18 research outputs found

    Die Folgen des deutsch-dänischen Archivabkommens von 1933 im Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein: Vom Nutzen für die Benutzung

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    Mit der vorliegenden Publikation würdigen das Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein und die dänischen Staatsarchive den 75. Jahrestag der Unterzeichnung des deutsch-dänischen Archivabkommens. Wie es in der deutsch-dänischen Archivzusammenarbeit bereits Tradition ist, geschieht dies auf Deutsch und auf Dänisch. Alle Texte der Publikation liegen deshalb in beiden Sprachen vor. Der damalige Archivar Hans Kargaard Thomsen, Kopenhagen, hat in den 1990er Jahren einen ausführlichen Bericht unter der Überschrift „Arkivoverenskomsten med Tyskland 1933 og dens forhistorie“ („Das Archivabkommen mit Deutschland von 1933 und seine Vorgeschichte“) verfasst. Er bildet das Kernstück der Veröffentlichung. Darauf folgen Handreichungen zur Benutzung der Archivalien, die aufgrund des Abkommens zwischen Deutschland und Dänemark 1936 ausgetauscht wurden. Die Archivare Malte Bischoff, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, und Hans Schultz Hansen, Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland, sind die Autoren dieser Texte. Im Anhang befindet sich das deutsch-dänische Archivabkommen im Wortlaut.With this publication, the Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish State Archives celebrate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the German-Danish Archives Agreement. As is already a tradition in German-Danish archival cooperation, this is done in German and Danish. All texts of the publication are therefore available in both languages. The former archivist Hans Kargaard Thomsen, Copenhagen, wrote a detailed report in the 1990s entitled "Arkivoverenskomsten med Tyskland 1933 og dens forhistorie" ("The Archives Agreement with Germany of 1933 and its Prehistory"). It forms the core of the publication. This is followed by guidelines on the use of archival material exchanged in 1936 under the agreement between Germany and Denmark. The archivists Malte Bischoff, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, and Hans Schultz Hansen, Landsarkivet for Sønderjylland, are the authors of these texts. The annex contains the wording of the German-Danish archive agreement

    Föderale Vielfalt – Globale Vernetzung. Digitalisierung in den Ländern und der Welt

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    Die Beiträge im zweiten Band der Schriftenreihe Kulturelles Erbe in der digitalen Welt der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek zeigen auf, wie in Deutschland mit seiner föderalen Ordnung die Vermittlung und letztlich Vernetzung des kulturellen Erbes über das Internet angegangen wird. In ihnen finden sich Informationen zum organisatorischen Aufbau und der Infrastruktur der Digitalisierung und zu Kooperationen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Beiträge setzen die politische Agenda ins Verhältnis zum tatsächlich Erreichten, beschreiben den Stand der Umsetzung, geben Auskunft über Digitalisierungsstellen, Projekte und deren Koordination, beschreiben die institutionellen Zuständigkeiten, erläutern Portale und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, enthalten Ausführungen zur Langzeitarchivierung: Und am Ende wird jeweils auch ein Ausblick gewagt. Beispiele für Konzepte außerhalb Deutschlands runden das Bild ab. Waren es im ersten Band Der Vergangenheit eine Zukunft Fragen nach öffentlicher Verantwortung, gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben und privatem Engagement, stehen nun die Strategien der Bundesländer für das kulturelle Erbe in der digitalen Welt im Vordergrund. Die Publikation liegt als Druck sowie frei verfügbar (Open Access) als EPUB, MOBI und PDF vor.The contributions in the second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" published by the German Digital Library show how in Germany, with its federal order, the mediation and ultimate networking of the cultural heritage is made via the Internet. The contributions provide information on the organizational structure and the infrastructure of digitization and on cooperation and political conditions. They show the political agenda in relation to the actual achievements. Teh status of the implementation is described. The articles provide information about digitization sites, projects and their coordination, describe institutional responsibilities, portals and cooperation with the German Digital Library, contain comments on long-term archiving. An outlook closes the considerations. Examples of concepts outside Germany complete the picture

