164 research outputs found

    Adaptive cross-correlation detector for signals of optoelectronic reflective sensors

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    A soft- and hardware realization of optoelectronic intellectual sensor for biomedical noninvasive studies based on the analysis of light reflected from living tissues has been described. The main feature of the developed model is use of an adaptive crosscorrelation detector controlled by the digital signal processor. Algorithms and operating mode of detector are defined by the type of particular problem to be solved and conditions of measurements. The proposed model was tested to identify dynamic signals in the following areas: pulsometer, evaluation variability of the cardial rhythm, evaluation of blood saturation by oxygen

    Sweet taste of cell death: role of carbohydrate recognition systems

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    A brief account of Julius Planer's life and research

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    A brief account of the life and research activities of Julius Planer is presented. Professor Planer is a scientist who lived one and half century ago. However, his studies, in particular, during the years when he headed Department of Anatomy at Universit ¨ at in Lemberg, nowadays known as the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, were essential to a modern understanding of liquid crystals. While working at Lviv University, Planer also made several landmark contributions to biomedical science.Представлено стислий огляд життєвого шляху та наукової діяльності Юліуса Планера. Професор Планер жив півтора сторіччя тому, проте його наукові дослідження, зокрема, протягом часу коли він очолював кафедру анатомії Львівського університету (зараз Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка) стали визначальними на шляху сучасного розуміння рідких кристалів. Працюючи у Львівському університеті, Планер також зробив кілька значних відкриттів у біомедичній галузі

    Transcriptional Insights of Oxidative Stress and Extracellular Traps in Lung Tissues of Fatal COVID-19 Cases.

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and oxidative stress are considered to be beneficial in the innate immune defense against pathogens. However, defective clearance of NETs in the lung of acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-infected patients could lead to severe respiratory syndrome infection, the so-called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To elucidate the pathways that are related to NETs within the pathophysiology of COVID-19, we utilized RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) as well as immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry methods. RNA-seq analysis provided evidence for increased oxidative stress and the activation of viral-related signaling pathways in post-mortem lungs of COVID-19 patients compared to control donors. Moreover, an excess of neutrophil infiltration and NET formation were detected in the patients' lungs, where the extracellular DNA was oxidized and co-localized with neutrophil granule protein myeloperoxidase (MPO). Interestingly, staining of the lipid peroxidation marker 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) depicted high colocalization with NETs and was correlated with the neutrophil infiltration of the lung tissues, suggesting that it could serve as a suitable marker for the identification of NETs and the severity of the disease. Moreover, local inhalation therapy to reduce the excess lipid oxidation and NETs in the lungs of severely infected patients might be useful to ameliorate their clinical conditions

    Light-scattering properties of microorganisms Desulfuromonas acetoxidans by influence of silver

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    The article deals with the concentration changes and relative content of bacterial cells of Desulfuromonas acetoxidans in the intervals of sizes 0.2–2.0 µm under the influence of nano silver particles. Correlation between these changes of light-scattering properties of bacterial cells and growth abilities of bacteria Desulfuromonas acetoxidans under inflence of silver nanoparticles and ions has been shown. The purpose of the work was to research the intensity of processes the change of indexes of the antioxidant system the cells of Desulfuromonas acetoxidans at influence of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate. The influence of various concentrations of silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate on enzymatic activity of catalase and reduced glutathione synthesis by Desulfuromonas аcetoxidans cells under their cultivation with fumarate addition and with absence of sulphur has been determined. Specific catalase activity increased with enhancing of concentration and duration of bacterial cultivation under the addition of this salt. The highest specific catalase activity was determined on the second day of bacterial growth under the influence of all concentration range of investigated metal salt. The reduced glutathione content under silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles exposure varied depending on the cultivation time and metal concentration. The maximum reduced glutathione content has been observed. The result of catalase activity changes  and glutathione content changes of sulfur-reducing D. acetoxidans bacteria cell-free extracts and has been investigated under the influence of different concentrations of Ag nanoparticles during four days of cultivation has been investigated

    The immune reaction against allogeneic necrotic cells is reduced in Annexin A5 knock out mice whose macrophages display an anti-inflammatory phenotype

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    Proteins of the annexin family bind to phospholipids in a Ca2+ dependent manner. The exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) by apoptotic as well as necrotic cells is one major eat-me-signal for macrophages. Annexin A5 (Anx A5) preferentially binds to PS. The availability of Anx A5 knock out (KO) mice allowed us to investigate for the first time if endogenous Anx A5 modulates the immune response towards allogeneic cells. Furthermore, the effect of Anx A5 gene deletion on the phagocytic process as well as on the inflammatory reaction of macrophages was explored. We found that Anx A5 KO mice have a strongly reduced allogeneic cellular immune reaction against primary as well as secondary necrotic cells. In vivo phagocytosis experiments revealed that macrophages of Anx A5 KO mice displayed an increased uptake of necrotic cells. Additionally, an increased secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 of isolated macrophages of Anx A5 KO mice after contact with necrotic cells was observed. Furthermore, the promoter activity of the Anx A5 gene was enhanced after stimulation of macrophages. The tumour size of an allogeneic tumour regressed faster when endogenous Anx A5 was present. These data demonstrate that endogenous Anx A5 influences the phagocytosis of necrotic cells, modulates the immune response towards allogeneic cells and acts as an inflammatory protein


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    Testing for COVID has become one of the common day activities during pandemic days, often like a visit to dentist or family doctor. However, there are many types of tests with different principles, sensitivities, specificities, and diagnostic windows. And since the COVID disease has a great impact on our social life, changing our behavior, social contacts, and attitude, the incorrect treatment of «test for COVID» can have deteriorating results. The «COVID test» is seldom interpreted correctly due to multiple technologies, ways of testing, sensitivities and even influence of social media. Here we in a simple form summarize the most common detection methods with their peculiarities in the form of Q&A which typical patients can have. We discuss RT-qPCR, POC express tests, ELISA testing for IgG, IgM antibodies, as well as present our data regarding the longevity of blood antibody titers against coronaviral antigens.Пандемія коронавірусного захворювання внесла в наше повсякденнe життя термін «тест на коронавірус», і при цьому не один, а цілу їх різноманітність. Результати «тесту на COVID» рідко трактуються правильно і породжують багато неправильних уявлень у пацієнта, впливаючи як на соціальну діяльність, так і на фізичне самопочуття. Тому ми хотіли звернути увагу на трактування результатів основних типів тестів, які подаємо у доступній формі «запитання-відповідь». Ми обговорюємо принципи детекції, тести ЗТ-кПЛР, антитіла IgG, IgM, експрес-тести, а також наводимо дані наших оригінальних досліджень щодо тривалості імунної відповіді до коронавірусних антигенів