1,601 research outputs found

    Prescribing pathways to triple therapy: a multi-country, retrospective observational study of adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Introduction Maintenance treatment strategies in COPD recommend inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) + long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) + long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) triple therapy after initial dual therapy. Little is known about how treatment pathways to triple therapy vary across countries in clinical practice. Methods This multi-country, retrospective cohort study (conducted 1 January 2005–1 May 2016) included patients with a COPD diagnosis, and (UK only) evidence of smoking history, or (France, Italy, Germany, and Australia) an indicator confirming COPD diagnosis, a first instance of triple therapy recorded during the study period and ≥ 12 months of data prior to this date. Treatment pathways to triple therapy were analyzed in patients whose first instance of triple therapy was on or after the initial COPD diagnosis. The proportion of patients who initiated triple therapy prior to initial COPD diagnosis was also estimated. Meta-analyses of the main results were performed. Results In 130,729 patients across all countries, mean age (standard deviation) ranged from 63.4 (10.4) years (Germany) to 69.8 (9.9) years (Italy), and median time (interquartile range) from initial COPD diagnosis to first prescription of triple therapy ranged from 16.9 (5.7–36.2) months (Australia) to 42.5 (13.9–87.4) months (UK). ICS + LABA was the most common treatment pathway prior to triple therapy in the UK, Germany, and Italy (27.3%–31.6%); no previous maintenance therapy prior to triple therapy was the most common pathway in France and Australia (32.5% and 37.9%, respectively). Meta-analyses provided a pooled estimate of 20.4% (95% confidence interval: 13.8%–29.1%) for the proportion of patients initiating triple therapy at or before initial COPD diagnosis. Conclusions In this retrospective cohort study, treatment pathways to triple therapy were diverse within and between countries. The differing impact of treatments may affect quality of life and disease control in patients with COPD. Further analyses should investigate factors influencing pathways to triple therapy

    Egc: A Time-Frequency Augmented Template-Based Method For Gravitational Wave Burst Search In Ground-Based Interferometers

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    The detection of burst-type events in the output of ground gravitational wave detectors is particularly challenging. The potential variety of astrophysical waveforms, as proposed by simulations and analytic studies in general relativity and the discrimination of actual signals from instrumental noise both are critical issues. Robust methods that achieve reasonable detection performances over a wide range of signals are required. We present here a hybrid burst-detection pipeline related to time–frequency transforms while based on matched filtering to provide robustness against noise characteristics. Studies on simulated noise show that the algorithm has a detection efficiency similar to other methods over very different waveforms and particularly good timing even for low amplitude signals: no bias for most tested waveforms and an average accuracy of 1.1 ms (down to 0.1 ms in the best case). Time–frequency-type parameters, useful for event classification, are also derived for noise spectral densities unfavourable to standard time–frequency algorithms

    A First Comparison Between LIGO and Virgo Inspiral Search Pipelines

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    This article reports on a project that is the first step the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration have taken to prepare for the mutual search for inspiral signals. The project involved comparing the analysis pipelines of the two collaborations on data sets prepared by both sides, containing simulated noise and injected events. The ability of the pipelines to detect the injected events was checked, and a first comparison of how the parameters of the events were recovered has been completed.Comment: GWDAW-9 proceeding

    A first comparison of search methods for gravitational wave bursts using LIGO and Virgo simulated data

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    We present a comparative study of 6 search methods for gravitational wave bursts using simulated LIGO and Virgo noise data. The data's spectra were chosen to follow the design sensitivity of the two 4km LIGO interferometers and the 3km Virgo interferometer. The searches were applied on replicas of the data sets to which 8 different signals were injected. Three figures of merit were employed in this analysis: (a) Receiver Operator Characteristic curves, (b) necessary signal to noise ratios for the searches to achieve 50 percent and 90 percent efficiencies, and (c) variance and bias for the estimation of the arrival time of a gravitational wave burst.Comment: GWDAW9 proceeding

    A First Assessment of the Corrections for the Consistency of the IAU2000 and IAU2006 Precession-Nutation Models

