347 research outputs found

    The electric quadrupole channel of the 7.8 eV  229Th~^{229}\mathrm{Th} transition

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    The unique isomeric transition at 7.8 eV in  229Th~^{229}\mathrm{Th} has a magnetic dipole (M1M1) and an electric quadrupole (E2E2) multipole mixing. So far, the E2E2 component has been widely disregarded. Here, we investigate the nuclear physics nature and the impact of the E2E2 decay channel for the nuclear coupling to the atomic shell based on the newest theoretical predictions for the corresponding reduced nuclear transition probabilities. Our results show that the contribution of the E2E2 channel is dominant or at least of the same order of magnitude for internal conversion or electronic bridge transitions involving the atomic orbitals 7p7p, 6d6d and 5f5f. Notable exceptions are the internal conversion of the 7s7s electron and the electronic bridge between the electronic states 7s7s and 7p7p, for which the M1M1 component dominates by two to three orders of magnitude. Caution is therefore advised when considering isomeric excitation or decay via nuclear coupling to the atomic shell, as the involved orbitals determine which multipole transition component dominates

    LOFAR observations of the mode-switching pulsar B0943+10

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    PSR B0943+10 is an old non-recycled pulsar which for decades has been mostly known for its rapid and spontaneous radio mode switching. Recently, Hermsen et al. (2013) discovered correlated changes in the thermal X-ray emission from the polar cap, thus demonstrating that radio modes are not just a product of the local changes in the radio emission region, but a sign of some global magnetospheric transformation. At about the same time, owing to the commissioning of the new generation of low-frequency radio arrays, the broadband observations at the lowest edge of ionospheric transparency window became available. At these radio frequencies profile morphology and the single-pulse properties of PSR B0943+10's emission become very dynamic, providing details not only about the emission itself, but also about the conditions in the polar gap. Here, I will present the recent results of the LOFAR observations of PSR B0943+10 and discuss their contribution to the multiwavelength picture.Comment: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 337 - 50 Years of Pulsars. Text is based on Bilous 2017 (arXiv:1710.05621) and Bilous et al. 2014 (arXiv:1408.5272


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    The paper is devoted to the actual problems of innovative technologies introduction into the activity on crimes investigation. Based on the analysis of the state ofperpetuation by the bodies ofpre-trial investigation of money, acquired by criminally wrongful way or obtained by a legal entity as a result of a criminal offense commission, the authors distinguished typical violations of procedural orders and criminalistical recommendations in dealing with monetary notes as material evidence during the conduct of investigative (search) actions. With the purpose of equipping the bodies of pre-trial investigation with modern scientific and technical means of field criminalistics, there was proposed the concept of a unique technical and criminalistic tool in the form of a manyfunctional multicurrency software and hardware complex, that in the processing of monetary notes - material evidence when carrying out investigative (search) actions, would ensure high-speed automated performance of such functions as: 1) detection of the validity of a large number of banknotes in national andforeign currencies ofdifferent denominations and years of issue, with recognition ofvarious types of falsifications, as well as souvenir products and special imitation means; 2) sorting; 3) recalculation with the determination of the total quantity and quantity by each note and total amount; 4) scanning and perpetuation by compiling and printing a detailed written description (appendix to the inspection protocol), andfull- colour digital photography and high-resolution video recording of not only the general form and machine-readable mandatory requisites of banknotes, but also various acquired criminalistic important signs (inscriptions, fingerprints, microparticles, spots of various substances of natural and synthetic origin, etc.); 5) data exchange in real time with databases of the National Bank of Ukraine and various criminalistics registrations, first of all, with a database of criminalistic accounting of monetary notes; 6) packing and sealing of seized monetary notes.Розглянуто актуальні проблеми впровадження інноваційних технологій у діяльність із розслідування злочинів. Виходячи з аналізу стану фіксування органами досудового розслідування грошей, набутих кримінально протиправним шляхом або отриманих юридичною особою внаслідок учинення кримінального правопорушення, виокремлено типові порушення процесуальних приписів і криміналістичних рекомендацій у поводженні з грошовими знаками як речовими доказами при проведенні слідчих (розшукових) дій, і запропоновано концепцію унікального техніко-криміналістичного засобу, призначеного для високошвидкісного автоматизованого опрацювання грошових знаків

