6 research outputs found

    Taxonomic revision of the Oligocene percoid fish Oligoserranoides budensis (Heckel, 1856), from the Paratethys and paleobiogeographic comments

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    Small perch-like fishes from the Oligocene of the Paratethys have been traditionally assigned to Serranus budensis (Heckel, 1856). A morphological revision of the holotype and specimens previously assigned to S. budensis from the Outer Carpathians, Poland, is provided herein. They are re-assigned to the species Oligoserranoides budensis (Heckel, 1856) — Percoidei incertae sedis. New specimens assigned to Ol. budensis from the Outer Carpathians, Poland, are introduced. Our results reveal that Ol. budensis is very similar to the species Caucasoserranoides morozkiensis, Carpathoserranoides brnoensis, Carpathoserranoides polonicus and Oligoserranoides comparabilis, and further studies are necessary to revise the validity of those species. Ol. budensis shares many characters with genera Lutjanus and Ocyurus of the superfamily Lutjanoidea. Ol. budensis differs from Lutjanoidea in having a toothless palatine. The palaeobiogeography of Oligocene small perch-like fishes in the Paratethys is presented and discussed

    Taxonomic revision of the Oligocene percoid fish Oligoserranoides budensis (Heckel, 1856), from the Paratethys and paleobiogeographic comments

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    Small perch-like fishes from the Oligocene of the Paratethys were traditionally assigned to Serranus budensis (Heckel, 1856). A new morphological study of the holotype and specimens from the Outer Carpathians, Poland, is provided herein. Oligoserranoides budensis (Heckel, 1856), Percoidei incertae sedis, is revised and compared with other small perch-like fishes from the Oligocene Paratethys. Caucasoserranoides morozkiensis, Carpathoserranoides brnoensis, Carpathoserranoides polonicus and Oligoserranoides comparabilis are very similar to O. budensis and further studies are necessary to clarify the validity of those species. O. budensis is compared with the Oligocene-Lower Miocene Pirsagatia sytchevskayae, the Eocene Jimtylerius temnopterus, Ottaviania mariae,O. leptacanthus, Veranichthys ventralis and the Palaeocene Proserranus lundensis. O. budensis shares many characters with the Lutjanoidea, and differs in a toothless palatine. The palaeobiogeography of Oligocene small perch-like fishes in the Paratethys is presented


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    The peculiar Oligocene bivalve fauna typical of the Solenovian stage of the Paratethys has been found in the Outer Carpathians, Poland. It includes nine species, six of which are characteristic Paratethyan endemics known from the Solenovian Sea (second part of the Rupelian) with brackishwater conditions.Своеобразный комплекс двустворчатых моллюсков, характерных для соленовского уровня опреснения бассейна Паратетис, впервые найден во Внешних Карпатах Польши. Он содержит девять видов, из которых шесть являются специфичными солоноватоводными эндемиками Паратетиса, известными для соленовского времени опреснения бассейна позднего рюпеля.Своєрідний комплекс двостулкових молюсків, характерних для солонівського рівня опріснення басейну Паратетіс, вперше знайдено в Зовнішніх Карпатах Польщі. Він містить дев’ять видів, з яких шість є специфічними солонуватоводними ендеміками Паратетісу, відомими для солонівського часу опріснення басейну пізнього рюпелю