3,988 research outputs found

    From wealth to health: evaluating microfinance as a complex intervention

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    Innovative interventions that address the social determinants of health are required to help reduce persistent health inequalities. We argue that microcredit can act in this way and develop a conceptual framework from which to examine this. In seeking to evaluate microcredit this way we then examine how randomized controlled trials, currently considered as the ‘gold standard’ in impact evaluations of microcredit, compare with developments in thinking about study design in public health. This leads us to challenge the notion of trials as the apparent gold standard for microcredit evaluations and contend that the pursuit of trial-based evidence alone may be hampering the production of relevant evidence on microcredit’s public health (and other wider) impacts. In doing so, we introduce new insights into the global debate on microfinance impact evaluation, related to ethical issues in staging randomized controlled trials, and propose innovations on complementary methods for use in the evaluation of complex interventions. </jats:p

    Brexit, division and individual solidarity: what future for Europe? Evidence from eight European countries

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    Solidarity among member states, one of the European Union’s (EU) fundamental values, has recently been put to the test by numerous and diverse challenges that have led to a “crisis of solidarity.” In the United Kingdom, the decision in June 2016 by the electorate to vote to leave the EU revealed the British dimension of this crisis. However, little is known about the perceptions of other European citizens on this decision, even though it has contributed to shaping the present and future of the EU. In this article, using a representative survey conducted in eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, we aim to explore and contrast cross-country evidence on individual perceptions on Brexit. We then aim to establish if an association exists between the opinions on Brexit and the individual solidaristic attitudes and concrete behaviors of the survey respondents. The complex relationship between opinions on this event and expressions of solidarity at different levels (local, national, European, and beyond) will be explored using multivariate regression techniques as well as the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the survey respondents

    The ancient office of Santa Faç in Alacant

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    L’antic ofici alacantí de Santa Faç va tenir durant segles una litúrgia pròpia, en la qual les lectures feien referència al miracles atribuïts a la imatge d’aquesta ciutat i els himnes feien referència al rostre de Jesucrist. Aquestos textos llatins, hui oblidats, formaven part de la originalitat de la celebració alacantina, que es remunta al segle XV. Aquest article recupera aquestos textos a partir de tres testimonis diferents dels segles XVII i XIX, i els acompanya de traduccions.The ancient office of Santa Faç in Alacant had for centuries its own liturgy. The lectures of the liturgy were referenced to miracles attributed to the image of this city, and the hymns were referenced to the holy face of Jesus Christ. These Latin texts, forgotten today, were part of the originality of a celebration dating back to the fifteenth century. This article shows these texts edited from three different sources of XVII and XIX centuries. They are accompanied of a translation

    Miquel Martí i Pol, traductor de teatre

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    Miquel Martí i Pol és, més enllà de l’obra pròpia, autor de nombroses traduccions, principalment de novel·la i d’assaig, però també de teatre. Entre el 1980 i el 1990 el poeta traduí, del francès i del castellà, sis textos teatrals d’autors tan variats com Jean Racine, Jean Cocteau, Jean Genet, Witold Gombrowicz i Pablo Neruda. Aquest article analitza la importància d’aquestes traduccions i les condicions en què foren fetes

    Latin Epic Poetry for James I of Aragon: the Poem Triumphus Valentinus by the Valencian Novator Josep Ignasi Barberà

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    El poema Triumphus Valentinus del valencià Josep Ignasi Barberà, obra encara inèdita i poc coneguda, està format per més de cinc mil hexàmetres llatins que narren la presa de Valencia per part del rei Jaume I. Es tracta d’un poema de principi del segle xviii, amb característiques pròpies del gust neoclàssic i preil·lustrat, on coincideixen l’interès per la història valenciana, la tradició clàssica grecoromana i el reflex del canvi dinàstic a la corona hispànica. El model estètic seguit per l’autor és clarament l’Eneida de Virgili, tant per forma com per contingut. Malgrat l’interès mostrat per autors coetanis com Gregori Maians, l’obra ha passat pràcticament desapercebuda.The poem Triumphus Valentinus, a text of the Valencian poet Josep Ignasi Barberà, is a still unpublished and not well known work. It is composed by more than five thousand Latin hexameters telling the conquest of Valencia by King James I of Aragon. It is a poem created in the early eighteenth century literature, with features of neoclassical and pre-Enlightenment poetry, where the interests in the history of Valencia, in the classical Greco-Roman tradition, and in the dynastic change of the Hispanic crown meet. The aesthetical model followed by the author is clearly Virgil‘s Aeneid, regarding both contents and form. Despite the interest shown by authors like Gregori Maians, this poem has been almost unnoticed

