323 research outputs found

    Prognostic parameters in FIGO stage I endometrial carcinoma of endometrioid type

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    Background/Aim. Endometrial carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm of the female genital tract in developed countries. Endometrioid carcinoma represents about three-fourths of all endometrial carcinoma. The aim of this study was to examine pathologic parameters, age, and the 5-year survival of the patients with FIGO stage I endometrial carcinoma of endometrioid type and to assess the prognostic utility of age, depth of myometrial invasion, hystologic type (endometrioid or variant), histologic grade, nuclear grade, and lymph-vascular space invasion. Methods. Age, pathologic parameters, and survival data were retrospectively collected on 236 patients with FIGO stage I endometrial carcinoma of endometrioid type. All the patients underwent hysterectomy between 1996 and 2000 and follow-up until December 2005. Results. A total of 236 patients (mean age 58.0, range 40āˆ’79) were analyzed. During the 5-year period of follow-up, 59 (25.0%) patents died from the disease. An univariate analysis revealed that age, depth of myometrial invasion, histologic grade, nuclear grade, and lymph-vascular space invasion were associated significantly with the 5-year survival of the patients. A multivariate analysis revealed that age, lymph-vascular space invasion, and depth of myometrial invasion were associated significantly with the 5-year survival. Conclusion. Age, lymph-vascular space invasion, and depth of myometrial invasion are independent prognostic parameters for the 5-year survival of the patients with FIGO stage I endometrial carcinoma of endometrioid type

    Problemi normativne snage i kritike agonističke participacije - ka mogućoj komplementarnosti agonističke i participativne demokratije

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    In this article I argue that there are grounds for considering agonistic democracy and participatory democracy complementarity in order to institutionalize agonism which has thus far lacked an elaborate articulation of its institutional dimension. The two democratic theories share a commitment toward widening the scope of the political as a way of inclusion of citizens and their subsequent political subjectivation and empowerment. Furthermore, there are authors on both sides who think democracy does not need foundations. Agonistic participation and contestation, on the one hand, and the broadening and strengthening of various sectors of political participation, on the other, both open up new possibilities for critique and change, but also create new risks. Building on a redefinition of agonisitic participation, I aim to attenuate an objection that agonism is normatively weak in terms of lacking resources to motivate citizens and justify their critique of practices of domination and oppression. The article concludes that we need to embrace agonistic participation as a means towards the development of democratic political judgement, as there are no other guarantees, i.e. secure foundations, for our ability to distinguish between democratic and non-democratic agon.U članku se tvrdi da postoje osnovi komplementarnosti agonističke demokratije i participativne demokratije u pogledu mogućnosti institucionalizacije agonizma koji dosad nije imao razrađenu institucionalnu dimenziju. Dve demokratske teorije dele težnju za Å”irenjem političkog kao načina uključivanja građana i njihove političke subjektivizacije i osnaživanja. Takođe, ima autora na obe strane koji dele shvatanje da demokratiji nisu potrebni temelji. Agonističkom participacijom kao osporavanjem, s jedne strane, i Å”irenjem i jačanjem različitih oblasti političke participacije, s druge, otvaraju se mogućnosti za kritiku i promenu, ali se prostor otvara i za rizike. Oslanjajući se na redefinisanu agonističku participaciju, želim da ublažim prigovor da agonizam nema normativnu snagu u smislu neposedovanja resursa za motivisanje građana i opravdanje njihove kritike praksi dominacije i ugnjetavanja. Zaključak je da je potrebno prihvatiti agonističku participaciju kao sredstvo razvijanja demokratskog političkog rasuđivanja jer nema drugih garancija, tj. nema sigurnosti temelja, koji bi nam omogućili da razlikujemo demokratski od nedemokratskog agona


