288 research outputs found

    Applications of sequential shifts to an interpolation problem

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    In the present, paper initial operators for a right invertible operator, which are induced by sequential shifts and have the property c(Rc(R) (cf. [23]) are constructed. An application to the Lagrange type interpolation problem is given. Moreover, an example with the Pommiez operator is studied

    Hepatitis E virusna infekcija

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV), once thought to occur solely as an acute viral hepatitis in developing countries has gained much better understanding during the past decade. The variety of clinical presentations, ways of transmission and geographic distribution of the several HEV genotypes is much clearer these days, unveiling HEV’s true burden. As of today, potentially attributed to its zoonotic nature, HEV is considered endemic in many developed countries, as well as being the most common cause of acute viral hepatitis in some European countries. There are many more cases of cirrhosis and liver failure, once of unknown etiology, which are now attributed to chronic HEV infection in several patient settings, mostly with deficient immune system, often necessitating treatment. As the viral global disease burden is bigger than once thought, more focus is now being made on recognition, optimal treatment and prevention measures. This overview will focus on the current knowledge regarding HEV, and will cover the microbiological characteristics, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course, and current practices in treatment and prophylaxis.Hepatitis E virus nekad isključivo vezan za razvoj akutnog hepatitisa u zemljama u razvoju, dobiva na značenju tijekom zadanjeg desetljeća. Sadašnje spoznaje vezane uz varijabilnost kliničkih prezentacija, puteva širenja i geografsku distribuciju, otkrivaju pravi opseg problema HEV-a. Hepatitis E virus je zoonotska bolest, endemična u mnogim razvijenim zemljama te ujedno jedan od najčešćih uzroka akutnog hepatitisa u nekim zemljama Europe. Nadalje brojni slučajevi ciroze i zatajenja jetre nekad nepoznate etiologije, odraz su kroničnog hepatitis E osobito u pacijenata s narušenim imunološkim sustavom, entiteti su koji zahtijevaju liječenje. Budući da je globalno opterećenje virusom danas veće nego što se ranije smatralo, današnji napori usmjereni su prema prepoznavanju, optimizaciji liječenja i preventivnim mjerama. Ovaj pregledni rad nudi sažet prikaz dosadašnjih saznanja o virusu hepatitisa E s osvrtom na mikrobiološke karekteristike, epidemiologiju, klinički tijek te aktualnu prakasu liječenja i prevencije

    The Effect of Micro-Gravity on in vitro Calcification

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    The experiment focuses on mineral deposition or calcification of cartilage. The experiments were used to compare the mineral formed in the microgravity of space with that formed on earth. Results of these experiments were anticipated to provide direct insight into how calcification in cartridge and bone may be controlled in space. In the C-2 experiment (STS 66), we found that mineralization started later in the cartridges (both on the ground and in hypo-gravity) than in plastic, and that mineralization appeared to be retarded in hypo-gravity. The flight experiments also showed that the cells differentiated normally, but more slowly than the ground controls, and that the matrix produced was not different from that made on the ground. The purpose of the C-5 experiment was to confirm these findings. The C-5 experiment was flown on STS-72. Because of a computer problem, cells received no gases and no nutrition. The C-7 was flown on STS-77. Ground controls were repeated a week later, however, because there was a problem with the temperature control during the flight, the concurrent ground controls were performed at a different temperature. Despite these problems, the results of the C-2 experiment were confirmed. The cells in the flight cultures did not mature, formed few cartilage nodules, and showed no evidence of mineral deposition up to a culture age of 28 days. Ground controls showed the presence of mineral (based on chemical, spectroscopic, and histochemical analyses) by 21 days. The mineral in these cultures was analogous to that found in calcifying cartilage of young chicks

    Estimation of changes in structure of farms in Poland and new EU countries: methodological aspects

