517 research outputs found

    Evaluation as a powerful practice in digital learning processes

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    Students as Learning Designers

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    The Inclusion Potential of Student Production of Digital Learning Objects

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    Educational management on employees in kindergarten with qualitative focus

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    Bacheloroppgave i barnehagelærerutdanning, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2018.Norsk: Denne bacheloroppgaven handler om hvordan man som pedagogisk leder i barnehagen kan utføre sin profesjonsrolle på en god måte ovenfor sine medarbeidere, for å oppnå bedre kvalitet i barnehagen. Jeg vil i oppgaven knytte teori om pedagogisk ledelse opp mot min forskning fra barnehagefeltet, hvor jeg har benyttet kvalitativt intervju som metode. Jeg vil fokusere hovedsakelig på pedagogisk ledelse, derav personalutviklingsledelse, prosesskvaliteten mellom pedagogisk leder og sine medarbeidere, og relevante kompetanseutviklingstiltak innenfor dette tema.English: This bachelor thesis is about how, as an educational manager in kindergarten, you can perform his professional role in a good way above his staff, to achieve better quality in kindergarten. In this assignment I want to link theory of educational management to my research from the kindergarten field, where I have used qualitative interview as a method. I will focus mainly on educational management, thereof staff development management, process quality between educational leader and its employees, and relevant competence development initiatives within this theme

    Video Podcasts:Learning by Listening?

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    Emerging Collaborative Writing Strategies in Digital Environments

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    „Den gode samfundsborger er buddhist!“: Medborgerskabsforståelser i singalesiske skoler, Sri Lanka

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    Birgitte Refslund Sørensen: “The Good Citizen is a Buddhist!” Understandings of Citizenship in Singhalese Schools, Sri Lanka Schoolchildren in Sinhalese schools learn to perceive themselves and the surrounding world through a Buddhist lens. This article, which draws on essays written by schoolchildren (grades 6-12) from three different schools, demonstrates how the children apply Buddhist values in developing a social imaginary of the good citizen, and how they apply this understanding in their assessments of transformations in society. I argue that even when their Buddhist views stress values like discipline, moral conduct, social responsibility and compassion that promise to foster a peaceful society, the children’s strong commitment to Buddhism as a basis for being a good citizen could also be a source of conflict. This is so, because Buddhism enjoys a privileged position in the constitution of Sri Lanka, where Buddhist Sinhalese are the majority, and because it has been politicised and serves as the foundation of a strong Sinhalese ethno-nationalism. So even though none of the Sinhalese schoolchildren would speak negatively of other groups, I argue that the strong linkage they make between Buddhism and the good Srilankan citizen is nevertheless expressive of a hegemonic discourse, which defines cultural citizenship and which marginalises others in Sri Lanka today. Keywords: Buddhism, conflict, discipline, ethnicity, modernization, moral community.