    Redundancy distribution in elastostatic beam and surface structures

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    The degree of statical indeterminacy is a fundamental property in structural mechanics of discrete truss and beam structures, exploitable in analysis and design. While further specifications, like.e.g. subdivision into an internal and external part or determination w.r.t. special load directions, are well-established, the property is today mainly understood as an integral property of an entire structure (or entire substructures), without quantified information about its distribution in space and w.r.t. load-carrying types. The redundancy matrix, introduced in [1, 2] and extended in [3], provides information about the distribution of statical indeterminacy in discrete truss and beam structures. This gives an additional valuable insight into the load-carrying behavior. In [3] also the redundancy distribution for one-dimensional continua is introduced and computed analogously to the redundancy matrix in discrete truss structures. A generalization of the redundancy concept to spatially continuous, linear, elastostatic representations of structures is given in [4]. The quantity cation of redundancy distribution considering geometrically non-linear behavior is approached in [2, 5]. These works are limited to discrete representations of truss structures with prestressing. We present an extension of the concept of redundancy to beam and surface structures using a  finite element framework. We also discuss ideas on how to consider geometrically non-linear behaviour. There are numerous applications like e.g. robust design of structures, quantification of imperfection sensitivity, evaluation of adaptability, assessment of actuator placement as well as optimal control in adaptive structures. REFERENCES [1] Bahndorf, J.: Zur Systematisierung der Seilnetzberechnung und zur Optimierung vonSeilnetzen. Doctoral Thesis, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1991. [2] Strobel, D.: Die Anwendung der Ausgleichungsrechnung auf elastomechanische Systeme.Doctoral Thesis, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1995. [3] von Scheven, M., Ramm, E. and Bischoff, M.: Quanti cation of the Redundancy Distributionin Truss and Beam Structures. Int. J. Sol. Str., 2020. [4] Gade, J., Tkachuk, A., von Scheven, M. and Bischoff, M.: A continuum-mechanical theory of redundancy in elastostatic structures. Int. J. Sol. Str., under review, 2020. [5] Zhou, J., Chen, W., Zhao, B. and Gao, C.: A uni ed formulation for redundancy of cable-strut structures considering the effect of pre-stresses. Proc. IASS Ann. Symp. 2016, Tokyo, Japan

    Redundancy distribution in elastostatic beam and surface structures

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    The degree of statical indeterminacy is a fundamental property in structural mechanics of discrete truss and beam structures, exploitable in analysis and design. While further specifications, like.e.g. subdivision into an internal and external part or determination w.r.t. special load directions, are well-established, the property is today mainly understood as an integral property of an entire structure (or entire substructures), without quantified information about its distribution in space and w.r.t. load-carrying types. The redundancy matrix, introduced in [1, 2] and extended in [3], provides information about the distribution of statical indeterminacy in discrete truss and beam structures. This gives an additional valuable insight into the load-carrying behavior. In [3] also the redundancy distribution for one-dimensional continua is introduced and computed analogously to the redundancy matrix in discrete truss structures. A generalization of the redundancy concept to spatially continuous, linear, elastostatic representations of structures is given in [4]. The quantity cation of redundancy distribution considering geometrically non-linear behavior is approached in [2, 5]. These works are limited to discrete representations of truss structures with prestressing. We present an extension of the concept of redundancy to beam and surface structures using a  finite element framework. We also discuss ideas on how to consider geometrically non-linear behaviour. There are numerous applications like e.g. robust design of structures, quantification of imperfection sensitivity, evaluation of adaptability, assessment of actuator placement as well as optimal control in adaptive structures. REFERENCES [1] Bahndorf, J.: Zur Systematisierung der Seilnetzberechnung und zur Optimierung vonSeilnetzen. Doctoral Thesis, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1991. [2] Strobel, D.: Die Anwendung der Ausgleichungsrechnung auf elastomechanische Systeme.Doctoral Thesis, Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1995. [3] von Scheven, M., Ramm, E. and Bischoff, M.: Quanti cation of the Redundancy Distributionin Truss and Beam Structures. Int. J. Sol. Str., 2020. [4] Gade, J., Tkachuk, A., von Scheven, M. and Bischoff, M.: A continuum-mechanical theory of redundancy in elastostatic structures. Int. J. Sol. Str., under review, 2020. [5] Zhou, J., Chen, W., Zhao, B. and Gao, C.: A uni ed formulation for redundancy of cable-strut structures considering the effect of pre-stresses. Proc. IASS Ann. Symp. 2016, Tokyo, Japan

    Efficient Update of Redundancy Matrices for Truss and Frame Structures

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    Redundancy matrices provide insights into the load carrying behavior of statically indeterminate structures. This information can be employed for the design and analysis of structures with regard to certain objectives, for example reliability, robustness, or adaptability. In this context, the structure is often iteratively examined with the help of slight adjustments. However, this procedure generally requires a high computational effort for the recalculation of the redundancy matrix due to the necessity of costly matrix operations. This paper addresses this problem by providing generic algebraic formulations for efficiently updating the redundancy matrix (and related matrices). The formulations include various modifications like adding, removing, and exchanging elements and are applicable to truss and frame structures. With several examples, we demonstrate the interaction between the formulas and their mechanical interpretation. Finally, a performance test for a scaleable structure is presented

    Review of “Efficient update of redundancy matrices for truss and frame structures”

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    This is the Open Review of the article "Efficient update of redundancy matrices for truss and frame structures” by Krake et al. published in JTCAM (doi 10.46298/jtcam.9615