86 research outputs found


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    This dissertation theoretically characterized and empirically tested the theory that organization arises from within communication. Each chapter is interconnected but written as an independent research report. Organizational discourse research is mature in the sense that much research on talk in the workplace is increasingly similar in its view of the structure-agency debate. Duality arguments are now a common perspective taken by organizational discourse researchers to avoid the problematic dualism of necessarily prioritizing structure or agency. Despite this considerable philosophical maturity, not all duality approaches are created equal. In fact, duality research can be thought of as having developed into two schools--structured in action or acted in structure. Chapter one outlines the characteristics of each kind of research and then discusses methodological and theoretical recommendations as well as implications in light of a growing dualism in duality research. The essence of the philosophical disagreement specified in chapter one is empirically challenged in chapter two. The investigation tested current organizational communication theory, which posits that organization emerges in talk. Three experiments employing a total of 510 participants giving and receiving instructions demonstrated that some features of talk interfered with dyads' and individuals' ability to complete a conjunctive referential communication task accurately and efficiently. The resulting interference created by some features of talk in the accomplishment of a task provided an important revision to the premise that organization emerges in talk--namely, organization may simultaneously dissipate in talk. Testing the emergence of error and inefficiency in organizational talk takes the organization-communication equivalency argument seriously enough to presume that when communication fails, so too does organizing. Furthermore, five recommendations are provided for improving the essential organizational discursive practice of giving and receiving instructions. Chapter 3 concludes the volume by proposing new methodological applications for the collected data. Additionally, new theoretical horizons for organizational discourse theory are described

