21 research outputs found

    Identification of a SmD3 epitope with a single symmetrical dimethylation of an arginine residue as a specific target of a subpopulation of anti-Sm antibodies

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    Anti-Sm antibodies, identified in 1966 by Tan and Kunkel, are highly specific serological markers for systemic lupus erythrematosus (SLE). Anti-Sm reactivity is found in 5–30% of SLE patients, depending on the autoantibody detection system and the racial background of the SLE population. The Sm autoantigen complex comprises at least nine different polypeptides. All of these core proteins can serve as targets of the anti-Sm B-cell response, but most frequently the B and D polypeptides are involved. Because the BB'Sm proteins share cross-reactive epitopes (PPPGMRPP) with U1 specific ribonucleoproteins, which are more frequently targeted by antibodies that are present in patients with mixed connective tissue disease, the SmD polypeptides are regarded as the Sm autoantigens that are most specific to SLE. It was recently shown that the polypeptides D1, D3 and BB' contain symmetrical dimethylarginine, which is a component of a major autoepitope within the carboxyl-terminus of SmD1. In one of those studies, a synthetic dimethylated peptide of SmD1 (amino acids 95–119) exhibited significantly increased immunoreactivity as compared with unmodified SmD1 peptide. Using immobilized peptides, we confirmed that the dimethylated arginine residues play an essential role in the formation of major SmD1 and SmD3 autoepitopes. Moreover, we demonstrated that one particular peptide of SmD3 represents a more sensitive and more reliable substrate for the detection of a subclass of anti-Sm antibodies. Twenty-eight out of 176 (15.9%) SLE patients but only one out of 449 (0.2%) control individuals tested positive for the anti-SmD3 peptide (SMP) antibodies in a new ELISA system. These data indicate that anti-SMP antibodies are exclusively present in sera from SLE patients. Thus, anti-SMP detection using ELISA represents a new serological marker with which to diagnose and discriminate between systemic autoimmune disorders

    Clinical evaluation of autoantibodies to a novel PM/Scl peptide antigen

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    Anti-PM/Scl antibodies represent a specific serological marker for a subset of patients with scleroderma (Scl) and polymyositis (PM), and especially with the PM/Scl overlap syndrome (PM/Scl). Anti-PM/Scl reactivity is found in 24% of PM/Scl patients and is found in 3–10% of Scl and PM patients. The PM/Scl autoantigen complex comprises 11–16 different polypeptides. Many of those proteins can serve as targets of the anti-PM/Scl B-cell response, but most frequently the PM/Scl-100 and PM/Scl-75 polypeptides are targeted. In the present study we investigated the clinical relevance of a major alpha helical PM/Scl-100 epitope (PM1-α) using a newly developed peptide-based immunoassay and compared the immunological properties of this peptide with native and recombinant PM/Scl antigens. In a technical comparison, we showed that an ELISA based on the PM1-α peptide is more sensitive than common techniques to detect anti-PM/Scl antibodies such as immunoblot, indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells and ELISA with recombinant PM/Scl polypeptides. We found no statistical evidence of a positive association between anti-PM1-α and other antibodies, with the exception of known PM/Scl components. In our cohort a negative correlation could be found with anti-Scl-70 (topoisomerase I), anti-Jo-1 (histidyl tRNA synthetase) and anti-centromere proteins. In a multicenter evaluation we demonstrated that the PM1-α peptide represents a sensitive and reliable substrate for the detection of a subclass of anti-PM/Scl antibodies. In total, 22/40 (55%) PM/Scl patients, 27/205 (13.2%) Scl patients and 3/40 (7.5%) PM patients, but only 5/288 (1.7%) unrelated controls, tested positive for the anti-PM1-α peptide antibodies. These data indicate that anti-PM1-α antibodies appear to be exclusively present in sera from PM/Scl patients, from Scl patients and, to a lesser extent, from PM patients. The anti-PM1-α ELISA thus offers a new serological marker to diagnose and discriminate different systemic autoimmune disorders

    Assessing Non-Invasive Liver Function in Patients With Intestinal Failure Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition-Results From the Prospective PNLiver Trial

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    Liver abnormalities in intestinal failure (IF) patients receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) can progress undetected by standard laboratory tests to intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). The aim of this longitudinal study is to evaluate the ability of non-invasive liver function tests to assess liver function following the initiation of PN. Twenty adult patients with IF were prospectively included at PN initiation and received scheduled follow-up assessments after 6, 12, and 24 months between 2014 and 2019. Each visit included liver assessment (LiMAx [Liver Maximum Capacity] test, ICG [indocyanine green] test, FibroScan), laboratory tests (standard laboratory test, NAFLD [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease] score, FIB-4 [fibrosis-4] score), nutritional status (bioelectrical impedance analysis, indirect calorimetry), and quality of life assessment. The patients were categorized post-hoc based on their continuous need for PN into a reduced parenteral nutrition (RPN) group and a stable parenteral nutrition (SPN) group. While the SPN group (n = 9) had significantly shorter small bowel length and poorer nutritional status at baseline compared to the RPN group (n = 11), no difference in liver function was observed between the distinct groups. Over time, liver function determined by LiMAx did continuously decrease from baseline to 24 months in the SPN group but remained stable in the RPN group. This decrease in liver function assessed with LiMAx in the SPN group preceded deterioration of all other investigated liver function tests during the study period. Our results suggest that the liver function over time is primarily determined by the degree of intestinal failure. Furthermore, the LiMAx test appeared more sensitive in detecting early changes in liver function in comparison to other liver function tests

    Development of a CENP-A/CENP-B-specific immune response in a patient with systemic sclerosis

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    O artigo aborda a relação entre a esfera pública e a internet, mais especificamente, busca investigar se ainternet é utilizada como meio de mediação política e, caso afirmativo, a maneira em que esfera pública. Osautores analisam o uso de blogs e do mais popular sítio eletrônico de relacionamentos do Brasil, o Orkut,pelos eleitores, na eleição municipal de 2008 em São Paulo. Além da análise dos sítios, foram utilizadasduas pesquisas sobre as principais fontes de informação para os eleitores, realizadas pelo IBOPE Inteligência.Os resultados mostram que, no Brasil, a internet é um canal de comunicação com alcance limitado emtermos quantitativos, principalmente se comparada com a última eleição americana, mas que apresentaimportantes possibilidades em termos de mobilização e engajamento dos eleitores mais envolvidos com apolítica, notadamente os mais jovens. A utilização crescente da rede, para além dos sítios de organizaçõesmidiáticas e políticas tradicionais, indica um processo (ainda incipiente no Brasil) de formação de novosespaços complementares à esfera pública tradicional. Embora ainda restrito aos mais jovens e escolarizados,esse fenômeno ocorre independente da vontade dos meios de comunicação tradicionais e dos partidospolíticos, e não depende de sua aprovação para acontecer. Entretanto, apesar da diversidade de fontes deinformação oferecidas pela Rede, as comunidades tendem a conectar-se apenas com sítios e comunidades deopiniões similares e a reprimir manifestações dissonantes, o que pode gerar uma menor pluralidade deopiniões entre os eleitores que usam apenas os sítios de comunidades e blogs como fonte de informaçãosobre a campanha