36 research outputs found

    Effect of Feedback Frequency on Motor Learning in Individuals with Apraxia of Speech and Healthy Adults

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    It is well documented in limb motor learning literature that providing the optimal practice and feedback conditions is critical for the learning of new movements in healthy adults. However, it remains unclear if the conditions used for training limb movements can be directly applied to the speech motor system of healthy adults and individuals with acquired motor speech disorders. Collectively, these practice and feedback conditions are known as the Principles of Motor Learning (PML; Schmidt, 1988). These principles can be used to guide the structure of practice as well as the nature of feedback, and can have considerable implications for an individual’s ability to learn, recall, and maintain skilled movements

    The administrative department of the presidency of the republic (DAPRE) : analysis of the reforms of the administrative structure during the period 2018-2022

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    La Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991 en su artículo 189 numeral 16, faculta al Presidente de Colombia para modificar la estructura de los Ministerios, Departamentos Administrativos y demás entidades u organismos administrativos nacionales, señalando que debe atender los principios y reglas generales que defina la ley. Al Departamento Administrativo de la Presidencia de la República (DAPRE) le corresponde asistir al Presidente de la República, en el ejercicio de sus facultades constitucionales y legales, y prestarle el apoyo administrativo y los demás servicios necesarios, para lo cual se crean, suprimen, fusionan o modifican las dependencias y unidades administrativas especiales del mismo, que se consideren adecuadas para el cumplimiento de las atribuciones constitucionalmente asignadas al Presidente de la República. En el ejercicio de dicha función, mediante distintos actos administrativos, se ha reformado la estructura del DAPRE. Al respecto, este documento se encuentra orientado a analizar las reformas realizadas a este departamento entre el 2018, y el 2022. Asimismo, si las funciones a cargo de las dependencias y unidades administrativas estudiadas se encuentran también asignadas a otras entidades.The Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 in its article 189 numeral 16, authorizes the President of Colombia to modify the structure of the Ministries, Administrative Departments and other entities or national administrative bodies, indicating that it must comply with the general principles and rules defined by law. . The Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (DAPRE) is responsible for assisting the President of the Republic, in the exercise of his constitutional and legal powers, and providing him with administrative support and other necessary services, for which they are created, suppressed, they merge or modify the dependencies and special administrative units of the same, which are considered adequate for the fulfillment of the attributions constitutionally assigned to the President of the Republic. In the exercise of this function, through different administrative acts, the structure of DAPRE has been reformed. In this regard, this document is oriented to analyze the reforms made to this department between 2018 and 2022. Likewise, if the functions in charge of the dependencies and administrative units studied are also assigned to other entities.Magíster en Derecho AdministrativoMaestrí

    Using error type on confrontation naming as an indicator of improved linguistic processing following phonomotor treatment

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    This paper presents initial data on the influence of phonomotor treatment on word retrieval accuracy and error type from pre- and post-treatment confrontation naming probe responses produced by 10 individuals with aphasia. This study is part of a Phase II clinical rehabilitation research program which trains real- and non-words, comprised of low phonotactic probability and high neighborhood density phoneme sequences, to improve word retrieval in 30 subjects with left hemisphere lesion and aphasia. The treatment program is a logical advance on existing Phase I and Phase II clinical rehabilitation research (Kendall et al 2003, Kendall et al 2006a, Kendall et al 2006b, Kendall et al 2006c, Kendall et al 2008) and is motivated by a parallel distributed processing model of phonology (Nadeau, 2001)

    Phonomotor Rehabilitation of Apraxia of Speech: A Phase II Study

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    In this Phase II rehabilitation study, we investigated the effects of an intensive phonomotor rehabilitation program founded on schema theory and principles of motor learning on verbal production in an individual with severe apraxia of speech and aphasia. In the context of a single-subject, multiple-baseline design, we investigated the effects of treatment on repetition of trained phonemes, generalization to untrained phonemes, CVC real and nonwords and measures of ecologic validity, and maintenance of treatment effects two-months post treatment.  Results show acquisition of trained phonemes, generalization to untrained phonemes, CVC real words and caregiver report, and maintenance of all treatment effects

    Desarrollo de las competencias directivas durante la implementación del programa de inducción a directores nóveles provincias de Talca y Linares

