128 research outputs found

    How a parent recognises an appropriate picture book

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    Slikovnica je prva djetetova knjiga u kojoj je priča upotpunjena i obogaćena ilustracijama. Ona utječe na mnoge aspekte dječjeg razvoja i sudjeluje u odgoju i obrazovanju djece. Ona odgaja i obrazuje velik broj djece rane dobi. Olakšava im otkrivanje svijeta i zbog toga je bitno razumjeti i njezine osnovne uloge i zadaće. Osim uloga bitno je znati odabrati slikovnicu prema dobi djeteta. Nisu sve slikovnice primjerene za svaku dob pa će tako za dijete u dobi do jedne godine biti primjerena pojmovna slikovnica, dok djeca u predškolskoj dobi izražavaju zanimanje za bajke i basne, pa se za njih biraju slikovnice s takvim temama. Odgojitelji poznaju sve te komponente za odabir, ali poznato je da djeca većinu vremena provode kod kuće. Koliko doticaja sa slikovnicama djeca imaju kod kuće i koliko im se čita bitno se razlikuje od obitelji do obitelji. Ovim istraživanjem željelo se otkriti koliko roditelji poznaju slikovnicu i na što obraćaju pozornost pri njezinu odabiru. Kod roditelja se ispitivalo što misle o ulogama slikovnice, kakav sadržaj biraju, od čega su one načinjane, kakav odnos slika i teksta im odgovara i slično. U istraživanju se koristila metoda anketiranja. Odabrano je 25-ero roditelja djece različite dobi (od 3 do 6 godina).The picture book is the first child's book with the story which is complemented and enriched with illustrations. It affects on many aspects of child development and participate in the education of children. They raise and educate a large number of preeschool children. Facilitates their discovery of the world and therefore it is important to understand its basic roles and tasks. In addition it is essential to choose the picture book according to the child's age. Not all picture books are suitable for all ages, so for one year old child it is appropriate conceptual picture book, while children in preschool age expressed interest in fairy tales and fables, so for them should be choosed picture books with such topics. Educators know all the components for selection but it is known that children spend most of their time at home. The contact with picture books that children have at home and how much time is red for them is very different from family to family. This research was conducted to find out how much parents do know about the picture book and what they pay attention on when they select picture book. Parents are questioned about the roles of picture book, what kind of content they choose, from what material they are constructed, what kind of ratio of images and text suits them and so on. In the study is used poll method. It is selected 25 parents of children of different ages (3-6 years)


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    Tema diplomskog rada je Utjecaj starenja stanovništva na financiranje proračuna Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje. Cilj rada je kroz prikazanu trenutnu strukturu zdravstvenog osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj i način njena financiranja, te demografsku sliku starenja stanovništva Hrvatske i projekciju budućih trendova, dokazati je li postojeći način financiranja Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, kao krovne organizacije financiranja javnog zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, održiv i u budućnosti. Koje demografske mjere i mjere zdravstvene politike primijeniti kako bi postojeći sustav bio održiv, te je li isto ostvarivo?The topic of my diploma thesis is Impact of population aging on the financing of the budget of the Croatian Health Insurance Institute. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate, through the presented current structure of health insurance in the Republic of Croatia and the way of its financing, as well as the demographic picture of the aging population of Croatia and the projection of future trends, to prove whether the existing method of financing of the Croatian Health Insurance Institute, as the head organization of public health financing in Croatia, is sustainable and in the future. What demographic and health policy measures should be applied to make the current system sustainable and feasible

    Naphthalene crystal shape prediction from molecular dynamics simulations

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    We used molecular dynamics simulations to predict the steady state crystal shape of naphthalene grown from ethanol solution. The simulations were performed at constant supersaturation by utilizing a recently proposed algorithm [Perego et al., J. Chem. Phys., 142, 2015, 144113]. To bring the crystal growth within the timescale of a molecular dynamics simulation we applied Well-Tempered Metadynamics with a spatially constrained collective variable, which focuses the sampling on the growing layer. We estimated that the resulting steady state crystal shape corresponds to a rhombic prism, which is in line with experiments. Further, we observed that at the investigated supersaturations, the {001ˉ}\{00\bar{1}\} face grows in a two step two dimensional nucleation mechanism while the considerably faster growing faces {11ˉ0}\{1\bar{1}0\} and {201ˉ}\{20\bar{1}\} grow new layers with a one step two dimensional nucleation mechanism

