52 research outputs found

    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN SALEP KUNYIT (CURCUMA DOMESTICA)UNTUK MENGURANGI STRIAE GRAVIDARUM : Studi Ibu Hamil Trimester II pada Bidan Praktik Mandiri Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Bukit Hindu Kota Palangka Raya

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    Latar Belakang : Striae Gravidarum (SG) adalah garis yang terlihat pada kulit perut wanita hamil akibat peregangan kulit sejalan dengan membesarnya rahim dan dinding perut. SG dapat menyebabkan rasa gatal, panas pada guratan dan sekitarnya. Walaupun tidak dapat dihilangkan penuh, keadaannya dapat diminimalisir dengan perawatan kulit. Pada penelitian ini melakukan terapi herbal yang merupakan salah satu metode pengobatan komplementer dan alternatif, lebih disukai karena komplikasinya lebih sedikit dan biaya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan prosedur invasif seperti terapi laser dan bedah kosmetik. Pencegahan Striae Gravidarum (SG)sama dengan penyembuhan luka dan bekas luka. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian salep kunyit (Curcuma Domestica)untuk mengurangi Striae Gravidarum. Metode : Penelitian Eksperimen dengan rancangan Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. Pada desain penelitian ini terdapat 2 (Dua) kelompok, yaitu 1 (Satu)kelompok intervensi dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberikan salep Kunyit dan kelompok kontrol diberikan salep Placebo. Hasil : Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik pada kelompok intervensi (Salep Kunyit) untuk mengurangi garis Striae Gravidarum dengan nilai p-value = 0,004, sebaliknya tidak ada pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik untuk mengurangi warna SG dengan nilai p-value = 0,510. Simpulan : Pemberian intervensi salep Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) dapat mengurangi garis Striae Gravidarum (SG), tetapi tidak dapat mengurangi warna SG. Kata Kunci : Striae Gravidarum, Salep Kunyit. Introduction : Striae Gravidarum (SG) is a scratch on the stomach skin of pregnant women caused by the stretching skin as the uterus and abdominal wall are getting bigger. Sometimes woman experiences itchy and hot around the scratch. Eventhough, the scratch can not be diminished totally, it still can be minimized by skin care. Herbal therapy is one of alternative and complementer cures. It gives less complication and is cheaper than the invasive procedure, such as laser and cosmetic surgery. The prevention of SG is similar as curing of wound or scars. Objectives : The objective of this research is to analyse the influence of turmeric ointment in minimizing the Striae Gravidarum (SG). Method : The method of this research is an experiment with Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. In this design, there are two groups of experiment, namely one group of intervention and one group of controll. The respondents of intervention group are given turmeric ointment and the controll group is given Placebo ointment. Result : The bi-variat analysis result shows the score P-Value = 0,004 and the score of P is P0,05 Conclusion : The giving of given turmeric ointment enables to reduce the scratch of Striae Gravidarum (SG), but it can not reduce the its color. Key words : Striae Gravidarum, turmeric ointment (Curcuma Domestica)


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    A mother who faces childbirth tends to be afraid especially with primigravida. Because thatpain must be alleviated effectively because pain accompanied by stress reactions haveharmful effects on the mother and fetus. One way to overcome the problem of pain duringlabor is a Massase Effleurage. Abdominal massage or massage (Effleurage) is a form ofskin stimulation used during labor that has a relaxing effect. This study aims to analyze theresult of the Massase Effleurage technique reducing the paint level in first phase favorablemothers on BPM in the environmental area of Panarung Public Health Center at PalangkaRaya. This study uses a Pre-Experimental research method with One Group Pretest Posttest. Design with samples in this study are maternity mothers who are facing the first stage of the latent phase that is included in the inclusion criteria. Bivariate analysis results using the Wilcoxon signed rank test at alpha 0.05 obtained P value 0,000 (p0.05) which there is a significant influence between pain previous massase and after massase, in other words if done Massase Effleurage can reduce pain. So that the results that there an impact the Massase Effleurage technique in pain the first stage of latent phas

    Perbedaan Lama Pelepasan Tali Pusat pada Metode Perawatan Tali Pusat Teknik Terbuka dan Tertutup di PMB “SF” Palangka Raya

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    Tetanus neonatorum is a disease in neonates caused by Clostridium Tetani spores that enter through the umbilical cord. Various attempts were made to reduce infection in the umbilical cord, one of which is the method of treatment performed on the umbilical cord. This study aims to determine the differences in the old cord release in cord care with open and closed techniques in PMB SF Palangka Raya City. This research design is a descriptive quantitative analytic method with the approach of the type of research used is "True Experiment" real experimental research using observation sheets. The samples used were babies born in SF PMB with 26 babies; the sampling technique used was the non-probability sampling technique, purposive sampling, while the analysis used was Chi-Square. From the study results, it was found that there was a significant difference in the length of umbilical cord release in the umbilical cord treatment method with open and closed techniques with an Exact Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.011. So the Exact Sig. Value (2-tailed) 0.011 <0.05, then Ho is rejected. And umbilical cord care with the open method is 19 times more effective at accelerating the release of the umbilical cord than the closed umbilical cord treatment method

    tau -> omega3pinu Decays

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    Theoretical study of anomalous decay mode tau -> omega3pinu is presented.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Junior High School Science Teachers’ Knowledge, Practice and Challenges of Differentiated Instruction in Kpandai District, Ghana