    A broadband radio study of the average profile and giant pulses from PSR B1821-24A

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    We present the results of wide-band (720-2400 MHz) study of PSR B1821-24A (J1824-2452A, M28A), an energetic millisecond pulsar visible in radio, X-rays and gamma-rays. In radio, the pulsar has a complex average profile which spans >85% of the spin period and exhibits strong evolution with observing frequency. For the first time we measure phase-resolved polarization properties and spectral indices of radio emission throughout almost all of the on-pulse window. We combine this knowledge with the high-energy information to compare M28A to other known gamma-ray millisecond pulsars and to speculate that M28A's radio emission originates in multiple regions within its magnetosphere (i.e. both in the slot or outer gaps near the light cylinder and at lower altitudes above the polar cap). M28A is one of the handful of pulsars which are known to emit Giant Pulses (GPs) -- short, bright radio pulses of unknown nature. We report a drop in the linear polarization of the average profile in both windows of GP generation and also a `W'-shaped absorption feature (resembling a double notch), partly overlapping with one of the GP windows. The GPs themselves have broadband spectra consisting of multiple patches with fractional spectral width (Δν/ν\Delta\nu/\nu) of about 0.07. Although our time resolution was not sufficient to resolve the GP structure on the microsecond scale, we argue that GPs from this pulsar most closely resemble the GPs from the main pulse of the Crab pulsar, which consist of a series of narrowband nanoshots.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    Mapping growing stock volume and forest live biomass: a case study of the Polissya region of Ukraine

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    Forest inventory and biomass mapping are important tasks that require inputs from multiple data sources. In this paper we implement two methods for the Ukrainian region of Polissya: random forest (RF) for tree species prediction and k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) for growing stock volume and biomass mapping. We examined the suitability of the five-band RapidEye satellite image to predict the distribution of six tree species. The accuracy of RF is quite high: ~99% for forest/non-forest mask and 89% for tree species prediction. Our results demonstrate that inclusion of elevation as a predictor variable in the RF model improved the performance of tree species classification. We evaluated different distance metrics for the k-NN method, including Euclidean or Mahalanobis distance, most similar neighbor (MSN), gradient nearest neighbor, and independent component analysis. The MSN with the four nearest neighbors (k = 4) is the most precise (according to the root-mean-square deviation) for predicting forest attributes across the study area. The k-NN method allowed us to estimate growing stock volume with an accuracy of 3 m3 ha−1 and for live biomass of about 2 t ha−1 over the study area

    Review of overall parameters of giant radio pulses from the Crab pulsar and B1937+21

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    We present a review of observed parameters of giant radio pulses, based on the observations conducted by our group during recent years. The observations cover a broad frequency range of about 3 octaves, concentrating between 600 and 4850 MHz. Giant pulses of both the Crab pulsar and the millisecond pulsar B1937+21 were studied with the 70-m Tidbinbilla, the 100-m GBT, 64-m Kalyazin and Westerbork radio telescopes. We discuss pulse energy distribution, dependence of peak flux density from the pulse width, peculiarities of radio spectra, and polarization properties of giant radio pulses.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the conference "40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and More" held on August 12-17, 2007, McGill University, Montreal, Canad

    Emotional-philosophical dominants in Annette von Droste-Hulshof's life and creative work

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    UK: Стаття присвячена аналізу робіт шести німецьких Дростезнавців щодо важливості категорії смирення і протесту у житті та творчості Аннетте фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф. EN: The article analyses six researches in Droste studies concerning resignation and protest category in Annette von Droste-Hulshoff's life and works

    Tendencies of Romanticism and of Biedermeier in A. Droste-Hulshof's landscape lyrics

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    Пейзажна лірика видатної німецької поетеси А. фон Дросте-Гюльсхоф є унікальним явищем у німецькій та європейській літературі початку XIX століття. У своїй ліриці Дросте не відступає від успадкованих нею ідеалів та традицій романтизму, а переосмислює й збагачує їх надбаннями словесного мистецтва бідермайєра, що свідчить про симбіотичність поважних феноменів літературного розвитку. Це дає підстави не зосереджувати поетесу цілковито в межах нового стильового напряму бідермейєра, а розглядати її творчість як стилістично багатогранну, багатошарову з погляду поетикальної палітри, неоднозначну в плані складно нашарованих елементів художньої образності