    Training Practice as Communication Medium: A Throughput Model

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    We join the ORGanic conversation by introducing our throughput-based approach to evaluating organizational training. Our investigation of organizational training is organic in two senses. First, organic describes how fundamental elements in nature relate in dynamic interconnections and constitute the very substance of life itself. We argue that organizational training comes to life through the dynamic interconnections among the fundamental elements of all training (Quinn, Anderson, & Finkelstein, 1996) . Employee education and learning programs are increasingly being treated as integral organizational functions Training programs are a context ripe for investigation given that training is a complex, communicative activity Taking a process approach to training evaluation allows for the assessment of training practice, or the essence of actual training sessions. Instead of inputs and outputs, training practice examines the throughputs, or what transforms the inputs into outputs. In training, this consists of the manner in which training messages are communicated to trainees. A myriad of observable components comprise training practice. Training activities, handouts, complexity of material, the opportunity for trainees to become acquainted, and enthusiasm of the trainer are all examples found in training sessions. This essay argues that training evaluation should be expanded beyond the current conventions assessing training objectives and outcomes. Both are important to training program evaluation; however, examining the ways in which objectives are accomplished and outcomes are produced may provide trainers with a systematic way of considering their communication as the medium of training as it occurs. This essay explains the communicative nature of three integral dimensions of any training practice within any training program: content, process, and trainer. First, training can only occur when content or subject matter is communicated to trainees. Second, the manner or process in which the trainer communicates content is critical to the success of training program outcomes. Third, characteristics of the trainer when communicating content and facilitating the training process creates a relationship (positive or negative) with trainees. Communication ties the three dimensions together, as it is the mechanism through which the trainer conducts his or her activity. Further in professional skill training (as presented in the four cases that follow), better communication skills are also the outcomes (also see Approaches to Training Evaluation The impetus for training is to develop individuals' job-related skill set One model of training evaluation in particular-- Despite its prominence, Kirkpatrick's model has received considerable criticism over the years, particularly for its inability to assess learning Training Practice as Communication 4 Ultimately, the model's usefulness is questionable Perhaps, the most comprehensive training system design is that of A specific framework for conducting either a formative or summative evaluation is the CIPP model Evaluations of Training Process, Training Content, and Trainer Calls for more sophisticated models of evaluation suggest Kirkpatrick's model may have run its course The PETP model does not replace nor discount the evaluation of learning outcomes; indeed, these are crucial to assess. However, evaluators seem to have too quickly jumped to evaluating outcomes instead of first evaluating training activities, their content, and the trainer--components comprised of, or that rely on, communication. The PETP model proposes an approach for examining three interrelated constructs central to the training experience as a communicative process. Results of this type of formative evaluation would assist trainers in designing and delivering training, increase the chances of obtaining desired outcomes, and help those responsible for training determine why trainees' favorable evaluations do not necessarily result in learning. The PETP model is comprised of two frames that outline three integral dimensions to any training scenario: content, process, and trainer. The model is based on field observations made of four separate training programs aimed at teaching professional skills of the type documented by Madlock (2008; e.g., collaboration, communication competence, leadership). In the remainder of this essay, contextual information about each case will be provided, followed by explanation of the process through which the model was developed. After presenting the model, examples from one case study are presented to demonstrate how the training dimensions of content, process, and trainer can result in both favorable and unfavorable outcomes as evaluated by both evaluator and participant. Description of Cases and Data Collection While different in objectives, training participants, and locations within one state, formats were fairly consistent across all four training programs observed. Each was a multi-session program in which individuals representing various organizations came together at a neutral site for multiple days. Trainers were different for each session, as were training topics. All training programs were implemented by advocacy organizations promoting social, economic, or political causes Community Leadership The first program, Community Leadership (CL; this and other organizational names are pseudonyms), was a seven-month leadership training program in which 25 members were selected via an application process. Some training participants held supervisory positions (e.g., museum administrator, private school principal) whereas others had few formal supervisory duties (e.g., teacher, community volunteer). The goal of the program was to grow community leaders, educating them about various aspects of their community. Training Practice as Communication 6 Each training day consisted of multiple training units, and was conducted by multiple trainers (generally 10 to 15 trainers per day). Training sessions consisted of invited speakers, group activities and assignments, and discussions. In addition to a two-day, 22-hour retreat at the outset of the program, training participants attended one class per month, each lasting approximately 9½ hours. Two of the researchers were part of a four-person evaluation team who observed the 89 hours of class meetings, of which the vast majority was comprised of training sessions. Field notes were taken during meetings State Leadership Initiatives The second and third training programs, State Leadership Initiatives (SLI), were held two consecutive years (SLI1 and SLI2). Thirty-four trainees (68 total) were selected for each round of training; all were employees of state agencies or state organizations. The goal of the programs was to create a network among state agency employees in order to facilitate collaboration among various agencies with the ultimate goal of improving children's health. Each training program consisted of 9 days (approximately 8 hours each), in either oneday or two-day sessions across a six month time period. Each session had different trainers (one to three trainers per day) as well as a different theme (i.e., seeing the big picture, facilitating collaborative leadership, partnering with the community). Group activities, discussions, and lectures comprised training sessions. We were members of an evaluation team who observed approximately 136 hours of SLI1 and SLI2 training sessions. Field notes were taken during sessions, resulting in 360 pages of field notes. Copies of all training materials and correspondence from the training program executive were collected, resulting in 418 pages. Consenting training participants also completed surveys at three points during the training program. Finally, approximately four to six months following the training, two members of the evaluation team conducted follow-up interviews with training participants at their agency offices, resulting in 944 pages of double-spaced transcripts. One State The fourth training program, One State (OS), took a train-the-trainer approach. This training program was conducted for 123 trainees across five sites within the state. All training participants were selected by one state agency; training participants were either employees of this state agency or employees of the agency's community partners (e.g., United Way). The goal of this training program was to equip trainees with the skills and materials needed to conduct collaboration training within their organizations and communities. While the themes, curricula, and corresponding materials of each session remained consistent across training sites, the dates, trainers, and trainees varied by location. OS participants saw the same two trainers at each session. All of the trainers were employed by a Training Practice as Communication 7 university-affiliated community consulting group called University Community Consulting (UCC). UCC developed the training curriculum that featured a series of assignments, group activities, and discussions to teach concepts, as well as a model of how to teach the concepts to others. Three sessions, each two days in length, took place in various venues over the course of seven months. Two of the researchers were members of the evaluation team who observed the 50 hours of OS sessions at one of the five locations, resulting in 121 pages of field notes. All training sites used the same training manual, schedule, and activities, ensuring program consistency. Additionally, one member of the evaluation team attended a day-long follow-up session four months after the conclusion of the training program. Copies of all training materials used by the training participants were collected, resulting in 504 pages. Consenting training participants also completed online surveys at three points during the training program. Thus, across the four cases, we observed 283 hours of the training, and gathered data from 216 trainees in the field. Also, 141 trainers were observed delivering these training experiences (CL had at least 12 trainers per day, while the remaining three training programs utilized two to four trainers each day). We witnessed both the formal training programs, as well as informal interactions among trainees, among trainers, and between trainees and trainers. Observations resulted in 731 pages of field notes and 1154 pages of training participant interview transcripts, and 1072 pages of training documents. Across the four cases, there were slightly more female than males; trainees ranged between late 20s to early 50s, and were predominantly Caucasian. Conundrums in the Field After observing these training programs, it was clear to us that commonly used training evaluation models (e.g., Two conundrums arising from our three-year experience in the field prompted us to reflect on these data collected across four training programs. First, training participants' assessment of the training almost never matched our assessment of the training. Second, we could not identify a systematic way to reconcile those differences. Thus, we posed the following question: RQ: How do trainees and professional evaluators construct evaluations of training quality? Data Analysis Similar to Zorn, Page, and Cheney's (2000) case study investigation of a New Zealand city government's planned change process, the interpretive model offered here was not conceived a priori, nor did it necessarily emerge from the data Our conversations underscored the necessary distinction between communication as the medium of training and communication as the outcome of training. Simultaneously, however, we tried not to privilege our assessment of training quality (i.e., whether or not the training achieved its outcomes; Results and Interpretation Across Four Cases Examining training practice, rather than just training outcomes allowed us to achieve a nuanced explanation of the communicative processes that influence individual and organizational outcomes. Three communicative dimensions-training content, training process, and trainerwere found to be used either implicitly or explicitly by both training participants and evaluators when evaluating training in each of the four cases. Over time, patterns were observed in how the audiences of training participants and evaluators viewed the interrelation of the dimensions. These consistently contradictory evaluations led us to propose dual perspectives best represented by a paired model. Each of these dimensions is defined and applied to the cases, followed by an overview of the PETP model

