28 research outputs found

    Highlighting broad-scale morphometric diversity of the seabed using geomorphons

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    Morphometric diversity is an important component of overall seabed geodiversity. Automated methods for classification of morphometric features (ridges, peaks, valleys etc.) provide a convenient way of classifying large volumes of data in a consistent and repeatable way and a basis for assessing morphometric diversity. Here, we apply ‘geomorphons’, a pattern recognition approach to morphometric feature classification, to 100 m resolution multibeam bathymetry data in the Barents and Norwegian Seas, Norway. The study area spans depths from a few metres to nearly 6000 m across several geological settings. Ten unique morphometric features are delineated by the geomorphon analysis. From these results, we compute the variety of features per 10 km2. This simple ‘geomorphon richness’ measure highlights broad-scale morphometric diversity across the study area. We compare the richness results with terrain attributes and across physiographic regions. Our results provide new regional insights, which together with more detailed information will help guide follow-up surveys as well as identifying diversity hotspots, which may require special management

    Delivering seabed geodiversity information through multidisciplinary mapping initiatives: experiences from Norway

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    Geology is a core component of two major multidisciplinary seabed-mapping initiatives in Norway (MAREANO, Marine Base Maps for the Coastal Zone). Helped by Norway’s Nature Diversity Act, which acknowledges geological and landscape diversity alongside biodiversity, geological information has gained recognition nationally as part of an essential foundation for knowledge-based management, both in the coastal zone and offshore. Recently, international focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has led to the proposal of Essential Geodiversity Variables, a framework for geological (geodiversity) information, intended to stand alongside Essential Variables already defined for climate, biodiversity and oceans (limited to ocean physics, biochemistry, biology, and ecosystems). Here we examine to what extent map products from the Geological Survey of Norway generated under these multidisciplinary mapping initiatives fit within this framework of Essential Geodiversity Variables and how well it is suited to information on marine geodiversity. Although we conclude that the framework is generally a good fit for the marine-relevant Essential Geodiversity Variable classes (geology and geomorphology), we examine opportunities for further highlighting quantitative geodiversity information. We present preliminary examples of substrate diversity and morphological diversity and discuss our experience of geological mapping as part of multidisciplinary initiatives. We highlight many benefits, which far outweigh any perceived or real compromises of this approach in monetary, practical and scientific terms

    Advances in understanding subglacial meltwater drainage from past ice sheets

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    Meltwater drainage beneath ice sheets is a fundamental consideration for understanding ice–bed conditions and bed-modulated ice flow, with potential impacts on terminus behavior and iceshelf mass balance. While contemporary observations reveal the presence of basal water movement in the subglacial environment and inferred styles of drainage, the geological record of former ice sheets, including sediments and landforms on land and the seafloor, aids in understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of efficient and inefficient drainage systems and their impact on ice-sheet behavior. We highlight the past decade of advances in geological studies that focus on providing process-based information on subglacial hydrology of ice sheets, how these studies inform theory, numerical models and contemporary observations, and address the needs for future research

    Gender Equality in Sports ― does the state have responsibilities?