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    The association of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is well known. Interaction of HPV proteins with cellular regulatory proteins leads to up regulation of p16INK4A. The aim of this study was to evaluate p16INK4A protein as a biomarker for CIN lesions and squamous cell carcinoma on biopsy specimens of patients who underwent biopsy of the uterine cervix due to abnormal cytological finding.The authors analyzed biopsies from 50 patients with CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Expression of p16INK4A in CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma was immunohistochemically analyzed by using monoclonal anti-p16INK4A antibody.A total of 50 patients with CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (mean age 40.2Ā±11.5 years, range 20-74 years) were analyzed. CIN I lesions were found in 27 (54%), CIN II/CIN III lesions in 9 (18%), and invasive squamous cell carcinoma in 14 (28%) patients. Differences in the expression of p16INK4A between CIN I, CIN II/CIN III and squamous cell carcinoma were statistically significant (p<0.0001). Expression of p16INK4A showed low sensitivity (7%), specificity (8%), positive predictive value (8%), and negative predictive value (7%) for CIN I. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of p16INK4A were 78%, 61%, 30%, and 93% for CIN II/CIN III, and 100%, 75%, 61%, and 100% for squamous cell carcinoma, respectively.Results of this study suggest that p16INK4A protein may be a sensitive biomarker for CIN II/CIN III lesions and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix

    LiŔeni diskursa legitimacije - zazidane zemlje Centralne Evrope i politički subjektiviteti u nastajanju

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    In this paper I want to compare rare theoretical justifications of border walls with discourses on boundaries and walls by Central and Eastern European political actors in dealing with refugee crisis in 2015. I analyze three such discourses: consequentiality, discourse of responsibility for fair distribution of cosmopolitan duties, and nationalistic discourse. This comparison allows me to question applicability of Wendy Brown's argument that the states with waning sovereignty display symbols of force in building border walls aimed at defending fragile egos built around national and religious identities. Finally, I want to elucidate what type of political subjectivity is produced and legitimated by these acts of fortification within and around CEE 'walled' states.U ovom članku želim da uporedim retka teorijska tumačenja i opravdanja zidova na granicama sa diskursima o granicama i zidovima centralnoevropskih i istočnoevropskih političkih aktera koji se tiču izbegličke krize iz 2015. godine. Analiziram tri diskursa: konsekvencijalistički, diskurs odgovornosti za pravednu raspodelu kosmopolitskih dužnosti i nacionalistički diskurs. To poređenje treba da mi pomogne u preispitivanju primenjivosti argumenta Vendi Braun da države čiji su suvereniteti na izmaku pokazuju simbole moći i snage izgradnjom zidova koji treba da odbrane njihov krhki ego sagrađen oko nacionalnog ili religijskog identiteta. Najzad, želim da ocrtam političke subjektivitete koji bivaju proizvedeni i legitimisani činovima fortifikacije unutar i izvan zazidanih zemalja Centralne i Istočne Evrope

