217 research outputs found


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    Composers continually seek new timbres and sonorities to bend to their will. The early music revival of the twentieth century has resurrected dozens of instruments that have gone unutilized in contemporary composition for centuries. The historically-informed-performance movement has now evolved to a point where early instruments and period performance techniques can add extraordinary new characters to twenty-first century compositions. This thesis explores how composers effectively utilize early instruments like the viola da gamba, harpsichord, lute, and recorder in their compositions. The document also contains interview transcripts from eight composers and performers, including Nico Muhly, Liam Byrne, Martha Bishop, David Loeb, Yukimi Kambe, Sarah Mead, Heather Spence, and Lisa Terry. Finally, my original composition for an octet of four saxophones and four viola da gambas realizes the research and implements the advice sought during the interview process and is accompanied by an analysis of core concepts


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    The aim of this article is to define the Japanese, South Korean and Lithuanian latest pension system reforms and measures during economic crisis. Problems of the Japanese, S. Korean and Lithuanian pension systems are similar to the others industrial Asian or European Union countries: ageing, impact of economic crisis and pension system budget deficit. Moreover, the Japanese, S. Korean and Lithuanian population ageing rapidly (low birth rate, longer life expectancy) and it influences the entire society and requires more complex and pressing pension systems reforms. All countries of the world fighting against the ageing and searching for the pension system financial sustainability. After the universal pension system reform in 1985, the task of Japanese government is to ensure for each participant an adequate and regular pension income, to implement the social justice and solidarity. Pension system reforms in S. Korea began intensively only since 1997 and this was associated with a global currency crisis. Since the end of the last century until 2009, S. Korean government has developed a modern social security and social assistance systems. The government is constantly increasing social security coverage and benefits (from 1999 to 2009, social benefits increased almost four times). However, the social security coverage is still insufficient, income disparities increasing and the financial disbalances require to reform the pension system for a long-term perspective. The pension system reform of 2003 and 2011 raised the wide discussion on the state social pension insurance system future development of Lithuania. This reform clearly demonstrates that the government in 2003 opted for a liberal position and in 2011 – it was decided to strengthen state social insurance guarantees. KEY WORDS: pension system, reform, crisis, ageing, Japan, S. Korea, Lithuania


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    The aim of this article is to analyze the recommendations of the international organizations and European Union in the field of the pension system reforms, to define the Lithuanian pension system model and implemented reforms following to these recommendations. Problems of the Lithuanian pension system are similar to the other European Union countries ; therefore international organizations recommendations and indications for future reforms should be evaluated and implemented. The pension system reform of 2003 and 2011 raised the wide discussion on the state social pension insurance system future development of Lithuania. This reform clearly demonstrates that the government in 2003 opted for a liberal position and in 2011 – it was decided to strengthen state social insurance guarantees. Moreover, Lithuanian population is ageing rapidly (low birth rate, longer life expectancy) and ageing influences all society and requires pension system reforms more complex and pressing

    Lithuanian pension system’s reforms transformations and forecasts

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    The aim of this article is to describe the Lithuanian pension system, its reform process and its long-term financial sustainability. We define therefore the current reforms in the public pension system, influenced by the last economic crisis and social challenges. Also, we forecast the financial dynamics of the public pension system, in the light of raising social expenses (due to second pillar pension reforms) and of demographic trends (like ageing society and low fertility). Results reveal the long-term sustainability of the system, albeit at a cost of initial negative balances to be covered with public budget. Policy solutions could improve sustainability by encouraging and extending employment (especially for the disadvantaged) and by building trust in both public and private pension systems


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    This article analyses highlights of the occupational pension fund regulatory provisions at the European Union institutional level and in Lithuania, the organisation of the occupational pension schemes and problems. Also this article examines the relationship between the current pay-as-you-go system and the second pillar pension funds, assessing occupational pensions funds development opportunities for Lithuania. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of funded pension system, evaluating occupational pensions funds system in Lithuania in line with the principle of solidarity. The author points out, that prior to the reform of the social security system and the introduction of incentives for the creation of occupational pension funds, it is necessary not only to review the legal regulation (introducing incentives for active participation in pension funds, creating alternative pension schemes, creation of the economic crisis stabilization mechanisms), but also the identification of occupational pensions funds organizational problems.Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos profesinių pensijų fondų teisinio reguliavimo nuostatos Europos Sąjungos instituciniu lygmeniu ir Lietuvoje, profesinių pensijų fondų veiklos schemos ir problematika. Atskleidžiami esminiai Lietuvos profesinių pensijų sistemos trūkumai ir pateikiami galimi šių trūkumų šalinimo pasiūlymai. Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti profesinių pensijų fondų instituto analizę ir atskleisti probleminius šio instituto taikymo aspektus. Straipsnis skiriamas finansų rinkos dalyviams, teisininkams ir šia sritimi besidomintiems mokslininkams