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    Í greininni er lagalegt umhverfi íþrótta á Íslandi kannað með hliðsjón af kynjajafnréttissjónarmiðum með hinni fræðilegu lagalegu aðferð (e. doctrinal method). Þannig eru skoðuð sjónarmið sem legið hafa til grundvallar lagasetningu um íþróttir, innlendar og alþjóðlegar skuldbindingar íslenskra stjórnvalda og rýnt í hvort jafnréttissjónarmiða gæti í stefnumótun og fjárútlátum stjórnvalda í íþróttamálum. Í ljósi lögbundins hlutverks íslensku íþróttahreyfingarinnar er inntak hennar og uppbygging skoðuð með hliðsjón af sömu sjónarmiðum. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru að ríkið er skuldbundið til þess að tryggja kynjajafnrétti í íþróttum. Inntak þeirrar skuldbindingar er þó að einhverju leyti óskýrt. Lagaleg ábyrgð á málaflokknum er nokkuð á reiki vegna sérstöðu íþróttahreyfingarinnar, en fyrirkomulag hreyfingarinnar á sér djúpar sögulegar rætur. Þá er vegna greiningar á milli íþrótta sem tómstunda- og æskulýðsstarfs annars vegar og sem atvinnugreinar hins vegar vakin athygli á að íþróttafélög á Íslandi reka sum þætti í starfsemi sinni í mismunandi félagaformi. Vegna þessa er hugsanlegt að einhver þeirra þurfi að skýra vinnusamband við afreksíþróttamenn og annað starfsfólk félaganna í ljósi nýlegra ákvæða laga um jafnlaunavottun fyrirtækja. Að lokum eru gerðar tillögur að úrbótum sem beinast bæði að ríkisvaldinu og íþróttahreyfingunni, en af niðurstöðum greinarinnar má ljóst vera að svigrúm er til úrbóta í lagaumgjörð, stefnumótun og fjárveitingum til þess að tryggja kynjajafnrétti í íþróttum á Íslandi.The article is the first to explore the Icelandic legal framework for sports with a focus on gender equality. The underlying principles of the current legal framework, domestic and international obligations as well as government policy and funding are analyzed, applying doctrinal methodology. Due to the structural formation of sports in Iceland, the article also examines the Icelandic sports association and to what extent gendered perspectives are reflected in its structure, bylaws and policy. The main conclusion is that the state does have an obligation to ensure gender equality in sports in Iceland. The article suggests some legal uncertainty as regards the extent of this responsibility, not least due to the distributed structure of legal responsibility of sports in Iceland. The distinction between sports as an organized recreational or youth activity on one hand and as a part of the work market on the other, calls for further studies concerning recent legal amendments demanding equal pay for equal work under the Gender Equality Act. The findings of the article highlight that there is room for improvement concerning the promotion of gender equality in Icelandic sports. The authors suggest a number of efforts for public authorities and the sports movement in Iceland to improve the situation. Keywords: Sports; gender equality; gender equalPeer Reviewe

    Using Spatial Validity and Uncertainty Metrics to Determine the Relative Suitability of Alternative Suites of Oceanographic Data for Seabed Biotope Prediction. A Case Study from the Barents Sea, Norway

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    The use of habitat distribution models (HDMs) has become common in benthic habitat mapping for combining limited seabed observations with full-coverage environmental data to produce classified maps showing predicted habitat distribution for an entire study area. However, relatively few HDMs include oceanographic predictors, or present spatial validity or uncertainty analyses to support the classified predictions. Without reference studies it can be challenging to assess which type of oceanographic model data should be used, or developed, for this purpose. In this study, we compare biotope maps built using predictor variable suites from three different oceanographic models with differing levels of detail on near-bottom conditions. These results are compared with a baseline model without oceanographic predictors. We use associated spatial validity and uncertainty analyses to assess which oceanographic data may be best suited to biotope mapping. Our results show how spatial validity and uncertainty metrics capture differences between HDM outputs which are otherwise not apparent from standard non-spatial accuracy assessments or the classified maps themselves. We conclude that biotope HDMs incorporating high-resolution, preferably bottom-optimised, oceanography data can best minimise spatial uncertainty and maximise spatial validity. Furthermore, our results suggest that incorporating coarser oceanographic data may lead to more uncertainty than omitting such data.publishedVersio

    Sandbanks, sandwaves and megaripples on Spitsbergenbanken, Barents Sea

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    Recently acquired multibeam echosounder data from the shallowest part (26–53 m depth) of Spitsbergenbanken in the western Barents Sea reveal a variety of bedforms, including megaripples, sandwaves and sandbanks. The bedforms exhibit varying degrees of superimposition and differ in their age of formation and present depositional regime, being either active or moribund. These are the first observations of co-occurring current induced bedforms in the western Barents Sea and provide evidence of a high energy environment in the study area. The bedforms indicate both sediment erosion and transport and confirm that there is enough sand available in this area to maintain them. Such conditions are not known to be common in the western Barents Sea and reflect the unique oceanographic and benthic environment of Spitsbergenbanken.publishedVersio

    Shelf-life of fresh foal meat. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging.