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    93 p.El siguiente trabajo de grado tiene por objetivo analizar el desarrollo de las competencias directivas en el proceso de implementación del Programa de Inducción para Directores Nóveles en la región del Maule, Chile durante el año 2017. El método de investigación utilizado es exploratorio, combinado con la descripción del módulo de acompañamiento presencial del Programa, análisis cuantitativo de la autoevaluación de las prácticas de los directores y el estudio cualitativo de la experiencia de los líderes educativos y la relación con el fortalecimiento de su rol. Los principales resultados evidencian una positiva implementación del Programa de Inducción, con un alto grado de satisfacción del módulo de acompañamiento presencial. Dentro de las competencias más fortalecidas en los directivos se destacan: el aumento de la utilización de las normativas educacionales para la gestión del establecimiento educacional; la reflexión pedagógica como herramienta para la construcción de planes de acción que contribuyen a la mejora de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes; y, el reconocimiento de la importancia del clima institucional y la participación de la comunidad educativa para el desarrollo eficaz de los procesos del establecimiento. Por otra parte, los directores consideran que esta etapa de formación les permitió empoderar su liderazgo escolar, destacando la planificación, elaboración de planes estratégicos, organización administrativa y habilidades personales en función de su quehacer

    Orientaciones para la implementación de las nuevas bases curriculares de Lengua y Literatura en la educación media de la EPJA con enfoque intercultural

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    86 p.El presente Trabajo de Grado nace de dos problemáticas referidas a la implementación de las Nuevas Bases Curriculares EPJA y a la necesidad de contar con orientaciones para el acompañamiento pedagógico con enfoque intercultural aplicables a estudiantes nacionales y migrantes no hispanohablante para el apoyo en la adquisición de la lengua española como L2. El propósito principal es orientar la implementación de las Nuevas Bases Curriculares EPJA de Educación Media en la asignatura de Lengua y Literatura, centradas en un enfoque intercultural teniendo en cuenta a los estudiantes hablantes de español como lengua materna y no hispanohablante. Teniendo en cuenta la experiencia laboral, se utilizó la investigación documental y descriptiva, para realizar una triangulación entre diversos documentos −ministeriales, de interculturalidad y competencias−, permitiendo de esta manera, guiar a los docentes de esta modalidad con las mismas necesidades al interior de sus aulas. Para concluir, los resultados más destacados son: primero, el impacto de las políticas educacional internacionales en la educación de adultos en Chile. Segundo, las principales características de los estudiantes adultos desde el siglo XX. Y, tercero, analizar diferentes estrategias y metodologías, incluyendo interculturales y por competencias, que permitan abordar la asignatura de Lengua y Literatura en la modalidad de EA

    Evolution of aphasic naming errors following phonomotor treatment

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    The primary outcome measures for aphasia treatment investigations targeting anomia typically include naming accuracy of trained and untrained words. Recently, several treatment investigations have also included error analyses that closely look at the way in which word retrieval breaks down pre-treatment vs. post-treatment (Gordon, 2007; Kendall, Pompon, Brookshire, Minkina, & Bislick, 2013; Kiran & Johnson, 2008, Kiran & Thompson, 2003). In one such analysis, Kendall et al. (2013) investigated treatment-induced changes in aphasic naming errors following a phonomotor treatment for anomia. The study was rooted in an interactive two-stage model of word retrieval, in which world retrieval is initiated with activation of semantic representations, allowing for access of the word’s lemma (which holds grammatical properties), while phonological representations are accessed in the second stage (Dell, 1986). In the analyses of confrontation naming errors in ten people with aphasia, several trends were noted immediately following treatment: a decrease in the proportion of omissions on trained words, and an increase in the proportion of mixed (phonologically and semantically related) errors on untrained words. These results suggested that treatment led to more precise activation of nodes supporting word retrieval. The present study sought to replicate this error proportion analysis in a larger group of participants and expand the analysis to explore changes in raw numbers of errors. The following research questions were asked both for trained and untrained words: Preliminary research question 1) Is there a significant difference between picture naming accuracy pre-treatment vs. immediately post-treatment, and pre-treatment vs. three months post-treatment? Main research questions 2) Is there a significant difference in raw numbers of various error types made during picture naming pre-treatment vs. immediately post-treatment, and pre-treatment vs. three months post-treatment? 3) Is there a significant difference in error type proportions (the number of each error type divided by the total errors made) observed during picture naming pre-treatment vs. immediately post-treatment, and pre-treatment vs. three months post-treatment

    The Nature of Error Consistency in Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia with Phonemic Paraphasia

