7 research outputs found

    Pediatric Neutropenic Patients Care In Turkey

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    Objective: Infection is a common complication in children with malignancies. There is no consistent guidance for environmental infection control and isolation precautions for neutropenic patients (NP). There are differences between centers. The aim of this questionnaire study was to determine these differences in Turkey. Material and Methods: A multicenter-descriptive questionnaire was conducted on 36 centers from different geografical locations of Turkey. Bone marrow transplantation units were excluded. Each center was contacted at least three-times. Questionnaire was answered by two different doctors from each center. Results: Thirty-six centers including 20 (55.5%) University Hospitals, 12 (%33.3) Research Hospitals, three (8.3%) State Hospital and one Private University Hospital participated in this survey. 94.3% of the centers had a bed capacity of 50 beds and over. Twenty-one (58.3%) centers had pediatric infection ward that followed febrile NP. All centers had an infection control committee. 25% (9/36) of the centers always followed pediatric neutropenic fever patients in a single room. 66.6% (24/36) of the centers had toilet in all patients' room. The door features of patients' room included mostly (94.1%, 32/34) manually opened door. Ten (27.7%) centers had hepa filter system, five of them had positive-negative pressure room. Thirteen (38.2%, 13/34) centers prefered hickmann catheter for accessing a patient's central line. Training was given for catheteter care in all centers. Sixteen (44.4%) centers had determined policies about keeping toys in patient rooms. Visitor restrictions were performed in all centers. None of the centers allowed plants or flowers in hospital rooms. There was a neutropenic diet specific for pediatric NP provided in twenty-seven centers (75%). Conclusion: The prevention and control of infection contributes to the improvement of the prognosis of patients with hematological malignancies. Physicians must be aware of the infection risks and take precautions for infectious complications through the neutropenic period and standard protocols should be established and implemented for patients with hematological malignancies.WoSScopu