    GM1 and GM2 gangliosides: recent developments.

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    AbstractGM1 and GM2 gangliosides are important components of the cell membrane and play an integral role in cell signaling and metabolism. In this conceptual overview, we discuss recent developments in our understanding of the basic biological functions of GM1 and GM2 and their involvement in several diseases. In addition to a well-established spectrum of disorders known as gangliosidoses, such as Tay-Sachs disease, more and more evidence points at an involvement of GM1 in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. New emerging methodologies spanning from single-molecule imaging in vivo to simulations in silico have complemented standard studies based on ganglioside extraction

    Discursive positioning and planned change in organizations

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    This study uses discursive positioning theory to explore how planned change messages influence organizational members’ identity and the way they experienced organizational change. Based on an in-depth case study of a home healthcare and hospice organization that engaged in a multiyear planned change process, our analysis suggests that workers experienced salient change messages as constituting unfavorable identities, which were associated with the experiences of violation, recitation, habituation, or reservation. Our study also explores the way discursive and material contexts enabled and constrained the governing board’s change messages as they responded to external and internal audiences. We highlight the importance of viewing messaging as a process of information transfer as well as discursive construction, which has important implications for the way change agents approach issues of sense making, emotionality, resistance, and materiality during planned change processes.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    How Communication and Control Processes Improve Quality

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    In order to achieve excellence, an organization should use two key instruments—quality and an effi cient and effective communication process amongst all employees—so it can attain quality management. This chapter aims to examine whether organizational communication and quality are interrelated, in order to answer the following question: Is it necessary to improve communication within an organization so that quality management can be effi ciently and effectively pursued? For this purpose, data were collected through the administration of a questionnaire to the staff of a Portuguese public organization. The fi ndings showed that, in this organization, communication among employees of various sectors is satisfactory and that there is mutual help between them in order to improve the organizational performance

    Strategic communication and the entrepreneurial role of the corporate communication officer

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    Considering the recent evolution of the communication/PR profession in large organizations both private and public, many scholars agree that a process of institutionalization is occurring. In other words, communication’s importance has been growing, reaching in recent years a strategic position as a lever for companies’ governance. A first objective of this chapter is to describe, looking at management and communication/PR literature, how and to what extent communication has become strategic. The main hypothesis is that communication has become strategic within companies’ governance in order to help each organization to develop consistently – mainly in terms of values – within its environment. A second objective is to describe, looking at the entrepreneurial organization theory and communication/PR literature, another side of the strategic evolution of communication, which is to help each organization to develop – mainly in terms of services, products and reputation – as a different, or preferably unique, entity as compared to the other organizations. The evolution of the strategic contribution of communication/PR within organizations’ decision-making has a strong impact on the role that corporate communication officers (CCOs) play in organizations both on the isomorphic and on the entrepreneurial–innovative sides of the communicational activity they carry out to support the evolution of their organizations


