236 research outputs found

    Thermally induced fading of Mn-doped YAP nanoceramic

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    We study pomax games, a family of combinatorial games which are always integer-valued. Specifically, we study games played on Young diagrams and Boolean lattices. We find a linear algorithm for computing the values of pomax games played on Young diagrams with only two rows. Some of the statements involved in this proof hold also for games on general Young diagrams. For pomax games on Boolean lattices, we introduce the concept of upper and lower games and use that as a tool to study the distribution of possible game values. We prove that games that equal any sufficiently small even integer can always be found, and that the density of distinct game values converges when the game size tends to infinity. Based on computational evidence, we conjecture that if the upper and lower games of some game are identical, then the value of that game is the sum of the upper and lower game.Vi studerar pomaxspel, en familj av heltalsvÀrda kombinatoriska spel. Mer specifikt studerar vi dessa spel dÄ de spelas pÄ Youngdiagram och Boolska lattis. Vi hittar en linjÀr algoritm för att berÀkna vÀrdet av pomaxspel pÄ Youngdiagram med som mest tvÄ rader. Vissa av de ingÄende resultaten hÄller Àven for spel pÄ allmÀnna Youngdiagram. GÀllande pomaxspel pa Boolska lattis introducerar vi koncepten övre och undre spel, och anvÀnder detta for att analysera fördelningen av möjliga spelvÀrden. Vi visar att det alltid finns spel av varje tillrÀckligt litet jÀmnt vÀrde, och att densiteten av distinkta spelvÀrden konvergerar dÄ spelstorleken gÄr mot oÀndligheten. Baserat pÄ berÀkningar förmodar vi att om det övre och undre spelet hörande till nÄgot spel ar identiska, sÄ Àr detta spel lika med summan av det övre och undre spelet

    Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events at aircraft altitudes

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    Dose assessment procedures for cosmic radiation exposure of aircraft crew have been introduced in most European countries in accordance with the corresponding European directive and national regulations. However, the radiation exposure due to solar particle events is still a matter of scientific research. Here we describe the European research project CONRAD, WP6, Subgroup-B, about the current status of available solar storm measurements and existing models for dose estimation at flight altitudes during solar particle events leading to ground level enhancement (GLE). Three models for the numerical dose estimation during GLEs are discussed. Some of the models agree with limited experimental data reasonably well. Analysis of GLEs during geomagnetically disturbed conditions is still complex and time consuming. Currently available solar particle event models can disagree with each other by an order of magnitude. Further research and verification by on-board measurements is still neede

    Protective role of vitamin B6 (PLP) against DNA damage in Drosophila models of type 2 diabetes

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    Growing evidence shows that improper intake of vitamin B6 increases cancer risk and several studies indicate that diabetic patients have a higher risk of developing tumors. We previously demonstrated that in Drosophila the deficiency of Pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP), the active form of vitamin B6, causes chromosome aberrations (CABs), one of cancer prerequisites, and increases hemolymph glucose content. Starting from these data we asked if it was possible to provide a link between the aforementioned studies. Thus, we tested the effect of low PLP levels on DNA integrity in diabetic cells. To this aim we generated two Drosophila models of type 2 diabetes, the first by impairing insulin signaling and the second by rearing flies in high sugar diet. We showed that glucose treatment induced CABs in diabetic individuals but not in controls. More interestingly, PLP deficiency caused high frequencies of CABs in both diabetic models demonstrating that hyperglycemia, combined to reduced PLP level, impairs DNA integrity. PLP-depleted diabetic cells accumulated Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) that largely contribute to CABs as α-lipoic acid, an AGE inhibitor, rescued not only AGEs but also CABs. These data, extrapolated to humans, indicate that low PLP levels, impacting on DNA integrity, may be considered one of the possible links between diabetes and cancer

    Acute post-exercise energy and macronutrient intake in lean and obese youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aim: This review aims to determine if acute exercise affects subsequent energy and macronutrients intake in obese and non-obese children and adolescents. Methods: Databases were searched between January 2015 and December 2015 for studies reporting energy and/or macronutrients intake immediately after an acute exercise and control condition, in children and adolescents. From the initial 118 references found, 14 were included for subsequent analysis after screening representing 31 acute exercise conditions that varied in intensity, duration and modality. Results: One study found increased energy intake after exercise, seven decreased and 23 revealed no change. The meta-analysis revealed a significant effect of acute exercise on intake in obese but not in lean youth by a mean difference of −0.430 (95% confidence interval=−0.703 to −0.157, P=0.002) displaying low heterogeneity (I2=0.000; Q=5.875; df=9, P=0.752). The analysis showed that intense exercise only reduces intake in obese children (no intensity effect in lean). Unchanged macronutrients intake was reported in nine studies as opposed to three which found modified lipids, protein and/or carbohydrate intake. Conclusion: Although acute exercise does not affect energy intake in lean, it appears to reduced food intake in obese youth when intense, without altering the macronutrients composition of the meal