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    W pracy przedstawiono koncepcje budowy wskaźników przeznaczonych do porządkowania obiektów opisanych wieloma cechami o wartościach nieujemnych na tej samej skali, czyli takich, których wartości można interpretować jako składowe struktury. Podane mierniki mogą być wykorzystywane do cyklicznego raportowania w systemach MIS (Management Information System) w systemach informacyjnych zarówno instytucji publicznych obserwujących zmiany strukturalne, jak i w dużych korporacjach o rozbudowanej strukturze wewnętrznej. Koncepcję zilustrowano na przykładzie zmian, jakie zachodzą w strukturze obszarowej gospodarstw w Polsce na tle nowych państw Unii Europejskiej w okresie 2003 -2010.The paper presents the concepts of indicators intended to organize objects described by many features of non-negative values on the same scale, i.e. ones whose values can be interpreted as components of a structure. The discussed measures can be used in information systems of both public institutions which observe structural changes and large corporations with extensive internal structures for reporting in Management Information Systems (MIS). The concept is illustrated by the changes that occur in the structure of farms in Poland against the background of the new EU Member States in the period 2003-2010.Zbigniew Binderman: [email protected]ław Szczesny: wiesł[email protected] hab. Zbigniew Binderman, prof. PWSZ - Wydział Ekonomiczny, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim; Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawiedr hab. Wiesław Szczesny, prof. SGGW - Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieArnold B. C., 1987, Majorization and the Lorenz Order: A Brief Introduction, Lecture Notes in Statistics 43, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.Binderman A., 2011, Wielokryterialne metody analizy zróżnicowania polskiego rolnictwa w 2009 roku, MIBE XII, 2.Binderman Z., Borkowski B., Szczesny W., 2015, Applicationof Minkowski’s metric in measuring changes of concentration of value added in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sectors, “Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia”, 14(1).Binderman Z., Borkowski Bolesław, Prokopenya A., Szczesny W., 2013, Radar Coefficients of Concentrations – Verifications of Properties, Computer Algebra Systems In Teaching And Research, Siedlce, wyd. Collegium Mazovia.Binderman Z., Borkowski Bolesław, Prokopenya A., Szczesny W., 2013a, Mechanisms of Construction of the Radar Coefficients of Concentration, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, Wydawnictwo Collegium Mazovia, Siedlce.Binderman Z., Koszela G., Szczesny W., 2014, Zmiany w strukturze gospodarstw rolnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2003-2010 (aspekty metodyczne), Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, t. 14 (XXIX), z. 3.Bogocz D., Bożek J., Kukuła K., Strojny J., 2010, Statystyczne studium struktury agrarnej w Polsce, PWN, Warszawa.Bożek J., 2010, Typologia krajów Unii Europejskiej pod względem podobieństwa struktury agrarnej, “Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia”, nr 9 (3).Chomątowski S., Sokołowski A., 1978, Taksonomia struktur, „Przegląd Statystyczny”, nr 2.Cieślak M., 1993, Ekonomiczne zastosowanie mierników syntetycznych ze zmiennym wzorcem, [w:] Przestrzenno-czasowe modelowanie i prognozowanie zjawisk gospodarczych, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, Kraków.Ciok A., 2004, Metody gradacyjne analizy danych w identyfikacji struktur wydatków gospodarstw domowych, „Wiadomości Statystyczne”, nr 4.Ciok A., Kowalczyk T., Pleszczyńska E., Szczesny W., 1995, Algorithms of grade correspondence-cluster analysis, The Coll. Papers on Theoretical and Aplied Computer Science, 7.Gastwirth J. L., 1971, A general definition of the Lorenz curve, “Econometrica”, 39.Gatnar E., Walesiak M., 2009, Statystyczna analiza danych z wykorzystaniem programu R, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Gini C., 1914, Sulla misura della concentrazione e della variabilità dei caratteri, Atti del R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.Glasser G. J., 1962, Variance formulas for the mean difference and coefficient of concentration, “Journal of the American Statistical Association”, 57.Hwang C. L., Yoon K., 1981, Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York.Grade models and methods for data analysis with applications for the analysis of data populations, 2004, T. Kowalczyk, E. Pleszczyńska, F. Ruland (eds), vol. 151, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.Kukuła K., 2000, Metoda unitaryzacji zerowanej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Studium przestrzenne struktury agrarnej w Polsce, 2009, K. Kukuła (red.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Malina A., 2004, Wielowymiarowa analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania struktury gospodarki Polski według województw, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, Seria Monografie nr 162, Kraków.Młodak A., 2006, Analiza taksonomiczna w statystyce regionalnej, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa.Gospodarstwa Rolne w Polsce na tle gospodarstw Unii Europejskiej – WPR, 2013, W. Poczta (red.) Powszechny Spis Rolny 2010, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Warszawa.Strahl D., 1985, Podobieństwo struktur ekonomicznych, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, nr 281, Wrocław.Strahl D., 1996, Równowaga strukturalna obiektu gospodarczego, [w:] Przestrzenno-czasowe modelowanie i prognozowanie zjawisk gospodarczych, A. Zeliaś (red.), Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, Kraków.Taksonomia struktur w badaniach regionalnych, 1998, D. Strahl (red.), Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.Szczesny W., 2002, Grade correspondence analysis applied to contingency tables and questionnaire data, “Intelligent Data Analysis”, 6, no. 1.Szczesny W., Kowalczyk T., Wolińska-Welcz A., Wiech M., Dunicz - Sokolowska A., Grabowska G., Pleszczyńska E., 2012, Models and Methods of Grade Data Analysis: Recent Developments, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw.Walesiak M., 1983, Propozycja rodziny miar odległości struktur udziałowych, „Wiadomości Statystyczne”, nr 10.Walesiak M., 1984, Pojęcie, klasyfikacja i wskaźniki podobieństwa struktur gospodarczych, Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, nr 285, Wrocław.Zeliaś A., 2000, Taksonomiczna analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu życia w Polsce w ujęciu dynamicznym, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, Kraków.81-962(80)819

