257 research outputs found

    Electrical and thermal stability of Al-Cu welds: Performance benchmarking of the hybrid metal extrusion and bonding process

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    Advances in joining processes for aluminum and copper are sought after to facilitate the greater adoption of aluminum in electrical applications. Aluminum's chemical affinity to copper causes the joining and lifetime of Al-Cu welds to be vulnerable to the formation of various intermetallic compounds. Intermetallic compounds and the resulting weld structure are known to reduce the structural integrity and increase the electrical resistance of Al-Cu welds. In this study we evaluate the novel joining process, Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding, for butt welding aluminum and copper. The weld structure was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the weld resistance was measured using four-point measurements forecast to the weld interface. Energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron diffraction zone axis patterns were analysed to identify intermetallic compounds. Weld samples were examined pre and post heat treatment at 200 °C, 250 °C and 350 °C for total durations of over 1000 h. The results are compared to existing Al-Cu joining processes, and a new metric, weld interface resistivity, is proposed to compare the electrical properties of bimetallic welds. The Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding process was found to form a thin, consistent and straight intermetallic layer with negligible impact on electrical resistance in the as-welded condition. Artificial ageing of samples by heat treatment established the overall growth rate of intermetallic compounds. The growth rate was used to evaluate the weld's operational lifetime versus temperature. The intermetallic growth rate of Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding was quantified at 200 °C and compared to alternative processes. The Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding process showed a significant performance advantage requiring the longest time to reach 2 μm thickness. Furthermore, the growth of intermetallic compounds did not increase the electrical resistance of the weld interface. The negligible impact on electrical resistance and slow intermetallic growth are promising results of the potential functional performance. This study is the first characterisation of the Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding process for electrical applications showcasing its exciting potential for the joining of aluminum and copper.publishedVersio

    Body size and thyroid cancer in two million Norwegian men and women

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    We investigated relations between measured body mass index (BMI) and stature and thyroid cancer (3046 cases) in a large Norwegian cohort of more than two million individuals. The risk of thyroid cancer, especially of the papillary and follicular types, increased moderately with increasing BMI and height in both sexes

    Criterion validity of two physical activity and one sedentary time questionnaire against accelerometry in a large cohort of adults and older adults.

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    OBJECTIVES: We compared the ability of physical activity and sitting time questionnaires (PAQ) for ranking individuals versus continuous volume calculations (physical activity level (PAL), metabolic equivalents of task (MET), sitting hours) against accelerometry measured physical activity as our criterion. METHODS: Participants in a cohort from the Tromsø Study completed three questionnaires; (1) The Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale (SGPALS) (n=4040); (2) The Physical Activity Frequency, Intensity and Duration (PAFID) questionnaire (n=5902)) calculated as MET-hours·week-1 and (3) The International Physical Activity questionnaire (IPAQ) short-form sitting question (n=4896). We validated the questionnaires against the following accelerometry (Actigraph wGT3X-BT) estimates: vector magnitude counts per minute, steps∙day-1, time (minutes·day-1) in sedentary behaviour, light physical activity, moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) non-bouted and ≥10 min bouted MVPA. RESULTS: Ranking of physical activity according to the SGPALS and quartiles (Q) of MET-hours∙week-1 from the PAFID were both positively associated with accelerometry estimates of physical activity (p<0.001) but correlations with accelerometry estimates were weak (SGPALS (PAL): r=0.11 to 0.26, p<0.001) and weak-to-moderate (PAFID: r=0.39 to 0.44, p<0.01). There was 1 hour of accelerometry measured sedentary time from Q1 to Q4 in the IPAQ sitting question (p<0.001) and also weak correlations (r=0.22, p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Ranking of physical activity levels measured with PAQs appears to have higher validity than energy expenditure calculations. Self-reported sedentary time poorly reflects accelerometry measured sedentary time. These two PAQs can be used for ranking individuals into different physical activity categories supporting previous studies using these instruments when assessing associations with health outcomes

    Human papillomavirus infection as a risk factor for anal and perianal skin cancer in a prospective study