    Kojemu funkcionalnom stilu pripadaju reklame

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    U radu će se opisivati reklamne poruke i pokušati odrediti pripadnost reklamnih poruka određenom funkcionalnom stilu standardnoga jezika. Ponudit će se dijakronijski pristup kojim će se ukazati na sve razvojne stupnjeve reklamnih poruka. Analizirat će se jezik reklamnih poruka, njegove skrivene namjere, uvjetovanost i vještina manipuliranja njime. Pri određivanju pripadnosti reklamnih poruka pojedinom funkcionalnom stilu prikazat će se odlike reklamnih poruka koje korespondiraju s odlikama određenih funkcionalnih stilova. Korespondencija između navedenih odlika potkrijepit će se prikazom primjera reklamnih poruka preuzetih, većinom, iz mjesečnih časopisa za žene, zatim s televizije i dnevnih novina

    Motivation according to the principles of Leadership and selection theory

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    Motivacija izaziva, usmjerava i održava željeno ponašanje kod ljudi. Motivacija označava aktivirajuće usmjeravanje trenutnih životnih akcija u kojem sudjeluju različiti procesi ponašanja i doživljavanja koji vode ka pozitivnom cilju. U ovom radu obrazložen je način motiviranja ljudi korištenjem Demingovih načela o voditeljstvu i Glasserove Teorije izbora. Cilj rada je pokazati kako voditeljska ponašanja povećavaju dobitak, djelovanje te istovremeno zaposlenima donose osjećaj ponosa vlastitim umijećem. Teorija izbora objašnjava da je svako ponašanje odabrano te da ima smisla za pojedinca koji ga čini, jer time nastoji zadovoljiti jednu ili više osnovnih potreba. Za razliku od pojedinaca koji nemaju odgovarajuću motivaciju, motivirani ljudi imaju tendenciju da rade napornije, da su pri tom manje umorni te su ukupno sretniji. Motivacija je važna za rad. Motivacija je slojevita i dinamična značajka uspješnog poslovanja.Motivation initiates, directs and sustains desired human behaviour. Motivation refers to activational guiding of current life actions, in which various processes of behaviour and experience are involved, and lead to a positive outcome. In this paper it is explained the way of motivating people using Deming's principles of Leadership, and Glasser's Choice Theory. The goal of the paper is to show how leadership behaviours increase profit, performance and at the same time bring employees a sense of pride in their own art. Choice Theory explains that every behaviour is chosen and that it makes sense to the individual who does it, because he seeks to satisfy one or more basic needs. Unlike individuals who lack the proper motivation, motivated people tend to work harder, feel less fatigue during work and generally feel more content altogether. Motivation is important for business. Motivation is layered and dynamic factor of successful business

    Suradničko pisanje u nastavi njemačkog jezika na sveučilišnoj razini

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    In dieser Diplomarbeit wurde das Thema des kooperativen Schreibens im DaF-Unterricht auf universitärem Sprachniveau behandelt. Um die Vor- und Nachteile dieser Arbeitsform festzustellen, wurde eine Forschung durchgeführt. Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer Einführung in die theoretischen Grundlagen, wobei zuerst die Wichtigkeit der Fertigkeit Schreiben für den Fremdsprachenunterricht hervorgehoben und das kooperative Schreiben im DaF-Unterricht dargestellt und beschrieben wird. Darauffolgend wurden das Forschungsziel, die Forschungsfragen und –hypothesen bestimmt. Um einen detaillierten Einblick in die Forschung zu bekommen, wurden die Probanden, die Methode und die benötigten Instrumente vorgestellt und beschrieben. Vier Probanden, die in zwei Testphasen Schreibaufgaben in Partnerarbeit lösen sollen, sollten Sprachkenntnisse, Kenntnisse über die Textform und das Thema sowie Fähigkeiten für Zusammenarbeit aufzeigen. Laut Ergebnissen der Untersuchung wird das kooperative Schreiben als vorteilhafte Arbeitsform verstanden, die einen Fortschritt bei „schwächeren“ Studenten aufzeigt. Somit wird die Mischform von „schwächeren“ und „fortgeschrittenen“ Probanden als Interaktionsmuster vorgezogen