    Disertacinis tyrimas: tikrovės nuotrauka ir kūrybinė intervencija

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    The article focuses on discussion of methodological requirements for the research conducted by a doctoral student, which is the main quality indicator of doctoral thesis. Though such research is usually carried out following contemporary research methodology, additional methodological requirements are established for a doctoral thesis because the novelty and theoretical significance of the theme of the doctoral thesis and defended statements are evaluated officially.The topicality of the research theme is a primary task of every Doctoral student; a novice researcher needs support of an experienced scientist. The theme is considered to be topical, if: 1) the research object really exists and is worth cost of research work allotted to its cognition; 2) the research problem is sufficiently substantiated; 3) a doctoral student is capable to develop the research design, which may ensure a solution to the established problem.The novelty of the research results is identified at the end of the research and three levels of such novelty may be pointed out. Novel conclusions at concretisation level are the ones, which concretise statements of education theory under conditions of a separate country; conclusions at supplement level specify, expand statements of the theory or practical activity, whose certain aspects were analysed by a researcher; doctoral students strive for novelty of conclusions at conceptual level very rarely. Theoretical significance of results is evaluated following the proposition that a conclusion made by a researcher may be referred to as scientific result only when this conclusion may find its place in the system of previously proved scientific statements and research conclusions.The education parameters defined in the article (education as interaction between an educator and a learner, information and stochastic processes) implicate a conclusion that quantitative and qualitative researches, regardless of their differences, actually supplement each other. On the other hand, such strategies realise observational cognition of education, which may be contrasted to the researcher‘s activity aimed of improving the research object (interventional cognition). In the process of studies it is important to encourage doctoral students to conduct interventional researches and to include them into the design of their dissertational research.The question arises how to combine application of interventional and observational strategies in dissertation research. Classical experiment is methodologically substantiated best but it is not a typical method of dissertational research; one-alternative and model experiments are more frequently applied in reality as well as education projects and activity research. The essence of the project embraces the search for or creation of new (or at least relatively new but topical) education components; such variant of educational process is created under researcher‘s initiative and by joint efforts of education and its participants. Research on activity strategy refers to theoretical actualisation of educational activity; it acquires scientific nature, when it is based on the principle to research while performing and perform while conducting research.Generalising, it can be concluded that the content of scientific methodological training of doctoral students in educational science should also implicate training of doctoral students to employ a trinomial methodological system, which consists of application of interventional, qualitative and quantitative strategies, on the basis of the chosen scientific problem.Profesorius Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituotas daktarasTel. (8 5) 245 55 84El. paštas: [email protected] aptariama daktaro disertacijos pagrindinio komponento – disertacinio tyrimo problema. Esminiai reikalavimai doktoranto vykdomam tyrimui – rezultatų mokslinis naujumas ir teorinis reikšmingumas – tenkinami metodologiškai pagrįstu edukologinio tyrimo metodų taikymu. Tuo remiantis aptariamas observacinių (kiekybinių, kokybinių) ir intervencinių švietimo ir ugdymo tyrimo strategijų įgyvendinimas sisteminiu pagrindu

    Lietuvos pensijų sistemos modelis ir pensijų garantijų perspektyvos.

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    This article describes the problems and the tendencies of the Lithuanian pension system model. The aim of this article is to analyse its status and perspectives. Another aim is to analyse the Lithuanian funded pension system proceedings and consequences and to make recommendations on how to enhance the Lithuanian pension system guarantees, adequacy and sustainability. In the first part of the article the Lithuanian pension system model is analysed. This model has been created on the basis of the model of the Continental European pension system model, with some elements of the pension system models of Eastern and Southern Europe. The recent funded pension system reform has introduced elements of Anglo-Saxon pension system model. The second part of the article deals with the topical issues of the pension system reforms in Lithuania, The Lithuanian National Report on the adequate and sustainable pensions strategy 2005 points out that an average social insurance pension (having indispensable pension record) in 2005 was only 45,8 percent of a total average net salary. 2003 pension system reform was financed by the State social insurance fond; it means that the problem of social insurance pension replacement rate remains acute. The European Commission Report on the adequate and sustainable pensions strategy 2006 suggests that the main problems of the European Union states are the ageing society and higher life expectancy; thus, pensions expenditure is growing. Funded defined contribution pension schemes managed by the state can not be considered as part of the social protection system also. Lithuanian 2003 funded pension system reform partly reduced guarantees, sustainability and adequacy of the social insurance pensions. [...].Straipsnyje aptariamos Lietuvos pensijų sistemos modelio problemos ir jo tobulinimo perspektyvos. Straipsnio tema aktuali dėl to, kad atlikta Lietuvos pensijų sistemos perspektyvų analizė leidžia modeliuoti Lietuvos pensijų sistemą atsižvelgiant į Europos Sąjungos valstybių pensijų sistemas, taip pat prognozuoti tolesnes Lietuvos pensijų sistemos reformas. Straipsnio tikslas - įvertinti Lietuvos pensijų sistemos modelio būklę ir perspektyvas, taip pat atlikti 2003 m. Lietuvos kaupiamųjų pensijų sistemos reformos pasekmių analizę. Analizuojant Lietuvos pensijų sistemos modelį taikyti mokslinės literatūros ir teisės aktų analizės, istorinis ir lyginamosios analizės metodai. Šio straipsnio teorinio tyrimo rezultatai, pateikiami apibendrinimai ir išvados gali būti panaudoti reformuojant Lietuvos pensijų sistemą ar kaip metodinė literatūra šia tema besidomintiems akademinės bendruomenės nariams


