156 research outputs found

    Relationship of the psychosomatic status of pediatric interns and the efficiency of their education

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    The results of a study of psychoemotional and psychosomatic status in a group of interns who are trained in an internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" are presented. It is established that changes in the psychosomatic status and personal characteristics of interns have a significant negative impact on the results of their training.In conducting the survey of interns-pediatricians found average levels of personal anxiety, extraversion and neuroticism. It should also be emphasized that signs of autonomic dysfunction were diagnosed in 65.0% of interns. The results of the final certification of interns were positively associated with their level of motivation (r = 0.40, p <0.05) and the severity of autonomic dysfunction (r = 0.58, p <0.05). It was established a feedback between the results of certification with complaints of pain syndrome of various localization (r = -0.37, p <0.05), complaints from the cardiovascular system (r = -0.42, p <0.05) and the level of personal anxiety (r = -0.36, p <0.05)

    Controllable vibro – protective system for the driver seat of a multi – axis vehicle

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    The paper considers a controlled vibration protection of the multi-axis vehicle with hydraulic shock absorbers that are based on “smart” fluid. The dependence is experimentally determined for the viscous and elastic components of the resistance force of the electrorheological fluid as a function of intensity of the electric field. Investigation of vertical oscillations of the system “workplace-driver” with a controlled vibro-protection system is provided. The dependence is established for the relative displacement of weight as function of external perturbation at different values of the control signal

    Efficacy of teaching medical students by problem-based learning method

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    To determine and analyze the evaluate efficacy of teaching senior students of medical faculties at Universities in terms of avoiding medical errors in pediatrics. Students studied according to problem based learning method while learning the subject “Pediatrics” within the framework of ERASMUS+ ТАМЕ project. Therefore, students were distributed into three groups: students, who learnt pediatrics by branch case method, students, who studied by problem-based learning method and linear cases method in particular and students, who studied by the traditional classical scheme of teaching pediatrics. The compiled questionnaire consisted of questions including: questions the subject of cases, tangent questions, they were not included into cases and control questions. The analysis of questionnaire of students showed that the best result (in percent of right answers) was seen in I group; its representatives studied by branch cases (42,0% Ukrainian and 43,2% Kazakhstan). The lowest percentage of right answers (37,6%) was determined in the control ІІІ group (41,9% in Kazakhstan), and the results of the group with linear cases was 40,6% of right answers (36,5% in Kazakhstan). Thus, problem-based learning considerably stimulates motivation of students to learning and promotes better efficacy of the whole educational process. Students who study according to problem-based learning method as compared to those who study according to the traditional methods demonstrate better results by the number of right answers given to tests

