22 research outputs found

    Remodeling of the Human Papillomavirus Type 11 Replication Origin into Discrete Nucleoprotein Particles and Looped Structures by the E2 Protein

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) origin (ori) of DNA replication shares a common theme with many DNA control elements in having multiple binding sites for one or more proteins spaced over several hundred base pairs. The HPV type-11 ori spans 103 bp and contains three palindromic binding sites (E2BS-2, E2BS-3, and E2BS-4) for the dimeric E2 origin binding protein. These sites are separated by 64 bp and 3 bp. E2BS-1 is located 288 bp upstream of E2BS-2 and is not required for efficient transient or cell-free replication. In this study, electron microscopy was used to visualize complexes of HPV-11 ori DNA bound by purified E2 protein. DNA containing only E2BS-2 showed a single E2 dimer bound. DNA containing E2BS-3 and E2BS-4 showed two side-by-side E2 dimers, while DNA containing E2BS-2, E2BS-3, and E2BS-4 exhibited a large disk/ring-shaped protein particle bound indicating that the DNA had been remodeled into a discrete complex, likely containing an E2 hexamer. With all four binding sites present, up to 27% of the DNA molecules were arranged into loops by E2, the majority of which spanned E2BS-1 and one of the other three sites. Studies of the dependence of looping on salt, ATP, and DTT using full length E2 and an E2 protein containing only the carboxyl-terminal DNA binding and protein dimerization domain suggest that looping is dependent on the N terminal domain as well as factors which may affect the manner in which E2 scans DNA for binding sites. The role of these structures in the modeling and regulation of the HPV-11 ori is discussed

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the xth international congress of virology: August 11-16,1996 Binyanei haOoma, Jerusalem, Israel Part 2 Plenary Lectures

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    Chaperone Proteins Abrogate Inhibition of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) E1 Replicative Helicase by the HPV E2 Protein

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA replication requires the viral origin recognition protein E2 and the presumptive viral replicative helicase E1. We now report for the first time efficient DNA unwinding by a purified HPV E1 protein. Unwinding depends on a supercoiled DNA substrate, topoisomerase I, single-stranded-DNA-binding protein, and ATP, but not an origin. Electron microscopy revealed completely unwound molecules. Intermediates contained two single-stranded loops emanating from a single protein complex, suggesting a bidirectional E1 helicase which translocated the flanking DNA in an inward direction. We showed that E2 protein partially inhibited DNA unwinding and that Hsp70 or Hsp40, which we reported previously to stimulate HPV-11 E1 binding to the origin and promote dihexameric E1 formation, apparently displaced E2 and abolished inhibition. Neither E2 nor chaperone proteins were detected in unwinding complexes. These results suggest that chaperones play important roles in the assembly and activation of a replicative helicase in higher eukaryotes. An E1 mutation in the ATP binding site caused deficient binding and unwinding of origin DNA, indicating the importance of ATP binding in efficient helicase assembly on the origin

    mRNA Splicing Regulates Human Papillomavirus Type 11 E1 Protein Production and DNA Replication

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    The papillomavirus replicative helicase E1 and the origin recognition protein E2 are required for efficient viral DNA replication. We fused the green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the human papillomavirus type 11 E1 protein either in a plasmid with the E1 coding region alone (nucleotides [nt] 832 to 2781) (pGFP-11E1) or in a plasmid containing both the E1 and E2 regions (nt 2723 to 3826) and the viral origin of replication (ori) (p11Rc). The former supported transient replication of an ori plasmid, whereas the latter was a self-contained replicon. Unexpectedly, these plasmids produced predominantly a cytoplasmic variant GFP or a GFP-E1^E4 protein, respectively. The majority of the mRNAs had an intragenic or intergenic splice from nt 847 to nt 2622 or from nt 847 to nt 3325, corresponding to the E2 or E1^E4 messages. pGFP-11E1dm and p11Rc-E1dm, mutated at the splice donor site, abolished these splices and increased GFP-E1 protein expression. Three novel, alternatively spliced, putative E2 mRNAs were generated in higher abundance from the mutated replicon than from the wild type. Relative to pGFP-11E1, low levels of pGFP-11E1dm supported more efficient replication, but high levels had a negative effect. In contrast, elevated E2 levels always increased replication. Despite abundant GFP-E1 protein, p11Rc-E1dm replicated less efficiently than the wild type. Collectively, these observations show that the E1/E2 ratio is as important as the E1 and E2 concentrations in determining the replication efficiency. These findings suggest that alternative mRNA splicing could provide a mechanism to regulate E1 and E2 protein expression and DNA replication during different stages of the virus life cycle

    Pure Red Cell Aplasia and Hypogammaglobulinemia in a Patient with Thymoma

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    Both pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) and hypogammaglobulinemia are rarer conditions than myasthenia gravis (MG) in thymoma patients. Several articles have discussed the relation between PRCA and thymoma or hypogammaglobulinemia and thymoma, and their proper treatments. Instances of both PRCA and hypogammaglobulinemia in a thymoma patient are few and reported sporadically in the literature. We discuss a 46-year-old woman with thymoma and simultaneous PRCA and hypogammaglobulinemia who achieved complete remission from PRCA after perioperative steroid administration and extended thymectomy, and review the literature