225 research outputs found

    Evaluación del impacto toxicológico del retardante de llama TBBPA asociado a partículas nanoplásticas en modelos celulares in vitro

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de Lectura: 06-10-2023Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo con la financiación del proyecto: “Uso de modelos celulares de peces y humanos para evaluar el impacto toxicológico de nano/microplásticos como vehículos de retardadores de llama. (INTERTOX)” (RT2018-096046-B-C22) subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Metallothioneins 1 and 2, but not 3, are regulated by nutritional status in rat white adipose tissue

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    The influence of fasting or fasting/refeeding on: MT2 and MT3 mRNA level relative to β-actin expression in WAT of rats. (DOCX 13 kb

    Best conditions for biodegradation of diesel oil by chemometric tools

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    Diesel oil biodegradation by different bacteria-yeast-rhamnolipids consortia was tested. Chromato - graphic analysis of post-biodegradation residue was completed with chemometric tools (ANOVA, and a novel ranking procedure based on the sum of ranking differences). These tools were used in the selection of the most effective systems. The best results of aliphatic fractions of diesel oil biode - gradation were observed for a yeast consortia with Aeromonas hydrophila KR4. For these systems the positive effect of rhamnolipids on hydrocarbon biodegradation was observed. However, rham- nolipids addition did not always have a positive influence on the biodegradation process ( e.g. in case of yeast consortia with Stenotrophomonas maltophila KR7). Moreover, particular differences in the degradation pattern were observed for lower and higher alkanes than in the case with C22. Normally, the best conditions for “lower” alkanes are Aeromonas hydrophila KR4 + emulsifier independently from yeasts and e.g. Pseudomonas stutzeri KR7 for C24 alkane

    Detrimental effects of individual versus combined exposure to tetrabromobisphenol A and polystyrene nanoplastics in fish cell lines

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    The potential interactions between the diverse pollutants that can be released into the environment and the resulting outcomes are a challenging issue that needs to be further examined. This in vitro study was aimed to assess potential toxic effects caused by combined exposure to tetrabromobisphenol A, a flame retardant widely used and frequently detected in aquatic matrices, and commercially available polystyrene nanoparticles as reference material to evaluate nanoplastics risks. Our results, using freshwater fish cell lines and a set of relevant cytotoxicity endpoints including cell viability, oxidative stress, and DNA damage, provide additional mechanistic insights that could help to fully characterize the toxicity profiles of tetrabromobisphenol A and polystyrene nanoparticles. Furthermore, we describe subtle changes in cell viability as well as the generation of oxidative DNA damage after coexposure to subcytotoxic concentrations of the tested pollutantsThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities / Spanish State Research Agency / _RTI2018–096046- B-C22. PSB has benefited from a contract from the Office of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid and the European Social Fund (PEJ-2019-AI/SAL-12775