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    The Earth precession-nutation model endorsed by resolutions of each the International Astronomical Union and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics is composed of two theories developed independently, namely IAU2006 precession and IAU2000A nutation. The IAU2006 precession was adopted to supersede the precession part of the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model and tried to get the new precession theory dynamically consistent with the IAU2000A nutation. However, full consistency was not reached, and slight adjustments of the IAU2000A nutation amplitudes at the micro arcsecond level were required to ensure consistency. The first set of formulae for these corrections derived by Capitaine et al. (Astrophys 432(1):355–367, 2005), which was not included in IAU2006 but provided in some standards and software for computing nutations. Later, Escapa et al. showed that a few additional terms of the same order of magnitude have to be added to the 2005 expressions to get complete dynamical consistency between the official precession and nutation models. In 2018 Escapa and Capitaine made a joint review of the problem and proposed three alternative ways of nutation model and its parameters to achieve consistency to certain different extents, although no estimation of their respective effects could be worked out to illustrate the proposals. Here we present some preliminary results on the assessment of the effects of each of the three sets of corrections suggested by Escapa and Capitaine (Proceedings of the Journées, des Systémes de Référence et de la Rotation Terrestre: Furthering our Knowledge of Earth Rotation, Alicante, 2018) by testing them in conjunction with the conventional celestial pole offsets given in the IERS EOP14C04 time series.The four first authors were partially supported by Spanish Project AYA2016-79775-P (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Group Summary Report

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    CONTENTS: 1. Synopsis, 2. The MSSM Spectrum, 3. The Physical Parameters, 4. Higgs Boson Production and Decays, 5. SUSY Particle Production and Decays, 6. Experimental Bounds on SUSY Particle Masses, 7. References.Comment: 121 pages, latex + epsfig, graphicx, axodraw, Report of the MSSM working group for the Workshop "GDR-Supersym\'etrie",France. Rep. PM/98-4

    A comparison of methods for gravitational wave burst searches from LIGO and Virgo

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    The search procedure for burst gravitational waves has been studied using 24 hours of simulated data in a network of three interferometers (Hanford 4-km, Livingston 4-km and Virgo 3-km are the example interferometers). Several methods to detect burst events developed in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) and Virgo collaboration have been studied and compared. We have performed coincidence analysis of the triggers obtained in the different interferometers with and without simulated signals added to the data. The benefits of having multiple interferometers of similar sensitivity are demonstrated by comparing the detection performance of the joint coincidence analysis with LSC and Virgo only burst searches. Adding Virgo to the LIGO detector network can increase by 50% the detection efficiency for this search. Another advantage of a joint LIGO-Virgo network is the ability to reconstruct the source sky position. The reconstruction accuracy depends on the timing measurement accuracy of the events in each interferometer, and is displayed in this paper with a fixed source position example.Comment: LIGO-Virgo working group submitted to PR

    Benefits of joint LIGO -- Virgo coincidence searches for burst and inspiral signals

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    We examine the benefits of performing a joint LIGO--Virgo search for transient signals. We do this by adding burst and inspiral signals to 24 hours of simulated detector data. We find significant advantages to performing a joint coincidence analysis, above either a LIGO only or Virgo only search. These include an increased detection efficiency, at a fixed false alarm rate, to both burst and inspiral events and an ability to reconstruct the sky location of a signal.Comment: 11 pages 8 figures, Amaldi 6 proceeding

    Gravity Wave and Neutrino Bursts from Stellar Collapse: A Sensitive Test of Neutrino Masses

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    New methods are proposed with the goal to determine absolute neutrino masses from the simultaneous observation of the bursts of neutrinos and gravitational waves emitted during a stellar collapse. It is shown that the neutronization electron neutrino flash and the maximum amplitude of the gravitational wave signal are tightly synchronized with the bounce occuring at the end of the core collapse on a timescale better than 1 ms. The existing underground neutrino detectors (SuperKamiokande, SNO, ...) and the gravity wave antennas soon to operate (LIGO, Virgo, ...) are well matched in their performance for detecting galactic supernovae and for making use of the proposed approach. Several methods are described, which apply to the different scenarios depending on neutrino mixing. Given the present knowledge on neutrino oscillations, the methods proposed are sensitive to a mass range where neutrinos would essentially be mass-degenerate. The 95 % C.L. upper limit which can be achieved varies from 0.75 eV/c2 for large electron neutrino survival probabilities to 1.1 eV/c2 when in practice all electron neutrinos convert into muon or tau neutrinos. The sensitivity is nearly independent of the supernova distance.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    The variable finesse locking technique

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    Virgo is a power recycled Michelson interferometer, with 3 km long Fabry-Perot cavities in the arms. The locking of the interferometer has been obtained with an original lock acquisition technique. The main idea is to lock the instrument away from its working point. Lock is obtained by misaligning the power recycling mirror and detuning the Michelson from the dark fringe. In this way, a good fraction of light escapes through the antisymmetric port and the power build-up inside the recycling cavity is extremely low. The benefit is that all the degrees of freedom are controlled when they are almost decoupled, and the linewidth of the recycling cavity is large. The interferometer is then adiabatically brought on to the dark fringe. This technique is referred to as variable finesse, since the recycling cavity is considered as a variable finesse Fabry-Perot. This technique has been widely tested and allows us to reach the dark fringe in few minutes, in an essentially deterministic way
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