96 research outputs found

    The prevalence, incidence and natural history of primary sclerosing cholangitis in an ethnically diverse population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare chronic cholestatic liver disease often associated with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Current epidemiological data are limited to studies of predominantly Caucasian populations. Our aim was to define the epidemiology of PSC in a large, ethnically diverse US population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Northern California Kaiser Permanente (KP) database includes records from over 3 million people and was searched for cases of PSC between January 2000 and October 2006. All identified charts were reviewed for diagnosis confirmation, IBD co-morbidity, and major natural history endpoints.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 169 (101 males) cases fulfilling PSC diagnostic criteria with a mean age at diagnosis of 44 years (range 11-81). The age-adjusted point prevalence was 4.15 per 100,000 on December 31, 2005. The age-adjusted incidence per 100,000 person-years was not significantly greater in men 0.45 (95% CI 0.33 - 0.61) than women 0.37 (95% CI 0.26 - 0.51). IBD was present in 109/169 (64.5%) cases and was significantly more frequent in men than women with PSC (73.3% and 51.5%, respectively, p = 0.005). The cumulative average yearly mortality rate was 1.9%. Age and serum sodium, creatinine and bilirubin at diagnosis and albumin at last entry were identified as significant factors associated with death, liver transplant or cholangiocarcinoma.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The incidence and prevalence of PSC observed in a representative Northern California population are lower compared to previous studies in Caucasian populations and this might reflect differences in the incidence of PSC among various ethnic groups.</p

    Histoplasmosis presenting with multiple pulmonary nodules. A case mimicking radiological features of pulmonary metastasis

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    We present a case of histoplasmosis with multiple pulmonary nodules in a patient with a history of melanoma. This case closely simulated malignancy, including the presence of feeding vessel sign, which occurs in pulmonary metastasis. We emphasize the need to be aware of this infection in areas where histoplasmosis is endemic

    Allelopathic interactions of linoleic acid and nitric oxide increase the competitive ability of Microcystis aeruginosa

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    The frequency and intensity of cyanobacterial blooms are increasing worldwide with major societal and economic costs. Interactions between toxic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algal competitors can affect toxic bloom formation, but the exact mechanisms of interspecies interactions remain unknown. Using metabolomic and proteomic profiling of co-cultures of the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa with a green alga as well as of microorganisms collected in a Microcystis spp. bloom in Lake Taihu (China), we disentangle novel interspecies allelopathic interactions. We describe an interspecies molecular network in which M. aeruginosa inhibits growth of Chlorella vulgaris, a model green algal competitor, via the release of linoleic acid. In addition, we demonstrate how M. aeruginosa takes advantage of the cell signaling compound nitric oxide produced by C. vulgaris, which stimulates a positive feedback mechanism of linoleic acid release by M. aeruginosa and its toxicity. Our high-throughput system-biology approach highlights the importance of previously unrecognized allelopathic interactions between a broadly distributed toxic cyanobacterial bloom former and one of its algal competitors

    Redes neurais artificiais aplicadas na previsão do VTEC no Brasil

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    Uma forma de se prever o conteúdo total de elétrons na direção vertical (VTEC - Vertical Total Electron Content) usando a arquitetura de redes neurais artificiais (RNA) denominada de perceptrons de múltiplas camadas (MLP - MultipLayer Percetrons) é apresentada e avaliada nesta pesquisa. As entradas do modelo foram definidas como sendo a posição dos pontos ionosféricos (IPP - Ionospheric Pierce Point) e o tempo universal (TU), enquanto que a saída é o VTEC. As variações sazonais e de períodos mais longos são levadas em conta através da atualização do treinamento diariamente. Testes foram conduzidos sobre uma área que abrange o Brasil e sua vizinhança considerando períodos de alta e baixa atividade solar. As RNA foram treinadas utilizando informações dos mapas globais da ionosfera (GIM - Global Ionospheric Maps) produzidos pelo serviço internacional do GNSS (IGS - International GNSS Service) das 72 horas anteriores à época de início da previsão. As RNA treinadas foram utilizadas para prever o VTEC por 72 horas (VTEC RNA). Os VTEC RNA foram comparados com os VTEC contidos nos GIM (VTEC GIM). A raiz do erro médio quadrático (RMS) da diferença entre o VTEC GIM e o VTEC RNA variou de 1,4 a 10,7 unidades de TEC (TECU). O erro relativo mostra que a RNA proposta foi capaz de prever o VTEC com 70 a 85% de acerto