215 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general plantear las primeras interrogantes conducentes hacia una historia de la circulación del libro La Araucana, impreso por primera vez en 1569 y posteriormente reeditado en variadas oportunidades. Su problemática central implica definir: qué historiografía podemos construir sobre la permanencia, la vigencia y la autoridad de una obra todavía considerada herencia fundacional y columna vertebral de la sociedad chilena?. El centro paradigmático de esta investigación reside en la detección de las preguntas derivadas del trabajo de edición de la primera edición chilena del texto publicado en Santiago en el año 1888.The main objective of this paper is to present the first questioning about a history of the circulation of the book La Araucana, printed for the first time in 1569 and subsequently reprinted in various opportunities. Its central question implies a definition: What kind of historiography we can build considering the continuance, the force and the authority of a work that is still respected as a founding inheritance, and backbone of Chilean society? The paradigmatic center of this investigation resides in realizing the questions that emerge from the first chilean edition of the text published in Santiago in the year 1888

    Parirás con dolor. Las parteras y el discurso médico a fines de la Colonia.

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    Transcripción y estudio preliminar de las causas judiciales seguidas a Josefa Orrego y Tránsito Muchel, parteras

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    In the cases presented here from the end of the XVIIIth century concerning two midwives, one fi nds the action work of the juridical power as a representatives of medical knowledge used against two who have what might be considered traditional knowledge. These cases have received different historical interpretations. A review of these interpretations, as well as current debates, are exhibited next, followed by a transcription of the papers that compose these judicial pieces. The transcription and publication of these documents is to present to investigators, documents that have not received the proper attention in current historical debates.En las causas que se presentan a continuación, seguidas hacia fines del siglo XVIII a dos parteras, se manifiesta la acción del poder judicial como representante del saber médico ilustrado contra dos mujeres poseedoras de saberes calificados como tradicionales. Estas causas han recibido diferentes interpretaciones a partir de tendencias historiográficas y profesionales particulares. Un repaso por dichas interpretaciones, así como las inquietudes que motivan a partir de los debates actuales, son las que se exponen a continuación, seguidas por la transcripción íntegra de las fojas que componen estas piezas judiciales. La transcripción y publicación de estos documentos se orienta a poner ante los ojos de los investigadores importantes documentos que no han recibido la atención debida en los debates historiográficos actuales

    Le cinéma à l'épreuve de l'anachronisme. Contribution à une réflexion sur le visible moderne à travers le film-essai. Les cas de Godard, Marker, Kluge et Wenders

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    This thesis analyzes the relationship between cinema and anachronism. Starting from anachronism as an important topic in history writing and memory discourses, this work intends to deal with some film practices with a strong will if reflection about time and chronologies. Starting from a specific practice as the essay film, analyzed from an aesthetical point of view, a topic comes out about the links between cinema and times, between a multiplicity of image forms and an anachronic time questioning forms, histories, interpretations, links and relationships. If Jean-Luc Godard's Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-97) questions the sense of cinema itself, his plurality in a dense, complex network, Wim Wender's Tokyo-Ga (1983) interrogates some links between past cinema and more actual film forms, between a memory of cinema and the difficult search for the image's present, actual time. With Sans soleil (1982) and Level Five (1996), Chris Marker crosses cinema, images and their transformations with the complex links between past, present and future, in a context in which time can be presented according to the images forms. In some of this essays, Alexander Kluge gives strategie importance to images of every sort but also to the relationship between the images we produce and our history. All the analyzed films develop some theoretical questions about gaze's practices : every image is the sign of a complexe relationship between history and our starting from history, in accordance with a plural practice of the image.La thèse analyse la relation entre le cinéma et l'anachronisme. En partant des enjeux de la notion d'anachronisme en termes d'écriture de l'histoire et de discours autour de la mémoire, ce travail se propose de traiter certaines pratiques cinématographiques présentant une relation étroite avec une volonté de réflexion sur les temps et les chronologies. A partir d'une pratique spécifique comme le film-essai, dont on analyse les caractères en sens esthétique, un discours se dégage sur les liens entre le cinéma et le temps, entre la pluralité des formes de l'image et un temps anachronique capable de questionner les formes, les histoires, les lectures, les rapports. Si les Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-97) de Jean-Luc Godard posent la grande question du sens du cinéma, de sa pluralité dans un réseau dense et complexe, Tokyo-Ga (1983) de Wim Wenders questionne les relations entre un cinéma passé et des formes plus actuelles, entre une mémoire du cinéma et la recherche difficile d'un présent de l'image. Chris Marker, avec Sans soleil (1982) et Level Five (1996) croise le cinéma, les images et leurs transformations aux rapports complexes entre passé, présent et futur, dans un contexte où le temps peut se déployer selon les formes de l'image. Dans certains de ses essais, Alexander Kluge assigne une importance stratégique aux images de tout type, mais aussi aux relations entre les images que nous produisons et notre histoire. Tous les parcours analysés font surgir certaines questions théoriques relatives aux pratiques du regard : toute image est le signe d'un agencement complexe entre l'histoire et notre travail à partir de là, selon une pratique plurielle des image

    Typical integration of emotion cues from bodies and faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Contextual cues derived from body postures bias how typical observers categorize facial emotion; the same facial expression may be perceived as anger or disgust when aligned with angry and disgusted body postures. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are thought to have difficulties integrating information from disparate visual regions to form unitary percepts, and may be less susceptible to visual illusions induced by context. The current study investigated whether individuals with ASD exhibit diminished integration of emotion cues extracted from faces and bodies. Individuals with and without ASD completed a binary expression classification task, categorizing facial emotion as ‘Disgust’ or ‘Anger’. Facial stimuli were drawn from a morph continuum blending facial disgust and anger, and presented in isolation, or accompanied by an angry or disgusted body posture. Participants were explicitly instructed to disregard the body context. Contextual modulation was inferred from a shift in the resulting psychometric functions. Contrary to prediction, observers with ASD showed typical integration of emotion cues from the face and body. Correlation analyses suggested a relationship between the ability to categorize emotion from isolated faces, and susceptibility to contextual influence within the ASD sample; individuals with imprecise facial emotion classification were influenced more by body posture cues