67 research outputs found
The Virgo data acquisition system
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The gravitational wave detector VIRGO
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Towards the petaflop for Lattice QCD simulations the PetaQCD project
International audienceThe study and design of a very ambitious petaflop cluster exclusively dedicated to Lattice QCD simulations started in early '08 among a consortium of 7 laboratories (IN2P3, CNRS, INRIA, CEA) and 2 SMEs. This consortium received a grant from the French ANR agency in July '08, and the PetaQCD project kickoff took place in January '09. Building upon several years of fruitful collaborative studies in this area, the aim of this project is to demonstrate that the simulation of a 256 x 1283 lattice can be achieved through the HMC/ETMC software, using a machine with efficient speed/cost/reliability/power consumption ratios. It is expected that this machine can be built out of a rather limited number of processors (e.g. between 1000 and 4000), although capable of a sustained petaflop CPU performance. The proof-of-concept should be a mock-up cluster built as much as possible with off-the-shelf components, and 2 particularly attractive axis will be mainly investigated, in addition to fast all-purpose multi-core processors: the use of the new brand of IBM-Cell processors (with on-chip accelerators) and the very recent Nvidia GP-GPUs (off-chip co-processors). This cluster will obviously be massively parallel, and heterogeneous. Communication issues between processors, implied by the Physics of the simulation and the lattice partitioning, will certainly be a major key to the project
Objeto, sujeito, inimigo, vovĂŽ: um estudo em etnomuseologia comparada entre os MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł e Baniwa do Brasil
International audienceAbstract Ethnomuseology seeks to put indigenous people in dialog with their own material culture heritage. This article reflects on collaborative research carried out with MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł and Baniwa consultants on important collections of both groups from the early twentieth century. In addition to noting differences between museological or scientific and indigenous concepts about museum objects, we also noticed a number of cultural differences in the way the two indigenous groups related to objects from their past. While both cultural groups attributed subjective characteristics to museum objects, for the MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł this subjectivity expressed itself mostly in terms of possible threats to visitors of the museum collections, leading to a hesitancy to handle museum objects, assumed to be war trophies captured in the past from dangerous enemies. The Baniwa, by contrast, expressed great affection for âgrandpaâs thingsâ, and they felt they had a right to handle objects that represent the heritage of patrilineal clans. This experience in ethnomuseology highlights the diversity of indigenous concepts, attitudes and expectations about museum collections and the need for the dialogical approach to collaborative research.Resumo A etnomuseologia visa engajar os povos indĂgenas em um diĂĄlogo com a sua cultura material. Este artigo reflete sobre uma experiĂȘncia efetuada no acervo etnogrĂĄfico do Museu Paraense EmĂlio Goeldi com interlocutores MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł e Baniwa sobre importantes coleçÔes de seus respectivos povos, as quais datam do inĂcio do sĂ©culo XX. AlĂ©m de perceber diferenças entre conceitos museolĂłgicos, ou cientĂficos, e indĂgenas sobre as peças e os processos de musealização, tambĂ©m foi possĂvel observar uma sĂ©rie de diferenças culturais entre os MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł e os Baniwa no que concerne Ă maneira de se relacionar com os objetos de seu passado. Ambos os grupos atribuĂram caracterĂsticas subjetivas aos objetos no acervo, mas, no caso dos MebĂȘngĂŽkre-KayapĂł, a subjetividade das peças antigas representava uma ameaça aos visitantes do acervo, levando a um certo receio em manusear as peças, concebidas com trofĂ©us de guerra capturados de inimigos perigosos. Os Baniwa, ao contrĂĄrio, expressavam grande carinho com os âobjetos do vovĂŽâ e sentiam-se no direito de manusear as peças que representam o patrimĂŽnio de clĂŁs patrilineais. Esta experiĂȘncia em etnomuseologia comparada ressalta a diversidade de conceitos, atitudes e expectativas dos povos indĂgenas perante Ă s coleçÔes museolĂłgicas, e a necessidade desta nova abordagem de pesquisa colaborativa
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