    Homo sapiens – evolution of species

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    U ovom radu bavim se evolucijom modernog čovjeka - Homo sapiensa. Tijek evolucije prati se od najstarijih fosila roda Homo, preko arhaičnih vrsta Homo sapiensa do njegovih najbližih srodnika - sve do anatomski potpuno modernog čovjeka. Osim pregleda fosilne građe, koja ujedno služi kao kronološki marker stupnjeva evolucije, razvoj Homo sapiensa sagledan je i kroz faktore okoliša i geografskog prostora. Tako je ovdje prvenstveno obuhvaćen istočni i južni te djelomično i rubni sjeverni prostor Afrike te šire euroazijsko područje - od Levanta na istoku do Atlanskog oceana na zapadu. U radu su obrađeni i različiti modeli postanka i širenja vrste, kao i mogućnosti kontakta s drugim istovremenim vrstama. Naposlijetku, sagledan je i tehnološki, društveni te kognitivni aspekt ljudske evolucije, potpomognut materijalnim dokazima te simboličkim vrednovanjem građe.In this paper I will discuss the evolution of modern man – Homo sapiens. The process of evolution is traced back from the oldest fossils that belong to genus Homo, throughout archaic species of Homo sapiens and their immediate relatives - concluding the biological evolution with the fully anatomically modern man. In addition to reviewing fossil material that also serves as a chronological marker of evolution, the development of Homo sapiens is seen through environmental factors and geographical space. So primarily, areas covered in this paper include eastern and southern parts of Africa and also the northern boundary area of the same continent, but also covers the wider Eurasian region - from the Levant in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. This paper deals with different models of origin and dispersal of species, but also focuses on the possibility of contact with other contemporaneous species. Finally, work focuses on technological, social and cognitive aspects of human evolution, supporting the facts by material evidence and symbolic evaluation of material

    Odnos između njemačkoga standardnog jezika i bavarskih dijalekata

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    Diese Arbeit bearbeitet das Thema der bairischen Mundarten und der Standardsprache. Ein kurzer Überblick verfasst uns Informationen über die Regeln in der Standardsprache, die in der weiteren Arbeit nützlich für das Verstehen des bairischen Dialekts sind. Es wird erklärt, was man unter Sprachvarietät verstehen kann und wie sich das in dieses Thema einfügt. Die Aufteilung der bairischen Mundarten wird kurz beschrieben und weiter im Text auch detailliert bearbeitet. Nicht nur der Unterschied der bairischen Mundarten im Verhältnis zur Standardsprache wird gezeigt, sondern auch manche Differenzierungen zwischen den Gemeinden untereinander werden deutlich. Eine Analyse beider Sprachvarietäten gibt die Möglichkeit, zu einer Schlussfolgerung zu kommen


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    Tema diplomskog rada je Utjecaj starenja stanovništva na financiranje proračuna Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje. Cilj rada je kroz prikazanu trenutnu strukturu zdravstvenog osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj i način njena financiranja, te demografsku sliku starenja stanovništva Hrvatske i projekciju budućih trendova, dokazati je li postojeći način financiranja Hrvatskog zavoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, kao krovne organizacije financiranja javnog zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, održiv i u budućnosti. Koje demografske mjere i mjere zdravstvene politike primijeniti kako bi postojeći sustav bio održiv, te je li isto ostvarivo?The topic of my diploma thesis is Impact of population aging on the financing of the budget of the Croatian Health Insurance Institute. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate, through the presented current structure of health insurance in the Republic of Croatia and the way of its financing, as well as the demographic picture of the aging population of Croatia and the projection of future trends, to prove whether the existing method of financing of the Croatian Health Insurance Institute, as the head organization of public health financing in Croatia, is sustainable and in the future. What demographic and health policy measures should be applied to make the current system sustainable and feasible