    Türkiye’ de Pediatrik Nötropenik Hasta İzlemi

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    Objective: Infection is a common complication in children with malignancies. There is no consistent guidance for environmental infection control and isolation precautions for neutropenic patients (NP). There are differences between centers. the aim of this questionnaire study was to determine these differences in Turkey. Material and Methods: A multicenter-descriptive questionnaire was conducted on 36 centers from different geografical locations of Turkey. Bone marrow transplantation units were excluded. Each center was contacted at least three-times. Questionnaire was answered by two different doctors from each center. Results: Thirty-six centers including 20 (55.5%) University Hospitals, 12 (%33.3) Research Hospitals, three (8.3%) State Hospital and one Private University Hospital participated in this survey. 94.3% of the centers had a bed capacity of 50 beds and over. Twenty-one (58.3%) centers had pediatric infection ward that followed febrile NP. All centers had an infection control committee. 25% (9/36) of the centers always followed pediatric neutropenic fever patients in a single room. 66.6% (24/36) of the centers had toilet in all patients’ room. the door features of patients’ room included mostly (94.1%, 32/34) manually opened door. Ten (27.7%) centers had hepa filter system, five of them had positive-negative pressure room. Thirteen (38.2%, 13/34) centers prefered hickmann catheter for accessing a patient’s central line. Training was given for catheteter care in all centers. Sixteen (44.4%) centers had determined policies about keeping toys in patient rooms. Visitor restrictions were performed in all centers. None of the centers allowed plants or flowers in hospital rooms. There was a neutropenic diet specific for pediatric NP provided in twenty-seven centers (75%). Conclusion: the prevention and control of infection contributes to the improvement of the prognosis of patients with hematological malignancies. Physicians must be aware of the infection risks and take precautions for infectious complications through the neutropenic period and standard protocols should be established and implemented for patients with hematological malignancies.Giriş: Maligniteli hastaların tedavi sürecindeki en önemli komplikasyonlardan biri enfeksiyonlardır. Nötropenik hastalarda enfeksiyon kontrolü ve izolasyon önlemleri için merkezden merkeze değişen farklı uygulamalar mevcuttur. Anket çalışmasının amacı Türkiye’deki bu farklılıkları ve ihtiyaçları belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çok merkezli tanımlayıcı çalışmaya Türkiye’nin farklı coğrafik bölgelerinden pediatrik nötropenik hasta takip eden 36 merkez dahil edildi. Kemik iliği transplantasyon üniteleri çalışmaya alınmadı. Her merkezle en az üç kez iletişime geçildi. Anketi her merkezden iki doktor yanıtladı. Anket kişisel, genel hasta bakımı ve nötropenik hasta bakımını içeren 64 sorudan oluşmaktaydı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan merkezlerin 20 (%55.5)’si üniversite hastanesi, 12 (%33.3)’si eğitim araştırma hastanesi, 3 (%8.3)’ ü devlet hastanesi ve bir tanesi de özel üniversite hastanesi idi. Merkezlerin %94.3’ünün yatak kapasitesi 50 yatak ve üzerinde idi. Yirmi bir (%58) merkezin çocuk enfeksiyon hastalıkları servisi mevcuttu. Tüm merkezlerin enfeksiyon kontrol komitesi vardı. Merkezlerin %25 (n= 9)‘inde nötropenik ateş (NPA) tanısı alan çocuk hastalar tek kişilik odalarda izleniyordu. Tüm odalarda tuvalet bulunan merkez sayısı 24 (%66.6) idi. Hasta odalarının büyük çoğunluğunda elle açılıp kapanır kapı (%94.1) ve musluk (%97.1) mevcuttu. on (%27.7) merkezin oda havalandırması için hepa-filtreli sistemi vardı. Beşinde negatif basınçlı oda mevcuttu. on üç merkezde kateter olarak hickman kateter tercih edilmişti. Tüm merkezlerde kateter bakımı için eğitim verilmekte idi. Hiçbir merkezde hasta ziyaretine ve hastane odasında bitki veya çiçek bulundurmaya izin verilmemekteydi. Merkezlerin %45.7’sinde hastanede oyuncak bulundurma ile ilgili hastane politikası vardı. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, nötropenik hastaları enfeksiyondan korumak için hastanelerde çeşitli yaklaşımlar uygulanmaktadır. Rehberler belirlenip bu rehberler ışığında hastane koşulları düzenlenmeli ve nötropenik hasta izlemi yapılmalıdır

    Prevalence of Anosmia in 10.157 Pediatric COVID-19 Cases: Multicenter Study from Turkey.

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    Introduction: COVID-19-related anosmia is a remarkable and disease-specific finding. With this multicenter cohort study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of anosmia in pediatric cases with COVID-19 from Turkey and make an objective assessment with a smell awareness questionnaire. Material and Methods: This multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted with pediatric infection clinics in 37 centers in 19 different cities of Turkey between October 2020 and March 2021. The symptoms of 10.157 COVID-19 cases 10-18 years old were examined. Age, gender, other accompanying symptoms, and clinical severity of the disease of cases with anosmia and ageusia included in the study were recorded. The cases were interviewed for the smell awareness questionnaire at admission and one month after the illness. Results: Anosmia was present in 12.5% (1.266/10.157) of COVID-19 cases 10-18 years of age. The complete records of 1053 patients followed during the study period were analyzed. The most common symptoms accompanying symptoms with anosmia were ageusia in 885 (84%) cases, fatigue in 534 cases (50.7%), and cough in 466 cases (44.3%). Anosmia was recorded as the only symptom in 84 (8%) of the cases. One month later, it was determined that anosmia persisted in 88 (8.4%) cases. In the smell awareness questionnaire, the score at admission was higher than the score one month later (P < 0.001). Discussion: With this study, we have provided the examination of a large case series across Turkey. Anosmia and ageusia are specific symptoms seen in cases of COVID-19. With the detection of these symptoms, it should be aimed to isolate COVID-19 cases in the early period and reduce the spread of the infection. Such studies are important because the course of COVID-19 in children differs from adults and there is limited data on the prevalence of anosmia

    Evaluation of 601 children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (Turk MISC study).

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