    Кристаломорфологічні та фізичні властивості апатиту з карбонатитів

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    This paper presents the results of the study of x-ray luminescence of apatite from different genetic types of apatite species in order to study its geochemical characteristics and the possibility of using as a mineral indicator the conditions of ore formation and for search purposes. Apatite Ca2Ca3(F,Cl,OH)2[PO4]3 contains impurities Gd3+, Ce3+, Eu2+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Nd3+ as well as Mn2+ and others. Syngony is hexagonal. Crystals of prismatic habit; usually ending in dipyramide or basopinacoid. Sometimes forms tabular crystals. A hexagonal prism is often preserved. Color greenish, bluish-green; pinkish-purple, gray; often white, colorless or brown. Quite often translucent due to the presence of small internal cracks and inclusions; sometimes the inclusions are arranged oriented, preferably parallel to the main axis of the crystal. Brightly luminesces in cathode, x-ray and ultraviolet rays. The intensity and color of luminescence varies widely depending on the impurities. The presence of three crystal chemical positions in the structure of apatite – two cationic and one anionic makes it possible to be realized in the mineral by a wide heterovalent substitution. The distribution of isomorphic impurities between the crystal chemical positions will depend on the type of cation, its amount, as well as anionic substitutions in apatite. To determine the luminescence intensity values of the characteristic isomorphic impurities of apatite TR3+ (Gd3+, Ce3+, Eu2+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Nd3+) and Mn2+, the X-ray luminescence method was applied. Apatites of different genetic types of the Aldan, Baltic Shields, the Baikal region (Russia), the Sette-Daban Range, and the Maimech-Kotui Province (Yakutia) and the Ukrainian Shield were investigated. The obtained values of luminescence intensity of TR3+ and Mn2+ can be used to diagnose the genetic type of apatite species, the conditions of mineral formation, the type of their mineralization and for search purposes. On the basis of factor analysis, it can be concluded that the intensity of the luminescence centers of rare earth elements in the apatites of each complex depends on the relative age position of the mineral in the groups of successively formed rocks. Analysis of apatite carbonatites from different deposits showed minimal fluctuations in the ratios of radiation intensity of X-ray centers (Ce3+, Sm3+, Mn2+, Eu2+), which may indicate a close geochemical situation and, consequently, the only source of matter in the formation of carbonates. Analysis of apatite carbonatites from different fields showed minimal fluctuations in the radiation intensity ratios of the centers of X-ray luminescence (Ce3+, Sm3+, Mn2+, Eu2+), which, in my opinion, may indicate a close geochemical situation and, as a consequence, the substance or the result.В даній роботі наведені результати дослідження фізичних та кристаломорфологічних властивостей апатиту з різних генетичних типів апатитоносних порід з метою вивчення його геохімічних характеристик. Апатит Ca2Ca3(F,Cl,OH)2[PO4]3 містить домішки Gd3+, Ce3+, Eu2+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Nd3+, а також Mn2+та інші. Сингонія гексагональна. Кристали призматичного габітусу; що закінчуються зазвичай дипірамідою або базопінакоїдом. Інколи формує таблитчасті кристали. Часто зберігається гексагональна призма. Колір зеленкуватий, синювато-зелений; рожевувато-ліловий, сірий; часто білий, безбарвний або бурий. Досить часто напівпрозорий завдяки наявності дрібних внутрішніх тріщин і включень; іноді включення розташовані орієнтовано, переважно паралельно до головної осі кристала. Яскраво люмінесціює в катодних, рентгенівських і ультрафіолетових променях. Інтенсивність і колір люмінесценції змінюється в широких межах залежно від домішок. Наявність трьох кристалохімічних позицій в структурі апатиту – двох катіонних і однієї аніонної дає можливість реалізовуватися в мінералі широким гетеровалентним заміщенням. Розподіл ізоморфних домішок між кристалохімічними позиціями буде залежати від типу катіону, його кількості, а також аніонних заміщень в апатиті. Для визначення інтенсивності люмінесценції характерних ізоморфних домішок апатиту – TR3+ (Gd3+, Ce3+, Eu2+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Nd3+) а також Mn2+ був застосований рентгенолюмінесцентний аналіз. Досліджено апатити різних генетичних типів Алданського, Балтійського щитів, Прибайкалля (Росія), хребта Сетте-Дабан та Маймеча-Котуйської провінції (Якутія) та Українського щита. Аналіз апатиту карбонатитів з різних родовищ показав мінімальні коливання в співвідношеннях інтенсивності випромінювання центрів рентгенолюмінесценції (Ce3+, Sm3+, Mn2+, Eu2+), це може свідчити про близьку геохімічну обстановку і, як наслідок, про єдине джерело речовини при формуванні карбонатитів. Отримані значення інтенсивності люмінесценції TR3+ і Mn2+ можуть бути використані з метою діагностики генетичного типу апатитоносних порід, умов мінералоутворення, типу їхньої мінералізації та в пошукових цілях