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    This study investigated knowledge practice and challenges of Junior High School Science teachers in Differentiated Instruction (DI) in Kpandai District of the Northern Region of Ghana. The study employed the concurrent nested design. Out of 268 teachers, a sample size of 31 science teachers was drawn to participate in the study through questionnaire and a sub-sample of five teachers was purposively selected for interviews. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics while the qualitative data was analysed thematically. The study concluded that most JHS science teachers in Kpandai District possessed required knowledge on DI and they actually differentiated the instruction in their Science classes. However, they faced some challenges when differentiating their instructions. The study recommends that knowledge of DI possessed by most Science teachers should be strengthened through regularly organizing in-service training for them. This should be done by GES Directorate of Kpandai to enable the teachers improve their knowledge of DI. Teachers should be supported by SISOs to practice every aspect of DI especially when assessing the learners.  Finally, the government and other educational stakeholders should ensure that textbooks and other materials/resources are readily made available to Science teachers for effective implementation of DI in schools

    Perception and Challenges of Students Towards the Learning of Agricultural Science at Public Senior High Schools in Berekum East Municipal

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the perception and challenges of public Senior High School students towards the learning of Agriculture in Berekum East Municipal of the Bono Region of Ghana. The study employed a quantitative approach and descriptive survey was the design. A sample size of one-hundred and thirty-seven (137) students were used. The respondents were selected through a simple random technique. A questionnaire was used to obtain information from the participants. The analyses of data were done using descriptive statistics. It was revealed that, most students perceive Agriculture as a difficult course of study and therefore do not want to study it at the senior high school level. Students also perceive that most Agricultural departments are not well resourced making the study of the course unrealistic. The students further perceive that there are limited career opportunities in studying Agriculture. The study also reached that there are numerous challenges faced by Agricultural departments such as lack of resource/research centres, lack of practice fields, inadequate teachers, and unavailability of teaching and learning materials. The conclusions drawn from the study were that, the perceptions of students towards the study of Agriculture was due to misinformation, lack of guidance and counselling and several perceived challenges of studying Agriculture. The study therefore recommended that, guidance and counselling units should be enforced in Senior high schools to offer career counselling and also, Agricultural departments in senior high schools should be well resourced and schools offering Agricultural science should have school farms or gardens for practical work

    Mechanical Robustness of Graphene on Flexible Transparent Substrates.

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    This study reports on a facile and widely applicable method of transferring chemical vapor deposited (CVD) graphene uniformly onto optically transparent and mechanically flexible substrates using commercially available, low-cost ultraviolet adhesive (UVA) and hot-press lamination (HPL). We report on the adhesion potential between the graphene and the substrate, and we compare these findings with those of the more commonly used cast polymer handler transfer processes. Graphene transferred with the two proposed methods showed lower surface energy and displayed a higher degree of adhesion (UVA: 4.40 ± 1.09 N/m, HPL: 0.60 ± 0.26 N/m) compared to equivalent CVD-graphene transferred using conventional poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA: 0.44 ± 0.06 N/m). The mechanical robustness of the transferred graphene was investigated by measuring the differential resistance as a function of bend angle and repeated bend-relax cycles across a range of bend radii. At a bend angle of 100° and a 2.5 mm bend radius, for both transfer techniques, the normalized resistance of graphene transferred on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was around 80 times less than that of indium-tin oxide on PET. After 10(4) bend cycles, the resistance of the transferred graphene on PET using UVA and HPL was found to be, on average, around 25.5 and 8.1% higher than that of PMMA-transferred graphene, indicating that UVA- and HPL-transferred graphene are more strongly adhered compared to PMMA-transferred graphene. The robustness, in terms of maintained electrical performance upon mechanical fatigue, of the transferred graphene was around 60 times improved over ITO/PET upon many thousands of repeated bending stress cycles. On the basis of present production methods, the development of the next-generation of highly conformal, diverse form factor electronics, exploiting the emerging family of two-dimensional materials, necessitates the development of simple, low-cost, and mechanically robust transfer processes; the developed UVA and HPL approaches show significant potential and allow for large-area-compatible, near-room temperature transfer of graphene onto a diverse range of polymeric supports.Oppenheimer Research Fellowship, Royal Society, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Impact Acceleration Account grant), Innovate UK (Advanced Materials Feasibility Study award

    Investigation of Pt-salt-doped-standalone-multiwall carbon nanotubes for on-chip interconnect applications

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    In this paper, we investigate, by combining electrical measurements with an atomistic-to-circuit modeling approach, the conductance of doped standalone multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a viable candidate for the next generation of back-end-of-line interconnects. Ab initio simulations predict a doping-related shift of the Fermi level, which reduces shell chirality variability and improves electrical resistivity up to 90% by converting semiconducting shells to metallic. Electrical measurements of Pt-salt-doped CNTs provide up to 50% of resistance reduction, which is a milestone result for future CNT interconnect technology. Moreover, we find that defects and contacts introduce additional resistance, which limits the efficiency of doping, and are the primary cause for the mismatch between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements on doped CNTs

    2023 roadmap for potassium-ion batteries

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    The heavy reliance of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has caused rising concerns on the sustainability of lithium and transition metal and the ethic issue around mining practice. Developing alternative energy storage technologies beyond lithium has become a prominent slice of global energy research portfolio. The alternative technologies play a vital role in shaping the future landscape of energy storage, from electrified mobility to the efficient utilization of renewable energies and further to large-scale stationary energy storage. Potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) are a promising alternative given its chemical and economic benefits, making a strong competitor to LIBs and sodium-ion batteries for different applications. However, many are unknown regarding potassium storage processes in materials and how it differs from lithium and sodium and understanding of solid–liquid interfacial chemistry is massively insufficient in PIBs. Therefore, there remain outstanding issues to advance the commercial prospects of the PIB technology. This Roadmap highlights the up-to-date scientific and technological advances and the insights into solving challenging issues to accelerate the development of PIBs. We hope this Roadmap aids the wider PIB research community and provides a cross-referencing to other beyond lithium energy storage technologies in the fast-pacing research landscape
