28 research outputs found

    An Interacting model of Dark Energy in Brans-Dicke theory

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    In this paper it is shown that in non-minimally coupled Brans-Dicke theory containing a self-interacting potential, a suitable conformal transformation can automatically give rise to an interaction between the normal matter and the Brans-Dicke scalar field. Considering the scalar field in the Einstein frame as the quintessence matter, it has been shown that such a non-minimal coupling between the matter and the scalar field can give rise to a late time accelerated expansion for the universe preceded by a decelerated expansion for very high values of the Brans-Dicke parameter ω\omega. We have also studied the observational constraints on the model parameters considering the Hubble and Supernova data.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Biosensor assay for determination of haptoglobin in bovine milk

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    Despite more than 30 years of research into mastitis diagnostics, there are few alternatives to the somatic cell count (SCC) in practical use for identification of cows with subclinical mastitis. Mastitis is not only an animal welfare problem, but also affects the yield, composition and technological properties of milk. Hence, dairy cooperatives give farmers a premium quality payment to encourage low SCC although there is no clear scientific data defining the level of SCC in bulk tank milk that is associated with additional benefits in terms of milk quality. Recent research on alternative markers for inflammatory reactions in the lactating cow, e.g. in mastitis, includes investigations of the acute phase protein, haptoglobin (Hp). So far, the content of Hp in milk has mainly been studied in relation to mastitis diagnostics, with little attention given to its importance for milk composition and technological properties. At present, Hp in milk is measured using ELISA, but this technique is not suitable for routine large-scale analysis. In recent years, optical biosensor technology has been used for automated and rapid quantitative analysis of different components in milk, but so far not for analysis of acute phase proteins. The aim of the present study was to develop a rapid and sensitive biosensor method to determine Hp in milk. An affinity sensor assay based on the interaction between Hp and haemoglobin was developed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor technology. The assay was used to analyse Hp in composite milk samples from cows without any clinical signs of mastitis and quarter milk samples with a weak to strong reaction in the California Mastitis Test (CMT). A commercial ELISA for determination of Hp in milk was used for comparison. The limit of detection (LOD) of the biosensor assay was determined as 1.1 mg/l. Within-assay and betweenday variations were determined both with bulk tank milk spiked with human Hp and with composite milk samples containing bovine Hp. Coefficients of variation varied between 3.6 and 8.6% at concentrations between 4.0 and 12 mg/l, respectively. Agreement between the results obtained by the biosensor assay and the ELISA was satisfactory ; however, the results obtained by the biosensor were generally lower than the results obtained by the ELISA. Possible explanations for this observation are discussed

    Increasing body mass index at diagnosis of diabetes in young adult people during 1983-1999 in the Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden (DISS).

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    Objective. To study trends in body mass index (BMI) at diagnosis of diabetes in all young Swedish adults in the age range of 15-34 years registered in a nation-based registry. Design. The BMI was assessed at diagnosis in diabetic patients 15-34 years of age at diagnosis, for a period of 17 years (1983-1999). Islet cell antibodies (ICA) were measured during three periods (1987-1988, 1992-1993 and 1998-1999). Setting. A nationwide study (Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden). Subjects. A total of 4727 type 1 and 1083 type 2 diabetic patients. Main outcome measures. Incidence-year specific BMI adjusted for age, gender and time of diagnosis (month). Results. Body mass index at diagnosis increased significantly both in type 1 (21.4 ± 3.6 to 22.5 ± 4.0; P < 0.0001) and in type 2 (27.4 ± 6.8 to 32.0 ± 6.0; P < 0.0001) diabetic patients, also when adjusted for age, gender and month of diagnosis. A similar significant increase in BMI was found in type 1 diabetic patients and in type 2 diabetic patients in the periods 1987-1988, 1992-1993 and 1998-1999; years when ICA were assessed and considered in the classification of diabetes. Despite this increase in BMI, there was no increase in the incidence of diabetes in young-adult people in Sweden. Conclusion. Body mass index at diagnosis of diabetes in subjects 15-34 years of age has substantially increased during 1983-1999 in Sweden when adjusted for age, gender and month of diagnosis

    COL11A1 in FAP polyps and in sporadic colorectal tumors

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    BACKGROUND: We previously reported that the α-1 chain of type 11 collagen (COL11A1), not normally expressed in the colon, was up-regulated in stromal fibroblasts in most sporadic colorectal carcinomas. Patients with germline mutations in the APC gene show, besides colonic polyposis, symptoms of stromal fibroblast involvement, which could be related to COL11A1 expression. Most colorectal carcinomas are suggested to be a result of an activated Wnt- pathway, most often involving an inactivation of the APC gene or activation of β-catenin. METHODS: We used normal and polyp tissue samples from one FAP patient and a set of 37 sporadic colorectal carcinomas to find out if the up-regulation of COL11A1 was associated with an active APC/β-catenin pathway. RESULTS: In this study we found a statistically significant difference in COL11A1 expression between normal tissue and adenomas from one FAP patient, and all adenomas gave evidence for an active APC/β-catenin pathway. An active Wnt pathway has been suggested to involve stromal expression of WISP-1. We found a strong correlation between WISP-1 and COL11A1 expression in sporadic carcinomas. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that expression of COL11A1 in colorectal tumors could be associated with the APC/β-catenin pathway in FAP and sporadic colorectal cancer

    Thinking and writing processes in English : manuel d'expression écrite

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    ISBN : 978-2729829728Book, WholePour bien écrire en anglais, il faut comprendre comment les autres écrivent cette langue. Les auteurs de ce nouveau manuel d'expression écrite ne croient pas qu'un étudiant puisse passer directement de l'oral à l'écrit. Pour eux, un auteur efficace est d'abord un lecteur performant. L'expression n'est donc pas dissociable de la compréhension. L'ambition de cet ouvrage est d'aider chacun à mieux saisir de quelle manière se structurent implicitement la plupart des textes difficiles proposés aux examens et concours, et à mieux composer ainsi son propre texte en anglais. Savoir analyser des causes, proposer des solutions à des problèmes, construire un argumentaire, bref, savoir penser ou raisonner, tel est le principal enjeu de ce manuel

    Contacts-Conflicts-Cooperation - A Report from the Writing Lab of the University of Bielefeld

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    Frank A, Haacke S, Tente C. Contacts-Conflicts-Cooperation - A Report from the Writing Lab of the University of Bielefeld. In: Björk L, Bräuer G, Rienecker L, Jörgensen PS, eds. Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education. Studies in writing . Vol 12. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2003: 165-174