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    Geymsluþol folaldakjöts hefur takmarkað verið rannsakað en vegna hás hlutfalls ómettaðra fitusýra og litarefnisins vöðvarauða í vöðvum er folaldakjöt viðkvæmara fyrir oxun fitu og litabreytingum í geymslu en annað kjöt. Framleiðsla folaldakjöts hér á landi er árstíðabundin og því er mikilvægt að þekkja hvernig hægt er að varðveita gæði kjötsins sem best. Meginmarkmið verkefnisins var að kanna áhrif umbúða, lofttegunda og kælingar á geymsluþol fersks folaldakjöts. Kjötinu var pakkað í loftskiptar umbúðir og þrjár mismunandi gasblöndur prófaðar, 100% koltvíoxíð (CO2), 50% koltvíoxíð (CO2) + 50% köfnunarefni (N2) og 25% koltvíoxíð (CO2) + 75% súrefni (O2). Kjötið var geymt við -1°C í allt að 8 vikur. Eiginleikar og gæði folaldakjöts á geymslutímanum var metið með því að skoða styrkleika gastegunda í umbúðum, hitastig, sýrustig, efnainnhald (vatn, salt, prótein, kollagen og fitu), oxun fitu, áferð, suðuheldni, lit og vöxt örvera í kjötinu. Einnig var framkvæmt skynmat. Niðurstöður sýna að folaldakjöt geymt við -1°C í loftskiptum umbúðum þar sem súrefni er ekki til staðar geymist vel í a.m.k. 8 vikur. Kjötið var öruggt til neyslu eftir 8 vikur, vöxtur örvera var langt undir viðmiðunarmörkum og hvorki bar á þránun né voru greinilegar breytingar á vatnsheldni við suðu, efnasamsetningu eða áferð á geymslutímanum. Litur folaldakjöts er mjög kvikur og háður umhverfisaðstæðum. Kjöt í súrefnissnauðum umbúðum dökknaði í sumum tilfellum mjög mikið á yfirborði en þegar nýskorið yfirborð komst í snertingu við andrúmsloft fékk það aftur eftirsóknarverðann rauðan kjötlit í öllum tilvikum. Af því má álykta að pökkun folaldakjöts í loftskiptar umbúðir þar sem súrefni er útilokað sé öruggur og góður kostur til að geyma kjötið ferskt við kældar aðstæður t.d. við útflutning, en henti síður í smásölu vegna þess hve mikið kjötið dökknar. Lykilorð: folaldakjöt, geymsluþol, loftskiptar umbúðir, gæði.There are not many studies on the shelf-life of foal meat but because of the high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and of the pigment myoglobin in muscles, foal meat is prone to fat oxidation and discoloration during storage. The production of foal meat is seasonal in Iceland and it is therefore important to find out about the best way to preserve the meat quality during storage. The main objective of the project was to study the impact of modified atmosphere packaging and chilling on the shelf-life of fresh foal meat. The meat was packed in a modified atmosphere packaging with three different gas mixtures, 100% carbon dioxide (CO2), 50% carbon dioxide (CO2) + 50% nitrogen (N2) and 25% carbon dioxide (CO2) + 75% oxygen (O2), then stored at -1°C for up to 8 weeks. Quality parameters were evaluated for the foal meat throughout the storage time by examining: gases in packaging, temperature, pH, chemical composition (water, salt, protein, collagen and fat), oxidation of fat, texture, cooking loss, color and growth of microorganisms in the meat. Sensory evaluation was also performed. Results showed that foal meat stored under -1°C in modified atmosphere packaging were oxygen was not present can be stored for at least 8 weeks. The meat was safe for human consumption after 8 weeks of storage, microbial growth was far below limit values, no signs of rancidity or notable changes in cooking loss, texture or chemical composition during storage. The color of foal meat is very dynamic and dependent on environmental conditions. In packaging with no oxygen the surface of meat became dark but when freshly cut surface came in contact with the atmosphere the color became bright red in all cases. These findings indicate that packaging of foal meat in modified atmosphere packaging where oxygen is excluded is a safe and good choice to keep the meat fresh in chilled facilities, for example during export. This option is less suitable for retail sale because of the darkening on meat surface. Keywords: foal meat, shelf-life, modified atmosphere packaging, quality.Verkefnið var unnið hjá Iceprotein á Sauðárkróki í samstarfi við Matís í Reykjavík. Verkefnið var styrkt af Sláturhúsi KVH, Þróunarsjóði KS, Vaxtarsamning SSNV, Fisk Seafood, Rannsóknarsjóði HÍ og Framleiðnisjóði landbúnaðarins. Auk þess lagði Vörumiðlun til afnot af frystigámi og Ísaga/AGA lagði til gasblöndur

