6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia sejak awal tahun 2020 hingga saat ini yang berada pada tataran era new normal atau masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru membuat kondisi berbagai aspek mengalami perubahan. Seperti bidang pendidikan sangat dirasakan oleh semua pihak baik orangtua, guru, dan peserta didik. Melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kegiatan dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai Desember 2020. Kegiatan dilakukan di desa majungan, kecamatan pademawu, kabupaten pamekasan. Pemberdayaan dalam bidang pendidikan meliputi pendidikan formal yaitu pembelajaran yang bermuara dari sekolah. Pembelajaran daring saat ini tetap dilakukan guna mencegah penyebaran covid-19. Kegiatan siswa dilakukan melalui belajar dari rumah. Sasaran siswa adalah anak sekolah dasar (SD) atau madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI). Pembagian masker dan faceshield juga dilakukan agar dalam proses pembelajaran untuk siswa tetap berlangsung dan mencegah adanya covid-19. Selain itu pembelajaran juga dengan menggunakan layanan internet pada siswa. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah siswa tetap belajar dengan menerapkan physical distancing, siswa belajar mengenal pembelajaran daring, siswa mendapatkan materi dan pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber yang ada di dunia online, dan siswa tetap mengerjakan tugas pekerjaan rumah dari guru.Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic that has been happening in Indonesia since the beginning of 2020, which is at the new normal era or adaptation period, has been also changing the conditions of various aspects, e.g., in education which is perceived by all parties such as parents, teachers, and students. Through the community service program, this activity was carried out from June to December 2020 in Majungan Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency. An empowerment in the sector of education includes the formal education, that is, the learning circulated at school. Currently, online learning is being continued to avoid the spread of covid-19. Student activities are carried out by learning from home. The targets were the students of elementary school (SD) or madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI). Masks and faceshields were also distributed so that the learning process for students keep being continued, as well as preventing Covid-19. In addition, the learning also used internet services for students. The results of this community service program were as follows: the students continued to learn by applying physical distancing; the students learnt to experience online learning; the students obtained material and knowledge from various online sources, and; the students continued to do their homework from the teachers

    RASIONALITAS TINDAKAN WISATAWAN WISATA ZIARAH (Studi Fenomenologi Terhadap Wisatawan Di Kawasan Wisata Ziarah Desa Gunungpring, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang)

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    Wisata ziarah adalah wisata religi atau sering disebut juga sebagai wisata pilgrim. Wisata ziarah dilakukan sebagai wujud dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh para pengunjung atau wisatawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis wisatawan, pengetahuan wisatawan tentang wisata ziarah, faktor pendorong dan penarik wisatawan melakukan wisata ziarah, dan tindakan rasionalitas wisatawan dalam wisata ziarah. Teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis adalah tindakan sosial menurut Max Weber dan tipe rasionalitas menurut Stephen Kalberg. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kawasan wisata ziarah di Desa Gunungpring, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan strategi fenomenologi. Teknik sampling menggunakan accidental sampling, sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung dan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Validitas data meggunakan teknik trianggulasi dan analisis data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis wisatawan ziarah terbagi ke dalam dua tipe yaitu wisatawan existensial dan wisatawan recreational. Pengetahuan wisatawan tentang wisata ziarah dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua yaitu modern pilgrimage (ziarah modern) dan search for pleasure (mencari kesenangan). Faktor pendorong dan penarik wisatawan melakukan wisata ziarah yaitu terdiri dari faktor pendorong dan penarik ziarah modern dan mencari kesenangan. Ziarah modern, faktor pendorong adalah self fulfillment dan faktor penarik adalah culture. Mencari kesenangan, faktor pendorong adalah social interaction, educational opportunity, leisure activity dan faktor penarik adalah location climate. Tindakan dan rasionalitas wisatawan dalam wisata ziarah yaitu terdapat beberapa tindakan yang dijalankan bersumber pada unsur tradisi, masa sekarang, nilai-nilai dalam keyakinan hidup, serta kondisi psikologis yang mempengaruhi seseorang ketika melakukan tindakan wisata ziarah, baik yang melakukan tindakan ziarah atau tidak berziarah. Wisatawan yang telah melakukan tindakan sosial dalam wisata ziarah, maka akan terlihat rasionalitas dan terkandung makna pada pengunjung yang melakukan berbagai aktivitas dalam wisata ziarah. Rasionalitas yang ada pada wisatawan wisata ziarah meliputi rasionalitas praktis, rasionalitas teoretis, dan rasionalitas substantif. Kata Kunci : Wisata ziarah, Wisatawan, Rasionalitas

