 58 women who are currently undergoing a treatment for infertility and of the control group, which is made of 58 healthy women. To collect the data, we used the Beck Depression Inventory BDI-II, the Rotter's Internal- External Scale and the anamnestic questionnaire. Based on acquired data, we found out some specifity in depression rate and type of locus of control within our samples of women.Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art