    Erfðafjölbreytileiki í móðurlínu íslenskra nautgripa metinn með raðgreiningu á hvatberaerfðamengi

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    Erfðafjölbreytileiki er stofnum nauðsynlegur til að þeir geti lagað sig að breytingum í umhverfi, aðlagast breyttum áherslum í ræktun eða öðrum hugsanlegum breytingum í framtíðinni. Á undanförnum árum hefur staðbundnum nautgripastofnum víða verið skipt út fyrir þaulræktaða framleiðslustofna sem farið hafa í gegnum strangt úrval og við það tapað niður erfðafjölbreytileika. Íslenski nautgripastofninn er talinn hafa verið einangraður frá öðrum kynjum í yfir 1000 ár og telst samkvæmt því lokaður erfðahópur. Í þessari rannsókn var erfðafjölbreytileiki innan íslenska stofnsins metinn með raðgreiningu á D-lykkju hvatberaerfðamengis í sýnum frá 35 bæjum víðsvegar af landinu. Markmiðið með greiningu erfðafjölbreytileika innan íslenska stofnsins var að leiða í ljós stöðu stofnsins í samanburði við erlenda stofna og greina hugsanlegan skyldleika þeirra á milli. Niðurstöður sýndu að þónokkur erfðafjölbreytileiki er til staðar í íslenska stofninum á meðan framleiðslustofnar sem og mjög litlir staðbundnir stofnar búa yfir takmörkuðum breytileika. Einnig kom í ljós að af samanburðar stofnunum er íslenski stofninn er skyldastur færeyska nautgripa kyninu

    Large subglacial meltwater features in the central Barents Sea

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    During the last glacial period large parts of the Arctic, including the Barents Sea, north of Norway and Russia, were covered by ice sheets. Despite several studies indicating that melting occurred beneath much of the Barents Sea ice sheet, very few meltwater-related landforms have been identified. We document ∼200 seafloor valleys in the central Barents Sea and interpret them to be tunnel valleys formed by meltwater erosion beneath an ice sheet. This is the first account of widespread networks of tunnel valleys in the Barents Sea, and confirms previous predictions that large parts of the ice sheet were warm based. The tunnel valleys are interpreted to be formed through a combination of steady-state drainage and outburst floods close to the ice margin, as a result of increased melting within a period of rapid climate warming during late deglaciation. This is the first study documenting widespread tunnel valley formation at the northern reaches of a Northern Hemisphere paleo–ice sheet, during advanced deglaciation and beneath a much reduced ice sheet. This indicates that suitable conditions for tunnel valley formation may have occurred more widely than previously reported, and emphasizes the need to properly incorporate hydrological processes in current efforts to model ice sheet response to climate warming. This study provides valuable empirical data, to which modeling results can be compared

    Deglaciation of the central Barents Sea

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    The marine-based Barents Sea Ice Sheet covered the polar continental shelf north of Norway and western Russia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Initial ice sheet retreat along the western margin is well established, while the retreat pattern in the interior parts of the ice sheet remains poorly known. Here we present new geological data from the central Barents Sea. The results are based on analysis of several marine geophysical datasets, including geomorphological mapping of multibeam swath bathymetry data and analysis of seismic and acoustic stratigraphy. The new results provide insights into the configuration and dynamics of the ice sheet during its retreat across the central Barents Sea. In particular they show clear changes in the location of the main ice divides and domes, with ice flow becoming gradually more topographically controlled as deglaciation progressed. Major troughs were characterised by episodic retreat and reoccurring cycles of fast and slow ice flow, sometimes leading to stagnation and ice shelf formation. Meanwhile, adjacent bank areas were covered by comparatively slowly retreating ice, although evidence of streaming ice is also seen locally