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015Effective treatment programs for communication disorders are based on the underlying nature of the impairment; therefore, accurate diagnosis is critical. In some cases, however, reliable and valid methods of differentially diagnosing disorders with similar behavioral profiles are lacking. This is particularly true of acquired apraxia of speech (AOS) and aphasia characterized by frequent occurrences of phonemic paraphasia (PP). The differential diagnosis of AOS and aphasia with PP is challenging because both disorders result from left hemisphere stroke and share clinical characteristics. Therefore, the identification of characteristics that pattern uniquely to each disorder is important. One way in which to strengthen the current diagnostic process is to examine the validity of diagnostic criteria used to inform differential diagnosis. The current criteria proposed to differentiate AOS from aphasia with PP include: 1) slow speech rate characterized by prolonged segment and intersegment durations, 2) sound distortions, 3) distorted sound substitutions, 4) prosodic abnormalities, and 5) relatively consistent errors in regard to error location and error type. Of these characteristics, error consistency is the most controversial. Error consistency refers to whether or not errors are relatively consistent from trial to trial in regard to the location of errors within a word (e.g., word initial) and the type of errors produced (e.g., distortions vs. substitutions). Investigations comparing the nature of error consistency in AOS and aphasia with PP have revealed conflicting results. These studies, however, differ in important methodological areas, making it difficult to draw conclusions about the nature of error consistency in these two populations. Furthermore, previous studies suggest that error consistency may be influenced by a number of variables, such as error rate, severity of impairment, and stimulus presentation condition. This study sought to further examine the nature of error consistency in a group of 10 individuals with AOS and concomitant aphasia and a group of 11 individuals with aphasia with PP. Specifically, this study examined group differences in the consistency of error location and error type during the repetition of two-, three-, and five-syllable words. The influence of error rate, severity of impairment, and stimulus presentation condition on measures of error consistency was also examined, as well as group differences in the types of errors produced. Results suggest that consistency of error location does not differentiate group performance, whereas the variability of error type does. In particular, individuals with AOS and aphasia demonstrate more variable errors compared individuals with aphasia with PP. Results also indicate that the consistency of error location is influenced by error rate and severity of impairment. Stimulus presentation condition, however, did not appear to influence group performance on either measure of error consistency. Lastly, results of an error type analysis show that individuals with AOS and aphasia demonstrate significantly more phonetic errors compared to individuals with aphasia with PP. In conclusion, results do not support the use of error consistency as a valid measure in which to differentiate individuals with AOS and aphasia from individuals with aphasia with PP

    The administrative department of the presidency of the republic (DAPRE) : analysis of the reforms of the administrative structure during the period 2018-2022

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    La Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991 en su artículo 189 numeral 16, faculta al Presidente de Colombia para modificar la estructura de los Ministerios, Departamentos Administrativos y demás entidades u organismos administrativos nacionales, señalando que debe atender los principios y reglas generales que defina la ley. Al Departamento Administrativo de la Presidencia de la República (DAPRE) le corresponde asistir al Presidente de la República, en el ejercicio de sus facultades constitucionales y legales, y prestarle el apoyo administrativo y los demás servicios necesarios, para lo cual se crean, suprimen, fusionan o modifican las dependencias y unidades administrativas especiales del mismo, que se consideren adecuadas para el cumplimiento de las atribuciones constitucionalmente asignadas al Presidente de la República. En el ejercicio de dicha función, mediante distintos actos administrativos, se ha reformado la estructura del DAPRE. Al respecto, este documento se encuentra orientado a analizar las reformas realizadas a este departamento entre el 2018, y el 2022. Asimismo, si las funciones a cargo de las dependencias y unidades administrativas estudiadas se encuentran también asignadas a otras entidades.The Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 in its article 189 numeral 16, authorizes the President of Colombia to modify the structure of the Ministries, Administrative Departments and other entities or national administrative bodies, indicating that it must comply with the general principles and rules defined by law. . The Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (DAPRE) is responsible for assisting the President of the Republic, in the exercise of his constitutional and legal powers, and providing him with administrative support and other necessary services, for which they are created, suppressed, they merge or modify the dependencies and special administrative units of the same, which are considered adequate for the fulfillment of the attributions constitutionally assigned to the President of the Republic. In the exercise of this function, through different administrative acts, the structure of DAPRE has been reformed. In this regard, this document is oriented to analyze the reforms made to this department between 2018 and 2022. Likewise, if the functions in charge of the dependencies and administrative units studied are also assigned to other entities.Magíster en Derecho AdministrativoMaestrí

    Propuesta para la creación de un consultorio contable en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Cartagena

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    El siguiente estudio tiene por objeto proponer un modelo para la creación de un consultorio contable que permita prestar un servicio a la sociedad en el programa de Contaduría Publica acorde con las necesidades del medio y de acuerdo a las posibilidades de la universidad, para que de la mejor forma posible se subsane el divorcio que existe entre la teoría y la practica.PregradoContador(a) Publico(a