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    Human papillomavirus has emerged as the leading infectious cause of cervical and other anogenital cancers. We have studied the relation between human papillomavirus infection and the subsequent risk of anal and perianal skin cancer. A case–cohort study within two large Nordic serum banks to which about 760 000 individuals had donated serum samples was performed. Subjects who developed anal and perianal skin cancer during follow up (median time of 10 years) were identified by registry linkage with the nationwide cancer registries in Finland and Norway. Twenty-eight cases and 1500 controls were analysed for the presence of IgG antibodies to HPV 16, 18, 33 or 73, and odds ratios of developing anal and perianal skin cancer were calculated. There was an increased risk of developing anal and perianal skin cancer among subjects seropositive for HPV 16 (OR=3.0; 95%CI=1.1–8.2) and HPV 18 (OR=4.4; 95%CI=1.1–17). The highest risks were seen for HPV 16 seropositive patients above the age of 45 years at serum sampling and for patients with a lag time of less than 10 years. This study provides prospective epidemiological evidence of an association between infection with HPV 16 and 18 and anal and perianal skin cancer

    Ascitic complement system in ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer spreads intraperitoneally and forms fluid, whereby the diagnosis and therapy often become delayed. As the complement (C) system may provide a cytotoxic effector arm for both immunological surveillance and mAb-therapy, we have characterised the C system in the intraperitoneal ascitic fluid (AF) from ovarian cancer patients. Most of the AF samples showed alternative and classical pathway haemolytic activity. The levels of C3 and C4 were similar to or in the lower normal range when compared to values in normal sera, respectively. However, elevated levels of C3a and soluble C5b-9 suggested C activation in vivo. Malignant cells isolated from the AF samples had surface deposits of C1q and C3 activation products, but not of C5b-9 (the membrane attack complex; MAC). Activation could have become initiated by anti-tumour cell antibodies that were detected in the AFs and/or by changes on tumour cell surfaces. The lack of MAC was probably due to the expression of C membrane regulators CD46, CD55 and CD59 on the tumour cells. Soluble forms of C1 inhibitor, CD59 and CD46, and the alternative pathway inhibitors factor H and FHL-1 were present in the AF at concentrations higher than in serum samples. Despite the presence of soluble C inhibitors it was possible to use AF as a C source in antibody-initiated killing of ovarian carcinoma cells. These results demonstrate that although the ovarian ascitic C system fails as an effective immunological surveillance mechanism, it could be utilised as an effector mechanism in therapy with intraperitoneally administrated mAbs, especially if the intrinsic C regulators are neutralised

    Physical activity levels in adults and elderly from triaxial and uniaxial accelerometry. The Tromsø Study.

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    INTRODUCTION:Surveillance of physical activity at the population level increases the knowledge on levels and trends of physical activity, which may support public health initiatives to promote physical activity. Physical activity assessed by accelerometry is challenged by varying data processing procedures, which influences the outcome. We aimed to describe the levels and prevalence estimates of physical activity, and to examine how triaxial and uniaxial accelerometry data influences these estimates, in a large population-based cohort of Norwegian adults. METHODS:This cross-sectional study included 5918 women and men aged 40-84 years who participated in the seventh wave of the Tromsø Study (2015-16). The participants wore an ActiGraph wGT3X-BT accelerometer attached to the hip for 24 hours per day over seven consecutive days. Accelerometry variables were expressed as volume (counts·minute-1 and steps·day-1) and as minutes per day in sedentary, light physical activity and moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA). RESULTS:From triaxial accelerometry data, 22% (95% confidence interval (CI): 21-23%) of the participants fulfilled the current global recommendations for physical activity (≥150 minutes of MVPA per week in ≥10-minute bouts), while 70% (95% CI: 69-71%) accumulated ≥150 minutes of non-bouted MVPA per week. When analysing uniaxial data, 18% fulfilled the current recommendations (i.e. 20% difference compared with triaxial data), and 55% (95% CI: 53-56%) accumulated ≥150 minutes of non-bouted MVPA per week. We observed approximately 100 less minutes of sedentary time and 90 minutes more of light physical activity from triaxial data compared with uniaxial data (p<0.001). CONCLUSION:The prevalence estimates of sufficiently active adults and elderly are more than three times higher (22% vs. 70%) when comparing triaxial bouted and non-bouted MVPA. Physical activity estimates are highly dependent on accelerometry data processing criteria and on different definitions of physical activity recommendations, which may influence prevalence estimates and tracking of physical activity patterns over time

    Height and body mass index in relation to cancer of the small intestine in two million Norwegian men and women

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    The present study aimed at exploring the relations between body mass index (BMI, (weight in kilograms)/(height in meters)2) and stature and cancer of the small intestine (1162 cases) in a large Norwegian cohort (of two million) with measured height and weight. Elevated BMI in males and increasing height in both sexes were associated with a moderately increased risk of cancer of the small intestine
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