    Synthesis of Oleoylethanolamide Using Lipase

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    An effective process for the enzymatic synthesis of oleoylethanolamide is described in this study. The process included purification of a commercial oleic acid product and then optimization of the reaction between the purified oleic acid and ethanolamine in the presence of hexane and a lipase. Under the optimal amidation reaction conditions identified, oleoylethanolamide was obtained with 96.6% purity. The synthesis was also conducted on a large scale (50 mmol of each of the reactants), and oleoylethanolamide purity and yield after crystallization purification were 96.1 and 73.5%, respectively. Compared to the previous studies, the current method of preparing high-purity oleoylethanolamide is more effective and economically feasible. The scalability and ease for such synthesis make it possible to study the biological and nutritional functions of the cannabinoid-like oleoylethanolamide in animal or human subjects

    Новые подходы к оценке качества жизни пациентов после радикальной позадилонной простатэктомии

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    Objective. To develop new directions in the assessment of quality of life (QL) for the implementation of adequate therapeutic, corrective, and rehabilitative measures after radical prostatectomy (RPE).Subjects and methods. 56 patients with localized and locally advanced prostate cancer (PC) who underwent different RPE modes in 2001 to 2006 were examined. The patients' functional status was evaluated, by analyzing the parameters of their objective, subjective, psychophysiological, and social status.Results. There were correlations between the patients' psychological, subjective, social, and objective statuses and the frequent complications of RPE, such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. For adequate QL assessment, the authors developed a score rating system for the above statuses.Conclusion. Comprehensive examination using the proposed procedure makes it possible to reveal correlations between patients' different statuses in many QL aspects and to break the vicious circle of the detected abnormality.

    Lanthanoid “Bottlebrush” Clusters: Remarkably Elongated Metal-Oxo Core Structures with Controllable Lengths

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    Large metal-oxo clusters consistently assume spherical or regular polyhedral morphologies rather than high-aspect-ratio structures. Access to elongated core structures has now been achieved by the reaction of lanthanoid salts with a tetrazole-functionalized calixarene in the presence of a simple carboxylate coligand.The resulting Ln19 and Ln12 clusters are constructed from apex-fused Ln5O6 trigonal bipyramids and are formed consistently under a range of reaction conditions and reagent ratios. Altering the carboxylate coligandstructure reliably controls the cluster length, giving access to a new class of rod-like clusters of variable length

    Cross-national differences in questionnaires do not necessarily reflect comparable differences in disorder prevalence.

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    PURPOSE: To examine whether the widely used Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) can validly be used to compare the prevalence of child mental health problems cross nationally. METHODS: We used data on 29,225 5- to 16-year olds in eight population-based studies from seven countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Britain, India, Norway, Russia and Yemen. Parents completed the SDQ in all eight studies, teachers in seven studies and youth in five studies. We used these SDQ data to calculate three different sorts of "caseness indicators" based on (1) SDQ symptoms, (2) SDQ symptoms plus impact and (3) an overall respondent judgement of 'definite' or 'severe' difficulties. Respondents also completed structured diagnostic interviews including extensive open-ended questions (the Development and Well-Being Assessment, DAWBA). Diagnostic ratings were all carried out or supervised by the DAWBA's creator, working in conjunction with experienced local professionals. RESULTS: As judged by the DAWBA, the prevalence of any mental disorder ranged from 2.2% in India to 17.1% in Russia. The nine SDQ caseness indicators (three indicators times three informants) explained 8-56% of the cross-national variation in disorder prevalence. This was insufficient to make meaningful prevalence estimates since populations with a similar measured prevalence of disorder on the DAWBA showed large variations across the various SDQ caseness indicators. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between SDQ caseness indicators and disorder rates varies substantially between populations: cross-national differences in SDQ indicators do not necessarily reflect comparable differences in disorder rates. More generally, considerable caution is required when interpreting cross-cultural comparisons of mental health, particularly when these rely on brief questionnaires