    The problem of constitution of the body politic in democratic theories

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    Predmet doktorske disertacije je problem konstituisanja političkog tela u demokratskim teorijama. Ovaj se problem u savremenoj analitičkoj političkoj teoriji uobičajeno razmatra kao problem ograničenja demosa, odnosno pitanje kako je moguće demokratski ograničiti demos, dok se u kontinentalnoj političkoj teoriji pre razmatra kao pitanje konstituisanja demosa odnosno kao jedan od paradoksa politike i demokratije. MetodoloÅ”ki se rad priklanja drugom načinu razmatranja ovog pitanja. Zastupam stanoviÅ”te da je demokratsko konstituisanje demosa logički nereÅ”iv problem te da, umesto pokuÅ”aja da se on trajno reÅ”i, treba razotkriti paradokse utemeljivačkih priča i hronični nedostatak legitimnosti na ma koji način ograničenog političkog tela. Produktivnije je misliti o načinima da se početne nepravde prema isključenima isprave ili ublaže i da se sastav političkog tela (demosa) naknadno legitimiÅ”e demokratskim rekonstituisanjem. Tvrdi se da se političko telo može demokratski rekonstituisati putem ne samo izvanrednih već i svakodnevnih političkih momenata tokom kojih se pregovaraju i osporavaju veze između narodnog suvereniteta i ljudskih prava. Takve situacije osporavanja i pregovaranja su one kada se obnavlja članstvo starim članovima ili priznaje članstvo novim članovima, o čemu se obično misli kao o kompozicionoj dimenziji demosa koja odgovara na pitanje ko je pasivni član, odnosno gde su spoljaÅ”nje granice političkog tela. Postoje takođe i situacije redefinisanja političkog identiteta i pokretanja kolektivne akcije Å”to je način da se razmotri performativna dimenzija demosa odnosno unutraÅ”nje granice političkog tela - ko može biti aktivni član i koliki je jaz između demosa i političkog tela. Performativna dimenzija demosa fokusira se na načine na koje demos zahteva priznanje da je demos i istovremeno proizvodi, otelotvoruje sebe, kao političko telo u nastajanju...The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the problem of constitution of the body politic in democratic theories. In contemporary analytic political theory this problem has been most commonly dealt with as the boundary problem that asks how to delimit the demos democratically, but in continental political theory it is rather considered as an issue of constitution of the demos and as one of the political and democratic paradoxes. This study has embraced the second methodological approach in tackling this issue. I contend that the original constitution of the demos by democratic means is logically impossible so instead of a quest for a permanent solution of this problem, the paradoxes of the stories of founding as well as chronic legitimacy deficit of any bounded bodies politic should be exposed. It is more productive to rethink the ways to remedy or mitigate the initial injustices committed toward the excluded from the demos and to legitimize the recomposition of the body politic (demos) via subsequent democratic reconstitution. It is argued that political body can be democratically reconstituted not just during extraordinary but also during ordinary, everyday political moments, when relations between popular sovereignty and human rights are negotiated and contested. The opportunities for these contestations and negotiations are situations of restoration of membership for the old members and recognition of membership to the new members, usually understood as situations addressing the compositional dimension of demos that responds to the question who is the passive member, and where should the external boundaries of the demos be drawn. But there are also situations when political identity can be redefined, especially when collective action is initiated, opportunities when performative dimension of the demos is activated, and which informs us about struggles concerning the internal boundaries of the demos - who can be an active member and how deep is the gap between the demos and the body politic. Performative account of the demos focus on the ways in which the demos demands recognition as the demos and at the same time enacts itself as an emerging body politic..

    Prevalence and characteristics of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background/Aim. The prevalence of endometrial polyps (EPs) in the general female population is about 24%. Abnormal uterine bleeding is frequently the presenting symptom of EPs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of EPs in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods. The prevalence and characteristics of EPs were investigated in 961 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent dilatation and curettage between January and December 2006. Regarding histopathological features of EPs (presence of atypical hyperplasia or endometrial carcinoma), patients were divided into two groups: group A - patients who had EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (n = 204) and group B - patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (n = 7). Results. In 211 (21.94%) patients EPs were found with abnormal uterine bleeding. Histopathologically, there were 175 (82.94%) EPs, 29 (13.74%) EPs with hyperplasia without atypia, 5 (2.37%) EPs with atypical hyperplasia, and 2 (0.95%) EPs with endometrial carcinoma. Contrary to the patients with EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (group A), patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (group B) were older (p &lt; 0.05), and more commonly postmenopausal (p &lt; 0.05) and with hypertension (p &lt; 0.05), all of statistical significance. Conclusion. The prevalence of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding according to our data was 21.95%. Atypical hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma were rarely confined to a polyp. Older age, postmenopausal period and hypertension may increase the risk of premalignant and malignant changes in endometrial polyps

    Ekstrakcija masnog ulja i fenola iz semena crne slačice (Brassica Nigra L.) eutektičkim rastvaračima i etanoliza masnog ulja u prisustvu kalcijum-oksida