    Modelo de negócio circular para fornecimento de recipientes de vidro para produtores artesanais no Rio de Janeiro

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    O panorama socioeconômico e ambiental atual, definido por seus processos econômicos lineares orientados para o crescimento sem fim, gera, evidentemente, o aumento infindável do uso de matérias primas e do descarte de resíduos. Nisso, embalagens de produtos não duráveis possuem um papel especialmente relevante. Neste trabalho, são examinados os ideais e os aspectos da Economia Circular, com foco nas proposições de modelos de negócio circulares para gerar uma proposta alternativa de embalagens para produtos alimentícios circulares, que minimizem o uso de matéria prima e descarte pós-consumo. Para tanto, é analisado um negócio que inclui nas suas operações o fornecimento e a logística reversa de recipientes de vidro reutilizáveis, abrangendo também a coleta e a lavagem dos recipientes utilizados.. O negócio é projetado para atender produtores artesanais no Rio de Janeiro, um segmento crescente ao longo da última década. Com a finalidade de entender a possibilidade de implementação do modelo no local escolhido para o estudo, e a sua sensibilidade à algumas variáveis essenciais, é feito um estudo de viabilidade e estresse financeiro. Resultados indicam a viabilidade do modelo de negócio a um preço médio de assinatura de R$10.000,00, para fornecimento médio de 5000 recipientes por cliente, exigindo um tempo de 72 meses para atingir um VPL positivo

    Monitoring of Cellular Changes in the Bone Marrow following PTH(1-34) Treatment of OVX Rats Using a Portable Stray-Field NMR Scanner

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    Osteoporosis is characterized by reduction in trabecular bone in conjunction with increased marrow cell adiposity. While these changes occur within weeks, monitoring of treatment efficacy as performed by DEXA is sensitive only to long-term changes. MRI is sensitive to bone marrow changes but is less affordable. In a recent study, we have shown that a stray-field NMR can monitor bone marrow cellular changes that are related to osteoporosis. Objectives. To demonstrate sensitivity of a low-field tabletop NMR scanner to bone marrow dynamics following hormonal treatment in rats. Methods. Two-month-old female rats (n=36) were ovariectomized (OVX) and dosed for the ensuing 3 or 5 weeks with 20 mg/kg of PTH(1-34). Hind limbs femurs and tibiae were isolated and underwent ex vivo microradiography and histology and NMR relaxometry at 6 weeks (preventive experiment) and 11 weeks (therapeutic treatment experiment) after OVX. Results. OVX rats developed osteoporotic changes including adipogenic marrow compared to Sham and PTH treated rats. T2 and ADC NMR relaxation coefficients were found to correlate with marrow composition. Conclusions. This study suggests that stray-field NMR, an affordable method that is sensitive to the rapid cellular changes in bone marrow, may have a clinical value in monitoring hormonal treatment for osteoporosis

    On mathematical modelling of synthetic measures

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    This work deals with some properties of synthetic measures designed to differentiate objects in a multidimensional analysis. The aggregate synthetic measures are discussed here to rank the objects including those validating the concentration spread. The paper shows that currently used various measures (based either on a single or a multiple model object) do not satisfy the necessary conditions requested to be met by a "good" synthetic measure