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    Reef Check merupakan sebuah organisasi yang didedikasikan untuk konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang dengan menggunakan metode pemantauan ekosistem terumbu karang dan lingkungan. Teknik yang digunakan sangat sederhana serta datanya dapat dipastikan kuat secara ilmiah. Data yang didapat berupa perhitungan penutupan jenis substrat, ikan, invertebrata, spesies langka dan dampak kerusakan. Invertebrata merupakan hewan bertulang belakang yang memiliki peranan penting dalam ekosistem terumbu karang. Data invertebrata yang diambil di lapang merupakan spesies ekonomis penting yang ada di Perairan Sendang Biru. Lokasi penelitian berada di wilayah Perairan Sendang Biru, Malang Selatan. Dilakukan pengambilan data di 4 stasiun pengamatan yakni, Teluk Semut 1, Teluk Semut 2, Fish Apartment, dan Watu Meja agar dapat dilakukan adanya perbandingan kelimpahan. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode transek sabuk  sejauh 100 m pada 4 stasiun, dilakukan pengamatan dengan pola zig-zag dengan 5 kali pengulangan. Hasil dari monitoring 4 stasiun ini terdapat 2 ekor invertebrata Diadema urchin pada stasiun Teluk Semut 1 dan Teluk Semut 2, 3 ekor invertebrata Pencil urchin pada stasiun 3Fish Apartment, dan 2 ekor Kima dengan besar 10-20 cm pada stasiun Fish Apartment dan Watu Meja. Ketiga spesies invertebrata diatas mewakili semua invertebrata yang ditemukan di lokasi penelitian. Sedikitnya jumlah kelimpahan invertebrata yang ditemukan tersebut sebanding dengan kondisi kesehatan terumbu karang yang kurang baik dan rendahnya jumlah biota pada lokasi tersebut. Kondisi kesehatan karang yang rusak diakibatkan adanya aktivitas perikanan, bleaching, dan penyakit karang. Kegiatan monitoring mengenai invertebrata di daerah tersebut perlu dilakukan kembali secara berkala agar dapat mengetahui kondisi perairan tersebut dengan adanya kelimpahan pada invertebrata.  Kata kunci: Invertebrata, Reef Check, Selat Sempu  INVERTEBRATE MONITORING USING REEF CHECK METHOD IN SELAT SEMPU WATERS, MALANG ABSTRACTReef Check is an organization which dedicated to the conservation of coral reef ecosystems by using monitoring coral reef ecosystems and the environment method. The technique was simple and can be done by every one who had scientific. The data collected is the calculation of the cover substrates, fish, invertebrates, rare species and damage Invertebrates are vertebrates that have an important role in the ecosystem of coral reefs. invertebrates data which taken in the field is an economically important species in Sendang Biru. The data collected is the calculation of the closing type of substrates, fish, invertebrates, rare species and impacts that occur by looking at the research site conditions. The research location is in the area of Sendang Biru, South Malang. The data collection is done in four station in order to compare and get a calculation of the observations. The research method using belt transect as far as 100m on 4 stations, the observation done with a zig-zag pattern and visually observe the coral reff. Data collection was performed in five repetitions. The Result oh the monitoring in 4 stations, show 2 individual Diadema urchin on the Teluk Semut 1 and 2, 3 Individual of Pencil urchin on Fish Apartment station, and 2 Kima with a size 10-20cm on Fish Apartment and Watu Meja station. The least amount of invertebrate discovered show the ecological balance between the coral cover and fish populayion. The ecological condition of corals were damaged due to their fishing activities, bleaching and coral disease. Monitoring activities of the invertebrates in the area needs to be continue in order to determine the condition of these area.  Keywords : Invetebrate, Reef Check, Selat Semp

    Caspase cleavage of the Golgi stacking factor GRASP65 is required for Fas/CD95-mediated apoptosis

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    GRASP65 (Golgi reassembly and stacking protein of 65 KDa) is a cis-Golgi protein with roles in Golgi structure, membrane trafficking and cell signalling. It is cleaved by caspase-3 early in apoptosis, promoting Golgi fragmentation. We now show that cleavage is needed for Fas-mediated apoptosis: expression of caspase-resistant GRASP65 protects cells, whereas expression of membrane proximal caspase-cleaved GRASP65 fragments dramatically sensitises cells. GRASP65 coordinates passage through the Golgi apparatus of proteins containing C-terminal hydrophobic motifs, via its tandem PDZ type ‘GRASP' domains. Fas/CD95 contains a C-terminal leucine–valine pairing so its trafficking might be coordinated by GRASP65. Mutagenesis of the Fas/CD95 LV motif reduces the number of cells with Golgi-associated Fas/CD95, and generates a receptor that is more effective at inducing apoptosis; however, siRNA-mediated silencing or expression of mutant GRASP65 constructs do not alter the steady state distribution of Fas/CD95. We also find no evidence for a GRASP65–Fas/CD95 interaction at the molecular level. Instead, we find that the C-terminal fragments of GRASP65 produced following caspase cleavage are targeted to mitochondria, and ectopic expression of these sensitises HeLa cells to Fas ligand. Our data suggest that GRASP65 cleavage promotes Fas/CD95-mediated apoptosis via release of C-terminal fragments that act at the mitochondria, and we identify Bcl-XL as a candidate apoptotic binding partner for GRASP65