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    The DESs are prepared based on triethanolamine as an acceptor, and oxalic acid, glacial acetic acid, L-(+)- lactic acid, oleic acid, glycerol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, choline chloride or 1,3-dimethylurea, as a donor, in a molar ratio of 1:1 (with acids as donors) or 1:2 (with polyols or amides as donors). The prepared DESs were used to measure physical (density, viscosity, and electrical conductivity) and calculate thermodynamic properties (coefficient of thermal expansion, molar volume, lattice energy, and heat capacity) in the temperature range 293.15ā€“363.15 K at a pressure of 101.3 kPa. The DESs based on polyols and lower carboxylic acids can be used in various chemical and industrial processes at low temperatures. In contrast, for the DES with oleic acid and 1,3-dimethylurea, it is recommended to use at temperatures above 313.15 K. An analysis of the influence of the selected DES, triethanolamine:glycerol (TEOA:G), on yield, physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition, and antioxidant activity of black mustard seed oil, obtained by maceration with trichloroethylene after the pretreatment with the TEOA:G DES and a mixture of trichloroethylene and the TEOA:G DES, was performed. The oil was recovered by cold pressing and maceration with n-hexane and trichloroethylene. The highest oil yield was obtained by the maceration of black mustard seeds with trichloroethylene (31.10 g/100 g), which required twice the volume of trichloroethylene compared to the volume used in the maceration of black mustard seeds after the pretreatment of seeds with the TEOA:G DES in which gave a similar oil yield (29.95Ā±1.20 g/100 g). The oil obtained by the maceration in the presence of the TEOA:G DES has similar physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition but better antioxidant activity than oil obtained by cold pressing. Furthermore, the influence of the use of the DESs TEOA:G, triethanolamine:propylene glycol (TEOA:PEG) and choline chloride:urea (ChCl:U) (molar ratio 1:2) and their mixtures with 25% water or ethanol in the extraction of phenolic compounds from black mustard seeds on the yield of total extractable substances, total phenol content, total flavonoid content and the antioxidant activity of the obtained extracts, were analyzed and compared with the influence of ethanol application as the most commonly used solvent in the extraction of phenolic compounds from plants. Total phenol content and total flavonoid content ranged from 19.9Ā±0.1ā€“32.2Ā±0.2 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g and 3.9Ā±0.1ā€“7.4Ā±0.3 mg quercetin equivalents (QE)/g, respectively. Black mustard seed extracts obtained with the ChCl:U DES and the mixtures of the ChCl:U or TEOA:G DESs with 25% ethanol showed the best antioxidant activity (IC50 = 100 mgĀ·cm-3). Syringic acid, ellagic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, kaftaric acid, kaempferol, rutin, apigenin, taxifolin, vitexin, and hyperoside were identified in the obtained extracts. Finally, the influence of the application of the TEOA:G, TEOA:PEG, triethanolamine:choline chloride (TEOA:ChCl), triethanolamine:1,3-dimethylurea (TEOA:DMU), triethanolamine:ethylene glicol (TEOA:EG), triethanolamine:oleic acid (TEOA:OLK), triethanolamine:menthol (TEOA:M, molar ratio 1:2), and triethanolamine:decanoic acid (TEOA:DEK, molar ratio 1:1) DESs on the heterogeneous alkaline catalyzed ethanolysis of cold-pressed black mustard oil was analyzed. The ethanolysis was performed under the following reaction conditions: temperature of 70 ĀŗC, molar ratio ethanol:oil of 12:1, the DES amount of 20%, and the calcined CaO amount of 10%. Almost all applied triethanolamine-based DESs (TEOA:G, TEOA: PEG, TEOA:ChCl, TEOA:DMU, TEOA:M, and TEOA:DEK) accelerated ethanolysis and provided a high content of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) (ā‰„95.20Ā±0.56%) after 15 min of reaction time compared to the control reaction (without the presence of DES) (23.38Ā±2.8%). The most effective DES was TEOA:ChCl, in the presence of which an FAEE content of 98.46Ā±0.7% was achieved in 1.5 min. At the same time, in the presence of the TEOA:PEG and TEOA:M DESs, an FAEE content higher than 91% was achieved. In the presence of all applied DESs, the final products' separation was faster than the separation after the control reaction. The fastest separation was achieved in the presence of the TEOA:M and TEOA:ChCl DESs (immediately after cessation of mixing and after 1 min, respectively). To evaluate the kinetic parameters of the ethanolysis of black mustard oil catalyzed by calcined CaO in the presence of the TEOA:ChCl DES, a model of the pseudo-first order irreversible reaction and a model of variable order of reaction in relation to triacylglycerols and autocatalytic behavior of ethanolysis reaction were used. The calculated values of the apparent rate constant for both applied models were 0,600ā€“3,219 min-1 and 0,803ā€“3,836 LĀ·mol-1Ā·min-1, respectively while the calculated values of the activation energy were 77.18 kJ/mol and 71.79 kJ/mol, respectively. The physicochemical properties of the obtained biodiesel were within the limit values prescribed by the quality standard (EN 14214 standard)


