630 research outputs found

    Chirality induced anomalous-Hall effect in helical spin crystals

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    Under pressure, the itinerant helimagnet MnSi displays unusual magnetic properties. We have previously discussed a BCC helical spin crystal as a promising starting point for describing the high pressure phenomenology. This state has topologically nontrivial configurations of the magnetization field. Here we note the consequences for magneto-transport that arise generally from such spin textures. In particular a skyrmion density induced `topological' Hall effect, with unusual field dependence, is described.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of SCES 07 (the international conference on strongly correlated electron systems 2007 in Houston, USA

    Metamagnetism of itinerant electrons in multi-layer ruthenates

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    The problem of quantum criticality in the context of itinerant ferro- or metamagnetism has received considerable attention [S. A. Grigera et. al., Science 294, 329 (2001); C. Pfleiderer et. al., Nature, 414, 427 (2001)]. It has been proposed that a new kind of quantum criticality is realised in materials such as MnSi or Sr_3Ru_2O_7. We show based on a mean-field theory that the low-temperature behaviour of the n-layer ruthenates Sr_{n+1}Ru_nO_{3n+1} can be understood as a result of a Van Hove singularity (VHS). We consider a single band whose Fermi energy, E_F, is close to the VHS and deduce a complex phase diagram for the magnetism as a function of temperature, magnetic field and E_F. The location of E_F with respect to the VHS depends on the number of layers or can be tuned by pressure. We find that the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition in this case is not of second but of first order, with a metamagnetic quantum critical endpoint at high magnetic field. Despite its simplicity this model describes well the properties of the uniform magnetism in the single, double and triple layer ruthenates. We would like to emphasise that the origin of this behaviour lies in the band structure.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected and acknowledgement added, to appear in the Europhysics Letter

    Wilson's renormalization group applied to 2D lattice electrons in the presence of van Hove singularities

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    The weak coupling instabilities of a two dimensional Fermi system are investigated for the case of a square lattice using a Wilson renormalization group scheme to one loop order. We focus on a situation where the Fermi surface passes through two saddle points of the single particle dispersion. In the case of perfect nesting, the dominant instability is a spin density wave but d-wave superconductivity as well as charge or spin flux phases are also obtained in certain regions in the space of coupling parameters. The low energy regime in the vicinity of these instabilities can be studied analytically. Although saddle points play a major role (through their large contribution to the single particle density of states), the presence of low energy excitations along the Fermi surface rather than at isolated points is crucial and leads to an asymptotic decoupling of the various instabilities. This suggests a more mean-field like picture of these instabilities, than the one recently established by numerical studies using discretized Fermi surfaces.Comment: gzipped tar file, 31 pages including 10 figures, minor correction of misprint

    Thermodynamics of itinerant metamagnetic transitions

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    Theoretical studies of the metamagnetism and anomalous phase of Sr3Ru2O7 have focused on the role of van Hove singularities, although much experimental evidence points towards quantum criticality having a large effect. We investigate the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of systems where magnetic field tunes through such a peak in the electronic density of states. We study the generic case of a van Hove singularity in 2D. We see that in combination with the requirement of number conservation and interaction effects the peak in the density of states produces several interesting phenomena including raising the critical field of the transition above naive estimates, altering the relationship between temperature and field scales and creating a distinctive double-peak structure in the electronic specific heat. We show that this apparent non-Fermi liquid behaviour can be caused at mean-field level by a peak in the density of states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Weak-Coupling Instabilities of Two-Dimensional Lattice Electrons

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    In this thesis, I study a two-dimensional extended Hubbard model in the weak coupling limit. Quite generally, the electron gas is unstable towards a superconducting state even in the absence of phonons. However in the special case of a half-filled band, the Fermi surface is nested and the system is at a Van Hove singularity. In this situation, there are six competing instabilities: ss- and d-wave superconductivity, spin-and charge-density waves and two phases with circulating charge and spin currents, respectively. The required renormalization group formalism is presented on a most elementary level, connecting the idea of the ``parquet summation'' to the more modern concept of Wilson's effective action. As a result, a rich phase diagram is obtained as a function of the model interaction. This phase diagram is exact in the weak coupling limit, since the transition line between two neighboring phases is then fixed by symmetries. The physical picture of each instability is completed by studying the low temperature behavior of the spin susceptibility and the charge compressibility. We also observe a general trend towards a Fermi surface distortion, but the nesting is not destroyed.Comment: phd thesis, 120 pages, 38 figure

    Magnetic domain formation in itinerant metamagnets

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    We examine the effects of long-range dipolar forces on metamagnetic transitions and generalize the theory of Condon domains to the case of an itinerant electron system undergoing a first-order metamagnetic transition. We demonstrate that within a finite range of the applied field, dipolar interactions induce a spatial modulation of the magnetization in the form of stripes or bubbles. Our findings are consistent with recent observations in the bilayer ruthenate Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Solution of the infinite range t-J model

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    The t-J model with constant t and J between any pair of sites is studied by exploiting the symmetry of the Hamiltonian with respect to site permutations. For a given number of electrons and a given total spin the exchange term simply yields an additive constant. Therefore the real problem is to diagonalize the "t- model", or equivalently the infinite U Hubbard Hamiltonian. Using extensively the properties of the permutation group, we are able to find explicitly both the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates, labeled according to spin quantum numbers and Young diagrams. As a corollary we also obtain the degenerate ground states of the finite UU Hubbard model with infinite range hopping -t>0.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Breakdown of the Fermi-liquid regime in the 2D Hubbard model from a two-loop field-theoretical renormalization group approach

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    We analyze the particle-hole symmetric two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice starting from weak-to-moderate couplings by means of the field-theoretical renormalization group (RG) approach up to two-loop order. This method is essential in order to evaluate the effect of the momentum-resolved anomalous dimension η(p)\eta(\textbf{p}) which arises in the normal phase of this model on the corresponding low-energy single-particle excitations. As a result, we find important indications pointing to the existence of a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) regime at temperature T→0T\to 0 displaying a truncated Fermi surface (FS) for a doping range exactly in between the well-known antiferromagnetic insulating and the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave singlet superconducting phases. This NFL evolves as a function of doping into a correlated metal with a large FS before the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing susceptibility finally produces the dominant instability in the low-energy limit.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; published in Phys. Rev.

    Phonon-mediated tuning of instabilities in the Hubbard model at half-filling

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    We obtain the phase diagram of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice in the presence of Einstein phonons. We find that the interplay between the instantaneous electron-electron repulsion and electron-phonon interaction leads to new phases. In particular, a dx2−y2_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconducting phase emerges when both anisotropic phonons and repulsive Hubbard interaction are present. For large electron-phonon couplings, charge-density-wave and s-wave superconducting regions also appear in the phase diagram, and the widths of these regions are strongly dependent on the phonon frequency, indicating that retardation effects play an important role. Since at half-filling the Fermi surface is nested, spin-density-wave is recovered when the repulsive interaction dominates. We employ a functional multiscale renormalization-group method that includes both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, and take retardation effects fully into account.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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