    Bunuh Diri dalam Perspektif Sosiologi

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    Suicide is an event in society that is often inevitable. Suicide is a deliberate end to life. Social symptoms in society greatly affect someone in committing suicide. Referring to Durkheim, there are at least four types of suicide, namely egoistic suicide, suicide altruism, anomie suicide, and fatalistic suicide. Egoistic suicide is a suicide that occurs because social integration is too weak. Suicide altruism is a suicide that occurs because social integration is too strong. Anomie suicide is a suicide that occurs because of the blurring of values and norms in society. Fatalistic suicide is a suicide that occurs because the values and norms that apply in society are too excessive. Suicidal acts that occur in the community can be mapped through the fact that social integration is getting stronger or weaker. In addition, suicide can also be mapped based on the fact that the values and norms are getting weaker or stronger

    Agroforestry Based Education for Forest Edge Communities (Analysis of Agroforestry Education in MTs Pakis, Banyumas Regency)

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    Education is a right for every individual, but sometimes not everyone can get the education as expected. Forest edge communities residing in Pesawahan Hamlet, Gunung Lurah Village, Banyumas Regency are examples of people who cannot enjoy the beauty of education properly. The condition of remote areas, with access to transportation that is quite difficult, and the absence of telecommunications signals increasingly makes it difficult for forest edge communities to obtain proper education. MTs Pakis is a school that was built in the area of Pesawahan Hamlet as an effort to provide better education services for forest edge communities. The school has two methods of education and learning, namely formal education and learning methods and agroforestry education and learning methods. The agroforestry education method is carried out because of the condition of students who must continue to help their parents in the fields and rice fields even though they attend school. With agroforestry education, students not only receive subject matter indoors, but also gain expertise and skills related to agriculture and animal husbandry. This is done so that students get provisions for their daily lives

    Rasionalitas Wisatawan Wisata Pilgrim (Studi Fenomenologi terhadap Wisatawan di Kawasan Wisata Pilgrim Desa Gunungpring Kecamatan Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang)

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    Pilgrim tour is a religious tour or frequently called pilgrimage tour.Pilgrimage tour is undertaken as the manifestation of action the visitors or thetourists do. The objective of research was to find out the tourist type,knowledge on pilgrimage tour, the factors encouraging and attracting thetourists to undertake pilgrimage tour, and the tourists' rationality action inpilgrimage tour. The theory employed as the instrument of analysis was MaxWeber's social action theory and Stephen Kalberg's rationality type. This study was taken place in pilgrimage tour area in Gunungpring,Muntilan Subdistrict, Magelang Regency. The type of study was qualitativewith phenomenological strategy. The sampling technique used was accidentalsampling, while the data collection was conducted using direct observationand in-depth interview methods. The data validation was carried out using datatriangulation technique and data analysis was conducted using data collection,data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The result of research showed that the pilgrimage tourists were dividedinto two types: existential and recreational tourists. The tourists' knowledge on pilgrimage tour could be classified into two: modern pilgrimage and searchfor pleasure. The factors encouraging and attracting the tourists to undertake pilgrimage tour were: modern pilgrimage and search for pleasure. The factorencouraging modern pilgrimage was self-fulfillment, while the attracting one was culture. The factors encouraging the search for pleasure were socialinteraction, educational opportunity, leisure activity, while the attracting onewas location climate. The tourists' action and rationality in pilgrimage tourincluded some action undertaken originating from traditional element, thepresent, life ideology values, and psychological conditions affecting anindividual to perform pilgrimage tour, either pilgrimage or non-pilgrimageactions. The tourists who had undertaken social action in pilgrimage tour, therationality would be apparent and contained the meaning in the visitors whoconducted a variety of activity in pilgrimage tour. The rationality existing inpilgrimage tourists included practice rationality, theoretical rationality, andsubstantive rationality


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    The number of women in Indonesia who are aware of the importance of maintaining medical health is increasing along with the improvement of medical health services and facilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the number of women in various parts of Indonesia who still trust traditional health services and facilities is also not small. One of them is Madura Woman who believes in the tradition of drinking herbal medicine. The tradition is as a means of maintaining health and treating illness that is trusted between generations. Various studies show that the decision to maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is based on trust and economic price. The rational choice of women towards health and treatment is often synonymous with easy, cheap and fast. However, in this article the discussion of the rational choice of Madurese women maintains the tradition of drinking herbal medicine by using cost, reward and alternative comparison. The results of the analysis of the decision of Madurese women who still maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is a form of rational choice in maintaining health and treating illness. The study method uses qualitative by means of observation and interviews with selected informants namely two women in Bangkalan District and two women in Sumenep Regency.