    Nitric oxide-an endogenous inhibitor of gastric acid secretion in isolated human gastric glands

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    BACKGROUND: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) has previously been detected in the glandular part of the human gastric mucosa. Furthermore, nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to influence gastric secretion in various animal models. The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of exogenously and endogenously derived NO on histamine- and cAMP-stimulated gastric acid secretion in isolated human oxyntic glands. METHODS: Oxyntic glands were isolated from human gastric biopsies and were subsequently pre-treated with NO donors and nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and then exposed to histamine or dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP). The secretory response of the glands was determined as accumulation of [(14)C]aminopyrine. RESULTS: The histamine- or db-cAMP-induced acid secretion was attenuated by L-arginine, a known source of endogenous NO, and also by the NO-donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP). Pre-treatment with either of the NOS inhibitors N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) or N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) enhanced the secretory response. CONCLUSION: Our results show that NO inhibits gastric acid secretion in isolated human gastric glands, and that there is endogenous formation of NO within the glandular epithelium in the vicinity of the parietal cells

    Clinical and morphological characteristics of head-facial haemangiomas

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    BACKGROUND: Haemangiomas of the head or face are a frequent vascular pathology, consisting in an embryonic dysplasia that involves the cranial-facial vascular network. Haemangiomas show clinical, morphological, developmental and structural changes during their course. METHODS: The clinical characteristics of head-facial haemagiomas were studied in 28 individuals (9 males and 19 females) admitted in our Hospital. Sixteen of these patients(n = 16) underwent surgery for the removal of the haemangiomas. All the removed tissues were transferred in experimental laboratories for the staining of microanatomical details, somatic and visceral nerve fibres, adrenergic and catecholaminergic nerve fibres. Beta-adrenergic receptors were died with a fluorescent method. All results were submitted to the quantitative analysis of images and statistical evaluation of the data. RESULTS: The morphological results revealed numerous micro-anatomical characteristics of the haemangiomatous vessels. The somatic and visceral nerve fibres were poor and located exclusively in the adventitial layer. There was a marked decrease of adrenergic nerve fibres in the haemangiomatous vessels. The fluorescence of catecholaminergic nerve fibres and the overall area of fluorescent structures were also decreased in haemangiomatous vessels. Beta adrenergic receptors are strongly decreased in haemangiomatous vessels. The morphometrical analysis of images and statistical evaluation of the data confirmed all our experimental results. CONCLUSION: The catecholaminergic innervation of the human haemangiomatous vessels comprises nerve fibres containing the main catecholaminergic neurotransmitters that are sympathetic in nature. These neurotransmitters are closely related to beta-adrenergic receptors. The sympathetic nervous system plays a key role in the control of the vascular bed flow and vascular motility in both normal and haemangiomatous vessels

    Is callose a barrier for lead ions entering Lemna minor L. root cells?

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    Plants have developed a range of strategies for resisting environmental stresses. One of the most common is the synthesis and deposition of callose, which functions as a barrier against stress factor penetration. The aim of our study was to examine whether callose forms an efficient barrier against Pb penetration in the roots of Lemna minor L. exposed to this metal. The obtained results showed that Pb induced callose synthesis in L. minor roots, but it was not deposited regularly in all tissues and cells. Callose occurred mainly in the protoderm and in the centre of the root tip (procambial central cylinder). Moreover, continuous callose bands, which could form an efficient barrier for Pb penetration, were formed only in the newly formed and anticlinal cell walls (CWs); while in other CWs, callose formed only small clusters or incomplete bands. Such an arrangement of callose within root CWs inefficiently protected the protoplast from Pb penetration. As a result, Pb was commonly present inside the root cells. In the light of the results, the barrier role of callose against metal ion penetration appears to be less obvious than previously believed. It was indicated that induction of callose synthesis is not enough for a successful blockade of the stress factor penetration. Furthermore, it would appear that the pattern of callose distribution has an important role in this defence strategy