    Regional research priorities in brain and nervous system disorders

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    The characteristics of neurological, psychiatric, developmental and substance-use disorders in low-and middle-income countries are unique and the burden that they have will be different from country to country. Many of the differences are explained by the wide variation in population demographics and size, poverty, conflict, culture, land area and quality, and genetics. Neurological, psychiatric, developmental and substance-use disorders that result from, or are worsened by, a lack of adequate nutrition and infectious disease still afflict much of sub-Saharan Africa, although disorders related to increasing longevity, such as stroke, are on the rise. In the Middle East and North Africa, major depressive disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder are a primary concern because of the conflict-ridden environment. Consanguinity is a serious concern that leads to the high prevalence of recessive disorders in the Middle East and North Africa and possibly other regions. The burden of these disorders in Latin American and Asian countries largely surrounds stroke and vascular disease, dementia and lifestyle factors that are influenced by genetics. Although much knowledge has been gained over the past 10 years, the epidemiology of the conditions in low-and middle-income countries still needs more research. Prevention and treatments could be better informed with more longitudinal studies of risk factors. Challenges and opportunities for ameliorating nervous-system disorders can benefit from both local and regional research collaborations. The lack of resources and infrastructure for health-care and related research, both in terms of personnel and equipment, along with the stigma associated with the physical or behavioural manifestations of some disorders have hampered progress in understanding the disease burden and improving brain health. Individual countries, and regions within countries, have specific needs in terms of research priorities.Fil: Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi. Indian Institute of Science; IndiaFil: Dang, Hoang Minh. Vietnam National University; VietnamFil: Goya, Rodolfo Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; ArgentinaFil: Mansour, Hader. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unidos. Mansoura University; EgiptoFil: Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit L.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Russell, Vivienne Ann. University of Cape Town; SudáfricaFil: Xin, Yu. Peking University; Chin

    Effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on stroke and atrial fibrillation in diabetic kidney disease: Results from the CREDENCE trial and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Chronic kidney disease with reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate or elevated albuminuria increases risk for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. This study assessed the effects of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) on stroke and atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF/AFL) from CREDENCE (Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes With Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation) and a meta-Analysis of large cardiovascular outcome trials (CVOTs) of SGLT2i in type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: CREDENCE randomized 4401 participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease to canagliflozin or placebo. Post hoc, we estimated effects on fatal or nonfatal stroke, stroke subtypes, and intermediate markers of stroke risk including AF/AFL. Stroke and AF/AFL data from 3 other completed large CVOTs and CREDENCE were pooled using random-effects meta-Analysis. RESULTS: In CREDENCE, 142 participants experienced a stroke during follow-up (10.9/1000 patient-years with canagliflozin, 14.2/1000 patient-years with placebo; hazard ratio [HR], 0.77 [95% CI, 0.55-1.08]). Effects by stroke subtypes were: ischemic (HR, 0.88 [95% CI, 0.61-1.28]; n=111), hemorrhagic (HR, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.19-1.32]; n=18), and undetermined (HR, 0.54 [95% CI, 0.20-1.46]; n=17). There was no clear effect on AF/AFL (HR, 0.76 [95% CI, 0.53-1.10]; n=115). The overall effects in the 4 CVOTs combined were: Total stroke (HRpooled, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.82-1.12]), ischemic stroke (HRpooled, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.89-1.14]), hemorrhagic stroke (HRpooled, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.30-0.83]), undetermined stroke (HRpooled, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.49-1.51]), and AF/AFL (HRpooled, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.71-0.93]). There was evidence that SGLT2i effects on total stroke varied by baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (P=0.01), with protection in the lowest estimated glomerular filtration rate (45 mL/min/1.73 m2]) subgroup (HRpooled, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.31-0.79]). CONCLUSIONS: Although we found no clear effect of SGLT2i on total stroke in CREDENCE or across trials combined, there was some evidence of benefit in preventing hemorrhagic stroke and AF/AFL, as well as total stroke for those with lowest estimated glomerular filtration rate. Future research should focus on confirming these data and exploring potential mechanisms