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    Cet article analyse les problèmes de l‘extension de l’activité professionnelle des personnes âgées dans le domaine de retraite, des prestations du chômage et du droit de travail en Lituanie et en France. L‘article traite également la réglementation juridique aux personnes âgées, concernant la retraite, les prestations du chômage et du droit de travail, l’auteur analyse les réformes dans ces domaines et presente les conclusions.Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių profesinės veiklos ilginimo problemos pensijų, nedarbo išmokų ir darbo teisės srityje Lietuvoje ir Prancūzijoje. Taip pat nagrinėjamas teisinis vyresnio amžiaus žmonių pensijų, nedarbo išmokų ir darbo teisės reguliavimas, analizuojamos reformos ir pateikiama išvadų

    Fizikos egzamino metodikos klausimu

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    A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the examination results of the secondary school course in physics (1995/96 school year) has been given in the article. The analysis has been carried out using the complex computer programme „PAULA". Most attention has been given to surveying the ways which are used by the learners to accomplish certain tasks which make up the contents of the exam. Conclusions about the quality of school-leaver's preparation have been formulated and the ways of improving the methodology of designing and developing the school – leaving exam in physics have been outlined.Pateikiama kiekybinė ir kokybinė 1995-96 m.m. baigiamojo fizikos egzamino rezultatų analizė. Duomenys analizuoti kompiuterine programa PAULA. Skaičiuoti ne tik vienmačiai bei dvimačiai abiturientų aibės skirstiniai, bet ir atlikta testo užduočių faktorinė analizė (taikytas alfa faktorių metodas, kurį pasitelkus patikrinama užduočių sistemos vidinė struktūra), taip pat apskaičiuotos A ir B lygio žinių vienmatės intervalinės skalės; pirminių įverčių svoriai normuoti taip, kad skalė būtų graduojama nuo 0 (mokinys neatliko nė vienos užduoties) iki 1000 (mokinys gerai atliko visas užduotis). Svarbiausias pateiktos analizės rezultatas tai, kad parengtas pagrindas fizikos egzaminui standartizuoti. Turint galvoje, kad mokyklos fizikos kursas yra bemaž nusistovėjęs, pakankamai aiškūs bendrieji reikalavimai abiturientui, kuriam fizikos žinių prireiks toliau studijuojant, toks standartizavimas būtų pravartus. Kita vertus, ši analizė turi ir praktinės reikšmės, nes padeda tobulinti fizikos egzamino turinį, skatina geriau organizuoti patį egzaminą

    Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo finansavimas: įmokų surinkimo problematika

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    Today’s European Union Member States and European Union authorities, faced with economic recession and the globalization phenomenon, look for new ways to ensure adequate social protection systems and sustainability. One of the objectives is to increase the social security number of contributors, not only to attract new contributors, but also to collect revenue from non-observed economy (otherwise known as the “shadow economy”). As the number of social security contributors declines each year, the state looks for ways to make the counterparty eligible for all social security benefits (pension provision, sickness and maternity benefits, occupational accidents and occupational disease benefits, unemployment insurance and health benefits) payment. Of course, when fighting against a shadow economy it is necessary to introduce other reforms—with increasing life expectancy, extending the retirement age (or flexible as is determined by promoting longer work time to earn a higher pension), extending the length of insurance period, and so on. Fighting against shadow economy means not only the reduction of the public deficit or improvement of the management efficiency of the system, but also ensuring the efficiency of social spending and social insurance principles. The public debt aggravates the overall economic situation and the economic recession, but a substantial income is received from the non-observed (“shadow”) economy. Thus, the fight against shadow economy and the rising number of social security contributors is currently a key issue in order to balance the state social insurance fund budget and eliminate the deficit, while ensuring the continued payment of social security contributions. The objective of the article is to identify the responsibility for the state social insurance contributions avoidance modes, to create contribution evasion prevention techniques and to summarize the measures for fighting against the “shadow” economy in the field of social security.Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondas jau kelerius metus yra deficitinis ne tik dėl visuomenės senėjimo priežasčių, bet ir dėl ekonominės krizės sukelto dalies verslo pasitraukimo į šešėlį. Atitinkamai mažėja socialinio draudimo įmokų mokėtojų skaičius, o Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondas išmokas gali mokėti tik papildomai skolintomis lėšomis. Kaip sustabdyti neapskaitytos ekonomikos plėtrą ir subalansuoti Socialinio draudimo fondą? Straipsnyje analizuojama ne tik Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudžeto sandara ir draudėjų atsakomybė, bet ir nagrinėjamos priemonės, kaip kovoti su neapskaityta ekonomika socialinės apsaugos srityje, pateikiami socialinio draudimo įmokų vengimo būdai. Analizuojamos ir priemonės, leidžiančios veiksmingai kovoti su šešėliniu verslu ir galinčios padidinti įplaukas į Socialinio draudimo fondo biudžetą