    Pere Marsili y el islam

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    La obra del dominico mallorquín Pere Marsili, del siglo XIV, no ha sido aún estudiada en todos sus aspectos. Sus dos obras conocidas son la crónica de Jaume I y la Carta a Abdalá. El primer texto es una traducción latina del texto catalán del Llibre dels fets que Marsili adaptó con la intención de resaltar la figura de Jaume I, según le encargó el rey Jaume II. La Carta a Abdalá es una obra epistolar en la que critica la conversión al islam de un franciscano mallorquín. Ambas obras muestran que Marsili incluyó la lucha intelectual contra el islam entre sus objetivos. Estas características hacen que Marsili deba ser tenido en cuenta en la historia de la literatura antiislámica, sobre todo porque participa de la política seguida por la Corona de Aragón durante el siglo XIV, favorable a los dominicos.The work of Pere Marsili, a Majorcan Dominican of the fourteenth century, has not yet been studied in all its aspects. His known works are the chronicle of James I and the Letter to Abdullah. The first text is a Latin translation of the Catalan Llibre dels fets that Marsili adapted intending to highlight the figure of James I, following the instructions of King James II. The Letter to Abdullah is an epistolary work in which Marsili criticizes the conversion to Islam of a Majorcan Franciscan. Both works show that Marsili included the intellectual struggle against Islam in his aims. These features show that Marsili should be taken into account in the history of anti-Islamic literature, especially as a part of the policy followed by the Crown of Aragon during 14th century, favorable to the Dominicans.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto excelencia I+D “Fuentes medievales y modernas para el estudio de las relaciones transculturales en el Mediterráneo: redacción y transmisión”, dirigido por Cándida Ferrero Hernández de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (código FFI2015-63659-C2-1-P MINECO/FEDER)


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    Presentació del XXIII Seminari sobre la Traducció a Cataluny

    Origin of Virtuality

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    There is no doubt that the adjective “virtual” has become the epithet that accompanies great technological advances these days. It is not unusual for a reader nowadays to look up a quote in a book from a virtual library, for a teacher to grade his students on a virtual campus or for a customer to check his bank statement through his virtual bank. The adjective “virtual” has become a modern reference which can be found more and more frequently accompanying a new product that seeks its place in the market. The virtual has become fashionable

    Aproximación a los arabismos en la documentación de Jaime I

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    Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto GV04B-687 de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Georges Simenon traduït per Maria-Aurèlia Capmany

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    En aquest article s'analitzen les traduccions que Maria-Aurèlia Capmany va fer de Georges Simenon. Es tracta de sis novel·les, publicades per Edicions 62 a la col·lecció La Cua de Palla entre els anys 1965 i 1968. Aquests sis títols són, per ordre d'aparició, Liberty bar, La nit de la cruïlla, El gos groc, L'ombra xinesa, Maigret i el client del dissabte i Signat Picpus. En primer lloc s'estudia la difusió que ha tingut l'obra de Simenon traduïda al català. En segon lloc, la visió que Capmany tenia de la tasca traductora. En tercer lloc, l'acollida que tingueren les obres traduïdes per Capmany i, per acabar, les inadequacions i els encerts en les traduccions. De l'anàlisi se'n treu la conclusió que malgrat algunes inadequacions, sovint atribuïbles a les condicions de la producció cultural en català als anys seixanta, aquestes traduccions contenen en alguns casos solucions certament reeixides, i representen una contribució a l'elaboració d'un llenguatge apte per a la novel·la negra en català.This article looks at Maria-Aurèlia Capmany's translations of Georges Simenon. The translations are six novels published between 1965 and 1968 by Edicions 62 as part of the La Cua de Palla collection. The six books, in the order in which they were published, are Liberty bar, La nit de la cruïlla, El gos groc, L'ombra xinesa, Maigret i el client del dissabte and Signat Picpus. The article begins by analysing how widely read the Catalan translations of Simenon's works are. It then moves on to Capmany's vision of the work of a translator. It then looks at the response to Capmany's translations. And finally, it highlights both inappropriate translations and excellent choices of translation. The article concludes that, despite certain inappropriate translations, often due to the conditions of cultural production in the Catalan language during the 1960s, these translations contain some very successful solutions and are a contribution to the production of a style of language suitable for noir fiction in Catalan