110 research outputs found

    What properties characterize the hub proteins of the protein-protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

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    BACKGROUND: Most proteins interact with only a few other proteins while a small number of proteins (hubs) have many interaction partners. Hub proteins and non-hub proteins differ in several respects; however, understanding is not complete about what properties characterize the hubs and set them apart from proteins of low connectivity. Therefore, we have investigated what differentiates hubs from non-hubs and static hubs (party hubs) from dynamic hubs (date hubs) in the protein-protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RESULTS: The many interactions of hub proteins can only partly be explained by bindings to similar proteins or domains. It is evident that domain repeats, which are associated with binding, are enriched in hubs. Moreover, there is an over representation of multi-domain proteins and long proteins among the hubs. In addition, there are clear differences between party hubs and date hubs. Fewer of the party hubs contain long disordered regions compared to date hubs, indicating that these regions are important for flexible binding but less so for static interactions. Furthermore, party hubs interact to a large extent with each other, supporting the idea of party hubs as the cores of highly clustered functional modules. In addition, hub proteins, and in particular party hubs, are more often ancient. Finally, the more recent paralogs of party hubs are underrepresented. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that multiple and repeated domains are enriched in hub proteins and, further, that long disordered regions, which are common in date hubs, are particularly important for flexible binding

    Genetic dissection of dopaminergic and noradrenergic contributions to catecholaminergic tracts in early larval zebrafish

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    The catecholamines dopamine and noradrenaline provide some of the major neuromodulatory systems with far-ranging projections in the brain and spinal cord of vertebrates. However, development of these complex systems is only partially understood. Zebrafish provide an excellent model for genetic analysis of neuronal specification and axonal projections in vertebrates. Here, we analyze the ontogeny of the catecholaminergic projections in zebrafish embryos and larvae up to the fifth day of development and establish the basic scaffold of catecholaminergic connectivity. The earliest dopaminergic diencephalospinal projections do not navigate along the zebrafish primary neuron axonal scaffold but establish their own tracts at defined ventrolateral positions. By using genetic tools, we study quantitative and qualitative contributions of noradrenergic and defined dopaminergic groups to the catecholaminergic scaffold. Suppression of Tfap2a activity allows us to eliminate noradrenergic contributions, and depletion of Otp activity deletes mammalian A11-like Otp-dependent ventral diencephalic dopaminergic groups. This analysis reveals a predominant contribution of Otp-dependent dopaminergic neurons to diencephalospinal as well as hypothalamic catecholaminergic tracts. In contrast, noradrenergic projections make only a minor contribution to hindbrain and spinal catecholaminergic tracts. Furthermore, we can demonstrate that, in zebrafish larvae, ascending catecholaminergic projections to the telencephalon are generated exclusively by Otp-dependent diencephalic dopaminergic neurons as well as by hindbrain noradrenergic groups. Our data reveal the Otp-dependent A11-type dopaminergic neurons as the by far most prominent dopaminergic system in larval zebrafish. These findings are consistent with a hypothesis that Otp-dependent dopaminergic neurons establish the major modulatory system for somatomotor and somatosensory circuits in larval fish. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:439–458, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Sekretariatet för selektivt fiske

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    Under hösten/vintern 2015/2016 genomförde sekretariatet för selektivt fiske,vid institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU-Aqua) tillsammans med svenskt yrkesfiske, nio projekt inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget selektivt fiske. Den övergripande målsättningen för alla projekt inom selektivt fiske är att underlätta införandet av den landningsskyldighet som beslutats i och med reformen av EU:s gemensamma fiskeripolitik. Projekten syftade därför till att minska oönskad fångst i svenskt fiske antingen genom att utveckla befintliga fiskemetoder (framförallt inom trålfiske) eller genom att utveckla alternativa fiskemetoder (främst passiva redskap såsom fällor och burar). 1. "Kombinationsrist för utsortering av fisk och små räkor" (HaV Dnr 1718-15) 2. ”Selektivitet anpassad för små räktrålare” (HaV Dnr 1488-16) 3. "Räkburar” (HaV Dnr 1892-15) 4. ”Vidareutveckling av storleksselektiv kräftrist Halland” (HaV Dnr 1717-15) 5. ”Trål för fångst av plattfisk och stor torsk-rist/stormaskig trål” (HaV Dnr 1716-15) 6. "Förbättrad selektivitet i torsktrålar i Östersjön" (HaV Dnr 2384-15) 7. "Utsortering av gråsej i pelagiska trålar" (HaV Dnr 1715-15) 8. "Selektiv laxfälla" (HaV Dnr 1713-15) 9. "Multifunktionsburar" (HaV Dnr 1712-15) Projekten genomfördes genom att förslag togs fram gemensamt av SLU-Aqua och näringen utifrån fiskets uttryckliga behov och idéer. Projektförslagen prioriterades och beslutades av en särskild styrgrupp på Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV), varefter SLU-Aqua upphandlade utförare och agerade projektledare. Vinnande part ansvarade sedan för att anskaffa och utveckla respektive projektidé enligt projektplanen med stöd från sekretariatet. Projekten avslutades genom en vetenskaplig utvärdering där personal från SLUAqua deltog i ett experimentellt fiske där det nyutvecklade redskapets fångstegenskaper dokumenterades och analyserades under kommersiella fiskeförhållanden

    Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems

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    Essential components of animal behaviour are modulated by dopaminergic (DA) and noradrenergic circuitry. In this study, we reveal at cellular resolution the complete set of projections ('projectome') of every single type of DA and noradrenergio neurons in the central nervous system of zebrafish larvae. The most extensive DA projections are established by posterior tubercular otp-dependent neurons, with individual somata integrating the ascending DA system, the descending diencephalospinal, as well as the endohypothalamic circuitry. These findings suggest a major role in the modulation of physiology and behaviour for otp-dependent DA neurons, which correlate with the mammalian A11 group. We further identified an endogenous subpallial DA system that not only provides most of the local DA projections, but also connects to the ventral diencephalon. The catecholaminergic projectome map provides a framework to understand the evolution and function of these neuromodulatory systems

    Bilingualism as a heritage language : - A study of Spanish- and Catalan speakers residing in Sweden

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    Existen muchos estudios sobre temas relacionados con el bilingüismo, sin embargo, el bilingüismo como lengua de herencia parece ser un campo menos explorado. La presente monografía tiene como objetivo investigar cuáles son las variables decisivas al escoger una lengua familiar, y determinar la selección de idioma(s) a traspasar a la siguiente generación en parejas lingüísticamente mixtas residentes en Suecia, de las cuales como mínimo un integrante de la pareja es de Cataluña. Hemos elegido dedicarnos al bilingüismo catalán/español como lengua de herencia, principalmente por su situación de co-existencia en su lugar de origen. Se pretende responder a las preguntas de investigación, sobre qué factores ganan o pierden importancia respectivamente al encontrarse en un nuevo entorno lingüístico, y si surgen factores nuevos que influyen en la decisión de la transmisión lingüística. Partimos de la premisa de que existen factores determinantes en el lugar de origen, que pierden su valor una vez los hablantes se encuentran en otro entorno lingüístico. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la identidad tiene un papel determinante en la decisión, debido a la polémica que existe por la convivencia de los dos idiomas en cuestión. Para realizar nuestra investigación hemos aplicado una metodología cualitativa, realizando 4 entrevistas semi-estructuradas, cuya estructura se basa en un estudio sobre la transmisión lingüística intergeneracional realizado en Cataluña por Boix-Fuster & Torrens Guerrini (2011). De los 4 informantes, uno era hombre, y tres eran mujeres, dos tenían hijos y dos no. Nuestros resultados muestran, entre otras cosas, que el estatus de la lengua es un factor que pierde valor y que la creencia de impacto por parte de los padres (la creencia de que los padres pueden ejercer cierto control sobre la funcionalidad lingüística de sus hijos) gana valor por el hecho de que el papel de los padres gana importancia cuando la lengua se convierte en una lengua de herencia. En cambio, no hemos detectado factores nuevos que influyan en la decisión. Además, hemos encontrado una situación que no podría ocurrir en Cataluña: niños que crecen con el catalán como una de sus lenguas habituales, pero sin saber el español

    Eleven Eastern Cape teachers´perceptions of the implementation of the Curiculum Assessment Policy Statement

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    A new curriculum, the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) was during 2012-2014 introduced in South African schools. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of how the implementation process of the curriculum was perceived by teachers. The study examined what the teachers’ general opinions about CAPS were, what experiences they had from the training in relation to the implementation, what strategies they used to further their understanding about CAPS and which factors affected their ability to implement the curriculum. Eleven teachers were interviewed in order to answer the research questions. Findings from the interviews showed that a majority of the teachers believed that the training that was supposed to prepare them for the implementation of CAPS had several faults