460 research outputs found

    A experiência social de risco ecológico como fundamento da relação com o meio ambiente.

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    Por constituir objetivo de desenvolvimento, o conceito de agricultura sustentavel supoe um engajamento por parte dos agricultores familiares. A compreensao da relacao dos produtores agricolas com a natureza, com as tecnicas e de, modo global, com o risco ao meio ambiente e uma das principais metas de acao das politicas de desenvolvimento sustentavel. Propoe-se, a partir de um estudo empirico na regiao de Guaira/SP, Brasil, uma abordagem teorica e metodologica que permita, do ponto de vista das ciencias sociais, uma analise das tecnicas e das representacoes dos agricultores sobre o meio ambiente, que se encontram em situacao de constante, em relacao ao plano tecnologico e em face de uma incerteza cientifica e tecnica. Esta analise e uma forma de interrogar sobre o papel da natureza nas sociedades modernas, o qual e dependente de um duplo processo do qual se trata de estudar a dinamica: como se articula, dentro de uma certa configuracao, a relacao entre os processos tecnicos e sociais e os dispositivos de gestao

    Circular dichroism in photoionization of H2

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    ABSTRACT: Circular dichroism is a consequence of chirality. However, nonchiral molecules can also exhibit it when the measurement itself introduces chirality, e.g., when measuring molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions. The few such experiments performed on homonuclear diatomic molecules show that, as expected, circular dichroism vanishes when the molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions are integrated over the polar electron emission angle. Here we show that this is not the case in resonant dissociative ionization of H2 for photons of 30–35 eV, which is the consequence of the delayed ionization from molecular doubly excited states into ionic states of different inversion symmetry

    Between learning and schooling: the politics of human rights monitoring at the Universal Periodic Review

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    This paper explores the politics of monitoring at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a new United Nations human rights monitoring mechanism which aims to promote a universal approach and equal treatment when reviewing each country’s human rights situation. To what extent are these laudable aims realised, and realisable, given entrenched representations of the West and the Rest as well as geopolitical and economic inequalities both historically and in the present? Based on ethnographic fieldwork at the UN in 2010–11, the final year of the UPR’s first cycle, we explore how these aims were both pursued and subverted, paying attention to two distinct ways of talking about the UPR: first, as a learning culture in which UN member states ‘share best practice’ and engage in constructive criticism; and second, as an exam which UN member states face as students with vastly differing attitudes and competences. Accounts and experiences of diplomats from states that are not placed in the ‘good students’ category offer valuable insights into the inherent contradictions of de-historicised and de-contextualised approaches to human rights

    Spatially-resolved decoherence of donor spins in silicon strained by a metallic electrode

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    Electron spins are amongst the most coherent solid-state systems known, however, to be used in devices for quantum sensing and information processing applications, they must be typically placed near interfaces. Understanding and mitigating the impacts of such interfaces on the coherence and spectral properties of electron spins is critical to realize such applications, but is also challenging: inferring such data from single-spin studies requires many measurements to obtain meaningful results, while ensemble measurements typically give averaged results that hide critical information. Here, we report a comprehensive study of the coherence of near-surface bismuth donor spins in 28-silicon at millikelvin temperatures. In particular, we use strain-induced frequency shifts caused by a metallic electrode to make spatial maps of spin coherence as a function of depth and position relative to the electrode. By measuring magnetic-field-insensitive clock transitions we separate magnetic noise caused by surface spins from charge noise. Our results include quantitative models of the strain-split spin resonance spectra and extraction of paramagnetic impurity concentrations at the silicon surface. The interplay of these decoherence mechanisms for such near-surface electron spins is critical for their application in quantum technologies, while the combination of the strain splitting and clock transition extends the coherence lifetimes by up to two orders of magnitude, reaching up to 300 ms at a mean depth of only 100nm. The technique we introduce here to spatially map coherence in near-surface ensembles is directly applicable to other spin systems of active interest, such as defects in diamond, silicon carbide, and rare earth ions in optical crystals.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Circular dichrosim in photoionization of H2 and D2

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    ABSTRACT: In this work, circular dichroism in H2 (D2) photoionization is studied in detail. We have selected several photon energies for a case study: 19 eV for which only direct ionization to the 1s_g ionization channel is present, 27 eV where autoionization of Q1 doubly excited states takes place, and 32.5 eV for which autoionization from Q1 and doubly excited states and direct ionization to 1s_g and 2p_u channels strongly interfere. The latter case shows clear evidence of different behavior of the photoionization against radiation helicity

    Contribution to the understanding of tribological properties of graphite intercalation compounds with metal chloride

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    Intrinsic tribological properties of lamellar compounds are usually attributed to the presence of van der Waals gaps in their structure through which interlayer interactions are weak. The controlled variation of the distances and interactions between graphene layers by intercalation of electrophilic species in graphite is used in order to explore more deeply the friction reduction properties of low-dimensional compounds. Three graphite intercalation compounds with antimony pentachloride, iron trichloride and aluminium trichloride are studied. Their tribological properties are correlated to their structural parameters, and the interlayer interactions are deduced from ab initio bands structure calculations