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    Acute intermittent porphyria is a rare metabolic disorder resulting from a partial deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase, enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway. Its inheritance is autosomal dominant. A deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase is not sufficient by its self to produce acute intermittent porphyria, and other activating factors must also be present. These include some drugs, hormones, infection, injury and alcohol. Besides others, anesthetics have been implicated in the triggering of a number of severe porphyric reactions. Although there is no clinical evidence, the fear of hypothesized porphyrinogenicity of repetitive anesthetics exposures still remains. Despite these doubts, we report here the case of uneventful repeated exposure to anesthetics in a patient suffering from acute intermittent porphyria, within a fifteen- month period. On both occasions, the patient was safely exposed to certain anesthetics included: propofol, sevoflurane, rocuronium, midazolam and fentanyl

    Etika migracije

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    Globalization proved to be a strong challenge to sovereignty but the state still does not waive its competences in the field of immigration control. This essay aims to present early works of political theoreticians in the field of ethics of immigration - most of all Michael Waltzer who speaks in favour of collective right of states to control the entry of people and Joseph Carens who defends the open borders principle. Even without challenging the general right of state to immigration control, one can speak about moral obligation of admitting certain categories of non-citizens which liberal-democratic states should meet. On the other hand, no strategy of membership control can be consistent with central liberal principles according to which every person have equal moral value. At the end, the essay considers potential world of migration without borders and some of positive implications of such scenario. .Globalizacija se pokazala kao jak izazov suverenitetu, ali država joÅ” uvek ne daje svoje ingerencije u oblasti kontrole imigracije. Ovaj esej ima za cilj predstavljanje prvih radova političkih teoretičara u oblasti etike imigracije - ponajviÅ”e Majka Volcera, koji govori u prilog kolektivnog prava država da kontroliÅ”u ulazak ljudi, i Džozefa Karensa, koji brani princip otvorenih granica. Čak i bez dovođenja u pitanje generalnog prava države na kontrolu imigracije može se govoriti o moralnoj obavezi primanja određenih kategorija nedržavljana koju bi trebalo da ispune liberalno-demokratske države. S druge strane, nijedna strategija kontrole članstva ne može biti konzistentna sa centralnim liberalnim principima po kojima svaka osoba ima jednaku moralnu vrednost. Na kraju, u eseju se razmatra potencijalni svet migracija bez granica i neke od pozitivnih implikacija jednog takvog scenarija.

    Why together, why apart? An exchange of letters on Yugoslavia and those that followed

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    Pisma koja su o Jugoslaviji i onome Å”to je uslijedilo nakon njena raspada jedno drugome uputili Igor Å tiks, Ivan Đorđević i Biljana Đorđević.Letters on Yugoslavia and what followed after its disintegration exchanged by three authors: Igor Å tiks, Ivan Đorđević and Biljana Đorđevi
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